Aces of the Luftwaffe

Aces of the Luftwaffe

Decent budget SHMUP, it could have been much better with only a little extra cae and work.

It starts as a basic side scroller, but gets bullet hellish midway through the campaign.

Actually the New Aces Of The Luftwaffe SQUADRON seems more elaborated

Upgrade are pretty cool but not much variation. Overall fair when on sale. Recommended with reservation, fun for a short while but overal too limited. There are much better SHMUP out there, For Example Sky Force Annyversary, which is more polished in every respect.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shoot 'Em Up Games.

It’s an alright phone game but the controls just suck. Everything is to touchy and the constant repeat of the same level a 100 times just to earn enough money to upgrade or unlock other levels.

It costs 740 gold or whatever it’s called to unlock the second set of levels. You spend a lot just to upgrade your plane and then repeat the same levels again to unlock the next set of levels get’s very tiring. It’s fun for about an hour after that it just wears thin.


Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Aces of the Luftwaffe on Steam

Aircraft Evolution

Aircraft Evolution

Control a plane that flies towards your pointer, drops bombs and fires missiles so you can wipe out hordes of enemies.

Its a close one here, the controls work fine, its quite neat getting new planes and upgrading them, and the variety of bombs and missions is pretty solid.

but it feels a lot like a mobile game that had microtransactions and wasnt balanced quite correctly when it was ported back to PC. Things go at a fair clip through the first part of the game, but around chapter 2 the difficulty ramps up faster than your money does and you end up in a sort of grind, particularly because even with the best plane in the game your bombs never do that much damage and there are a lot of enemies.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Side Scroller Games.

Aircraft Evolution is a casual indie sidescrolling shooter that follows in the footsteps of the 1987 classic Wings of Fury. In my opinion fans of WOF game most likely wont be disapointed acquiring Aircraft Evolution as it does a great job at it. The gameplay of Aircraft Evolution is pretty much about bombing the living hell out of the enemies of differnt eras of the history of airplanes and fending off attacking airplanes in different missions while upgrading and buying new planes. In the current early access build the plane is controlled with the mouse and 3 keyboard keys (z,repair -x,fuel-space,speed) and its rather simple to master. The graphics are hand-drawn and really nice to behold. I bought the game for 3.99 euros and feel i got great value for the money. I’ll rate the game 8/10.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Aircraft Evolution on Steam

Flying Flogger

Flying Flogger

im at level 26 and its both really fun and challenging so far!

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Flight Games.

really fun little game! frustrating at times but thats all part of the fun!

here some gameplay footage!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Flying Flogger on Steam



This is the archetypal Vlambeer release: the core gameplay is solid, it has a ton of personality, it’s ball-bustingly difficult, and the wild, ‘more is more’ philosophy winds up pushing the thing into the ‘frustrating’ end of the spectrum as one tries to truly sink one’s teeth into it.

Here it’s less that there is a fundamental ‘problem’ with the game and more that the balance feels ever-so-slightly conflicted. In a game that requires you to get a high combo multiplier (it goes up to 20x, and you’re expected to keep it there) the enemies feel a bit too spongey, especially since you can’t really strafe for long before you come to a dead stop or crash into the sea. This is especially true of the battleships, which take an insane ammount of damage before they finally die, can lead you pretty effectively (especially when you’re close) and will kill you first via contact damage if you try to dive-bomb them.

Real player with 50.7 hrs in game

This game has been a minor thorn in my side for a long time - it is a game that I have been, for a long time, absurdly close to clearing all achievements at, but had never bothered to finish clearing. As I quest through my backlog, I now understand why I never quite finished this.

Luftrausers is an arcade game. The core of the game is shooting down enemy pilots in your ship that fires forward. You have much more freedom of movement than in most shmups like this, and while you are not shooting you regenerate health. There is water that damages you if you go in it, and clouds that damage you if you go up too high. You take damage if you collide with bullets and other ships (usually). You have a multiplier that is equal to the number of enemies you have just recently killed (up to 20). You generally only live for a very short period of time, and that makes this a really decent timewaster sort of game.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game


Flying Fury

Flying Fury

Loosly based on WW2, you take control of your choice of plane (spitfire, lightning or zero). Try to survive as long as possible by dodging bullets and planes. The roll, canon and rockets will be needed on harder difficulties.

A side scrolling shooter with a bullet hell influence.

Does it explode? Yes. Everything does. Enemies show their battle damage through having chunks be blown off. There are multiple enemies all with unique behaviours, all which are designed in junction with each other.

Flying Fury on Steam

Frequent Flyer

Frequent Flyer

Shoot all the planes! Fly everywhere! Complete all the tasks!

In all seriousness, I voted for this on Greenlight and glad it made it to steam and worth the wait too!

It’s a cute bullet hell game that you can’t help but keep playing and shooting. It’s addicting to play, challenging too for personal goals, while not frustrating or overwhelming. Something to play on the side when waiting for someone or something.

I do have to give a word of caution: beware of going full-screen. It crashed my game, and when I try to boot it up, it would crash instantly because it would go to full-screen. I don’t know what’s causing that problem, but best to avoid that. If you do find yourself in that situtation, here’s a thread I made for a solution thanks to the dev.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Very simplistic old-school top-down shooter.

I liked the grapchics, animations and sounds (had to turn off the music, too annoying).

This game actually has soooo much potential, but all the systems are underdeveloped.

You can unlock several planes, but in the end only 1 option is the best. You can quickly farm the currency in survival mode. In about 30-60 minutes you can unlock everything. There are 24 missions, but they are all easy, especially when you unlock the best plane.

There are a handful of powerups which randomly spawn on the battlefield. Half of them are weak or even makes the game super difficult, the other half is very powerful and makes you an unstoppable killing machine.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Frequent Flyer on Steam

Wings Of WW2

Wings Of WW2


Take to the skies in this 2D depiction of World War 2 in the 1940’s.

You will be constantly under attack from Enemy war birds hell bent on taking you down.

Take the fight to the enemy on your own or with a friend, upgrade your Hurricane’s speed, fire rate, bomb damage and many other stats to make you a more formidable foe in the air.


Single or 2 Player Co-Op Campaign

15 Levels Of Non-Stop Arcade Action

Battle Planes/Tanks and Boats

Multiple Boss Battles

4 Modes of Difficulty (unlockable in game)

Upgradable Aircraft (upgrade between levels to customize your play style)

Item Shop (purchase Items between levels)

Collectable Power Ups

Bullet Hell Action

Save Your Progress

Steam Achievements

High Scores Tables

Wings Of WW2 on Steam

Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron

Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron

Not z good Shmup.

  • Long loading times

  • The action is hindered by text overlay at times

  • The zoom in zoom out effect adds nothing to gameplay but interfere with the action

  • The whole squadron thing is more a nuisance than anything else4

  • Grindy, you’ll eventually get all upgrade

The first AotL was better as a simple SHMUP, this one is boring

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Very fun game. My only complaint is that sometimes with all of the firepower from you and your squadron as well as boss fire, it can be a bit hard to see where you are sometimes. Overall, the challenge is fair in most cases, the voice acting is entertaining and I appreciate how the story looks at both sides of the conflict with the DLC added. I hope to see more in this series!

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron on Steam

Tiny Toy Tanks

Tiny Toy Tanks

It may be simple, but boy, is it fun. Missions 1-12 are easy and get you accustomed to the mechanics. Then, with mission 13, the real challenge begins. By mission 34, you’re taking on up to a dozen tanks at once and trying to weave through the hail of bullets. After that, the difficulty drops off, disappointingly.

I died a total of 120 times. The hardest missions were 23, 27, and 34.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

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⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Tiny Toy Tanks on Steam

AIR Battlefront

AIR Battlefront

I honestly like this game!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Cant say i had high hopes for AIR Battlefront but by lengths the worst arcade flight game ive ever come by. Horrible controls that are absolutely frustrating regardless of whether its done on keyboard or with a controller. No real missions or storymode besides of just shooting down whatever moves. Pretty confident that its an asset flip as well so even if you are a great fan of this genre i can only advice you to skip this title even if at a 90% discount. 1/10.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

AIR Battlefront on Steam