Geometry Arena

Geometry Arena

I’ll break this game up into a few sections. Those sections will be gameplay, proggression, and then specifics like graphics and sound design.

First off, the gameplay is pretty good for this title. I’ve played dozens of roguelikes from Hades to Nova Drift, and this game is up there in the quality of its mechanical execution. It’s not groundbreaking, as Nova Drift is a more polished experience overall, but this game compensates with its higher overall variety. That’s because this game incorporates 3 different systems for shaking up the gameplay - colors, roles, and skills.

Real player with 196.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Roguelike Games.

After playing a lot more, and after numerous updates, I’ve decided to update my review

Ight my playtime went from 3.3h to 62.9h so yeah….


☐ Amazing (+2)

☑ Beautiful (+1)

☐ Good (+0)

☐ Decent (-1)

☐ Bad (-2)

☐ Text (+0)


☐ Amazing (+2)

☑ Good (+1)

☐ Decent (+0)

☐ Meh (-1)

☐ Bad (-2)

☐ Tool (+0)


☐ Heavenly (+2)

☑ Very good (+1)

☐ Good (+0)

☐ Not too bad (-1)

☐ Bad (-2)

☐ Not noticeable (+0)


☑ Everyone

☐ Kids and up

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

Geometry Arena on Steam

Skyward Descent

Skyward Descent

A really compelling game, I started it up to see what the deal was and immediately lost half an hour to it.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Perma Death Games.

The game is very easy to pick up and play, and for the most part the gameplay is easy to understand. There are a few things that are frustrating to me playing this game, though.

After defeating a boss, if you haven’t taken any damage, you get an option to shuffle around some of your stats. I’ve gotten options like “+30 HP & -30 HP” multiple times, which is incredibly frustrating because it makes one of your options useless. There is another power up called “Lucky Items” that is supposed to give you more stat boosts in the game, but I never noticed any difference when I got it.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Skyward Descent on Steam

The Last Sunshine

The Last Sunshine

Really like the art style and customize options for your sun are neat. cool game!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Top-Down Games.

While I haven’t finished the current content quite yet, what’s there so far is quite promising. I’ve been a danmaku shmup enthusiast for ages and, while I usually tend to prefer having a tiny hitbox, no shields, and one-hit death, the way this game integrates the shields, health, and movement speed into passive mechanics you can choose between is definitely intriguing, especially when paired with the ability to combine a wide variety of shot types.

The pacing could use some work, with the difficulty being very slow to ramp up (especially for someone already comfortable navigating through curtains of bullets) and with some of the levels feeling like they drag on for a bit longer than is welcome. Because the pacing is already being worked on, though, it’s very likely this will be ironed out before its final release. There doesn’t appear to be any storytelling to speak of in the game, which made it challenging for me to stay engaged, but there is the potential that later on, the gameplay will be enough of a challenge to entertain me all on ts own.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Last Sunshine on Steam

Hyperspace Dogfights

Hyperspace Dogfights

Updated Review:

Excellent game, 269 hours of playtime (with still more stuff to unlock and do; I only have 98% completion, with a new major update on the way (No Masters, that is)!), excellent potential for challenge runs, and, in my opinion, overall a nigh-flawless example of roguelikes.

By the way, here’s one tip that’s very helpful: If you’re being tracked by a homing missile, a square crosshair will follow you. If you jump while that crosshair is on an enemy, you’ll shift the missile lock to that enemy, thus causing it to seek out that enemy instead of you. Using that trick, you can avoid always needing the Flares active to shrug off missiles (For.. maybe 12 hours or so? I didn’t know that, and so I couldn’t drop Flares without dying, or play any other jet, and I’d frequently die because Flares ran out of charges. Then I saw a loading screen tip.)

Real player with 420.6 hrs in game


Hyperspace Dogfights is a side scroller shooter set in an weird sci-fi setting with familiar tropes and wild cards. Requiring a decent bit of skill of both maneuverability skills to evade fire and using the capability to enter a controlled stall to dish fire at the enemies on your six or to shoot an enemy from where they least expect.

The game takes inspiration from games like Luftrausers but offers a completely different game experience with a level of progression through unlocks for later playthroughs such as new fighter choices with different starting gear or more gear unlocked to come by in later games.

Real player with 162.8 hrs in game

Hyperspace Dogfights on Steam

Battle for Gaming

Battle for Gaming

I tried to incorporate excessively used monetization models as mechanics in the game. So you use DLCs (Downloadable Content) to upgrade yourself, you have to get random improvements from Lootboxes, paid with virtual currency. As ammunition, you use your banknotes and there are a bunch of Live Services to subscribe to, in order to gain boosts (for a price of course). No worries though, there are no real microtransactions in the game. In addition to the mechanics just mentioned, I added other additional systems to make for a replayable, engaging and fun game.


In the full version, there are two different game modes available. There is a story mode, where you can make your way through a storyline. Your choices matter, as there are multiple pathways and endings. The second mode is the Custom Game mode, where you can set your prefered settings and difficulty and try to achieve better and better high scores. In this demo version, you can only play the custom game without setting your own preferences.

The enemies you face are Lootboxes with different attacks at their disposal. As you shoot your way through hordes of Lootboxes you earn DCs (Different Currencies – the in-game currency), which you can use to buy random rewards through Lootboxes. Those rewards are temporary improvements for this run only. During your playthrough, you also find so-called DLC fragments. You can use those to permanently upgrade different perks at the Centre (starting point of the level).

The upgrades include things like your movement speed, your fire rate, the amount of ammunition you can carry, etc. But with DLC fragments you can also unlock a new weapon and the ability to dual wield.

What else

Also at some point, you will unlock the possibility to build up different combo points (there are several combos available at the end, for example, killing only red Lootboxes in a row, earns you bonus DCs. Or killing only one type of Lootboxes earns you bonus DC, etc…) You finish your combos with a melee attack, where you blink to an enemy and destroy it simultaneously. The enemies are randomly created, and you can also control how many enemies you want to face at a given time. More enemies mean you the possible rewards are exponentially higher but at the same time the risk of dying increases.

The level itself is theoretically infinite and procedurally generated. But you have to stay in the vicinity of the Centre, as you need to come back to it for ammunition and upgrades (a little arrow points you the way though). You are also on a clock because there is a limited time until the invincible, deadly W-box starts to chase you. Once it reaches you, this run is over. But at least you keep all permanent upgrades for the next run.

Game Features:

  • First Person Shooter with a simple but recognisable art style

  • Story mode with different paths and endings

  • Custom Game mode lets you hunt for ever-higher high scores

  • Enemies are hostile Lootboxes with different attacks

  • Upgrade yourself through permanent upgrades

  • Kills, Combo-kills and Melee strikes earn you temporary improvements

  • Replayable, procedurally generated level with randomized layout and enemies

  • You control the risk to reward ration for every battle

Battle for Gaming on Steam



I’m not quite sure what to say about ‘CYBERUSH’, it’s a manga style shooter that is very light on just about everything. You get to pick a choice of 3 weapons which are sword, gun and shotgun and you kill enemies with them then goto the lift up to the next level which seems to be a constant rotation of about 5 office style layouts. From its annoying music to the basic graphics this game is as low quality as they come, but the biggest issue is that it doesn’t really have playability to back it up. Even the money I collected in the game seemed to be for nothing. This is certainly not something I would recommend for £7.19, but if some issues get fixed it might be worth a quid or two.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Furcifer’s Fungeon

Furcifer’s Fungeon

The underworld has a bad name. But it does not need to be that way! Who said eternal suffering can’t be fun?

Enjoy your time in the purgatory, in FURICFER’S FUNGEON. Instead of endless pain…

Dangererous danger zones mean danger. They look innocent and colorful, but they still hurt. Trust me, I tried.

Outmove cute badguys.

Cause destruction with your unique spells.

Cause even more destruction by combining them!

Dash out of danger.

Dash into danger.

Refresh your dash by finishing enemies.

??? Profit!

Furcifer's Fungeon on Steam

McSpace Colosseum

McSpace Colosseum

Welcome to the best and newest reality show of McSpace Network: McSpace Colosseum!

In this action-packed show you’ll never see the same thing twice, everything is dynamic with different challenges every time. McSpace has built arenas in lot of different planets of the galaxy, every show will feature different worlds!

Discover each of the different arenas with their own local fauna & flora, along with some little presents. Survive traps and puzzles unique to each arena, and lay down their mighty bosses.

Beat your enemies with all kinds of artifacts, relics and gadgets. All of them with different effects and powers, and with lots of synergies to discover! Grab everything you can and keep growing stronger and more powerful.

Face de colosseum on your own or with up to 4 players, local or online. But remember, even the best allies can betray you, or kill you by mistake!

Main Features

  • roguelike With top-down 2d Graphics

  • Different gladiators with unique skills and gameplay!

  • More than 300 different power-ups and medals! From health upgrades up to mass-destruction weapons!

  • Lots and lots of unlockable content! The more you explore more possibilities available!

  • Randomly generated dungeons, with content focused for multiplayer modes.

  • A changing overworld with interactive mechanics, collect energy, catch the bunny or fight a boss!

  • Inspired in action reality shows. Do not get taunted by our host’s banter!

McSpace Colosseum on Steam



Great game! Highly addictive, with loads of fun power ups to keep you interested. Clean, retro graphics and an easy playing experience give you everything you need for repeated plays.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

What is a psychaedelic rogue-like bullet hell space shooter? I still don’t really know. But for me playing this game was the best mind-sanitizer I could find on my first day of self-isolation.

I couldn’t deal with the pandemic happening in the real world. Playing this game let me regress into a childish fantasy-land with retro feels and cool music, where the rules were very simple: “dodge bullets and shoot things”. Flatten the curve? No screw that, just flatten everything before your screen fills up with wiggly snakes, eye-balls, and celestial squids. Like a virus in a supermarket filled with bogans who don’t wash their hands, they’ll just keep multiplying until you can’t go anywhere. Power-ups come with sagely wisdom spoken by a robotic voice. And he speaks the truth! Carrots ARE good for you. Coffee DOES make you faster. And when you collect enough of those precious power-ups, your bullets really will “attack more better”.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Zunius on Steam

Deathstate: Abyssal Edition

Deathstate: Abyssal Edition

Deathstate is what you get when you take Binding of Isaac, add some “bullet hell” mechanics, and put it in a colorful 16-bit H.P. Lovecraft universe. It’s a relatively simple game: Steer one of a growing cast of unlockable characters through a series of procedurally-generated worlds, gobbling up unlockable guts–monstrous hearts, eyes, brains, lungs, etc.–and equipping arcane tools that modify your stats and offensive capabilities.

And I quite literally mean “steer”: As a single stick shooter, you don’t have direct control over when or where you shoot. Instead, your character automatically targets and shoots enemies when they come into range, leaving you to focus entirely on movement and dodging. This unusual choice may turn off some players because it sounds like a dumbed-down twin stick shooter. It doesn’t help that the first map (called a “layer”) is frequently pretty easy, leaving many to assume you can simply sleepwalk through the game while your character does all the work.

Real player with 148.5 hrs in game

Do you want a game which can fill up your time with good content and challenge? Do you like to mix element from danmaku (bullet curtain) and rogue-like? Then you have your game : Deathstate.

This review has been made after clearing the full game at version 1.13, which means 100% achievement and the hardest possible run.

For which player ?

Thanks to a scaled difficulty the game can be played by both novice to danmaku and experts. However, as it is now this can has some flashy effect that may pose a problem for color-blind people along with those having photo-sensibility.

Real player with 38.4 hrs in game

Deathstate: Abyssal Edition on Steam