

Princess Cassiodora has been kidnapped by the evil sorcerer Kenzar. To save her the chosen knights Agni, Colden and Luken must face a vast army of witches, ghosts and demons across the Kingdom of Astoria.

To accomplish this feat, the druid Faramix grants Agni, Colden and Luken magic wings and elemental powers to help them on their quest.

Play with your friends or solo and shoot your way through this colorful shoot ‘em up. Earn new items, customize your character, challenge yourself and face huge bosses.

Key features

*** Story mode**

Play solo or with up-to 2 of your friends on the same screen and explore 7 regions through 35 handcrafted levels each one with their own setting, challenges, special rewards and unique items.

*** Enjoyable for all**

Choose between different levels of difficulty ranging from Easy to Hard or define your own experience. Want to be invincible or be revived when you die? That’s done !

*** Replayability**

From the leader to the oldest and youngest knights enjoy 3 different characters, each with their own personality, abilities, moves and unique unlockable items.

*** Elemental powers**

Enemies and environmental puzzles like gates or roots will only react to certain elemental skills. Switch between 3 elemental powers or ask your friends to help you!

*** Fully customizable characters**

Unlock new skins for each character with over 50 cosmetics items to personalize your knight.

*** Awesome boss battles**

Face epic, huge bosses that compel you to find unique ways to defeat them. Fly away and slay these bosses to continue your quest!

*** You can PET your elemental guardian!**

Fly, shoot, slash, but do it with style!

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Side Scroller Games.

Cassiodora on Steam

Space Flex

Space Flex


Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shooter Games.

pew pew

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Space Flex on Steam



This is a really awesome game!

There are some bugs, but not game breaking, and they have to be triggered intentionally.

It took me about 2.5 hours to complete (only the green portals).

It has very good voice acting and awesome sound effects.

The pixel art style also fits the game and it’s story very well.

The only thing I would change would be the bosses. With each portal their attacks get stronger, but they aren’t harder beat necessarily. Some attacks are stronger but easy to dodge. The dragon for example is very easy to defeat, compared to the bull? before, which is a little bit harder, or the knight at the beginning.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Story Rich Games.

This is a nice little game.

Do be aware that it is short, around 2 hours to complete the main game, and double that to complete all the challenges.

On my first playthough, I was on the fence about liking the game but midway through the game picks up and becomes pretty fun. I really like the graphics although they do seems somewhat amaturish at time or lacking some small amount of polish that I cant put my finger on. That being said I really love the title screen art and the player sprites. The combat is pretty simple which is good for this type of game(shoot, blink, heal).

Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

Calturin on Steam

Color War

Color War

Long ago the rainbow relic was shattered, taking away all of the worlds colors with it. The shards of color found it’s way into some lucky hands and color factions were formed. And for some reason, it’s your job to help fix it. You play as a cat dude and fight your way through extremely difficult bullet hell style boss battles in an attempt to get back home and out of this strange world. In the process, you’ll make many friends and enemies.

The game switches between a lively top-down overworld to a straight on bullet-hell boss rush type game. You’ll fight many different bosses while attempting to bring together the color shards. There is different modes for varying levels of difficulty, so if you just want some casual play there are options, as well as a very difficult mode for those seeking a challenge.

Color War on Steam



I have over 100 hours spread across the demos, and I’ve cleared most of this dev’s past games on their highest difficulty. I’ve been anticipating this game since March, and it has far exceeded my high expectations.

Veterans can enjoy a good challenge and the full experience on Nightmare difficulty. It’s a step above arcade difficulty, and a little under a 2 loop experience, at a whopping 9 stages and a cruel TLB reminiscent of Mushihimesama’s Aki. While I haven’t cleared Nightmare Trial at the time of this review (might take a month or two of hard grinding to do so), I can guarantee anyone at any skill level will have a good time with this game. It’s great fun for what it’s worth.

Real player with 121.5 hrs in game

Honestly, I’m surprised that this game’s price tag is this low. For what it provides in terms of gameplay, it should charge at least twice as much. This is an absolute jewel among indie shmups; it doesn’t try to hide its obvious influences (Touhou and CAVE STGs being the big ones here), even makes some references to them in its bullet patterns, and realizes them very nicely. The scoring system is simple and straight-forward, and routing Nightmare difficulty (which I’m currently ultra stuck on) is like a gateway drug to DDP or Mushihimesama. There’s even some secrets to discover.

Real player with 41.2 hrs in game

CosmoDreamer on Steam



Razerwire: Nanowars is a retro (80’s) action-arcade game that progression addicts are certain to love. The game reminds me of the games that I would play for countless hours as a child. It is the result of a lunchtime, 30-minute a day, project developed by a dev who works on much larger projects. That makes this a bit of a passion project that has been programmed with love…. and that love shines through.

A Genuinely Pro-Gamer Developer

When Razerwire: Nanowars went on sale the developer posted the deal to Reddit’s r/Gamedeals and disclosed that the game was a part of an OtakuMaker bundle just as they went bankrupt. Unfortunately, he did not receive the ten thousand keys that he submitted back nor did he ever get paid for them. Other developers from the bundle who also never got paid had the keys revoked. However, knowing that legitimate purchases were made before the bundle was pulled, decided against revoking the keys. This resulted in a loss of hundreds of dollars from the loss of keys nor did he receive payment from OtakuMaker from the legitimate buyers.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

This one caught me by surprise.

I got it as a title in a trade, but it seems like it might be bundle filler also, because I have a ton of extra keys for it. Know what, though? It is totally worth the price of the game in full. If I had known how much fun I was going to have with this, I would’ve bought it.

I went into this blind.

If you can’t tell by looking at my account, I have a ton of games. Most of my indie game choices are random. I see something, install it, and see how I feel about it. I’m very pleasantly surprised!

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Razerwire:Nanowars on Steam

Retrograde Arena

Retrograde Arena

I like this game. Reason: BULLETS!


-It’s a Free-to-Play!

-It has DLC so you never stop playing! I haven’t bought them, so I can’t really confirm.

-The UI is…90’s?


-Most of the time, users online is AI instead of actual users.

-The max player level is 20, and it appears that I’m the only player that has this level.


-Game Mode: Survival. Free-for-All. Just like Last Man Standing; Instead of 5 wins, there’s lives instead(hosts can pick a certain amount from 1-20); It could use every map.

Real player with 46.1 hrs in game

Put a few hours in guys before writing a review… I see a few negatives where they haven’t got the idea at all :D

Recoil is your friend not your enemy! - It is faster to move from your recoil than the actual movement controls (controls just add some fine tuning)

The gameplay is pretty much perfect, weapons are balanced and extremely varied. Imploder is a bit OP but it’s slow and can be dodged/deflected.

For the future I would like to see some team modes added, specifically CTF on a bigger map. The weapons would rly suit that mode, i.e sniper to camp your own flag, shotgun/mg to rush theirs. Boosting teammates with your own bullets etc! Maybe with one of the superweapons spawning in the middle of map.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

Retrograde Arena on Steam



Good game, I very much enjoyed it.

As I see some reviews, I feel I should write something that ‘overcomes’ them all - well, I cant do that. But… This is finished game, balanced and polished. Long enough - maybe 14 hours to end story mode. Some levels are harder than others, not overwhelming, so game difficulty (adjustable: easy, normal, hard)is fine.

It brought me memories of Xenon II Megablast - my favorite shmup of all time - you have to even collect little balls from dead enemies, except story mode can’t be played through on one session (thankfully) and the music is not as good and…

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

I actually do recommend Stellatum, but it comes with an awfully long list of qualifiers to that and a lot of issues, so this is marked not recommended for those who are looking for the problems with the game as there may very well be dealbreakers in here for you. I could not in good conscience recommend it to just anyone who likes space shooters. If you don’t mind the things I’m about to mention though, then I can fully recommend it.

So first off, other negative reviews have stated that the component parts you need to craft items are really random. This is true, you will often be missing key pieces. As you get into later levels, more pieces drop, but more are needed, so this doesn’t help much. Fortunately, there is also a universal item drop that every enemy drops which lets you craft any component part you need. This isn’t mentioned anywhere in the tutorial and it’s not especially obvious on the crafting screen you can do this, but it means playing through each level once will typically give you enough parts to build anything you need, but you may need to craft specific parts at times.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game




Great game

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Netherspace is a beautifully crafted retro-looking shooter game with quite a funny twist in most of the interactions that take place between the two starring heroes.

There is great variety in terms of what the player can choose to invest in per playthrough, as the many ship’s stats prove to be a major factor in choosing a personal gameplay style.

The teleportation and shield mechanisms are both vital for survival and the ability to move at double speed when not firing gave me a good choice of defenses without which it would be impossible to reach the game’s ending, so kudos for nice variety in that area.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Netherspace on Steam

The Last Sunshine

The Last Sunshine

Really like the art style and customize options for your sun are neat. cool game!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

While I haven’t finished the current content quite yet, what’s there so far is quite promising. I’ve been a danmaku shmup enthusiast for ages and, while I usually tend to prefer having a tiny hitbox, no shields, and one-hit death, the way this game integrates the shields, health, and movement speed into passive mechanics you can choose between is definitely intriguing, especially when paired with the ability to combine a wide variety of shot types.

The pacing could use some work, with the difficulty being very slow to ramp up (especially for someone already comfortable navigating through curtains of bullets) and with some of the levels feeling like they drag on for a bit longer than is welcome. Because the pacing is already being worked on, though, it’s very likely this will be ironed out before its final release. There doesn’t appear to be any storytelling to speak of in the game, which made it challenging for me to stay engaged, but there is the potential that later on, the gameplay will be enough of a challenge to entertain me all on ts own.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Last Sunshine on Steam