

David. is a game that includes a period as part of its title. We’re going to pretend David. knows better and it’s actually called David. Argh! That period there was to end the sentence not describe the title. Moving on. Let’s discuss David.

Here’s a bit of advice: if you’re going to write a review that hinges on you spending two and a half hours to climb to the top of a leaderboard, best make sure the game will update your score and said leaderboard when you quit out manually rather than waiting for a game over. Now, this statement should tell you three things. One: this game is engrossing enough to keep playing for two and a half hours. Two: while David is good fun, it is lacking some technical touches that can be frustrating. And three: yes, I am petty enough to gloat about temporarily being the best David! My name’s not even David!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Indie Games.

David. is an action platformer that pits the titular square-shaped character against many incredible bosses strewn across a number of singular worded doors. Within each door lies in wait a boss that utilizes a certain aspect or value of vice, sin, or fear in which the creature’s body or its domain are designed around the particular aspect or value. David was to bring each monster to justice, ending their reign of terror. With the avoidance of using the words “retro” and/or “minimalistic”, since they have almost become default word choices towards games along the same line as David. treads, I’d like to say that David. is a fascinating, original concept and deserves to be set aside as such.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

David. on Steam



After crash landing on a fringe planet in the outer edges of the galaxy, Jack “Goose” Redshot is given a mission to rescue the royal family of the city of Carcosa from a mysterious supernatural invader, who has laid siege to the city and it’s inhabitants. With over 200 rooms to explore and many weapons, items, and secrets to find, fans of the genre will find a challenging but fair adventure to be had in the wild lands of Carcosa.


Travel to the land of Carcosa where the great capitol city is under siege by an unknown off world invader. Explore the city and it’s surrounding landscape to restore the defense network, and save the city from total destruction. Tackle objectives in any order and explore the non-linear world map to find many hidden secrets and goodies!


Use a plethora of different guns, weapons, and items to strategically outwit your enemies in fast-paced, deadly combat encounters. With over 10 different guns to acquire and even more secondary weapons, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, you will be tasked with equipping the right tools for the right job. Matching the right weapon with the right situation will help you greatly.


Your focus bar allows you to slow time to fire off quick and accurate attacks, as well as quickly dodge incoming attacks to avoid damage. However, use them too much and you might end up in a critical spot! Slowing and dodging drains your stamina meter, but using them both will come in clutch to get you out of some sticky situations!


Scattered across the world are upgrades to discover, from genre staples like the double-jump to companion characters that can help you in battle. Even rarer are special hats to find, which will offer helpful perks for you when equipped. A full AI system for all enemies and NPCs allow them to directly interact with each other and the environment, and getting in their good favor may even compel them to follow you around and help you out!


Carcosa is infested with creatures and beasts both native and offworld, and there will be many that must be overcome to complete your objective. Over 30 enemy types and a dozen bosses means learning each enemy’s behavior will go a long way to controlling a battle zone. Good preparation, clever strategies, quick reflexes, and a dash of luck will all be needed to defeat your enemies with your life intact.


  • Estimated 8-12 hours of gameplay

  • Up to 8k resolution support

  • High refresh rate support up to 240hz

  • Full controller support with customizable bindings

  • Full keyboard support with option to use with mouse or keyboard only

  • After the beginning area, levels and bosses can be completed in any order

  • Over 10 guns to find and use, with numerous other side weapons

  • Over 12 bosses to fight and conquer

  • Over 30 enemy types

  • Find secrets dotted all over the map to upgrade your abilities and equipment

  • 8 Distinct areas to explore, each with their own enemy types and bosses

  • Befriend AI companions to help you fight your way through the map

  • 360 degree dodging and numerous movement upgrades to optimize your travel through the game

  • 360 degree aiming allows for pinpoint accurate shooting no matter where you are

  • Bullet time mechanic lets you slow time to catch a breather and pull off some tricky shots

  • 3 difficulty settings and a post-game rating system makes allows for lots of replayability

  • Developed with speedrunning in mind

Read More: Best Bullet Time Pixel Graphics Games.

REDSHOT on Steam



Fast paced, competitive game play. Lots of fun with intense battles between players.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Sports Games.

ArrowBall on Steam



Disclaimer: I received this game for free

Combohead is an enjoyable spin on a classic formula. The physics are fun to goof around with, and the different ball behaviors mix up the play, keeping it fresh throughout the campaign. It’s feels really good when you set up a nice sequence of moves. However, I also enjoy the zen vibes the game can have if you just want to kick a ball around while talking to someone. Replayability is solid with the time scores on the campaign levels, but especially with the endless mode. The sound effects are meaty, the particle effects are satisfying, and thus the impact of kicking feels like it has weight to it. The soundtrack does a good job of keeping the energy of the experience high.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game


Hit Zero: Chronos

Hit Zero: Chronos

its like if superhot my friend pedro and stickman fight had a baby

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Hit Zero: Chronos on Steam

Star Puzzle

Star Puzzle


game is for 5 years old audience.

Also last Achievement is currently broken.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

sad the 11th achievement doesn’t work :/

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Star Puzzle on Steam

Another Warfare

Another Warfare

This game has great effects, particles and all.

Enemies are standard.

Mechanics are good by themselves.

But level design is really bad.

Levels look alike, which makes you don’t like the visuals.

besides last 2-3 level they are not challenging in any way and this makes mechanics useless too

But in the end It’s not boring or anything. It is 175MB you can just buy&download&try in no time.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

In Another Warfare time moves only when you move, like in SUPER HOT. But now, in a 2D environment

I had a lot of fun playing through the whole game. It’s a short experience, fair for the price offered.

The level design really impressed me. You can really grasp the mechanics and different enemy types just by the levels themselves, learning as you progress. I never found myself stuck in a level that felt too difficult and were never bored by a level that felt too slow or easy.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Another Warfare on Steam

Last Soul - Prologue

Last Soul - Prologue

Ok. I’ll start saying that this game is AMAZING. Now, some details. The music is getting you to the perfect hectic state that any gamer wishes. It makes you focus only on the game. Nothing else matter.

To control the game with the Keyboard, is a bit of a challenge. I hope they change to WASD and set the feature to IJKL (for example). But, if you play using an Xbox Control, it’s flawless. The jumping distances, the shooting, the explosions, everything shows that these guys took the time to test their game thoroughly.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I have just played the demo version and I like it! I would recommend it with no doubt.

It is a platform game which remembers classic ones in 80/90’s with a Star Wars / futuristic flavour that could engange everyone ;)

Music and graphics are enough good to be playable (you can enjoy the music by itself if you subscribe their newsletter so you can appreaciate it because in the game, you are focused to shoot and kill enemies).

Game mechanics are not new (double jump, dash, climb, etc.) but are implemented in a very good way :)

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Last Soul - Prologue on Steam



A fun and unusual game, I like it.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Woute on Steam

Hard Minus Classic Redux

Hard Minus Classic Redux

Very funny like old Hard Minus also cool music. Game is not so easy so be prepared.

Now there is classic map pack making this product 11/10;

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Worth it

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Hard Minus Classic Redux on Steam