Battle for Gaming

Battle for Gaming

I tried to incorporate excessively used monetization models as mechanics in the game. So you use DLCs (Downloadable Content) to upgrade yourself, you have to get random improvements from Lootboxes, paid with virtual currency. As ammunition, you use your banknotes and there are a bunch of Live Services to subscribe to, in order to gain boosts (for a price of course). No worries though, there are no real microtransactions in the game. In addition to the mechanics just mentioned, I added other additional systems to make for a replayable, engaging and fun game.


In the full version, there are two different game modes available. There is a story mode, where you can make your way through a storyline. Your choices matter, as there are multiple pathways and endings. The second mode is the Custom Game mode, where you can set your prefered settings and difficulty and try to achieve better and better high scores. In this demo version, you can only play the custom game without setting your own preferences.

The enemies you face are Lootboxes with different attacks at their disposal. As you shoot your way through hordes of Lootboxes you earn DCs (Different Currencies – the in-game currency), which you can use to buy random rewards through Lootboxes. Those rewards are temporary improvements for this run only. During your playthrough, you also find so-called DLC fragments. You can use those to permanently upgrade different perks at the Centre (starting point of the level).

The upgrades include things like your movement speed, your fire rate, the amount of ammunition you can carry, etc. But with DLC fragments you can also unlock a new weapon and the ability to dual wield.

What else

Also at some point, you will unlock the possibility to build up different combo points (there are several combos available at the end, for example, killing only red Lootboxes in a row, earns you bonus DCs. Or killing only one type of Lootboxes earns you bonus DC, etc…) You finish your combos with a melee attack, where you blink to an enemy and destroy it simultaneously. The enemies are randomly created, and you can also control how many enemies you want to face at a given time. More enemies mean you the possible rewards are exponentially higher but at the same time the risk of dying increases.

The level itself is theoretically infinite and procedurally generated. But you have to stay in the vicinity of the Centre, as you need to come back to it for ammunition and upgrades (a little arrow points you the way though). You are also on a clock because there is a limited time until the invincible, deadly W-box starts to chase you. Once it reaches you, this run is over. But at least you keep all permanent upgrades for the next run.

Game Features:

  • First Person Shooter with a simple but recognisable art style

  • Story mode with different paths and endings

  • Custom Game mode lets you hunt for ever-higher high scores

  • Enemies are hostile Lootboxes with different attacks

  • Upgrade yourself through permanent upgrades

  • Kills, Combo-kills and Melee strikes earn you temporary improvements

  • Replayable, procedurally generated level with randomized layout and enemies

  • You control the risk to reward ration for every battle

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Roguelite Games.

Battle for Gaming on Steam

Drunken Robot Pornography

Drunken Robot Pornography

When i first started DRP, i was a bit disappointed : i was expecting epic battles against mega robots, and all i was getting was robots seemingly made of cardboard (because they were dying in 15s), or score/checkpoints chasing arenas. Moreover, the controls felt too floaty, especially when on the ground.

But I trust Dejobaan, who have yet to disappoint me with a game. So i kept at it, and boy am i glad i did. What seemed like a small game with 15-20 levels, is actually chock full of robots and the difficulty rises slowly but surely. Soon, i was getting into tense fights with robots that seemingly wouldn’t die despite the huge firepower i was throwing at them.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Arena Shooter Games.

I really love this game. Now, to be totally fair, I did get this game for free, a good friend of mine gave it to me. I don’t know if I would feel differently if I had paid for it, but as it stands, I really like it.

Stuff I like:

  • I like the core gameplay. It’s well made and simplistic. You only get one gun, you can get temporary upgrades so you don’t have to switch, and the jetpack thing is awesome. The controls are tight, movement is accessible, and level and enemy designs are interesting and easy to understand

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Drunken Robot Pornography on Steam

Retexo Mori

Retexo Mori

“Above all, we hold this to be irrefutable: Death is the only True Evil. Retexo Mori.”

  • Daily Prayer of the Unyielding

Retexo Mori is a Pac-Man-like game in first person, with bullet hell elements and an aesthetic that clashes early 90’s FPS pixel-art with vaporwave. It features short, high-intensity rounds inside carefully crafted arenas where you must navigate, avoid, and outwit Shadows that pursue you relentlessly. It is easy to understand, but difficult to master: while the enemies behave predictably, in tandem they can easily box you in if you don’t think far enough ahead.

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Horror Games.

Retexo Mori on Steam



Great game - a lot of areas to host your battles from - new weapons when you level up - play with friends or play with bots - join battles or host your own - give this game a shot.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Eu não consigo ganhar.

Muito ruim o jogo

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game




This is a very frustrating game. Within 20 minutes of buying the game, I had achieved a high score of over 2,300, and I had learned a couple of techniques which allow me to survive the chaos for quite some time. But after achieving the 2,300 score, it feels like the game isn’t giving me correct scores any more. I’m surviving for even longer now than I did before. I’m finding more of the red/pink explosive bombs which clear nearby enemies. I regularly double back and circle around at ground level to pick up all the green shards to increase my score. And yet after a game lasting a few minutes, the game claims I have only scored “234” or “512”. Absolutely nowhere near the scores I was getting earlier.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game


Shotgun blast?! Pfffft what shotgun blast?! If you were using that ol' thing for anything other than jumping I pity you. Seems Dom realized that and now there’s a jump button and the shotgun blast has been removed completely. You no longer have to aim at the ground or the pink bubbles to jump off them and your shots no longer richochet off the ground. This is much better, game seems to be much faster as far as the swarms spawn rate and it feels you get rewarded for riskier tactics. You could get pretty far in the past by just strafing diagonally and mainintaining as much vertical velocity as possible. Now the Triangle pyramid enemies that fly in straight lines spawn in these massive vertical towers so that tactic doesn’t seem to work too well any more.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Swarmlake on Steam



What I liked:

This is obviously a game that is very inspired by the 360/PS3 era of shooters where things were definitely more simple and straightforward. That I really appreciate and the gameplay definitely feels like it’s trying to replicate that. This game is definitely a work in progress and I’m sure there are plenty of optimizations to come. A lot of the guns feel good to use and most of the maps are really fun to play, though some of the larger ones take getting used to because of how the guns handle and the recoil.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Okay lets get the good things out of the way before the laundry list of bad things


(1) I like the idea that someone outside of Call of Duty is attempting the killstreak system in a FPS game, With the UAV, Airstrike, and Attack Helicopter, I’ve longed for a game that adds this extra benefit to playing well that rewards the user for not dying and getting kills.

(2) The gunplay is okay at best and rather realistic in a sense that if you ADS your shots will be down the middle but when you shoot from the hip your shots actually come from the hip and you have to try and lineup the shots that way.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Invaden on Steam

Project Gravity

Project Gravity

  • pretty good gunplay

  • lots of guns to choose from

  • mediocore graphics at best

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

pretty good game

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Project Gravity on Steam



A VR take on a bullet hell/ bullet doge game.

Still Very early in development

Please send all feedback to the discord


There is 4 modes planned but only one currently working

Working Mode:

  • Random mode - For training your reaction times and use of peripheral vision.

  • Music mode - Cut and doge bullets in time with music (WORKING BUT STILL IN TESTING).

Planned Modes:

  • Pattern mode - For practicing patterns and sequences with fast firing guns.

  • Versus mode - Go head to head with others and see who is best

Slicer on Steam

Commandment #7 - Thou Should Not Kill

Commandment #7 - Thou Should Not Kill

“Commandment #7 - Thou Should Not Kill” is a cinematic action-shooter game about ex-CIA agent with using slow motion effect. He went to retirement, but old “friends” came for revenge and kidnapped his daughter. Now, you have 24 hours to rescue her and stop all this mess.

Our main hero is John Brown - ex-CIA agent which is leaving on the farm with his family at retirement. Life is peaceful and quit till one day when he got a call from Viktor - son of his old friend. Viktor wants revenge as his father died during the mission and believes that John is guilty for that. Now, John’s daughter is kidnapped and he has 24 hours only to get her back. This is where fast action story-rich game is starting.


  • First person shooter

  • Story rich drama

  • Slow motion effects during action scenes

  • Different type of guns

  • Beautiful environments with different locations

  • Day/night and sun/storm effects

  • And many more…

Commandment #7 - Thou Should Not Kill on Steam



Escape from Voyna: ALIENS FROM AREA 51 is an action packed realistic single player shooter set in the era of the Cold War on russian soil. After many nuclear tests the land is devastated and apocalypse spreading. You, a secret agent stranded on an island try to escape without getting caught by enemy soldiers.

During the time of the Cold War the major powers attempt to secure their power by attempting to build the biggest and best nuclear weapons. Those were tested on remote islands. Due to a misfortune, you land on one of those islands. As an american secret agent you must not be caught by the russian special forces of the RSWS.

You sneak, run, shoot, collect and scout the huge game world. One of the over seven different weapons is bound to get you out of any sticky situation. After the game start you first need to get your bearings and find your way - there’s always more than one way out. Find the quickest and easiest, because this game is hard. It’s a tactical shooter. Weapons have realistic recoil and should be used for single shots most of the time. There is no HUD showing your life or ammunition, no crosshair or hit marker. Hardcore ain’t for casual players.

You need to find food or medical supplies to heal yourself.

The game features a large amount of realistically modeled weapons. Recoil is modeled in as well, so make sure to aim before your shots go astray.

Ammunition is limited!

Your enemies are going to give you a headache. The AI hears your steps and shots. It will hunt and pursue you and shoots accurately. Watch your cover, because the AI will act as a team. You should sneak up, learn the patrol routes and maybe dodge certain enemies altogether. Life is short, and the AI aims well. Most of the times escape or avoiding is the better option.

Breathtaking graphics based on Unity DX11

With Unity Engine and DirextX 11 we created a beautiful, living world you just want to immerse in. Enjoy the trees, grasses and stunning light effects. Get the maximum out of your PC and experience AAA worlds.

Realistic 7.1 surround sound

Experience realistic gun sounds of AK and friends in 7.1 surround sound quality. Let the ambience of the surroundings enchant