Mr. Fast

Mr. Fast

This is art. The kind of art where bullets fly all around and blood spatters paint the concrete floor. Awesome soundtrack too, Already hoping for a sequel, This is a true hidden gem. 10/10

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Violent Games.

This game is poorly optimized. The aiming system is jank. The sound clips in and out. The soundtrack is ok at best. Some levels have a habit of spawning enemies on top of you. The physics are a joke. The levels are varied and have some nuance to them but are largely just shoot the dudes until the round ends. Despite all this, Mr. Fast is still an enjoyable experience if your expectations are low going in. I have no idea where I am or where I’m going, all I know is I must kill. Slowpokes need not apply.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Mr. Fast on Steam

Tick Tock Bang Bang

Tick Tock Bang Bang

While the game is not horrible, it’s not that great either.

You do get some levels to try out, which is mostly the main part of the game.

A little less cleaner than their “Drunken Robot Pornography” game?

While what they created could be great, and see where the game shines the most at.

It also feels so thrown together from their other title and is NOT worth it by any means for the FPS experience.

It’s more about a challenge or puzzle with sometimes little to no wiggle room for completion (by design?).

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time FPS Games.

Not good if you’re looking for anything but a shoddily-made SUPERHOT clone.

I thought this would build further on Drunken Robot Pornography since it’s a mod of it, but it’s hands-down worse.

Sure, more things were added, but even making your own levels you can’t use this game as a superior version of DRP for the following reasons:

-Time distortion is not optional.

-You’re stuck with the new gun, though it wouldn’t be so bad without time distortion.

-Instant death not optional, it was hardcoded into this game even though it’s optional in the arena editor; what I don’t understand is why instant death was added in the same way jetpack was removed, by having it ticked by default in the arena editor.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Tick Tock Bang Bang on Steam

Temple of Spikes

Temple of Spikes

Temple of Spikes

A fast and precise sidescrolling platformer of the purest form. No drawn out story to slow things down, no ham-fisted roguelite mechanics to pad the game with, and no obtuse puzzles to get in the way and add tedium; Temple of Spikes is the most distilled and hardcore platforming of its kind, worthy of being a successor of sorts to classics like Super Meat Boy or the more recent Slime-San while having a whole lot of creative variety of its own in the form of outlandish level designs throughout a gauntlet of spike-y deathtraps. Temple of Spikes is a lovingly crafted speed-runner’s dream come true, and it deserves way more attention than its been getting.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Cute and quite fun.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Temple of Spikes on Steam

The Hong Kong Massacre

The Hong Kong Massacre

I rarely leave reviews unless its something i hate and want to rake over the coals.. but i have to leave one here to give these people props.

I’ve been following this game since i stumbled over it on Facebook for many many years ago when all there was were just gifs of tech demos. I loved the style and the potential that was shown and i was hooked at the idea.

It is inevitable that reviews will bring up Hotline Miami but that is not a negative. The games look similar but they operate in a different way. There is no score here, take that as a positive or negative but the only thing that influence your score at the end is the challenges and if you completed them or not as well as a your time being logged.

Real player with 171.6 hrs in game

“The Hong Kong massacre” is the indie tribute to the 80’s-90’s John Woo movies like “Hard-Boiled” or “Bullet in the Head”, made in the form of a top-down shooter.

To those who are TLTR in their heads: It’s a cheap-made indie game. Not bad visually, but very limited by the chosen topic and production costs. Buy it if you really love top-down shooters and 80’s Hong Kong-style action movies. In all other cases, there are good chances that you’ll turn it down after only a little while.

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

The Hong Kong Massacre on Steam



David. is a game that includes a period as part of its title. We’re going to pretend David. knows better and it’s actually called David. Argh! That period there was to end the sentence not describe the title. Moving on. Let’s discuss David.

Here’s a bit of advice: if you’re going to write a review that hinges on you spending two and a half hours to climb to the top of a leaderboard, best make sure the game will update your score and said leaderboard when you quit out manually rather than waiting for a game over. Now, this statement should tell you three things. One: this game is engrossing enough to keep playing for two and a half hours. Two: while David is good fun, it is lacking some technical touches that can be frustrating. And three: yes, I am petty enough to gloat about temporarily being the best David! My name’s not even David!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

David. is an action platformer that pits the titular square-shaped character against many incredible bosses strewn across a number of singular worded doors. Within each door lies in wait a boss that utilizes a certain aspect or value of vice, sin, or fear in which the creature’s body or its domain are designed around the particular aspect or value. David was to bring each monster to justice, ending their reign of terror. With the avoidance of using the words “retro” and/or “minimalistic”, since they have almost become default word choices towards games along the same line as David. treads, I’d like to say that David. is a fascinating, original concept and deserves to be set aside as such.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

David. on Steam

Hit Zero: Chronos

Hit Zero: Chronos

its like if superhot my friend pedro and stickman fight had a baby

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Hit Zero: Chronos on Steam



It is not recommended to play for people suffering from epilepsy!

FLYING SHOT is a voxel first-person shooter that involves dismembering opponents, physical blood, realistic destruction of glass and walls, and slow-motion parkour



Just In Time Incorporated

Just In Time Incorporated

fun game with a good sense of humor, more than worth the $5 cost. only things about the game i didn’t like was the fact that items often pop out of your hands making certain missions and any form of melee combat far more difficult than they should be, the hitboxes can be super jank at times, the crow level not only isn’t a very good level (in my opinion) but it also features the most infuriating and damn near impossible achievement “Escrow” the matrix level changes the rules on you out of nowhere not allowing you to disarm people and making enemies bullet proof/resistant plus Neo is a garbage shot and most of the time will end up killing you by accident as his bullets fly off in completely random directions, honestly if they would just let you disarm Neo, the guy you are supposed to be saving, this mission would be far more doable. despite all the complaints I’ve listed, the game is still way too fun and funny not to recommend, the matrix and crow levels where the only levels i would consider bad in any way and the hitbox issue is for the most part only noticeable in the crow level, the issue with items randomly popping out of your hands is still a problem but not one big enough to write the game off and for the most part it never caused too big an issue except maybe on the two missions i already complained about, the game is kinda short, assuming you decide to go achievement hunting (minus “Escrow”) the game will likely take between 1 1/2 to 2 hours to complete but for a $5 vr experience, that’s more than reasonable so, if you have a little over $5 and your looking for a fun vr game then this here is a great choice and gets my recommendation 100%!

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Quick facts:

No janky physics or weird bugs.

Appealing voxel-style characters.

Fantastic bullet-time gameplay.

I turned a river of rats into a river of blood.

Might be a bit short, but a lot of VR games are.

Check out our gameplay video here:

Love what I’ve played so far. I stripped people. I saved people. I stabbed people. I grabbed bullets out of the air and turned them around at the people who shot them.

I’m not really sure how long the game is, but this is one of the most polished and well-designed VR games I’ve played in awhile. Would solidly recommend.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Just In Time Incorporated on Steam

Wanted Killer VR

Wanted Killer VR

Very good game.

Long story short, the game definitely worth my money.

I’ve got several hours of high-quality gameplay and excitement about future updates.

I would give it two ratings.

First, potential. In this regard, it is 9/10.

I believe that if everything goes well, the game is going to be a hit.

It gets 9 only because there is nothing to be completely sure about.

Second, the current state of the game.

And it is 7/10.

It is not 8 because there are things like AI, animations of enemies, player’s hand, the gameplay of some levels which can be improved. But! As for the first early acces release, everything is fine.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

The developer gifted me this for review and testing purposes.

Wanted Killer VR is a good fun arcade shooter with upgradable weapons. Has campaign and locomotion options. It is a cartoon comic theme type game but looks good. I think you will enjoy this. It keeps you on your toes. It starts off easy but progresses along nicely. During game play there are health and armor pickups. Don’t compare this to the big boys of VR gaming and remember this is an arcade type shooter so the gun play is NOT realistic. But the variety of guns are effective and the enemies move around enough to make it seem like they are kind of smart. They at times shoot at you from all directions so no standing still here.The menu has some options to change but is early access so give the developer time to add things and tweak the game. Give feedback first. Not negative reviews. Let’s give these Indie devs a chance to do something before squashing them. Yeah? For me the game is fun. This is one to add to the library. Everything seemed to work so my rating as it is right now is 7/10.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Wanted Killer VR on Steam

Cyber Gun

Cyber Gun

For only few bucks, this game is really exceptional. Its a good game for when you’re bored and need to relax. Nice motivational theme and messages throughout and at the end of the game. You feel really great when beating it. Give it a try, the mental reward of beating the game is so pleasing and you can just feel good about yourself. At least try it.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

it was pretty fun at the start, running around and just shooting turrets. however, some of the turrets hitboxes were off, so you could bounce bullets off of them. Some of the puzzles were fun, but most of them we boring. if you buy this game on sell, you might get your moneys worth. i do not recommend.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Cyber Gun on Steam