Book of the Old

Book of the Old

The Old, will Return

A puppet somehow has its own will, accidentally summoned a mystical soul from the Otherworld.

Now they are trapped in a mysterious manor.

What is behind all this, and what is awaiting these two souls?

The answer lays in the Book of the Old.

A Roguelike shooting game

Dodge enemies' bullets and shoot them! Every time you start a journey, it will be all new!

Adventure deeper, and new maps, enemies, stories will appear.

Decide you own adventure plan – do you prefer easy maps, or dangerous ones with high benefits?

Equipment? No, they are cards!

Collecting coins after cleaning rooms. Use coins to get powerful cards, or keep the coins for interest – if you are not killed by powerful enemies.

The altar will provide 5 cards each time for you to pick, and you can refresh them all if there is no your target card – of course you should pay for that.

3 same cards will became higher ranked card, witch can assist you fighting more powerful enemies.

Each card has two forms of ability and two bonds. With 80 cards and 32 bonds, it’s up to your wisdom and imagination how powerful you can be.

What’s that monster?

80 monsters and 23 bosses, every of them has its unique skill and action.

Some of them can even cooperate.

Be careful, every single kind of these monsters is fatal!

This is a roguelike game with infinite possibilities.

What is your road, you decide.

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Roguelike Games.

Book of the Old on Steam

Spaceship Simulator

Spaceship Simulator

A fairly decent game for the price, definitely worth checking out. Not very long though, I beat it in about 8hrs and that was with me messing about fighting enemies I didn’t really need to while testing out different ship designs. There are also a few game breaking bugs - namely sometimes you can only attempt a challenge mission once (which is clearly not intended) thus preventing the game from continuing.

Despite that, it is still a lot of fun. The major draw - harvesting parts from enemies to build your ship - is done well enough and the actual ship design segment (despite some counter intuitive elements and a tediousness that could be solved with a copy/paste feature) is actually rather fun. The sinuous nature of the ships moving about like living things is not something you see often, especially not a as major role in the ship design. In that, this game achieves exactly what it set out to do.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Simulation Games.

I had a good time playing this game for the most part. The various enemies were cool, I really liked the spider spaceship design. Just keep in mind: when building your spacecraft, you must select the part you want to add and then click and drag from a joint to place it. It must be within a certain range of that joint. The game is pretty simplistic, but it isn’t too expensive and I’m a sucker for games where you build on to your vehicle by destroying enemy vehicles. Some updates to the game and maybe a way to do pvp would be cool. I probably won’t explore the game further unless it gets updated.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Spaceship Simulator on Steam

Drunken Robot Pornography

Drunken Robot Pornography

When i first started DRP, i was a bit disappointed : i was expecting epic battles against mega robots, and all i was getting was robots seemingly made of cardboard (because they were dying in 15s), or score/checkpoints chasing arenas. Moreover, the controls felt too floaty, especially when on the ground.

But I trust Dejobaan, who have yet to disappoint me with a game. So i kept at it, and boy am i glad i did. What seemed like a small game with 15-20 levels, is actually chock full of robots and the difficulty rises slowly but surely. Soon, i was getting into tense fights with robots that seemingly wouldn’t die despite the huge firepower i was throwing at them.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Arena Shooter Games.

I really love this game. Now, to be totally fair, I did get this game for free, a good friend of mine gave it to me. I don’t know if I would feel differently if I had paid for it, but as it stands, I really like it.

Stuff I like:

  • I like the core gameplay. It’s well made and simplistic. You only get one gun, you can get temporary upgrades so you don’t have to switch, and the jetpack thing is awesome. The controls are tight, movement is accessible, and level and enemy designs are interesting and easy to understand

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Drunken Robot Pornography on Steam



So yeah… if you read the reviews and see warnings of “dying over and over and over,” it’s correct - so if you’re the type of person who would get frustrated by that, this probably isn’t your game. HOWEVER - I can say with certainty that the game is at least FAIR… just hard. So, you’re never going to be able to say, “That was completely unfair, and there’s no way I could have avoided that.” No… you’ll be saying, ah, man, if I had just darted to the left a millisecond sooner…

So this game is hard. Very hard at some points. The amount of bullets that come at you is unreal. You collect your little power-ups that help a little… you dart around trying to power up your gun or shield… You chip away, bit by bit, at the insane bosses. You die. Over, and over, and over. Then, when you finally strike that killing blow… you just sit there, staring at the screen, thinking HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I DID IT.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Really fun game actually. Super difficult, great graphics, really responsive and generally just really satisfying.


As you progress further in the game you do start to realise that this is like any other ‘challenge’ game or ‘boss fighting game’ in that it’s very, VERY unfair. There are points where you absolutely have to take damage or rather can’t avoid it at all. This leads to some pretty BS deaths at times.

I mention this because the devs are planning on adding an endless/survival mode where you get 1 life to do the whole campaign and are a part of a different, more hardcore leaderboard. This is just silly since the best player on the leaderboard (Gold in all levels / 100% complete / fastest time ever) takes damage in the majority of the boss fights.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Chippy on Steam



The dev posted a thread about this a few years ago and I picked it up. The movement is fast and fun, and the guns are very satisfying. I had a performance hiccup once in the outdoor level but it got fixed, and thanks to the limited visuals it runs at full blast with 100+ enemies on screen with no issues. Good art direction keeps the game looking nice despite those visuals and there’s good variety in how the levels look and play. Chasing gold medals is extremely fun and the game is very straightforward with the criteria for a gold rank, a big plus. If you like Doom, Quake, or UT this game is a great deal for a few afternoon’s worth of fun, I’m looking forward to what this developer does next.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Hellbreaker is a fun game, not sure why it didn’t got more attention…

Looks like it flew under everyone’s radar, haha where are those so called “influencers” when you need them ?

Non stop fast paced action, put your brain aside and kill everything type of game.

Nothing really good though, it could have been better if it was a bit more polished and balanced.

I’m getting some QUAKE II vibes with the levels artstyle and ennemies design.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Hellbreaker on Steam

Flying propeller

Flying propeller

Not too difficult game, but also not simple, beautiful graphics, and a pleasant soundtrack

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Flying Propeller is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template from GameMaker Studio, changing a few things, then dumping the barely functional “product” on Steam as a cheap, nasty cash grab. In this case it was a GameMaker Studio template for doing a simple vertical scrolling arcade shoot’em up. GameMaker Studio is a very poor quality game construction kit, and results in terrible games like this one.

This is deplorably low quality bundle trash. No professional effort was made in terms of game development, using a game construction kit requires no game development talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Flying propeller on Steam

Swarm Universe

Swarm Universe

In one word, this game is “Perfection”. You’re like a swarm of angry bees.


  • Simple to learn, hard to master

  • Runs smoothly considering you know what you’re doing

  • Modding = Infinite possibilities

  • The story is hilariously rushed but funny


  • The serious modding is BRUTAL.

  • Did I mention how much I hate the Scorpions and Penta-Turrets?

! The early levels are a bit lewd at first glance, because the first enemies look like sperm, and you are a swarm “egg”.

Real player with 439.1 hrs in game

I didn’t know what to expect when a friend recommended this game to me.

Now I’m enthusiastic. Maybe because of the funny guide through the game or the music that drags you into this challenge. The drone-thing is a nice idea by the way. There is so much to improove and discover…. gotta go back to the swarm universe!

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Swarm Universe on Steam

Starward Rogue

Starward Rogue

(Review updated on August 14th 2016)

Now that I beat the 3 wardens and finally completed a full run, I think it’s a good time to write a small review.

The game is a healthy mix of roguelite and bullethell. Think Binding of Isaac with mechs and lasers, where the huge selection of enemies all have very unique styles of attacks. But don’t get scared by the Bullethell tag, it’s not the “barf bullets all over your screen and call it a day” bullethell, it’s more like “each pattern is a little puzzle you have to solve to dodge it” bullethell.

Real player with 351.4 hrs in game

Starward Rogue

After spending more time in Starward Rogue. I have 30% of the game unlocked. I wanted to modify my review to be a bit better reflection of the game. If you want the super short review: The game is very good, even at full price. If you want the short ‘comparison’ review : the game is like The Binding of Issac, or Enter the Gungeon in spirit and replay-ability. Starward Rogue and those other two games I would consider the best top-down rogue games currently available on steam. For a side scroller: Rogue Legacy is good.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Starward Rogue on Steam



This is quite simply one of the best games i have ever played.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Fun game, good music.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game


TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity

TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity

Very good daily run roguelite tower climber. The lack of a primary attack and reliance on a single slow-recharge bomb makes the entire thing feel a lot more like a danmaku game than a platformer. Characters are pretty diverse and have completely different styles of bomb attack which leads to needing to play them in completely different ways. Using the foxgirl you need to hold back and allow the missiles to home, while the maid boy (cute) needs to get very close and whack into enemies. Powerups being random and tied to player corpses makes each run feel just unique enough to make you change up your playstyle, but the powerups are weak enough that succeeding in a run still feels like a test of skill instead of luck.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

even though it’s in early access game you can still enjoy what the game offers! the gameplay is very fun even without a “normal attack” as you journey through the tower you learn you use your skill better and find better items to assist you.

the graphics are amazing and the pixel art style just has a unique charm that just makes everything so cute! the game reminds me of older arcade games I used to play

the game easily worth $10 and can offer tons of fun.

the social features are very fun and I hope that they get expanded on more!

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity on Steam