Boomerang X

Boomerang X

Boomerang X is an insanely fast paced fling and zing game.

I see a lot of people leaving reviews saying that they are upset with the fact the base game takes only 2 hours to beat.

What they always fail to mention is that those 2 hours are packed to the brim with just about all the content you need. The arguably short playtime required means the game will never feel dull and every 10 minutes or so you will be introduce with a new environment, possibly new ability, and more knowledge on how to beat the next level. It’s addicting to go through the motions of progressing in this game which is why I think it’s so appealing to speedrunning.

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Stylized Games.

$20 for such a short game is fairly steep (1-3 hours with New Game+), so I can only recommend this game to anyone interested in speed running and gyro. I’d honestly put this game at $5 - $10 max regardless of it being a speed run game. The only reason I paid the full $20 was because of Flick Stick.

An issue I’ve seen brought up is that Flux (slow motion) is too strong. You can use it every time you throw the boomerang. This feels like it was balanced for New Game+ as enemy density basically forces you to constantly use it. Since there is a super meter in the game (Comet Mode), I think there is an obvious solution. Make it so taking out enemies not only fills Comet Mode but using Flux will also drain it. Since the game was made for speed running though, I don’t think any changes will be made to Flux.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Boomerang X on Steam



One of those true hidden gems on Steam, which absolutely deserves more attention.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Vehicular Combat Games.

Update: The developer has updated to game to address some of my concerns. That is very cool. ‘Easy Mode’ has been added, which is still very hard.

RE: Unapproachable Controls: Slight turns are now possible, and a fun drifting mechanic has been implemented. This is a big help.

RE: Powerups and road hazards look similar. Helpful icons have been added over power ups that help differentiate them from hazaards.

RE: Death walls. The walls of the arena electrocute you, and cause damage to your car. A front end collision with a wall is basically a death sentence. This is still a frustrating way to end a match.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game


CROSSBOW: Bloodnight

CROSSBOW: Bloodnight

CROSSBOW is fun, but it has some serious flaws when it comes to the late-game. Fun casually, but grinding the game competitively to climb the leaderboard gets boring quickly.

I made a knee-jerk review about this game after having played it for 2.5 hours where I dissected the problems with the game and didn’t recommend it. I scrapped that review, and having played it longer, reaching a score of ~1350, I can say that there is a good game underneath the problems I see. I have certainly gotten my share of enjoyment out of the amount of money I spent on the game, and I think the devs are open minded enough to update their game.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time FPS Games.

Check out my Steam Curator page, “Minorthreatt Gaming Reviews.” I have the most organized and extensive genre lists on Steam! Be sure to “FOLLOW” for more of my recommendations:

The Short of it: A challenging arena FPS that reminds me of Devil Daggers, but ups the interaction factor based on the variety of ways to use your weapon (shotgun blast, full-auto stream, explosive AOE). I had fun =)

Reminds me of: If you liked Devil Daggers, Doom, or Hexen, there’s a good chance you’ll like CROSSBOW: Bloodnight.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

CROSSBOW: Bloodnight on Steam

Snow Wars

Snow Wars

This top-down shooter is not badly made but is too short and simplistic to really be worth it. Enemies have very basic AI and all behave the same. With only thirty levels, the game will probably take you less than half an hour to beat, with the only reward beinga screen that says “win.” Your movement and aiming control welll enough, and I do like the premise. There’s nothing special beyond that premise, though, making it feel more like a template for a game than a finished game. Even at a much lower price, I wouldn’t advise buying it.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Snow Wars is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template from GameMaker Studio, changing a few things, then dumping the barely functional “product” on Steam as a cheap, nasty cash grab. In this case it was a GameMaker Studio template called the “Top Down Shooter Engine”, used for making basic top down shooters, combined with a lazy snow tileset and some stock asset snowman sprites.

GameMaker Studio is a very poor quality game construction kit, and results in terrible games like this one.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Snow Wars on Steam

Quantum League

Quantum League

If you read the synopses of the game and it sounds cool to you, you’d like it. It’s as simple as that. It takes this concept and executes it super well, with satisfying, fast paced gunplay to boot. All complaints are minor quality of life ones or from people misunderstanding how the game works.

The game plays seamlessly with this “time paradox” concept. Everything you do matters and in the future you have to consider what your past lives did, what your opponent did, and the timings of all those things. That can sound complex, but generally people are just playing 1 on 1, and you’ll get the concepts soon. You can win by being the best at shooting or you can win by outsmarting your opponent. Do both for a round or two and you’ll feel like an unstoppable genius. When someone kills you and pre-emptively outsmarts you, you’ll be impressed at how they cut you off at every turn. Other reviews complain about some strategies they feel is unfair - you can safely ignore them. This game’s strategy is deep and tactics that seem unstoppable can be punished brutally when you realize their weaknesses. Racing a health pack can seem an obvious good play - denying it to your opponent can’t be bad, right? - but now you have a large portion of the round that you are now vulnerable. And heading to the health packs puts you in the open - a future clone can kill you when you are there. And leaving a gunfight to grab a health pack can leave your past clones helpless.

Real player with 319.2 hrs in game

I love this game! I bought it the day it was released in Early Access (Around May 2020). I LOVE time travel and I like FPS games, so I was super hyped for this game! (It’s right up my alley!) There’s not many players that have the game, so a lot of the time you’ll be waiting in the queue for a while.

I strongly advise joining the Quantum League Discord server, and adding a few people from there to avoid the long queue problem. I put a tag next to a bunch of new friends and acquaintances on Steam saying “QL” So I can search for a match more easily. A general chat feature would be a good addition to the game, as well as a way to join people directly from Discord if possible. I’ll suggest that on the Official Discord, if either/both haven’t been suggested already.

Real player with 138.9 hrs in game

Quantum League on Steam



Razerwire: Nanowars is a retro (80’s) action-arcade game that progression addicts are certain to love. The game reminds me of the games that I would play for countless hours as a child. It is the result of a lunchtime, 30-minute a day, project developed by a dev who works on much larger projects. That makes this a bit of a passion project that has been programmed with love…. and that love shines through.

A Genuinely Pro-Gamer Developer

When Razerwire: Nanowars went on sale the developer posted the deal to Reddit’s r/Gamedeals and disclosed that the game was a part of an OtakuMaker bundle just as they went bankrupt. Unfortunately, he did not receive the ten thousand keys that he submitted back nor did he ever get paid for them. Other developers from the bundle who also never got paid had the keys revoked. However, knowing that legitimate purchases were made before the bundle was pulled, decided against revoking the keys. This resulted in a loss of hundreds of dollars from the loss of keys nor did he receive payment from OtakuMaker from the legitimate buyers.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

This one caught me by surprise.

I got it as a title in a trade, but it seems like it might be bundle filler also, because I have a ton of extra keys for it. Know what, though? It is totally worth the price of the game in full. If I had known how much fun I was going to have with this, I would’ve bought it.

I went into this blind.

If you can’t tell by looking at my account, I have a ton of games. Most of my indie game choices are random. I see something, install it, and see how I feel about it. I’m very pleasantly surprised!

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Razerwire:Nanowars on Steam

Sharknado VR (Arcade Edition)

Sharknado VR (Arcade Edition)

Sharknado VR (Arcade Version) puts you in the middle of the action - use a variety of weapons to battle the terrifying Sharknado. Maim, shoot and explode your way through hordes of hungry flying sharks and other airborne sea creatures in Sharknado VR!

This is the Arcade version of Sharknado VR: Eye of the Storm. It offers a shorter experience of the game, with more arcade elements included to maximize the player experience over a short time, like access to all weapons unlocked at the start of the game and receiving more ammo for the duration of the game as well.

Sharknado VR (Arcade Edition) on Steam

Shoot To Kill

Shoot To Kill

SHOOT TO KILL is a single player retro FPS inspired by the violence and pace of shooters of the past. Harkening back to the violence of F.E.A.R. and visceral gore systems of the Soldier of Fortune games, all taking place in a brutalist neo-futuristic setting.

Take on hordes of soldiers and experiments created by an authoritarian military group in the dystopian future of 2140. A new World War is beginning to unfold. It is now up to you and your skills as a combat expert to eradicate the authoritarian ANKERKORP, and save everyone you love.


  • Eviscerate enemies in beautiful slow motion, using dismemberment to stay alive.

  • Use movement abilities like dashing to zip away from bullets and attacks

  • Break down enemies into red meaty chunks using the detailed and disgusting gore system

  • Relive the feel of the classic early 2000’s shooters with a fast pace and violent action

Shoot To Kill on Steam




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Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

An extremely unique game with a concept I’m surprised I haven’t run into before. The game itself is very fun in general with decent graphics, fun game play, and pretty cool character movements. I’m quite curious to see what will become of this game and especially how they will handle multiplayer.

I however do have an issue with the game. Every once in a while when you respawn your character stays on the ground. You can still move around but its impossible to do anything productive. Here’s what I mean:

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game


Moonshine Maniacs - A Wild West Saga

Moonshine Maniacs - A Wild West Saga

Nothing big, but promising! I really enjoyed playing it so far. The game mechanics are clean and the pacing is fast. I kinda feel a bit like back in the 90s, where its just you and your gun.

I hope the developers will put some more maps and modes in it :)

So there is still space for improvement. Good luck!

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Clear buy recommendation!

A beautiful handmade Wildwest Arena Shooter with some really nice guns.

The weapons play well, the movment feels nice and fast, cool setting and a lovely design.

You can connect easy to a server and start to play alone or with your friends.

What else do you want?

A beautiful and simple arena shooter with charm.

For around $ 10 you can definitely buy it (and you should do it)!

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Moonshine Maniacs - A Wild West Saga on Steam