

Controls take a little getting used. Also has a bit of mini-game or mobile casual game feel, lacking a little polish. But it’s not as bad as some of the negative reviews suggest. The 3D graphics are OK, if a little glitchy, the campfire is really atmospheric. The co-op mode against the wolves is super addictive! Sometimes the pace feels a little slow and running around picking up things gets tedious. Making the blood stains fade a bit might make it a little more family friendly too. Perhaps one to get on special if you have some friends in the same room to play against with gamepads. For the price there are better similar titles out there, for example Super Snow Fight which has many more power-ups and game modes.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Arena Shooter Games.

Alright I am a local coop games fiend. I literally watch the coop games search for recent games every day to see if there’s something I really need and I’ve got to say this is something I really needed.

You pick up rocks or spears off the ground and throw them at each other

If you can react fast enough you cna dodge them

if you dodge a rock or spear it can land on a wall behind you and you can throw it at them..


if you are a LOCAL COOP GAME FIEND then buy this my friends love it k bye

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Rumble on Steam

Friendship Club

Friendship Club

Friendship Club is a great little top down arena shooter, perfect for sitting an the sofa and playing with friends.

With randomly generated levels and a heap of different modes to try, this game does not get old, me and my friends always have a good time playing it. Friendship Club, without fail, takes me back to being a kid sitting on bedroom floors, playing games!

I wouldn’t normally recommend early access games, but Friendship Club is definitely amongst the more polished ones. It feels like a playable game rather than one pushed out far too early, and with regular updates its nice to see the game grow as the development continues!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Indie Games.

Friendship Club is a great game, with great art, design and music.

I love the fantastic variety of modes and the ability to customise them to your heart’s content. I especially enjoyed Bullet Hell where the bullets literally never stop flying and Trick Shot where the game turns into a quick thinking vs. puzzle game.

The controls and menus are simple, colourful and perfectly pitched for a party game. The matches get crazy hectic and it really is a lot of fun.

Can’t wait for the introduction of the single player mode to iron out my strategies too!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Friendship Club on Steam



Fast paced, competitive game play. Lots of fun with intense battles between players.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time 2D Platformer Games.

ArrowBall on Steam



To me this game is already a timeless classic.

Story: 8/10. A solid plot with plenty of humour. Not a masterpiece, but the story is conveyed excellently through the campaign style. Story mode is not the primary focus of Cobalt, but it is a lengthy, challenging and rewarding campaign. The lore behind the game is intriguing and leaks through into some of the arcade mode maps, which I think is a really nice touch.

Graphics: 9/10. It’s not beautiful pixel art and it’s no Mona Lisa, but playing some of the custom maps completely convinced me that this game can look really amazing.

Real player with 274.1 hrs in game

Cobalt is an achievement. This is something that can only be fully understood once you can play multiplayer deathmatch at sufficiently high level. I have played single player for 4 or 5 hours, but all of the rest was multiplayer deathmatch.

Because the combat in Cobalt is deep and refined.

Each minute decision of when to spin, when to jump, when to air jump, and on which direction, creates a very fluid and natural response in the player character. The result is that movement alone is a skill that you can spend hours upon hours mastering — and the range of possibilities is so vast that after practicing just movement for many hours (yes, I spent several hours jumping around alone in DM maps) the skill cap is still nowhere to be found.

Real player with 150.4 hrs in game

Cobalt on Steam

Blazing Beaks

Blazing Beaks

No. 2 Review O' Mine: So, after my many hours of play and a session the day I wrote this, I have the feeling that I’ve “completed” this game, or I have a dear familiarity, enough to give shy advice or if I were to dare, a recommendation. I’m not sure I am really writing a review here, but more of my thoughts in a somewhat organized fashion. Somewhat.

I’ve played this game for many, many hours, 162 to be exact, and only today that I write this do I think I’m a bit winded of the game-play. Blazing Beaks does not hook in the player in with a cavalcade of unknown trinkets or a long list of fascinating levels, it does two things really, really well. Firstly, this game is brutally hard. I see this now only in retrospect, I still have no idea how to loop even with my amassed playtime. Yes, Blazing Beaks is difficult, but brilliantly so: each death or restart I knew was my own fault. Distinguishing between tedium and learning is key here. There are very rare instances where RNG is involved, and if so it never determines whether a run successful or not. Say for instance you stumble upon a shotgun in the beginning of run. Firstly, for this to happen, you’d either have to get to a secret room by getting hit and finding a hidden door or using a key to unlock one. It is a brilliant decision on the developers part to make hidden doors proc from an instance of damage. This helps the player if they are struggling, and later on if you are smart enough, you can purposefully get hit to see if there is a door; that is a pretty big risk. Their hidden door system is duplicitous, in that it caters to beginners by helping them out when they get hurt, and advanced players can take a risk to unveil a room. This is an example of what for me is remarkable about Blazing Beaks in particular, that the game-play, among other things, is incredibly well crafted. The list of artifacts and items isn’t long and soon enough you will remember each artifact and what it does, even without looking closely. There is about six levels with not too many enemies. Yet I was implored by the thought-line of, “Oh, that’s what I did wrong, I’ll do my best to not do that again in the next one.”. The challenge is thrilling, really, and even though in little steps, there is a sense of accomplishment that comes in seeing how much farther you can get with the knowledge you’ve accrued. It is a wonderful balance for a rogue-lite (I’ve no idea if I’m using that term properly") to strike, and Blazing Beaks hits the mark precisely. I think the best thing for someone who’s considering to buy this is to purchase the game and immediately play however many runs you can fit within an hour. If you find yourself implored by the little that you’ve played, I think that this game is for you. From the beginning the game only gets better, really. And if you aren’t entertained in the hour that you play, I think it is safe to return it at that point. There isn’t some point of interest that is worth playing through, the game’s initial showing of how it plays is the way it essentially stays, though becoming increasingly intricate and complex as you go along. Blazing Beaks' foundation is phenomenal, and from there the developers run with it, bringing in things as they see fit. A large part of the game is the exchange of artifacts to items, the risk versus rewards. This is done nicely as well: the negative effects of the artifacts only last for a level before you “cash” them in, meaning that you can take huge risks that you think you can just squeeze by from. The toss up here becomes quickly becomes skillful: the timing, the effect, the benefit, and if they are necessary are all factors that come to be considered when picking up that artifact.

Real player with 168.6 hrs in game

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

So what is «Blazing Beaks» and why should you break away from «Enter the Gungeon» or Isaac and give a chance to this new Rogue-like project? First of all, it is worth talking about the unique concept and the setting that create an indescribable face of the game, and when you consider that the game was developed by a team of just a few people, this deserves respect. The fauna is chosen as a place of action, therefore, the main characters here are appropriate - angry and very militant birds. The platypus, gull, chicken, penguin and many other feathered heroes have their own skills, which imply their passing styles, I like the penguin most of all, he is quite balanced and I like his abilities. The game with a very touching seriousness relates to the observance of the ticking theme, in all locations we are met by enemies and bosses who are suitable for this particular area: in the swamps we will encounter frogs, turnips, marsh cocoons and the boss - the giant Hypno-Toad; in the sands we will be confronted by ant lions and so on. Each locality is truly a different gaming experience that you need to acquire and use.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Blazing Beaks on Steam



Early access from 2016 so have to assume this is probably all we get. A bit of a shame really as it has a lot going for it. it’s a really fun little twin stick zombie shooter with a bunch of neat mechanics, upgrades and cute pixel graphics. Seems primarily designed for multiplayer/co-op but it’s great fun solo too. Unfortunately probably owing to early access the campaign is pretty short, still pretty fun though.

Some games that don’t get finished you shrug and move on, some are missed that little bit more, this is one of those that had some real promise to it so it’s a shame we didn’t get to see a bit more it even now.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Fun game to kill time, easy to play and get addicted to. Pixelated graphics, smooth gameplay, many different combinations of weapons allows you to regulate the difficulty of playing the game, some are stronger and synergize better with certain weapons. Although coop is recommended, buying the game at full price is not so.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

GraveRun on Steam



Fun game! Never grew up playing twin stick shooters but this was easy to pick up. A lot of abilities to play around for different situations but I always stick with the cannon and occasional whip for health. Shwipball is pretty fun and hilarious with friends, good ol' air hockey fun with stick handling! Worth the price, even better on sale!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

The game is good, tho very experimental

A lot of things don’t really feel right and the game feels very empty, I think my major complaint has to be with the weapons and the maneuvering of the ship

The game doesn’t have the possibility to go slower than max speed, if you move, you go at full speed and that can be a pain in minefield mode as doing small movements is impossible

There is no way to deal with very large ammounts of enemies, as soon as they start piling up you’re eventually screwed as your main weapon, the cannon, isn’t designed for that and the missiles aren’t really all that usefull

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Shwip on Steam

World Legends

World Legends

Extremely low effort asset flip trash.

The devs made a super quick and trash map with default unreal assets and used this asset kit. The UI and font match exactly. Imagine being too lazy to even change the font.

  • Audio sliders exist, but do not function at all.

  • Game has only ONE bare bones super simple map (made out of default Unreal assets

  • Bot AI is extremely simplistic (dumb) and can be destroyed by simply using a sniper rifle.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

World Legends on Steam



My review will be dithyrambic but the game 100% deserve it.

This game literally changed my life. 65h hours on steam, but you can count as much on switch, and as mutch with the pre-alpha (with no hours recorded), + 400 hours working to orgaise stuff with the community.

I’ve alway been fan of couch games. I’ve always been fan of indies games. I’ve always been fan of esport. And this one answer all my needs.

I love indies games, but really few of them can grab me for so long, but often it’s short experience. I had the chance to have access to the early beta, and I know I’ll grind so much this game that it would be fair for them to ask me a monthly suscribtion !

Real player with 125.7 hrs in game

Retimed is a casual competitive shooter, where we have to shoot the opponents with our projectile pistol. Once the elimination limit is exceeded, a game is won. Simple right?

The game moves very well and, except for a little connection spike in the four-player games, there seems to have no problems at all.

Also the music complies with this carefree aesthetic , without the melodies attracting our attention for nothing in particular and with a scarce variety.


+Guaranteed fun with friends locally over friday night drinks.

Real player with 81.4 hrs in game

Retimed on Steam