ATOMINE is a two-stick shooter set in procedurally generated levels with a minimal polygonal look to it.


-Great mechanics and flow. Controls feels smooth and easy to get a hang of.

-Polygonal design style along with use of bright colours and slight minimal feel is aesthically pleasing.

-It is challenging and requires some fast thinking, but it isnot too difficult to progress.

-It has Steam Achievements and trading cards.

-Many, many weapon upgrades which keep the game interesting and refreshing.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Dungeon Crawler Games.

This game has some great potential, but unfortunately is full of bugs and is barely playable in its current state. There are several bugs in the actual gameplay, but more frustratingly, in the graphics rendering as well.

Most seriously, when there are too many objects on the screen (particularly many XP pickups or projectiles), the framerate drops through the floor (~5FPS) and movement becomes extremely glitchy. I have been unable to progress beyond the second boss because at some point, inevitably, I will reach a room with too many XP drops or bullets and it will lead to an untimely death.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

ATOMINE on Steam



RunOut is a dynamic runner-platformer with logical riddles in the setting of the future. Midcore-Hardcore.

As a result of a hacker attack on the servers of the corporation ‘MFS’, which produces exoskeletons, most of the carriers of exoskeletons were killed. In addition to crashing, some exoskeletons have certain options: shooting, time freeze and acceleration … All this makes us a valuable target not only for policemen, but also for criminals.

The player always runs, when he collides with any obstacle, he turns in the opposite direction. He has to jump, shoot, speed up, slow down time and solve logic riddles that will allow him to pass the level. Find the culprit of all this chaos and save the world.

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Puzzle Games.

RUNOUT on Steam

Waves 2: Notorious

Waves 2: Notorious

This game, even as early access is one of the best shooters I’ve ever played. (I’m not young been gaming for 30 years.)

Without doubt anyone who liked Waves original will love this game. It’s just better in every way. The same goes for Geometry wars fans, I love that series (Geometry wars 3 was best IMHO) but Waves 2 equals that. It really is that good.

The game play itself is fast, frantic, addictive and looks better than most games of this genre.

The menus are somewhat confusing at first, but this is offset by the great game play. Arcade is easy to jump into, but other than that the menus are not really intuitive. May seem like a small thing, and the game is still early access so once it’s easy to understand all the options it will be much more beginner friendly.

Real player with 569.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Arena Shooter Games.

This is one of those games for twitch/adrenaline junkies - of which I am NOT one - that will ensnare regular scrubs with its addictive nature. It’s fast and furious, and currently all about the season leaderboards. A short game only lasts a few minutes long, but if you’re skilled, you can rack up the score and dominate people who play for longer periods of time.

I love this app, but be warned: it’s been in development for a few years. The Developer is active in the forums, and he/she responds to the community frequently. Parts of the game have changed SIGNIFICANTLY since it got the green light from Steam. The bottom-line is that this is already a lot of fun, but it’s not finished, and could change again.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Waves 2: Notorious on Steam



This review contains major spoilers. Be warned and proceed at your discretion.

LIBERATED is one of the games that you’re not meant to have fun with. It tells a dark story about dystopian future, where the government controls every aspect of human lives. Don’t purchase or gain enough via wire? Don’t post enough photos on social media? You’re under suspicion. Maybe you post an online comment doubting the current government? You’re asking to be arrested, discredited, pretty much erased.

There’s a group of people in that world. They call themselves The Liberated. Throughout the game they hunt for the proof that the government is corrupt, and ultimately, that it was behind the big terrorist attack on the school, which they needed to justify building this strict regime, where privacy is a crime.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

A digital interactive comic book set in a noir cyberpunk world of complete government control, eerily reminiscent and very close to the course our own blue ball of yarn is spinning into at the moment.

What excites about Liberated is the way it’s presented. Through a slick, black and white comic book, complete with textured panels, sounds of flipped pages and reflections. You even have the ability to tilt the view around the panels a bit. It’s a complete experience of reading a comic book. I can almost smell the paper. The art is wonderful (brings to mind Frank Miller’s Sin City, even a hint of Torpedo and some other noir comics) and the way the panels are framed really glues your eyes to a single panel, letting you linger on it as long as you want.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game