Space Scavenger

Space Scavenger

I absolutely love this game. In a nutshell, you are trying to survive four levels of “alternate space” – a normal area, an infected area, a solar-fire area and a robotic area. The thing is, the tiny scavenger ship you start with will never make it but you can “MacGyver” a passible fighting ship off the things you scavenge along the way (or possibly purchase in a shop). This part of the game, crafting the ship, is just as much fun as the actual fighting, trying to figure out how to make everything fit (and yes, if your ship is really huge and unbalanced, it will handle like a truck.

Real player with 214.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Roguelike Games.

The visuals, the game play, and everything the RedCabin team have added and improved on is amazing! Im so happy I got the chance to talk to the team and ask questions, and learn more about the game itself. These guys deserve all the praise they get when it comes to this game.

Pros: The game has great visuals, handing for both controller and mouse/keyboard, and fun game modes. The game challenges me all the time to do better as everyone who plays is put to the test during the daily challenge. Even the music and sounds are fantastic, and very relaxing to chill to.

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

Space Scavenger on Steam

Shakedown: Hawaii

Shakedown: Hawaii

Shakedown: Hawaii is the follow-up to Retro City Rampage.

Retro City Rampage (aka RCR) in my mind, was a sleeper hit of an indie. So how did VBlank manage to follow it up?

The gameplay in Shakedown: Hawaii is nearly identical to that of RCR, and so nearly instantly I felt quite comfortable with the controls. Mechanically the game seems rock-solid, which isn’t always something games of this nature get right, so it’s worthy of praise.

Shakedown: Hawaii sort of tones down the parodic elements that Retro City Rampage was known for by a lot, and while that might sound like a good thing since a common critique of RCR was how it was far too “in-your-face” about parodying pop culture of the 80s and 90s, I’m not so sure the comedy Shakedown: Hawaii goes for really “hits” all that often. Most of the jokes seem to elicit rolling eyes, rather than laughs.

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

A kiddie version of GTA2 with some business management.

Nice, easy, colorfull, pleasantly funny, sympathic.

Probably its very easy to identify with the maincharacter since he still lives in the 90s and is confronted with the modern business life. So its a great game for guys who played GTA 1 or 2 when it came out.

Further its not that hard like GTA was. You can’t die, you can restart every mission, you can get health on every corner, cops are kinda brainless, no long searching for special cars to sell, no blood (I am missing that!)… so Millenials will also have their fun from a different view without any big skills, effort or heart attacks.

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Shakedown: Hawaii on Steam

Rock’n Cow

Rock’n Cow

Cool Game :3

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Beat 'em up Games.

Jogo indie maneiro com jogabilidade boa, fácil de entender e acessível para outros países já que a tradução do português para o inglês está bem feita também

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Rock'n Cow on Steam

Goblin Takes No Argument[s]

Goblin Takes No Argument[s]

Goblin Takes No Argument ~~was a school project in pygame we made in 2019. We picked it up again in 2020, and thought it could be fun to try and get it on steam.

Features of the game

  • Place towers to destroy the goblins

  • Upgrade towers to get even more powerful

  • Sell towers to place even better towers

  • Different types of goblins to make the game a little harder


  • Press ‘R’ on the keyboard to toggle visibillity of the towers range

  • Right click on the mouse to sell towers at half the price

  • Left click existing towers to upgrade - An upgrade is successful if the range indicator turns orange it cost twice as much as the base price of the towers~~

Goblin Takes No Argument[s] on Steam

Scrap Galaxy

Scrap Galaxy

The first game from Catalope Games is just as great as it looks.

For starters, it’s absolutely gorgeous.

Fast paced action for 1-4 players as well as lots and lots of fun.

Recommended for anyone who likes party games, geometry wars or just indie games in general.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

The camera is the biggest enemy in the game. It does and WILL pull you into asteroids, enemies, and bombs.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Scrap Galaxy on Steam



An extra edit! These are turning halfway into suggestions. Whatever!

I can’t quite place it, but the game’s grown on me as I’ve gotten further into it. It’s a good bit more fun once you’ve got some more options available to work with. The early game could use some work maybe? There’s a bit of a learning curve on the design screen. The tutorial was pretty decent but was maybe too much info at once?

I also hadn’t realized how much more room I had available to me on ship designs. It mentions it in the tutorial, but I had forgotten that dropdown was there for a while. Something to remind the player when there’s more options in the list since the last time it was opened?

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Vulture is an interesting combination of Tyrian and Reassembly. Shoot things, so you can gain more blocks, so you can build yourself bigger, so you can shoot more things. Weapons all have different interactions and what worked on one stage might not pull you through the next one. This leads to starting up a new ship or stripping down the old one to tweak and see if it fares any better. Vulture doesn’t have realistic physics but that is a blessing. We aren’t playing Kerbal Space Program here, and if I want to build my ship into a giant question mark (or something else) that’s my business!

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Vulture on Steam

Alpha One

Alpha One

In Alpha One you awaken from bio-stasis alone in an uncharted region of the galaxy. Aboard the United Colony Ship Alpha, you were part of an interstellar expedition gone wrong. To survive it was necessary to deploy the colony ship into station mode and outfit a space capsule with the ability to collect resources. After discovering a strange, crystalline substance, it allowed you to create an experimental jump drive that you hope one day can get you home to Earth.

With your limited jump-drive capabilities, you explore the region and find out there are many types of resources with the potential to build and unlock new technologies. However, you quickly learn you have an adversary. You meet an intelligent life-form pursuing those same resources and they see your very existence as a threat!

Find a way to control these systems, defend them, harvest and use them to research technology. It’s a race for you to defeat the enemy or stay alive until you can find a way home.

What you do in Alpha One:


  • Classic Newtonian physics; thrust in one direction, spin your capsule to angle your trajectory

  • Harvest resources with your space capsule

  • Use resources to build, repair and research


  • Compete for resources in dogfights with hostile NPC ships (and escape if you have to!)


  • Each star system is a level that you have to clear in order to claim and deploy automated outposts (your opponent will do the same)

  • Outposts will collect resources from the system they inhabit


  • Defend your outposts, with your ship or leave it up to automated Gunship Defenders

  • Build and strategically deploy Gunships Defenders on the map to protect your economy


  • Strategically expand by deploying outposts to systems with resources that counter your opponent!

  • Use each resource for its own line of weapons and defense


  • Research tech to defend the enemy’s weapons

  • Create weapons that your opponent can’t defend!


  • Attack Enemy outposts to hurt their economy and hinder their ability to make repairs, build and research tech


  • Play a progression of maps that get progressively harder

  • Includes a map editor to make your own levels

  • or generate your own random map/settings for a custom randomized experience

Alpha One on Steam

Landinar: Into the Void

Landinar: Into the Void

Broken - but so much potential

TL;DR: A very, very flawed, weird little masterpiece. Doesn’t know if it wants to be Mass Effect, Baldur’s Gate, Battletech, Asteroids, or SuperSprint. Ends up being none of the above - in fact, it’s its own thing, quite charmingly. Bugs in the logic of the story progression continue to frustrate, and other glitches infuriate. Omissions in functionality (e.g. personal combat, RPG elements) tarnish what should have been a classic. Bottom line - the release feels rushed, and it could have been so much better. I’m giving this a thumbs up, but only just. By the skin of its teeth, in fact. If the ship building wasn’t so well done, it would be a resounding thumbs down.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game


Full release 1st May 2019. Abandoned not long after.


  • Good casual space game.

  • Good zoom mechanics from external to internal views.

  • Good customisation of your ship. (Can be a Trader, Space Bus Pilot or good old Bounty Hunter)

  • Great graphics.

  • Good Stories and missions.

  • Low system requirements.

  • A lot of potential for future content and story.


  • Can’t rotate camera at the moment which can result in some scenery getting in the way.

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Landinar: Into the Void on Steam

Spaceship Simulator

Spaceship Simulator

A fairly decent game for the price, definitely worth checking out. Not very long though, I beat it in about 8hrs and that was with me messing about fighting enemies I didn’t really need to while testing out different ship designs. There are also a few game breaking bugs - namely sometimes you can only attempt a challenge mission once (which is clearly not intended) thus preventing the game from continuing.

Despite that, it is still a lot of fun. The major draw - harvesting parts from enemies to build your ship - is done well enough and the actual ship design segment (despite some counter intuitive elements and a tediousness that could be solved with a copy/paste feature) is actually rather fun. The sinuous nature of the ships moving about like living things is not something you see often, especially not a as major role in the ship design. In that, this game achieves exactly what it set out to do.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

I had a good time playing this game for the most part. The various enemies were cool, I really liked the spider spaceship design. Just keep in mind: when building your spacecraft, you must select the part you want to add and then click and drag from a joint to place it. It must be within a certain range of that joint. The game is pretty simplistic, but it isn’t too expensive and I’m a sucker for games where you build on to your vehicle by destroying enemy vehicles. Some updates to the game and maybe a way to do pvp would be cool. I probably won’t explore the game further unless it gets updated.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Spaceship Simulator on Steam

Infected zone 感染之地

Infected zone 感染之地

Fun game could use more content.

Real player with 692.0 hrs in game

Infected zone 感染之地 on Steam