Bullet Hell ADVANCED

Bullet Hell ADVANCED

this game looks great it sounds great it plays pretty good but I have some problems. The game is fun but when there are so many bullets on screen at the same time it is a little hard to see the enemies though I got used to it pretty quickly. the controls were horrible at least at first. It reversed left and right so it was hard to remember my directions while moving but you can swap the controls in the settings menu. Now my two biggest problems,repetition and game errors. so talking more about the “repetition” so when playing the game you have four unique secondary abilities and three primary fire choices. I enjoyed trying the different abilities but the primary fires are not great. the primaries called plasma and kinetic are the same or extremely similar I couldnt tell which. That leaves only two real options for primary fire hitscan or a projectile and I always use laser. The second major problem is the framerate dips(very uncommon but happened) while I have a high end computer may just be my settings though and the game crashing/freezing which really ruined my expierence though it never happened mid game. the game is fun but with all these problems I wouldnt recommend this.(edit this game has made many improvements since I reviewed it and I think its a whole lot better now I still encounter some glitches here and there but overall its a very good game.)

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shooter Games.

it is a very fun game, and very engaging. it takes a bit of time to find the controls, and needs a tutorial, but is fun once you get the hang of it. some functions I would add would be a high score, a multiplayer (that would be very fun) and for all the stray bullets that hit the enemies to do damage. once you figure out the containers that carry weapons, it can be very hard to grab the weapons, so maybe an asteroid or junk floating around the weapon to provide cover while picking it up? the game overall is very fun, but could use difficulty levels. I found myself not really ready for a hard mode when I didn’t really know the functions of the game. also switch the defualt a and d keys for left and right movement, it is confusing. I feel that too much of the game revolves around finding a good weapon at the start without taking too much damage, but once you get a good weapon, it is very fun. if you found some means to extend the game length, that would be awesome, because I always die once the big thing comes out (don’t know what it’s called).

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Bullet Hell ADVANCED on Steam




Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Difficult Games.

This game is a ton of fun and I certainly will be returning to it for the foreseeable future. My only gripe with the game play is that the really cool bullet patterns are locked behind a difficult skill wall. I know this may seem like a silly complaint for a bullet hell of all games, but as an only semi-decent player, I become stuck on certain tricky bullet patterns, and then have to restart from the beginning. If there were extra game modes on top of the base game that let you either play around with the other creative bullet types or let you practice certain rituals, I would be ecstatic. Until then, I can only play the game for a few rounds before the preset ritual/bullet order becomes stale (Which is a shame because the game is so beautiful in concept, game play, and all around execution).

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game




From Treasure, the developer behind classic games like Guardian Heroes, Radiant Silvergun and Gradius V, Ikaruga is the game that really stands out.

Initially launched for arcades, Ikaruga found most of its success on the Nintendo GameCube not only because of its extreme difficulty, but because of its excellence in game design. You can move your ship in 2D, shoot bullets and charge your special shot like any other shoot ‘em up (shmup). But there’s a single game mechanic that changes everything: there’s two types of enemies, black ships that shoot black bullets and white ships that shoots white bullets, and you can change the polarity of your ship to black or white. Simple enough, this latter fact is what made the game be considered a groundbreaking masterpiece among shmups: you absorb enemy bullets to charge your special shot if your ship’s polarity matches the color of the enemy bullet, and you do double damage if your ship’s polarity is opposed. So, as you skillfully change polarities to do damage you also find yourself taking enemy bullets instead of avoiding them. And every single bullet is beautifully coreographed with the stage, with the pacing matching the rhythm of the music, something that seems basically impossible given all the chaos on the screen. It’s absolutely genius.

Real player with 258.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shoot 'Em Up Games.

Ikaruga is a harsh mistress. She is a love you cannot conquer, she is a complex beauty who demands perfection. Your best will never truly please her, she will make you feel inadequate at every moment, and yet you cannot stop trying to win her heart. When you are with her, any mistake you make will sting a thousand times worse. And she will make you furious, she will make you cry, she will drive you crazy, but you cannot stop loving her, because there is nothing else in the world that can compare to what she is.

Real player with 74.6 hrs in game

Ikaruga on Steam



What a good little game!

Thanks for making this! Looking forward to more releases from Hamra 3

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

this game makes me go uwu

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

RADARjAM on Steam



This is the archetypal Vlambeer release: the core gameplay is solid, it has a ton of personality, it’s ball-bustingly difficult, and the wild, ‘more is more’ philosophy winds up pushing the thing into the ‘frustrating’ end of the spectrum as one tries to truly sink one’s teeth into it.

Here it’s less that there is a fundamental ‘problem’ with the game and more that the balance feels ever-so-slightly conflicted. In a game that requires you to get a high combo multiplier (it goes up to 20x, and you’re expected to keep it there) the enemies feel a bit too spongey, especially since you can’t really strafe for long before you come to a dead stop or crash into the sea. This is especially true of the battleships, which take an insane ammount of damage before they finally die, can lead you pretty effectively (especially when you’re close) and will kill you first via contact damage if you try to dive-bomb them.

Real player with 50.7 hrs in game

This game has been a minor thorn in my side for a long time - it is a game that I have been, for a long time, absurdly close to clearing all achievements at, but had never bothered to finish clearing. As I quest through my backlog, I now understand why I never quite finished this.

Luftrausers is an arcade game. The core of the game is shooting down enemy pilots in your ship that fires forward. You have much more freedom of movement than in most shmups like this, and while you are not shooting you regenerate health. There is water that damages you if you go in it, and clouds that damage you if you go up too high. You take damage if you collide with bullets and other ships (usually). You have a multiplier that is equal to the number of enemies you have just recently killed (up to 20). You generally only live for a very short period of time, and that makes this a really decent timewaster sort of game.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game


Grand Brix Shooter

Grand Brix Shooter

“A bullet hell game that’s familiar but never experienced before."

+ Point : Instant judgment, fine control, and your luck determine the whole play.

[1] Intro

Grand Brix Shooter. This is a hyper arcade shoot’em up game made by Intragames. The developer, Intragames has been primarily a game publisher so far, but they also have taken part in making the games. so this game is one of their in-house project games. One of the main developers said that his dev team stayed up countless days all night long to bring up the characteristics of original thrilling action arcade scrolling shooter. Developer effort and game fun aren’t necessarily proportional, but let’s take a look at what it is. ;)

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

I personally really enjoyed playing it. The game is very direct, simple to understand with a really reasonable price. I would definitely recommend the game to my friends. There is a leaderboard at the end, the scores from other countries can be viewed and that was one thing that made me play over and over again.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Grand Brix Shooter on Steam

Starkid’s Obstacle Course

Starkid’s Obstacle Course

I just want to start off and say that the game itself is fun and challenging. Every level feels very satisfying to clear, and the combination of a puzzle/bullet hell game makes it very skill intensive.

The music is also very good, the songs are really catchy, and you won’t mind having it play for a couple hours.

In terms of visuals, its simple and clean. The only problem I have with it is that every world has the exact same theme, which isn’t that big of a deal, but I think changing up the colours or something in each world could make the player a little more excited whenever they enter a new world, and it would help keep the game fresh.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Suprisingly well made game. I love the gameplay, and the developer seems to be active and wants to fix problems… What is there not to like? The game is pure fun, and even more so if you like challenge. The game is literally a puzzle game. (Developer reply basically spoilers one of the puzzles I had a problem solving) But solving it is not enough: You also have to execute that solved puzzle with tight, responsive controls.

10/10. Only con I can think of is the sound, as you cannot turn sound off in-game as the menu option seems bugged. Music can be turned down but it just fades into some ambient sounds.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Starkid's Obstacle Course on Steam



Absolutely love the balance of tension. It’s definitely exploring things left untouched in other re-interpretations of this classic, feels like the ultimate version of the brickbreaker genre.

omg, the hexagonal enemies are amazing for all the rebounding goodness, but the little orange rounds are complete nonsense.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Drawkanoid: Satisfyingly Chaotic

The premise of “Breakout but you draw your paddle” sounds interesting in theory and is actually really interesting in practice. The visuals do the game a huge service, especially when you manage to get an insane combo. It’s a nice game to come back to every so often and (unlike say “Super Hexagon") becomes more a game of endurance and in the moment decision making rather than one of reflex.

I’d recommend it! it’s like… the price of a lunch… and you get to keep it too. Definitely gonna play some more of it!

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Drawkanoid on Steam



I really should be doing my assignment, but god damn I can not stop playing, it’s too good (and low price is just the cherry on top)

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Absolute banger of a game, has really some nice retro-arcade vibes and runs great on my 7 year old mac.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

PULSOR on Steam



Got 5 minutes to kill?

just closed reddit, opened it again and thought why did i do that?

play rank runner

this game is the perfect way to waste time if you are struggling to think of a way to kill 5 minutes

it is a bullet hell you can only move forwards and backwards and you gotta try and get as far across the endless field

I purchased this game on a whim cos i thought boy this is cheap and honestly the rank this is pretty cool and kinda unique

its such a simple game, all you do is click ur mouse, and u dodge red arrows how hard can it really be?

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Simple and addictive game. Though can be quite frustrating when I keep dying at the start.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game