Shotgun Witch

Shotgun Witch

A Bird’s Eye View Curator 🦜


Starting the game was a bit weird as it booted in ‘small fullscreen’ with your mouse being shifted so I had to use the alt+enter trick to force it out of fullscreen and back into actual fullscreen again. Also check if your first kill achievement triggers. Mine didn’t so I had to reboot and replay the ‘story’

Shotgun Witch is a charming bullet hell style arena shooter in which you play as a witch wielding a shotgun to get her spellbook back from the baddies.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shoot 'Em Up Games.

When asking the question of “What is the best video game?” there are many things to consider. Is it graphics? Is it skill? Is it story? Is it gameplay? Many a masterfully crafted game falls into more than one of these categories. For example: the DOOM series. Doom was revolutionary with not only varied mechanics, but mechanics never before seen in gaming. Superhot has a well made and downright mesmerizing core mechanic that everything else stems from, as well as a beautifully tragic tale. Minecraft draws you in with its prospect of creativity and keeps you there with its sentimentality. But none of these games have managed to reach pure perfection in gaming.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Shotgun Witch on Steam

Drunken Robot Pornography

Drunken Robot Pornography

When i first started DRP, i was a bit disappointed : i was expecting epic battles against mega robots, and all i was getting was robots seemingly made of cardboard (because they were dying in 15s), or score/checkpoints chasing arenas. Moreover, the controls felt too floaty, especially when on the ground.

But I trust Dejobaan, who have yet to disappoint me with a game. So i kept at it, and boy am i glad i did. What seemed like a small game with 15-20 levels, is actually chock full of robots and the difficulty rises slowly but surely. Soon, i was getting into tense fights with robots that seemingly wouldn’t die despite the huge firepower i was throwing at them.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell First-Person Games.

I really love this game. Now, to be totally fair, I did get this game for free, a good friend of mine gave it to me. I don’t know if I would feel differently if I had paid for it, but as it stands, I really like it.

Stuff I like:

  • I like the core gameplay. It’s well made and simplistic. You only get one gun, you can get temporary upgrades so you don’t have to switch, and the jetpack thing is awesome. The controls are tight, movement is accessible, and level and enemy designs are interesting and easy to understand

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Drunken Robot Pornography on Steam

Wasteland Angel

Wasteland Angel

This game somehow reminds me of the mid-90s sci-fi flick Tank Girl, but maybe the similarity begins and ends with the post-apocalyptic setting, the cartoonish art style and the main characters, both girls whose favourite activity seems to be shooting mutants. You take on the role of Angel, who drives around in her car and saves the inhabitants of post-world war III settlements from mutant attacks. So much for the backstory.

Gameplay wise, Wasteland Angel is a no-nonsense top-down shooter. You’re looking at a desert landscape from an isomotric perspective, drive around with a car whilst shooting at other cars that likewise shoot at you. That’s pretty much all there is. Your main armament consists of two fixed guns, additional weapons can be aquired by driving over power-ups. Each level has three stages and, after you defeat the stages final boss in the third, a short bonus stage that leaves the top-down view and switches to a first-person perspective. The game never breaks from this pattern.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Combat Racing Games.

Honestly, this game is exactly what it presents itself as - a fast-paced, post-apocalyptic arcade-style game focused around vehicular combat. Within that mold, there’s some aspects I appreciate quite a lot.

  1. Civilian towns. The primary objective is not just to survive against all comers, but to protect towns full of civilians - this often, at least for me - created situations where I had no choice but to hold off on blowing up targets trying very hard to kill me in order to protect civilians. This particular feature just seems very well designed - you’ve got enough heallth to sacrifice some if you have to in order to protect civilians, the game smoothly increases complexity from one town on a flat map to multiple towns on a map covered in impassable terrain obstacles, etc. If a bunch of civies are walking back to town after the transport which took them is exploded and you or an enemy runs them over, they die, etc. It’s little things like that which make a good game a great one or a bad game okay.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Wasteland Angel on Steam

Exphelius: Arena

Exphelius: Arena

Good shoot-em up arena game.

Looking forward to the final release.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

This game feels like a love letter to the old arena shooters during the late 90s. The game’s fast, with good controls, fun powerups, pretty and varied maps, and good gamemodes and AI opponents. Definitely worth checking out for the price, if you like 2d space shooters mixed with arena shooters.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Exphelius: Arena on Steam



Mandala in the eastern languages means circle and they are geometric shapes inspired by nature and the world surrounding us. They unfurl from a center and spread out towards the edges, in the direction of infinity. Drawing and coloring a mandala has been a meditative activity since a long time. It lets one explore themselves through an interesting choice of shades which represent a creative stimulation.

Mandala brings forth this experience in a videogame.

Game experience

The game’s rhythm is not hectic, but it requires concentration and reflexes nonetheless: the mandala shoots slow and numerous bullets which move in a rotating fashion. The complex patterns are hard to predict and feel hypnotic. The colors and the music help creating a strong sense of immersion, aided by a steady gameplay rhythm.


The mandala’s customization is essential: you can choose between various drawings, styles, brushes, tones, themes and music that influence both gameplay and aesthetics. Each game is unique and Mandala gives you total creative freedom.

A linking story

Thin, yet enduring threads link every mandala to each other… like true friendship. Discover the story of Camilla through the pages of a diary; unveil her story by completing all the mandalas in the book.

The editor and social media

When you complete a mandala, it is possible to view your score and be rewarded with various marks, depending on how well you played. There is also an editor in which you can customize the output of your game, export the image in .png format and share it both on social media and online leaderboards.

Main features

  • Immersive, hypnotic gameplay

  • 8 mandalas to color with a pastel-styled book

  • 32 colors and 8 brushes to unleash your creativity

  • In-game editor for sharing your inspiration on social media

Mandala on Steam

Muffin Fight

Muffin Fight

Fun Arcady VR game, very tiring so best experienced in short bursts.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

A fun 2-4 player frantic party game, really gets the adrenaline flowing. Has online matchmaking so don’t worry if you can’t gather another 3 people who have VR

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Muffin Fight on Steam



Razerwire: Nanowars is a retro (80’s) action-arcade game that progression addicts are certain to love. The game reminds me of the games that I would play for countless hours as a child. It is the result of a lunchtime, 30-minute a day, project developed by a dev who works on much larger projects. That makes this a bit of a passion project that has been programmed with love…. and that love shines through.

A Genuinely Pro-Gamer Developer

When Razerwire: Nanowars went on sale the developer posted the deal to Reddit’s r/Gamedeals and disclosed that the game was a part of an OtakuMaker bundle just as they went bankrupt. Unfortunately, he did not receive the ten thousand keys that he submitted back nor did he ever get paid for them. Other developers from the bundle who also never got paid had the keys revoked. However, knowing that legitimate purchases were made before the bundle was pulled, decided against revoking the keys. This resulted in a loss of hundreds of dollars from the loss of keys nor did he receive payment from OtakuMaker from the legitimate buyers.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

This one caught me by surprise.

I got it as a title in a trade, but it seems like it might be bundle filler also, because I have a ton of extra keys for it. Know what, though? It is totally worth the price of the game in full. If I had known how much fun I was going to have with this, I would’ve bought it.

I went into this blind.

If you can’t tell by looking at my account, I have a ton of games. Most of my indie game choices are random. I see something, install it, and see how I feel about it. I’m very pleasantly surprised!

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Razerwire:Nanowars on Steam



So yeah… if you read the reviews and see warnings of “dying over and over and over,” it’s correct - so if you’re the type of person who would get frustrated by that, this probably isn’t your game. HOWEVER - I can say with certainty that the game is at least FAIR… just hard. So, you’re never going to be able to say, “That was completely unfair, and there’s no way I could have avoided that.” No… you’ll be saying, ah, man, if I had just darted to the left a millisecond sooner…

So this game is hard. Very hard at some points. The amount of bullets that come at you is unreal. You collect your little power-ups that help a little… you dart around trying to power up your gun or shield… You chip away, bit by bit, at the insane bosses. You die. Over, and over, and over. Then, when you finally strike that killing blow… you just sit there, staring at the screen, thinking HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I DID IT.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Really fun game actually. Super difficult, great graphics, really responsive and generally just really satisfying.


As you progress further in the game you do start to realise that this is like any other ‘challenge’ game or ‘boss fighting game’ in that it’s very, VERY unfair. There are points where you absolutely have to take damage or rather can’t avoid it at all. This leads to some pretty BS deaths at times.

I mention this because the devs are planning on adding an endless/survival mode where you get 1 life to do the whole campaign and are a part of a different, more hardcore leaderboard. This is just silly since the best player on the leaderboard (Gold in all levels / 100% complete / fastest time ever) takes damage in the majority of the boss fights.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Chippy on Steam

Evil Heart Fever

Evil Heart Fever

Bear with me, this is my first long review. Overall I’m recommending this game, as it was decently entertaining and it’s only 1$ (and I got it on sale 40% off).

The gameplay is solid enough, basic twin-stick style shooting to take down waves of enemies coming at you from the sides of the screen. Your character shoots at crosshairs where your mouse is located, and can do a quick dash every 2-3 seconds depending on your stats until it reaches the crosshairs. The progression is fairly solid, staying relatively challenging without any real difficulty spikes aside from possibly the bosses, who are chosen at random; some bosses are pretty easy to downright unthreatening, while others can be incredibly difficult to deal with while still fighting the swarms of basic enemies. These bosses show up every so often (with health scaled to your level), and regular enemies stay spawning during your fight with them at no slowdown. You can even end up with multiple boss angels simultaneously if you don’t kill each one fast enough. As you kill angels you gain levels and earn perks, a choice of 1 from a random 3 possibilities, thus allowing you to get stronger to face the tougher stock enemies the game will flood you with. You can even get one of five special transformations, each with their own unique perk, by acquiring three specific perks related to the transformation. Pretty simple, but a decent enough gameplay loop for a dollar.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

A really fun multidirectional-shooter-roguelike mashup thing, amazing product for a dollar. It’s theme feels nice and cohesive, between it’s mix of Lovecraftian and religious items, enemies, and the player itself if a nice touch, and works well. The game looks alright, nothing amazing, but it does the job and doesn’t hurt to look at. There are only a few flaws with the game, such as what I assume are bosses being really fucking hard to kill, meaning you need to get lucky and be beefed up or have a synergy by the time one comes. There’s also the kinda of small library of upgrade items, which is about 35-40, and while that isn’t too small of an amount, some more items would be pretty dope.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Evil Heart Fever on Steam

High Speed Cataclysm

High Speed Cataclysm

Great game, it’s pure madness, fireworks from start to finish, the gameplay is great, possibility to have new ships more powerful by unlocking the levels. Several modes, campaign, survival, timer… Thanks for this next gen Shoot them up, I loved it !

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A simple and fun game, its basically astroids, with unlockables.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

High Speed Cataclysm on Steam