Mineirinho Shooter DC

Mineirinho Shooter DC

Too difficult :(

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Casual Games.

what am i doing here?

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Mineirinho Shooter DC on Steam

Aka Ninja VR

Aka Ninja VR


  • **Real cut:**According to the cutting position, immediately calculate the cutting, very real

  • **Lots of gameplay:**You can pinch the enemy’s neck with your left hand, and then chop his head with a knife in your right hand. You can also punch through the enemy’s belly with your fist and take out the enemy’s intestines.

  • **Play as a ninja killer:**Challenge and kill a large number of ninjas to become a ninja killer

  • **Large number of weapons:**Many weapons with different characteristics bring a brand new gaming experience

  • **control time:**When the sword’s anger reaches a certain value, the time can be controlled

  • **Multiplayer PK:**You can PK with other players

Other features

  • **The operation is very simple:**The whole process only uses 1 button operation

  • **Strategy:**Each level has a boss with a special function, which requires a strategy to pass

Read More: Best Bullet Time JRPG Games.

Aka Ninja VR on Steam



So overall this game have very great potenial, but still has a few bugs that need to worked out. Like when I faced the first boss( which took me like 100 tried to beat on hero diff) I got it to one of its health stops when it goes invisible, and it was stuck in invulnerable state until I died which sucked because I was close to beating it. 2nd: There could be some kind of combo list. I noticed that there were times when my melees would turn red then purple ( I came to understand that purple stuns thing) but I had no clue how I performed said combo. 3rd: I feel there should be an option to what weapons I pick up. Sometimes I like using 4 rocket launchers or 4 assault rifles. 4th: Materials should be a bit easier to understand how to get them, I think I ran around the 1st open area for about an hour trying to figure out where to get the Mats to make a fusion key or scanner. 5th: I find it almost impossible to dodge enemies that spawn right above you and they use an attack and next thing you know you have to restart your combo (this happens even though I am constantly on the move). Above all I love the difficulty of the game, the back story could use some work but over all enjoyable. I really look foward to seeing the full release of this game. It has my support. When I showed some of my friends at work they were mind blown in a sense. But I dont like how people compare it to warframe. I see the simiularities but I think they are on 2 totally different levels.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Early Access Games.

Backed on Kickstarter

This game was tailored for people that 1. do not have epilepsy. 2. can handle sensory overload: the bullet hell junkies, the DMC and Nier: Automata fans, the Touhou addicts.

  • The screen will fill with enemies, your decisions within seconds will either result in the next wave of enemies or result in your death.

  • You must be mobile; yes, Nelo is fast, but the Nightsithe are just as fast.

  • Your enemies will reflect your damage back at you, dodge your attacks, teleport away or towards you, and even bullrush you.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Nelo on Steam

Mineirinho Wildtides DC

Mineirinho Wildtides DC

Mlehor jogo da historia kkkkkkkkk

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

I lost my virginty to this game. I was a little scared at first, but i managed to carry on.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Mineirinho Wildtides DC on Steam



Added a light game Guide.

What an enchanting, evocative game, enjoyed each minute.

Have 1500 games to play, but this one caught my attention, and so glad I chose it.

Highly recommended !

Thanks so much for such fine work to :

Amaury Dangréau / Hyde, game creator.

Emmanuel Barbaut, for his perfect music.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

I WANT MORE = very good but short

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Arabel on Steam



Quite a good game. I admit there are some issues that need to be resolved but overall it’s rather good. I would like it for more weapons to be had and finding things easier like keys and the like. I also think there should be some more places to explore than just the one city. Overall it’s good if you just like to walk around and blow stuff up in a way. Perhaps more weapons and more effects like fireballs and flames from buildings and the like would make it better.

Real player with 185.1 hrs in game

Completely Wreckomended. Earn points from shooting things to upgrade in order to use the exotic vehicles for even more destructive fun!

Update: I found enough keys so I just unlocked survival mode which made me giggity, and now I look forward to unlocking the rest! Recent updates today or yesterday are awesome, game is super fun for me!

Real player with 97.6 hrs in game

Destructo on Steam



Visually, it’s no masterpiece. But if you get past some of the weird mechanics and strangely eerie atmosphere, you get a pretty decent shooter with many flaws, but it is very satisfying to get kills and an overall enjoyable and 80’s flick-like game. All in all, not perfect, but still very enjoyable and fun.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

So this isn’t the worst game I played but it was really trying. This reeks of cheap assets and a general misunderstanding of what a shooter is. This is not the worst thing about this game. The shooting is bad but I was able to finish the “campaign” or “story” if you wish to call it that. What made this game abysmal is the “respawn” system and the “voice acting”. The respawn is essentially you being brought back to a safe area in a quite jarring tug which, if you weren’t aware was a respawn felt like lag. The voice acting was some cheap text to voice program and the last conversation in the game between the protagonist and his daughter felt cheesy and weirdly sexual. 3/10 Please don’t buy.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game





Title: Vanquish

Developer(s): Platinum Games

Publisher(s): Sega

Genre(s): Action, third-person shooter

Game Engine: Havok

Release Date: 25 May, 2017

Mode(s): Single-player


+ Merits:

If you are in a hurry and want to play a video game expeditiously, then I recommend Vanquish. It’s a relentless, fast-paced game that will fill-up your adrenaline to the maximum level with its intensive gameplay. Combine Bayonetta with Gears of War, and you will have something that resembles Vanquish, a fast-moving, cover-based shooter with some QTEs. From the third-person perspective, you control Sam Gideon, a guy augmented with a cool battle suit that’s powered by a portable reactor. It gives him post-human capabilities and grants us a stupendous warfare experience with its boosted slide and slow-motion mechanism.

Real player with 51.6 hrs in game

At first blush, Vanquish is another third person cover-based shooter. But if you’re familiar with those deranged perverts over at Platinum Games, you should be instantly suspicious. This is a studio who is concerned primarily with making new IPs with new gameplay paradigms, and Vanquish is no exception.

Many reviewers have already discussed the general premise of the game, so I will spare you those details except to remind you that Vanquish is about Big Boss fighting robots in space using a rocket-powered mecha suit; he shoots, he slides on the floor like an idiot, he slows down time. Instead, I want to address the core philosophy behind this game (as I see it) and explain why I find it fun.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Vanquish on Steam

NORR part I: Ace Shot

NORR part I: Ace Shot

The first part in the “NORR” game series is about three people whose fates are intertwined in a bloody war for the crown of South Florida.

How far can a man go for money and power? Mason Brown, the protagonist of Ace Shot, is ready to do much to reach the top. He is ready for treachery, numerous murders, robberies and lies. But what price will he pay for it?

In an attempt to build a criminal empire, he kills almost everyone with whom he worked, but events unfold quite differently than he imagined. Power and money corrupt him and he becomes only the pitiful shadow of the man who was at the beginning of his journey.

To end the suffering of such a monster can only another monster. William. Bloodthirsty maniac that saves the world from other bloodthirsty maniacs for money. He is a true professional. He is clever, strong, and everyone who underestimated his ability to shoot instantly regretted it. William never lost in battle. He considers himself almost invulnerable, because of which his arrogance knows no bounds. He is pragmatic and ready to do anything in order to get what he needs.

Lester has always been too emotional and never knew how to understand people. Anyone else in his place would have noticed the changes that occurred with Mason, but not him. Lester followed him even in those moments when Mason’s mind was filled with thoughts of another betrayal. He was the last to stay close to the new king of South Florida, but this blind loyalty was the cause of his death.

Welcome to the 80s.

Game features:

▲ Bizarre PVP multiplayer

▲ Exciting co-op missions

▲ 3 main characters who have their strengths and weaknesses.

▲ Each of the 12 story chapters gives you new gameplay features.

▲ A lot of different enemies who couldn’t allow you to relax.

▲ You can check your skills in “survival” mode.

▲ Interesting bosses who needs its own approach.

▲ Lots of different weapons including special types that you can find only at certain levels.

NORR part I: Ace Shot on Steam

Red Zirion

Red Zirion

best game i ever play

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This game is a blast! I love the large selection of unique weapons and the nostalgic 80’s art style. Very smooth game-play and plenty of challenging levels at a killer value. Anyone who enjoys shoot-em-ups will dig this game.

I will note that there’s no volume control and that’s a bummer; I had to use an external sound controller:/

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Red Zirion on Steam