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Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time FPS Games.

Really good game!

1st of all when you kill the zombies it makes a funny fart noise.

2nd of all If you like FPS well… this game is mostly for you!

Also the stimultus i think you should increase the time of it because its a bit quick.

There are awsome acheivements and the game it has a early access!

I think you should make the graphics a tiny bit better tho.

Overall tho Good game!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Vaccine19 on Steam




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Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Early Access Games.

An extremely unique game with a concept I’m surprised I haven’t run into before. The game itself is very fun in general with decent graphics, fun game play, and pretty cool character movements. I’m quite curious to see what will become of this game and especially how they will handle multiplayer.

I however do have an issue with the game. Every once in a while when you respawn your character stays on the ground. You can still move around but its impossible to do anything productive. Here’s what I mean:

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game


A Night In Berlin

A Night In Berlin

I’ve been trying to figure out what it is about A Night in Berlin that really works on me, because something clearly does. Something made me play through it all in one go, which took hours, and then go into the kitchen for a glass of water, return to my desk, and play through it all over again.

Maybe it’s the fact that I love super-violent action games, because A Night in Berlin is an immaculate super-violent action game. You move through buildings full of angry guys, and each room is like that bit at the end of a Mexican standoff when someone pulls the trigger and everyone dies in a split second: you crash through a door, then sprint six feet to cut a guy’s throat before he can raise his weapon, quickly shoot a bullet backwards as someone bursts through the doorway to investigate the commotion, and then stab at his torso until he falls on the floor. There is no time to think. There is no ‘think’.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Third-Person Shooter Games.

A Night in Berlin, a simple but yet hard game to master and complete you WILL rage however this game is worth the time and effort, as simplistic as it may seem it still is a very interesting story. The game takes place in 2024 and you have 3 different characters to play. The first one involves half stealth half non stealth and you can take out your enemies in any way achievable utilizing your gun or knife given thankfully you can resupply your ammo from dead enemies or it can be scattered around the level. The second… well you better make EVERY single shot count, one missed bullet will cost you the level, keep in mind you cannot melee or resupply on ammunition. And last but not least the 3rd and final character has a kung fu like fighting style and he has the ability to slow down time and roll. KEEP IN MIND YOU DIE ANYTIME ON ANY LEVEL YOU NEED TO RESTART THAT LEVEL COMPLETELY!!!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

A Night In Berlin on Steam



Nice game..

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Interesting mechanics. A whimsical way to spend 10 minutes. Wish there was a working multiplayer mode, and a story mode!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Drone Wars

Drone Wars

This game is quite fun and it gives a ‘‘unique’’ experience because it is somethink different , BUT first of all this game is in BETA which means not finished . Its worth checking out especially with friends .

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

The game feels like it’s barely half way through development. Its lacking features and replayability. Lots of things need improvement. That being said there is so much potential for it to grow and drastically improve over time, so its a thumbs up from me! Will be checking in again.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Drone Wars on Steam



CRASHTEST is a fast-paced, parkour FPS game, set in a cyberpunk, neon, futuristic world. Run at high speeds, jump around, wall-run like a pro, wield futuristic guns and send bullets flying in every direction!

You will be put into a dystopian, futuristic, neon, cyberpunk world, you must kill the robots, or they will kill you. You are completely on your own, the only thing holding you back, is your skill, which will be crucial if you want to survive.

Campaign Mode (Coming Soon)

Earth is overrun by power-hungry robots attempting to control the entirety of humanity. Participate in an all-out war against the rogue AI. Armed with Assault Rifles and Shotguns, are you capable of stopping them and regain control of Earth? You are mankind’s only hope!

Endless Mode

In Endless Mode, you will have access to all guns in the game. Using all the tools in your arsenal, survive as long as possible! Endless Mode has a high replayability. Experience thrilling, high-octane gameplay every single time! Endless Mode puts the you into a variety of unique arenas, with increasing difficulty the longer you survive, quick reflexes will be necessary if you want to survive long.

Survival Mode

Survival Mode is a strategic mode where you have to survive against increasingly difficult challenges, the fight gets harder and harder the more you kill. Use points you earn when killing to purchase weapons and heal. Manage your resources, fight through increasingly challenging difficulties, terrifyingly intense boss fights and more!

The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet is a wave-based game mode, where you will be placed in an arena and have to survive against randomly spawning enemies and environmental hazards. The arena changes the longer you survive! You must kill and adapt! How long will you last?


Join the official CRASHTEST Discord Server:

Would love to see you there!


Quiet Godo

Quiet Godo

Quiet Godo is a short, extremely cute, indie horror game that is worth a try. There are a couple game breaking bugs, mostly based on the physics aspect of the game. Keys can be sucked through walls or drawers can implode on themselves and ruin your playthrough of the game leading to you having to die to Godo. Otherwise, this quite a good game done by the Quite Good Devs. Solid 3/5 Stars.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

I hate the physics because you can literally move a door too much, and you’re as good as dead. But other than that, it’s pretty fun. A short horror game if you want to play one. Quick tip: if Godo comes to get you, get onto one of the wooden chairs. That will make him disappear.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Quiet Godo on Steam

Old Town Stories

Old Town Stories

This is a realy good game i extermly recommend playing this but there are somethings i would suggest to be changed in the campaine i think it would be better if you got to know the end boss guy more because you dont realy know him also the tractor beam it a little glitchy bacause when you use it somethins the gun doesent go into your hand

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Great game!

even tho its kinda short, it´s a lot of fun and the mechanics are awesome.

I honestly have only one small problem with it, and that’s that the “tractor beam” sometimes doesn’t work right on the first try.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Old Town Stories on Steam



Experienced on the Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers

Please note: I received a free Steam key through the Steam Curator Connect program

You can view my review + gameplay here:

This game is a great concept that could be a totally awesome experience in VR. After all, who hasn’t wanted to just blow shit up and see the fireworks and destructive aftermath? Unfortunately, this is a promising physics puzzler that falls short of greatness. That isn’t to say this a bad game, but it could have been so much better with some more time in the oven.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

So I got this thinking it was going to be a vr angry birds type game. It is. You have three different kinds of weapons to knock down or destroy what seems like a lot of building levels. I haven’t seen it all since later levels need to be unlocked by completing the levels before them. It’s a great pick up and play for a few minutes game. Not much else to say about it. I’d say it’s worth 20$ and a nice game to get especially for friends when they stop by. I’m going to be going back to this game instead of the lab whenever I feel like knocking down stuff.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game




This not complicated game does demand a steady hand with the mouse.

Precision, timing, and anticipation are fundamental here.

Wish it would be Gamepad/Controller compatible (Logitech F310/ X Box style).

Please let us mute or simply turn off the “nursery bedtime music”, before the air horns alarm triggers on.

Time of day options should also be considered someday.

This would permit lower brightness levels, thus less glare and saturation in Flyman view.

All this sitting “comfortably” on the missile.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Actually Very Addicting & Fun.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

FlyManMissile on Steam