

David. is a game that includes a period as part of its title. We’re going to pretend David. knows better and it’s actually called David. Argh! That period there was to end the sentence not describe the title. Moving on. Let’s discuss David.

Here’s a bit of advice: if you’re going to write a review that hinges on you spending two and a half hours to climb to the top of a leaderboard, best make sure the game will update your score and said leaderboard when you quit out manually rather than waiting for a game over. Now, this statement should tell you three things. One: this game is engrossing enough to keep playing for two and a half hours. Two: while David is good fun, it is lacking some technical touches that can be frustrating. And three: yes, I am petty enough to gloat about temporarily being the best David! My name’s not even David!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Indie Games.

David. is an action platformer that pits the titular square-shaped character against many incredible bosses strewn across a number of singular worded doors. Within each door lies in wait a boss that utilizes a certain aspect or value of vice, sin, or fear in which the creature’s body or its domain are designed around the particular aspect or value. David was to bring each monster to justice, ending their reign of terror. With the avoidance of using the words “retro” and/or “minimalistic”, since they have almost become default word choices towards games along the same line as David. treads, I’d like to say that David. is a fascinating, original concept and deserves to be set aside as such.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

David. on Steam

Will Glow the Wisp

Will Glow the Wisp

Will glow the will is a challenging little game, but i don’t recommend it: The game’s main issue is also its strongest asset (as weird as it may sound) : the art direction.

Basically, the game doesn’t have any “lines” so to speak, everything is made of moving mesh, even your “ship” is a glowing ball, which makes everything unreliable : walls are made of MOVING cubes, so you can never really know for sure where not to go. I can’t count how many time i’ve died due to a wall square appearing right where i am.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Difficult Games.

I like this game. For me it is not the kind of game I can play for hours and hours, but it really shines as a nice side-game for whenever you have some minutes left to spare. Or some more minutes if you’re feeling competitive and want to beat your friends' times! ;)

Loading times are fast and movement is smooth like butter. As you have come to expect in this genre of games, once you die you’re real fast back in game for your next attempt. #FrustrationFreeZone

The soundtrack is nice and suits the game well (ironically the title/trailer song is the one I like the least)

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Will Glow the Wisp on Steam



Short and sweet. Cool concept. Was fun experimenting with the different combinations of upgrades. Would love to give it another go if more upgrades or enemy types were added. Wish it paused when shopping.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Point & Click Games.

SEN.TUR. on Steam



It is a bit difficult to find truly great twin stick arcade shooters on PC. There are quite a few of them around, but my search has been to find something as close to the PSN great Super Stardust HD as possible. A truly amazing twin stick shooter that many of us even got for free after the infamous ApocalyPS3 where PSN got hacked a few years back. Our reward was free games for not being able to login for a month! I ended up with Super Stardust HD, Little Big Planet, and inFamous as mine so I did well, but Super Stardust HD was the big surprise of the lot and I have been searching for a similar twin stick shooter ever since.

Real player with 119.0 hrs in game

Who doesn’t love Arcade-Games?

Waves is a typical example for one of these. You have to eliminate the opposing balls as a ball. Sounds boring but this is not the case at all.

The Fun-part starts simply by the fact that there are several gamemodes. I personally just play three of them because they are the best in my opinion.

| Mode | Description |

| Crunch Time | Achieve as many points as possible within 3 minutes |

Real player with 56.8 hrs in game

Waves on Steam

Super Shield Dash

Super Shield Dash

Super Shield Dash, like every game leads by the word “Super”, is an arcade game with a simple goal: beat that highscore while smashing endless hordes of enemies.

What sets it apart is the slow-motion effect, where time moves as you move. No powerups, no fancy weapons. Just you simply dashing around, throwing shield to destroy enemies. So plant your feet, grit your teeth and eat those horses.

Instead of the ol' goody guns or sword, you find yourself equipped with shields, lots of shields which you can throw at the very face of every enemy. The shield will travel as far as it can then return to its owner while still maintaining its full power, combining with the slow-mo effect for a massive arcade feeling.

Super Shield Dash on Steam

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

D E A D E Y E (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Indulge in visceral, deadly gunplay where every mistake could be your last. Hack cameras, turrets, people, even individual bullets!!!ヽ(°〇°)ノ Slow time to a crawl. Fade from view. Rip your mind asunder. Project your ego and “befriend” every intelligent thing that surrounds you. Your abilities include, but are not limited to: everything.

D E E P F A K E (˵◡_◡˵)

Deep gameplay, deep writing, ALL style, NO substance. High concept, low fidelity. Relish in an original soundtrack of sumptuous lo-fi hip hop beats as you subvert and dominate your enemies. Build relationships with with a cast of colorful characters. Make game changing decisions as you piece together the mystery of your shadowy corporate benefactors.

S I M U L A C R U M (✿◕‿◕)

Customize the ultimate agent with more than 2^64 pieces of lovingly, caringly, procedurally generated equipment. Refine your agent’s specialties and weaknesses through activatable abilities and passive but impactful perks. Conquer dozens of hand-crafted artisanal missions (and endless generated side content) designed to produce emergent gameplay and accommodate any playstyle.

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum on Steam



To start off, buy the game: it’s cheap and it achieves the zen experience.

That being said, while it’s certainly a very breezy experience, I feel like I could easily get tired of this game after only a few playthroughs - and I don’t want to be, the controls and game feel are pretty smooth and it does calm you down.

So, instead of a meditative experience, make it a meditative adventure.

More environment types, more collectible types (maybe?), maybe even tricks, some platforming puzzles, multiplayer (though be careful if you decide to implement text or voice chat - a few select assholes could very easily ruin the vibe), a zen soundtrack or the option to load your own music…

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Nicely done.

I find myself coming back to playing about in the playpark for no other purpose than experiencing intuitiveness and a relative sense of lack of restriction. I don’t get a lot of time to game so I do so in bite sized chunks.

I hope it gets more support as a game and would like to maybe see other themed areas, maybe pseudo-naturalistic places, or one in a darker palette. Even a weather/day-twilight-night system might suit it nicely. I did think that the kind of system used in Superflight might work well, colouration and variability of light and map structural seed. It is totally righteous as what it was intended, a meditative solo experience although I could also see perhaps the occasional smattering of multiplay working as a sort of mutual thing, you could even play spacetag(without clutter or direct score keeping ofc). Arcing movements whilst running across walls might be nice, and perhaps some more adherence to some of the vertical objects, allowing low pressure wall runs on most surfaces (ie. not as strong as the main red walls). Maybe curved rails you might lean into. The mind boggles.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

SATORI on Steam

Vector Prospector

Vector Prospector

A very fun and replayable roguelite. This is one of the only games I’ve played in the past year that I actually wanted to get back into and play again!

The randomly generated levels give a new experience each time, and all the different enemies have their own interesting way of dealing with them.

I do think the gameplay has a few flaws in the balancing, particularly with the powerups, but overall it doesn’t impede the fun too much.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

A perfect blend of action combat, exploration and strategy in an incredibly simple package. This is one of the best examples of how a few basic ingredients can be combined to create a brilliant dish. Overall outstanding design and solid execution. GG!

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Vector Prospector on Steam

Hard Minus Classic Redux

Hard Minus Classic Redux

Very funny like old Hard Minus also cool music. Game is not so easy so be prepared.

Now there is classic map pack making this product 11/10;

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Worth it

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Hard Minus Classic Redux on Steam

Waves 2: Notorious

Waves 2: Notorious

This game, even as early access is one of the best shooters I’ve ever played. (I’m not young been gaming for 30 years.)

Without doubt anyone who liked Waves original will love this game. It’s just better in every way. The same goes for Geometry wars fans, I love that series (Geometry wars 3 was best IMHO) but Waves 2 equals that. It really is that good.

The game play itself is fast, frantic, addictive and looks better than most games of this genre.

The menus are somewhat confusing at first, but this is offset by the great game play. Arcade is easy to jump into, but other than that the menus are not really intuitive. May seem like a small thing, and the game is still early access so once it’s easy to understand all the options it will be much more beginner friendly.

Real player with 569.8 hrs in game

This is one of those games for twitch/adrenaline junkies - of which I am NOT one - that will ensnare regular scrubs with its addictive nature. It’s fast and furious, and currently all about the season leaderboards. A short game only lasts a few minutes long, but if you’re skilled, you can rack up the score and dominate people who play for longer periods of time.

I love this app, but be warned: it’s been in development for a few years. The Developer is active in the forums, and he/she responds to the community frequently. Parts of the game have changed SIGNIFICANTLY since it got the green light from Steam. The bottom-line is that this is already a lot of fun, but it’s not finished, and could change again.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Waves 2: Notorious on Steam