Contraption Maker

Contraption Maker

I used to like this game. A lot. I won firts place in one of their contests, and second place in another. For which I received reward in the form of steam games. Contraption maker is a great example of a game that never stops growing. Even now, they keep adding new content to it.

But… things havetemporarily changed.

Top Meadow and Game Dev Castle took over the development and publishing of the game, and I get the feeling that they don’t really care about the game itself anymore. They look at things from a rather business perspective which is bad for this type of game’s health. I am talking about DLC packs, and the fact that they ruin this game’s fun of uploading and sharing contraptions, puzzles and mods.

Real player with 205.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

If I think about my earliest days of video gaming, back before I got into my classic platformers like Sonic the Hedgehog, the title that stands out to me the most (amidst many education-focused games) was The Incredible Machine. A game that tests your ingenuity to solve puzzles, and your imagination to create them. Many of my fondest gaming memories from those days came from T.I.M. I got this game when it was in alpha, and the fact that I got to play any part in this game’s development, even just by messing around with the parts and reporting bugs, is something truly special to me.

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Contraption Maker on Steam

Tiny Bridge: Ratventure

Tiny Bridge: Ratventure

I got this game for next to nothing in a sale, free after selling the cards.. I didn’t have high expectations but I was still left feeling really disappointed with it.

The biggest problem I had with it is the physics, given that it’s a physics game it’s a real issue for the game when the main aspect of the game just fails.

It feels a bit too “bouncy”, like the wood is made out of rubber, no matter how much support you add, all your structure/bridge wants to do is wobble, flail around and isn’t able to stay firmly in one place.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Adventure Games.

An OK mobile port with better options available on the PC.


Tiny Bridge: Ratventure has some things going for it. It has an attractive art style and a whimsical premise. It is currently on sale and very cheap.


Sadly, quite a few cons in this one.

  • First, it is obviously a mobile port. There doesn’t seem to have been much done in this conversion, including a lack of resolution options. Sound and music are only toggles.

  • There is only one solution to three star a level, the solution that you can get by looking at the hints. This takes away from any creativity that might have been part of the process. Each level is simply a puzzle with one right solution. That would be OK if not for….

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Tiny Bridge: Ratventure on Steam

Star Realms

Star Realms

I used to really enjoy the online version of this game. Saddly that is no longer true. While I would HIGHLY reccomend this game for the Campaign Mode, the Online Mode is another matter ENTIRELY!!!! Once you reach level 5, you must win a number of sucsessfull wins to advance onwords, but each loss counts you backwords on that total. THIS, is not a problem. THE PROBLEM, is that many players have found a way to “HACK” either the timeclock, or the game itself! I have found myself ready to acquire a good card, only to have my game freeze. Then reload. Not only do I lose precious time during this reloaded “Glitch”. But often it will undo my card purchases or even worse, my bases will be destroyed or my health slashed in half. All of which being impossible with the card’s the opponet had availible to play. Now, I KNOW I’m not the best player. I admit that freely. But after almost 500 games, I STILL CAN’T GET EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH TO LEVEL 7! This means With the losses counting against me, I have only managed to go up 1 LEVEL in almost 500 games!!!

Real player with 561.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sci-fi Games.

I’ve enjoyed Star Realms for many year. It is an entertaining deckbuilder game, which is easy to learn. A huge number of cards have been added to this game over the years, and the core sets (5€) are definitely worth the value, while a lot of the smaller dlc (2-4€) is a bit pricey. Although skill does play a part in winning, I would definitely say that a large part of winning comes down to the luck of the draw. And the expansions increase the luck factor quite a bit. I would still say that it is quite enjoyable, and I take it as a challenge, when my opponent start out quite a bit better off than me. Sadly I will not be giving this game my recommendation, based on the recent addition to this game, in the form of Star Realms Arena, which is a particular nasty way of introducing gambling into a kid friendly game.

Real player with 516.5 hrs in game

Star Realms on Steam

World of Goo

World of Goo


“As the sun set over the last of the hills, one of the Goo Balls seemed to say that life sure seemed like a giant physics simulation! But as he fell into the spikey death pit bellow, he knew it probably didn’t matter - love, the Sign Painter”


“- Do I smell cookies?

  • Yes. I am baking your personal information into each one.


  • Is my personal information safe with you?

  • Your personal information is stored in a secure database and will never be shared with anyone*

*Unless they ask.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

So let me start off by saying this game is excellent, except for one incredibly major flaw. I love the level design, I think the concepts are fun, the physics engine is great, the story line is interesting, the cut scenes are wacky and neat, the dialog from the painter is well written, the sound effects are tremendous and don’t get old, the art is a lovely stylized, it’s funny and I love this game.

Now for the one incredible unabashedly enormous flaw: I want to create the world’s largest Tower and the game caps the free mode or “Memorial tower” at 300 units. Of course, I understand why: The game designers don’t want cheating in online scoreboards, they don’t want to stress out your hardware, and it’s a smart decision from their perspective.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

World of Goo on Steam

Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense

Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense

Having put over a 100 hours into this game and completing every level to perfection

I think It’s safe to review this game now.

Let me start by saying when I first booted this game up, I was extremely impress by this port. This far exceeds anything I ever expected from a mobile (and later learned this port was made in Unity). This is a very polished title, don’t let the flash graphics throw you off. They do seem a bit weak early on, but get better later on in the game, in my opinion of course.

Real player with 128.2 hrs in game

There are two types of people. The ones who have previously played a kingdom rush game on their browser and the ones who haven’t. For those who haven’t, they still have time before adobe flash gets discontinued thus making the free version unavailable. This review will focus on If you should buy the steam version of this game for those who have already beaten it and for those who have not.

To begin with, Kingdom Rush Frontiers is the sequel to the very popular kingdom rush(2011) and is regarded as the best one so far. It was released as a flash game for you browser(with some heroes you had to pay to get). Later it also got released for android and ios for around 2-3$ If I am not mistaken, with some extra stages.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense on Steam

Mini Metro

Mini Metro


Though still in need of some refinement and balancing—and possibly some additional features—the core gameplay of Mini Metro scratches that city-building itch without requiring a major investment of time. You can play this on a break without worrying you’ll be sucked in for hours (though you won’t get bored if you did waste a day on it).

The interface is a case study in complex, context-sensitive functionality from simple interactions. Click, hover, drag and drag paths all combine to do just what you want without requiring a tutorial. Though you might spend your first game puzzling it out, it all just works how you’d expect on the first or second try. Pure, blissful affordance. If only more games thought out their interface so elegantly.

Real player with 138.5 hrs in game

Mini Metro, currently available in Early Access (the game can be purchased but is still in development so some elements, such as sound in this case, are missing or unfinished), is a game about moving people. Where this may seem like an oversimplification, it is not, and the game is all the better for it. Other games of this sort focus on such elements as budget and specific regions, population density and specific destinations of interest to that population; but Mini Metro instead focuses on the general and the deliberately vague; and this works fantastically given the style of the game. There is no budget with which to be concerned, there are no apparent city divisions or districts. The placement of stations is random, and also out of the control of the player. In many ways, this almost makes the goal more true to life of a real world occupation, albeit without feeling like work: somebody is presenting the player with a scenario, and the goal is to make it work by connecting the stations, and keeping people moving.

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Mini Metro on Steam

Cookie Clicker

“Ultimately, the cookie economy is not designed to help people. It just makes cookies. Like a virus or a tumor. Its nature is to exploit everything around it for its own expansion. Grandmas, banks, temples, every part of life is perverted to serve the purpose of the economy. Nothing is too sacred to be sacrificed on its altar. And for what? What’s the point of a massive, global economy, if it fails to protect the elderly and the vulnerable? Even those with the most cookies don’t really benefit from the system. Past a certain level of wealth, you can never spend that many cookies. And it’s not like the game ever ends. You cannot “win” Cookie Clicker. You just keep making cookies until you stop or you die. You just hoarding cookies for its own sake. It’s not really about the cookies, it’s about the accumulation. Getting more. You could be collecting any meaningless number: points.. subscribers… small, green pieces of paper… past a certain point you just making a number go up.

Real player with 2202.0 hrs in game

Cookie Clicker is a bizarre game and one that makes me wish that Steam had something better than a binary Yes/No review system, as this game can probably work well for some people but horribly for others. I have tried to keep this review as short as possible, but with enough depth to let you know whether this game could be for you.

The idea that idle games can form some sort of critique of modern games (especially with RPG elements increasingly commonplace) is well-worn and incredibly applicable to Cookie Clicker, and whilst some idle games have started charging for in-game purchases, Cookie Clicker is admirably devoid of them. The real question for someone approaching this is whether what Cookie Clicker does is subversive enough to warrant putting time into it at all.

Real player with 836.1 hrs in game

Cookie Clicker on Steam



A cool puzzle game. I had a lot of fun playing, highly recommend!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

An amazing relaxing and atmospheric game! It’s short but worth for the experience! The music it’s one of the best part of it, sometimes I’ve just open the game to hear while doing others things! Recomended!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Lumexa on Steam

12 Labours of Hercules IX: A Hero’s Moonwalk

12 Labours of Hercules IX: A Hero’s Moonwalk

Not very relaxing in comparision to the older parts. Devs try to confuse the player as far as they can.

Real player with 177.8 hrs in game

Only if you liked 1-8… A little longer and a little more difficult. Enjoy.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

12 Labours of Hercules IX: A Hero's Moonwalk on Steam



What is SpaceChem?

SpaceChem is a chemistry-themed programming puzzle game (no actual chemistry or programming knowledge required).

Spacechem is moving stuff from one side of the screen to the other while rearranging it a bit.

Spacechem isn’t finding the unique solution, it’s creating your unique solution.

Spacechem is the elegance of a brilliantly simple solution.

Spacechem is the elegance of a solution you know is a terrible wall of spaghetti, but it’s your wall of spaghetti, dammit!

Real player with 2677.8 hrs in game

When I first read about the puzzle games by Zachtronics, the promises were to good for mathematics and IT affectionate people like I consider myself so that I soon had to buy one, I didn’t wait for a sale and took SpaceChem for the simple reason of being one of the older and therefore cheaper games, Never would I have expected to play it THAT much.

After 90 hours of gameplay, which I had in less than 3 weeks, I did all the challenges, optimized some solutions in a battle with a friend and also did some of the community levels from “ResearchNet”, but I was stuck at the level “Omega-Pseudoethyne” on the next to last planet. There was just so much logic to cram into two reactors, that I tried and tried but couldn’t come up with the right approach. I watched some solutions on Youtube, but was fortunately to proud to just copy one. After putting the game aside for a few months, I tried it again and did it. The feeling of success was immense, even though the statistics that can be seen in a histogram after each level were bad.

Real player with 137.2 hrs in game

SpaceChem on Steam