This game is what arcade games strive to be: easy to learn, but difficult to master. This super simple eight button control setup takes seconds for any veteran game to figure out and even someone new to games should be able to understand it in under a minute. Four buttons to move, four buttons to shoot. What could be easier? While each map starts out nice and easy with some slow enemies that aren’t very harmful, the pace picks up fairly quickly, introducing faster and more complicated enemies. With the chain-combo and hit streak mechanics, this is both a blessing and a curse. The game rewards you for pulling off risky maneuvers, but itsn’t going to hand you lots of opportunities for easy points. I keep finding myself backing into a corner trying to lure large groups of basic enemies together to get one large combo just to get hit from behind by a newly-spawned enemy from a spot I just wasn’t paying enough attention to. After that, I have to fight to take back any chunk of the map I can so that I’m not locked into a tiny space and picked off easily by even the most basic enemies.

Real player with 171.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shoot 'Em Up Games.

Wow i got to play this at pax east and it was a lot of fun. Playing that again i feel like its even more polished and awesome now! They managed to make the single player REALLY enjoyable for high score chasers like myself cant wait to dive back in. I also got to dive into some multiplayer which i was really excited for. Someone named Gongon poped into my game and we went back and forth at it for about an hour stright !!! keep in mind matches last what, maybe 2 minutes or so ? so you can do the math how many matches we played ! You can tell after a while we were both playing mind games and trying different strats on each other, what a blast.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

INVERSUS Deluxe on Steam



Great game - a lot of areas to host your battles from - new weapons when you level up - play with friends or play with bots - join battles or host your own - give this game a shot.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell PvE Games.

Eu não consigo ganhar.

Muito ruim o jogo

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game


Splash King’s Tournament

Splash King’s Tournament

Fun and chaotic gameplay that gets more fun with the more people that are in the match. This is a game I could see work really well at a LAN party playing with your friends, having that friendly competition and banter.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shoot 'Em Up Games.

Splash King's Tournament on Steam

Vortex Attack EX

Vortex Attack EX

I’m sorry to the Developer for this review who is on my friend’s list as well (probably not for much longer) but I can no longer recommend this game.

I’m supposedly and apparently one of the best players of this game (according to the dev) and its predecessor so I don’t post this lightly. I currently have the number 4 best score on expert on the global score list registered back in January when the game was first released and number 1 on the previous version)I’ve sunk several hours into it. So why don’t I recommend it?

Real player with 141.5 hrs in game

This is a preview of first impressions only as I have played only 1.8 hours.

What I can say now is that it is fun, very colorful, runs very smoothly and has a decent sound track too.

I only play single player, but that’s fine with this game. Glad I bought it, and anyone who likes a game with

some character to it, arcade style shooter with leader board and plenty of achievments is sure to like it.

Real player with 90.5 hrs in game

Vortex Attack EX on Steam

Wand Wars

Wand Wars

Wand Wars is a really polished game, and probably the best party-game I’ve ever played.

While there’s a clear Lethal League feel to it, it’s clearly more accessible, because the game mechanics are so simple. The problem with Lethal League is that even though it’s an excellent game, it has that fighting game aspect that makes it very complex. You’ve got to learn safe zones, angles of shooting, bunts, with or without jumps, special moves, etc… and consequently, when you hit 50 hours of playtime, your friends will be no match for you anymore.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

I love playing four player co-op games that are suitable for groups of varied skill level. This game manages brilliantly, another title with simple controls but surpisingly deep gameplay. Plus superb art and visual effects, stuff that makes the gameplay feel super satisfying when you land that sick off the wall double kill. In addition to the main mechanic of playing dodgeball with a big ball of magic you have power-ups and the ability to turn other players into chickens (take that Kyle). Lastly the game comes with a good selection of maps, each with its own unique twist. One map has fires you can light with your chicken spell, light them all and you summon a minion to help you; another features bubbles that you must break to get the powerups. All in all this is one of those games that will have all your friends asking when they can stop by and play again.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Wand Wars on Steam

Retrograde Arena

Retrograde Arena

I like this game. Reason: BULLETS!


-It’s a Free-to-Play!

-It has DLC so you never stop playing! I haven’t bought them, so I can’t really confirm.

-The UI is…90’s?


-Most of the time, users online is AI instead of actual users.

-The max player level is 20, and it appears that I’m the only player that has this level.


-Game Mode: Survival. Free-for-All. Just like Last Man Standing; Instead of 5 wins, there’s lives instead(hosts can pick a certain amount from 1-20); It could use every map.

Real player with 46.1 hrs in game

Put a few hours in guys before writing a review… I see a few negatives where they haven’t got the idea at all :D

Recoil is your friend not your enemy! - It is faster to move from your recoil than the actual movement controls (controls just add some fine tuning)

The gameplay is pretty much perfect, weapons are balanced and extremely varied. Imploder is a bit OP but it’s slow and can be dodged/deflected.

For the future I would like to see some team modes added, specifically CTF on a bigger map. The weapons would rly suit that mode, i.e sniper to camp your own flag, shotgun/mg to rush theirs. Boosting teammates with your own bullets etc! Maybe with one of the superweapons spawning in the middle of map.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

Retrograde Arena on Steam

Sine Mora EX

Sine Mora EX

What I can appreciate about Sine Mora is how the central plot element becomes the central game mechanic in a very fluid and innovative way. Sine Mora is a game about time control, and its central game mechanic is that you never lose health, but time. If you take damage, that’s time off the clock. If you kill enemies, that’s time added to the clock. You are essentially invincible, but lose powerups and the game if you ever get hurt enough times that you run out the clock. A clock that is always ticking down, but either gains or loses time as a penalty or reward in combat.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

While it may be a unique take on the bullet hell formula, Sine Mora’s attempts at being its own thing put it at odds with the notion of being well balanced, and it ultimately ends up flawed to the point that it’s an active struggle to enjoy.

To start off by giving praise where it’s due, the game is gorgeous, the soundtrack is high-quality, the controls are mostly fluid, the story has some really cool twists, the boss design is fab, and the Hungarian voice acting is pretty dope (no idea about the English, as I switched to the original voice track from the get-go).

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Sine Mora EX on Steam

Muffin Fight

Muffin Fight

Fun Arcady VR game, very tiring so best experienced in short bursts.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

A fun 2-4 player frantic party game, really gets the adrenaline flowing. Has online matchmaking so don’t worry if you can’t gather another 3 people who have VR

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Muffin Fight on Steam



This game is much more fun than many of the big budget high detail graphics AAA games. It brings the same kind of vibe as playing a game of Foosball or table tennis. Especially when playing against friends at home or online with Steam Remote Play Together. Playing against the computer is really nice too. And it’s hard enough to stay entertaining. Especially when playing the game modes that the developer created that are different than standard Pong. The simple graphics keep the game clean. In the matter that when you lose or win a point, you know exactly what happened and why. Unlike a lot of games where you sit there wondering what went wrong, or being mind boggled about what the game just did that just didnt seem right. I paid 1 euro and felt like I could easily share my love for the game by gifting the game to a couple Steam friends. One of them is TheJoyOfPuzzles on Twitch. He fell in love right away and played the game on stream for hours

Real player with 112.3 hrs in game

Exactly the face-lift that classic pong needed. I am pretty sure that I am just scratching the surface of the growing complexity of the levels. There is a tough learning curve to just get competent at basic pong if you’re not already. totally worth it to get through the initial challenge and start conquering some of the later levels. Worth at-least a dollar. No question!

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Project:Pong on Steam

Space God

Space God

With only two people they have created a very solid shoot ‘em up game


  • Great performance, solid 60 fps

  • Great and clear special effects

  • Simple, responsive control

  • Upgradable aircrafts and weapons

  • Satisfying destroying hundred of enemies, no need to be serious when playing

  • Support for online and offline co-op

  • Fair challenge, very friendly to newcomers, and quickly to 100% achievements


~ Quite repetitive with the same 20 maps per difficulty

~ Only one style of map, some confusing map layouts

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Summary: It’s a pretty good bullet-shooting game with some progression. The music fits the atmosphere and the graphics are great if you’re into neon/retro style. That being said, the game does feel repetitive after a while. There are ship/weapon upgrades but it’s nothing special, just increase in stats. There are 20 stages per difficulty and they don’t feel much different from each other. The selection of music is limited so you will hear the same music after a few stages. Overall, good value for the bucks, especially if you liked to play the bullet-shooting games at arcade.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Space God on Steam