EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage

EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage

A game of camouflage where you can’t see yourself. Change colors to hide, dodge predators, and survive intense bosses in the abstract wilderness of stealth non-bullet hell. Lose the ability to see where you are, and learn to feel and know where you’re going.


Being out in the open is unsafe. Avoid detection to survive. Switch between light and dark forms to camouflage, but careful: you won’t be able to see yourself either.

Entrancing World

Begin defenseless, but evolve into something greater. Progress through different branching paths across 11 procedurally generated areas. Disappear into the psychedelic minimalist design and atmospheric soundscapes.

Intense Bosses

Each area introduces new predators and parasites. Everything is much more powerful than you, but everything has a weakness.


Collect all the Fieldnotes. Beat the Daily Challenge. Discover the fastest routes. Shoot ‘em up without shooting. Bullet hell without bullets. See without looking. Die and evolve.

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Psychedelic Games.

EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage on Steam

Rogue Contracts: Syndicate

Rogue Contracts: Syndicate

Nice concept with a cyberninja soundtrack. However it’s poorly optimized and with no settings to tweak in game it makes for a frustrating experience when the frames drop as you die extremely easy by just one shot. Can not recommend it to anyone who wants to say sane.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Difficult Games.

I should have give this game a thumbs up, but i’ve change my mind, I’m all for it for supporting any indie developers for making a good game on steam.

This game is definitely a hotline miami clone, has a believable story, good level design.

what letting me down was the movement of the character is not elastic enough unlike the hotline miami is a fast paced action but this one is kinda slow to attack also like moving my character here and there. I’m wondering how to be tactical in this game if its not that fast and quick on killing the enemy. the enemy AI isnt that great either.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Rogue Contracts: Syndicate on Steam



Fantastic old school twin sticker. Quick to pick up and a ton of fun to watch those meters go up.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Arena Shooter Games.

This is probably my new favorite game, and I’ve played a lot of titles in the “twin stick action” genre. The style and visuals are great, hitboxes are where they should be, and the difficulty scaling is appropriate, although I can see the first few levels being really annoying; I hope there’s a Glitch to skip the first 10 levels or increase difficulty from the start. The beginning ramp-up in these games is what gets me and others to lose interest.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Glitchangels on Steam

Zap Blastum: Galactic Tactics

Zap Blastum: Galactic Tactics

You are Zap, an alien who has always dreamed of saving the galaxy. When robots invade your planet, you’re super-psyched and ready for anything! Zap Blastum caters to both hardcore and casual gamers with its intuitive cover shooter gameplay, optional mouse controls, and action-packed tactical combat.


Streamlined controls bring cover shooter gameplay to anyone who can use a mouse – without losing any depth. Snap into cover and automatically lean around corners while shooting. Even on a gamepad, just select a target and lock on – we’ve removed aiming from the equation.


This is a shooter that’s not afraid to be cheerful. Not everyone’s into dark and gritty space marines. Zap doesn’t fit the stereotype. The robots will never know what hit ‘em!


The game explores impostor syndrome: the tendency to attribute our earned success to luck or deception. Deep down, Zap is haunted by self doubt, and the robots know how to take advantage of it. In a way, your mission is an internal one. You can be a hero. Don’t listen to the voices that say “No.”

  • Explore 20 levels that span across 5 planets.

  • Enjoy an original soundtrack that mixes orchestral, rock, and dubstep genres.

  • Fight 10+ types of robot enemies.

  • Rack up huge points in the online leaderboards and earn big rewards for combos and streaks.

  • Unlock new features to discover more secrets.

  • Play in full screen or in a small window. Take a break from your busy day and shoot some robots.

  • Save the galaxy with a friend in local co-op!

Zap Blastum: Galactic Tactics on Steam

Duty in Forest

Duty in Forest

Amazing looking game but has a few MAJOR issues.

First off, the AI is both amazing and horrible at the same time. It has the capacity to know you are behind cover and adjust but it also has unlimited ammo and godly aim. It can shoot through 50 meters of trees and shrubs easy with unrivaled accuracy.

Secondly, the map looks amazing but has had very little thought put into it. To beat the hard AI the only way i found to beat the game was to avoid it by running around the edges of the map and using a health pack to run through groups of enemies.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

looks fine, plays fine, but it’s WAY too short. it’s hard to see the enemy through grass and bushes but they can see you and they fire at you non-stop. needs more content. it runs fine because it’s one tiny map with about 25 enemies. once you kill them. pick up 2 packages and it’s over. 20 mins tops

zero replay value

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Duty in Forest on Steam

Crime District

Crime District

Hard with controller,

Great game tho,

Like hotline Miami and it’s tricky, but alot of fun,

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Crime District on Steam

Dark Pathways

Dark Pathways

Great game! Highly underrated tho. This deserves a lot more attention!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Dark Pathways on Steam



AI ARCADE is a multiplayer 2D Battle Royale strategy game where you learn how to build your own AI.

Play as a programmer in the space military R&D division called AI ARCADE (AIA).

Located in space towers, the AIA is used to research, developed and test robots used for undercover missions.


  • Use ‘Utility AI’ to manually build the basic capabilities of your Robot

  • Add planning capabilities for your AI using ‘Monte Carlo Tree Search’

  • Automate learning using ‘Machine Learning’

  • Test out your robot in multiplayer Battle Royale

  • Compete to rank the highest in leaderboards

AI ARCADE on Steam



Played on Oculus Quest 2 using Air Link.

This is YUKI. It’s a bullet hell rogue-lite in VR. You use your hand to maneuver YUKI around bullets while shooting at Yokaliens. The art direction is really nice here; I love the idea that you’re playing pretend with a toy in your hand. The graphics are nice as well.

The gameplay is really fun! Dodging bullets is a lot of fun, though note that you’ll have a much easier time with it if you’re able to move around a lot. It can get pretty frantic at times, though you have both YUKI’s Shield and Pod’s Freeze to help. Trying to aim and dodge at the same time can be pretty difficult, too!

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

This game is fantastic and deserves a lot more attention!

It’s a rogue-lite bullet hell shooter with a bunch of unlockable upgrades, unlockable bladewings and brutal levels that will take some time to master. You’ll have to stack firepower upgrades, drone upgrades, pod upgrades and health upgrades each run in order to turn Yuki into a beast to take down the bosses. I also love the set dressing of it being in the imagination of a kid (you) playing with an action figure (YUKI) from their favorite TV show.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

YUKI on Steam



What I liked:

This is obviously a game that is very inspired by the 360/PS3 era of shooters where things were definitely more simple and straightforward. That I really appreciate and the gameplay definitely feels like it’s trying to replicate that. This game is definitely a work in progress and I’m sure there are plenty of optimizations to come. A lot of the guns feel good to use and most of the maps are really fun to play, though some of the larger ones take getting used to because of how the guns handle and the recoil.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Okay lets get the good things out of the way before the laundry list of bad things


(1) I like the idea that someone outside of Call of Duty is attempting the killstreak system in a FPS game, With the UAV, Airstrike, and Attack Helicopter, I’ve longed for a game that adds this extra benefit to playing well that rewards the user for not dying and getting kills.

(2) The gunplay is okay at best and rather realistic in a sense that if you ADS your shots will be down the middle but when you shoot from the hip your shots actually come from the hip and you have to try and lineup the shots that way.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Invaden on Steam