Max Payne

Max Payne

I was never a big fan of shooter games… that is until Max Payne. A long time ago, I used to suck at this - so I chickened out of such games. This game changed that, probably because I got into the story and kept trying harder to get to the end. Still, the only two games of this nature that have interested me are Rainbow Six and Max Payne.

The “R” rating for this game needs to be taken extremely seriously. Although they show Max Payne (player) being holed up in an impossible situation (thus what he does can probably be viewed as ethical), he is required to get out of a violent battle between mafia groups and politicians. There are also a lot of drug and sex references in the game. Obviously, not a game for kids in my opinion. On the other hand, kids these days are not all that innocent - thanks internet, social media, and smartphones huh? So, I will say that a kid should be at least 15 or 16 years old to play this.

Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Classic Games.


While I have greatly enjoyed beating this game multiple times throughout the years it is getting hard to recommend it now.

The main issue I have is I used three fixes to get the game to work and there was still no sound and got stuck on walls.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Max Payne on Steam



“Cruelty is the law pervading all nature and society; and we can’t get out of it if we would.” ― Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure

Wow, has it really been 15 years since this classic hit our gaming libraries? I must confess, some games do not age well, but F.E.A.R. is not one of them. After all this time, it still is one of the best horror fps titles around, by even establishing some ground rules for the genre and introducing the best A.I. ever in horror fps. Let’s take a close look at Monolith’s timeless masterpiece, then.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time FPS Games.

This game is a fu*king masterpiece! After so many years, the only thing that has aged badly is graphics. Compared to modern standards it is ugly…

but the game is so much fun that I dont mind it!

The physics is great fun, the AI is still very good, they flank you they hide and shoot from cover.

The guns are awesome and you can feel ‘the joy’ when you kill your enemies with them I personaly love dual pistols, shotgun and… NAIL RIFLE, a rifle that shoots big metal bolts, kind of like wooden stakes for vampires but a bit smaller and metal, and every enemy you kill with it is literaly… nailed to a wall or any other surface behind him and stays that way, which is great as the engine keeps the bodies on map for a very

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

F.E.A.R. on Steam

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Taking a step forward deep into the chaotic endless black desert of insanity.

Max Payne 2 eventhough it stands on common ground it really has many differences from its predecessor.

Something that made the hard core fans of the first game not like it too much at first.

However for me Max Payne 2 really stands out of the library and into my golden list of masterpieces and on the throne with the rest of my most fav titles ever.

The game has obvious graphical advancements engine-wise, physics-wise, texture-wise and gameplay-wise.

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Third-Person Shooter Games.


I had several Problems with this game on Windows 10, but after some research, it runs fine on Windows 10.

1. Run in Compatibility mode (Windows XP)

2. Rename the install Folder to smth without spaces like: “MaxPayne2”

3. Then in your steamapps folder find appmanifest_12150 and edit the install dir line to match your renamed folder (you might have to close Steam to do this or restart Steam)

4. Disable Steam Overlay for this game

5. Make sure everything stays the same after Steam restart - sometimes Steam changes stuff back

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne on Steam

The Purge Day

The Purge Day

Pretty awkward and bad. It’s a stationary shooter, and you’re exposed to strange polygonal creatures that come at you from the distance. The first level (I could not complete) had aliens, which was nice, but they just come at you, and if they touch you once your dead. The game is therefore you making sure they all get shooted in the head from a distance, and you have to use a bad non-VR conducive cross hair. Ideally, the game would be better, and more dynamic, and you’d aim down the sights like a real gun, like every other VR shooter does.

! Reminds me of Area 51 from back in the day, but that game was better.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Great game, Well worth the $3! Works really well with the oculus rift and doesn’t require the use of Steam VR (My Steam VR doesn’t work, So any game that works without Mandatory SteamVR support is awesome!).

It’s real fun and my nephews enjoy playing this game a lot!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Purge Day on Steam

A Night In Berlin

A Night In Berlin

I’ve been trying to figure out what it is about A Night in Berlin that really works on me, because something clearly does. Something made me play through it all in one go, which took hours, and then go into the kitchen for a glass of water, return to my desk, and play through it all over again.

Maybe it’s the fact that I love super-violent action games, because A Night in Berlin is an immaculate super-violent action game. You move through buildings full of angry guys, and each room is like that bit at the end of a Mexican standoff when someone pulls the trigger and everyone dies in a split second: you crash through a door, then sprint six feet to cut a guy’s throat before he can raise his weapon, quickly shoot a bullet backwards as someone bursts through the doorway to investigate the commotion, and then stab at his torso until he falls on the floor. There is no time to think. There is no ‘think’.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

A Night in Berlin, a simple but yet hard game to master and complete you WILL rage however this game is worth the time and effort, as simplistic as it may seem it still is a very interesting story. The game takes place in 2024 and you have 3 different characters to play. The first one involves half stealth half non stealth and you can take out your enemies in any way achievable utilizing your gun or knife given thankfully you can resupply your ammo from dead enemies or it can be scattered around the level. The second… well you better make EVERY single shot count, one missed bullet will cost you the level, keep in mind you cannot melee or resupply on ammunition. And last but not least the 3rd and final character has a kung fu like fighting style and he has the ability to slow down time and roll. KEEP IN MIND YOU DIE ANYTIME ON ANY LEVEL YOU NEED TO RESTART THAT LEVEL COMPLETELY!!!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

A Night In Berlin on Steam

El Paso, Elsewhere

El Paso, Elsewhere

El Paso, Elsewhere is a supernatural neo-noir third-person shooter. Hunt werewolves, fallen angels, and other damned creatures in a vivid slow motion love letter to action classics. Fight your way through a reality-shifting motel, floor by bloody floor. Save the victims of Draculae, lord of the vampires. Destroy the villain you loved–even if it means dying yourself.

Somewhere in El Paso, Texas, a three-story motel gained another 46 stories… all below ground.

So, yeah.

This is going to get loud.


  • Original hip-hop soundtrack.

  • Molotov cocktails filled with holy blue flame.

  • A fully-voiced neo-noir story campaign set in a reality-shifting motel full of monsters.

  • Hordes of destructible physics objects; for shooting.

  • More slow-motion dives than you would think it is humanly possible to fit into a single video game.

El Paso, Elsewhere on Steam



Mixed feelings:

The text ingame is in English but contains excessive amounts of typos, grammatical and punctuation errors, and phrases that seem misused. This could be the intention of the developer, but it doesn’t seem clear one way or the other.

The controls are basic but it feels lacking in tutorial.

Ingame, there are a number of graphical and mechanical bugs/glitches that should be fixed (Namely, player collisions with walls/obstacles and the sideways motion of spaceships).

The main gameplay seems like it should be refined more, to lessen the learning curve and possibly add more fallback mechanics.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Tranject on Steam



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Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Really good game!

1st of all when you kill the zombies it makes a funny fart noise.

2nd of all If you like FPS well… this game is mostly for you!

Also the stimultus i think you should increase the time of it because its a bit quick.

There are awsome acheivements and the game it has a early access!

I think you should make the graphics a tiny bit better tho.

Overall tho Good game!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Vaccine19 on Steam

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

“Anyone can make what I have built

And better now

Anyone can find the same white pills

It takes my pain away” 🎶

~Jimmy Eat World, Pain

OMG, that’s not Max Payne! #NotMyMax” Remember such topics from back in 2012? It was pretty fun. Surprisingly, though, quite a lot of people (yours truly included) kinda… didn’t even feel like playing this game back then. And not because they were triggered or something like that, but because… you know. I mean, look at the screenshots. Another random bald guy shooting some generic gangsters. In Brazil. There’s literally nothing that screams “Play me right now!!!” in that. Especially since we already had one popular series that went down the drain since the moment the main character shaved his head (hello, Sam…). Even though I bought Max Payne 3 ages ago, I was like “meh…”. A lot of people I know felt the same. And that’s the funniest (saddest?) thing about this game. See, Max Payne 3? It was supposed to be a shiny big present to the old-school fans.

Real player with 98.8 hrs in game

One of the best 3rd person shooters you’ll ever play. The story is amazing, I keep coming back to it time and time again and it never gets old. The multiplayer can be fun, if you can find anyone to play with. The action is amazing and gore is just the same. Recommend that you play on harder difficulties for a fun challenge, the only problem I have is that its a bit too hard and in the later levels you’ll be wielding 2 pistols while your enemies will have grenade launchers, machine guns and much more. Overall a great game.

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Max Payne 3 on Steam

Mr. Fast

Mr. Fast

This is art. The kind of art where bullets fly all around and blood spatters paint the concrete floor. Awesome soundtrack too, Already hoping for a sequel, This is a true hidden gem. 10/10

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

This game is poorly optimized. The aiming system is jank. The sound clips in and out. The soundtrack is ok at best. Some levels have a habit of spawning enemies on top of you. The physics are a joke. The levels are varied and have some nuance to them but are largely just shoot the dudes until the round ends. Despite all this, Mr. Fast is still an enjoyable experience if your expectations are low going in. I have no idea where I am or where I’m going, all I know is I must kill. Slowpokes need not apply.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Mr. Fast on Steam