

An interesting spin on the TD-fps genre. The gameplay will keep you on your toes, and the artstyle, effects, and theming are consistent and quite good. It’s definitely an indie game, and there are a few rough spots here and there, e.g. the controls, tower placement, metal beam in the HUD, etc. That being said, the game was fun.

Side note, the current build is near-impossible. The groups of big bois are brutal and the titans are broken. But I imagine the devs will balance the game shortly

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Tower Defense Games.

Play through here: https://youtu.be/an-O9XdFq5s

The Good Graphics are nice sound track is pretty sick and I like that they give you an active component with your builder. The bad Minions like killing your towers, you can’t be at two places at the same time and the default paths are a continent apart from each other, you have to actually physically pick up resources which despawn quickly so if your towers are killing things on the left while you’re on the right you’re getting half the resources at best, YOU HAVE TO BODY block to have any form of success, there’s not many tower choices and you can’t upgrades your towers, Minions LOVE killing your towers and some are thicc barely get frozen and are just blitzing so you have to lay sacrificial towers to appease their tower blood thirst, PLACING TOWERS IS HARD the area you can put them is very limited and you have to have a wide gap between your towers which is ANNOYING AS THE WORLD, you only have 30 very short seconds to lay towers while you try to fight with the build mode to even drop them AND THEN you have to run back to body block a path, there’s no wave counter that I noticed or any kind of stat to tell me how my towers are doing whatsoever, The Machine gun tower takes forever to start shooting like it will literally watch enemies run by then start shooting like 10-15 seconds later. Overall I think it’s a neat concept, but in my subjective opinion I can’t recommend it because I don’t think in it’s current state it’s worth the time investment to try and figure out how to win.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Bulkhead on Steam



I love this game! For being made by 1 person It beats a lot of AAA games in creativity. I would really like to see more games like this in the future and I will be following the game’s development closely!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

I pirated this game from Google, but after playing it for a while I decided to just buy the game to support the developer bcs this game is just super fun, after just 40 hours of playing this game I can say I love it the designing of the hull and turret is simple but is still fun, I’ve already made about 20 tanks just from WW1, the only problem with this game is that it’s empty and lacking a lot of other features that I would like in the game, I understand that it’s only made by one person so I can wait for as long as possible so that he can improve this game a lot, so I’ma just list the problems I have with the game:

Real player with 50.3 hrs in game

Sprocket on Steam

Timewalk Tower Defense

Timewalk Tower Defense

Gameplay is pretty unique for a tower defense, definitely enjoyed it! Lots of fun characters to try out.

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Tower Defense Games.


Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Timewalk Tower Defense on Steam



A quick note from the developers:

If you want to set up your farm and fight zombies in a huge open world Say no more! FarmZone should be right up your alley.

FarmZone is an open world adventure game that draws you into its world of fun. Explore new villages, farm, build your farm, collect resources and show the zombies your day. The colorful world of FarmZone awaits you.

If you are considering purchasing FarmZone, please note that we are a very passionate but small team of five. What we want to offer you is for you to explore this little colorful world and have fun. FarmZone is in early access and will continue to evolve and diversity will increase. If you are tired of the real world and want to have fun with your friends, this game is for you. And you can get it at the price of a medium sized pizza!

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have feedback, questions, or problems with the game. We’ll do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible and provide support if needed. Also let us know if you enjoyed the game, because that makes our day!

#### This game offers you:

  • Fun open world

  • Zombies

  • A relaxing atmosphere

  • Beautiful, vibrant colors

  • Developing your own farm

#### This game doesn’t have:

  • Horse

  • A cinematic story

  • Huge explosions (not even small ones actually)

  • Pineapple pizza

#### Wanna know the specifics?

You start the game with a small shack and a field, and nothing else. Over time, you can sell your crops to nearby villages, improving yourself and buying new products. As you progress through the game, your farm will grow, you will build new buildings, feed animals, and plant fruit trees. The machines you buy from the villages will also be of great help to you. Pickup trucks, tractors etc.

Do not forget that the more you spend time in the game, the more difficult it will be. You will fight different zombies and you have to build new defense systems.

FarmZone on Steam

Temple Hunters

Temple Hunters

Temple Hunters is a work in progress, but i believe it is moving in the right direction and i am enjoying it thoroughly! You play two different modes at the moment, one being 5v5 pvp race to see who gets the most treasure first, and a 4 player co-op pve missions! The theme and style of this game makes me want to come back time and time again, hope you like it too!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Definitely a game that focuses on its amazing and creative mechanics. Although A lot of work is needed the game itself is incredibly fun and has the same pvp quality that you would find in a lot of high caliber games. Again, a lot of work is needed but this is a good game to jump into while its being developed.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Temple Hunters on Steam

Hostile Mars

Hostile Mars

Hostile Mars is a Tower-Defense Factory-Building game. You must create efficient supply chains, salvage destroyed enemies, and upgrade structures to support your gigantic cannons that defend your base against thousands of enemies.


Upgrade everything to a ridiculous degree. Laser turrets come in sizes 1, 2, 3, or 120.


Enemy drones pour over the hills and tower above you. You will need every upgrade you can get to defend against them.


You don’t have time to defend your base and acquire supplies!

Instead, create supply lines by automating hundreds of delivery bots to harvest ore and resupply your base.


  • Upgrade your traps to deal more damage, collect materials that fall from defeated enemies, and tons of other crazy stuff.

  • Upgrade your turrets to shoot farther and hit harder!

  • Upgrade your base to unlock new items.

  • Upgrade walls, guns, ammo, delivery bots, harvesters, machines, buildings, storage, and more!

  • Strategically place walls, traps, and turrets to create a defense strong enough to keep your home base energy core protected.

Hostile Mars on Steam

Replicators Defence

Replicators Defence

Many millennia after Civilization conquers the entire Galaxy with the help of various machines, it is possible that machines will rebel against their creators. Or against all life. Or against … all matter.

Nanomachines, called Replicators due to their ability to self-reproduce by the recombination of any matter, got out of control and tend to absorb more and more matter until all matter becomes a single Replicator.

The main body of Civilization was destroyed, but there were bases along the edges of the Galaxy that the Replicators had not yet reached.

You have to defend the bases from the attacks of the Replicators. A significant arsenal of guns and turrets will keep the defence. However, the enemy is not going to surrender without a fight …


    Just a single asteroid in space can become a stronghold, if you manage it.

    Balance out matter and energy production, according to needs of Your buildings, defences and needs of science


    Use power of science to make your ship better, faster, stronger!

    Better weapons - faster replicators death - stronger base.


    Try to defeat neverending hoards, find individual approach to each enemy. How long will you last?

Replicators Defence on Steam



As you can see by my time with this game I have plenty of experience with it and have been playing for years now.

I have to say what was once an amazing game has now been turned into an aggravating, annoying, shell of what it once was. What could have been a groundbreaking game is now just bland and uninteresting due to the lack of effort by Freejam.

Many questionable decisions by freejam has turned this once amazing game into tedious grind with no payoff.

The CRF:

When I first started playing the only weapon was the smg. I have seen every major update and change come and go. The first and most prominent thing wrong with this game is the CRF, or the Robot shop. Before the shop was added, every player had to build their own bot. For better or worse. Thats why the tagline for this game is “Build Drive Fight” with build being first. Since the start of this game it wasnt just about how well you did in battle but how well you built your bot. They went hand in hand. Those who took the time and effort to build a good bot, were rewarded by doing well in the battles. Now that they have the CRF players can buy any OP bot of the moment and never have to build a thing. Essentially doing away with half of the game and arguably the most interesting aspect of it.

Real player with 2416.1 hrs in game

TLDR I do not recommend this game, not even if you paid me to. Links in info, please look.

I recommended this game quite a while ago and honestly used to love it and support it. However, the game design has gone ways that are just unapealing, unchallanging and quite bothersome to me. I started playing this game because I like building robots, and at the time of me playing, it was the only game I knew about that was of this sort. However, as time went on, I saw other similar games, and I also saw good suggestions for robocraft, not get implemented in game, while bad suggestions and ideas did. Seb, one of the game devs seems to think our negative reviews are jokes, but this just shows you how seriously they take our criticism because its their game and they want to take it the way they want, the way that makes them the most money and scares off the most logical players and makes way for children who have fat wallets for GambleCraft 2.0 open your wallet addition. Well, now they are on damage control and posting fake apologies, but its a bit too little and a bit too late. Dont apologize, fix this game and revert far far back to when it was once a good game. I dont care about all the time you spent on it, you ruined it. You fix the game and you will fix the reviews by doing so. Until than, keep laughing freescam, but if you go out of buisness, dont expect me to not laugh because it was YOUR fault. I dont want you to fail, but you seem dead set on doing so. I could list all the things I hate about how the game went but seb will just say get used to it. https://twitter.com/sebify/status/726373014854615040 #Game dev, FreeScam games https://twitter.com/sebify/status/677895687548350465 https://twitter.com/TomCat__86/status/728177749706186753 oh and dont forget, they will ban you for talking about other games or having valid cricitism on bad updates. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Juvar23/recommended/301520/ What other company do you know of that is that insecure? Hell I cant think of any. Whoops, I talked about how the update is horrible. BAN, Whoops I talked about a game thats better than robocraft, BAN. http://steamcommunity.com/app/301520/discussions/2/364040166681997039/ it also appears the company freejam that puts out robocraft is owned by a mobile gambling game company and freejam owes them over 1 million dollars of debt due in september. http://robocraftgame.com/forums/topic/will-robocraft-be-adversely-affected-because-74-of-freejam-owned-by-hyperion/

Real player with 1113.8 hrs in game

Robocraft on Steam

Happy Z-Day

Happy Z-Day

love the game it was so much fun the more the nights the harder it gets love it so much :)

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Happy Z-Day on Steam

Triton Survival

Triton Survival

If you’re looking for another Hack & Slash game where the only goal is to kill everything that gets in your way, then this game is not for you!

Although, if you’re looking for something different, rather than killing endless waves of enemies, then this is the RGIHT PLACE for you. Triton Survival is a complex game which features a large variety of game mechanics – crafting, surviving, building, gathering resources, driving, shooting, free-roaming, exploring & many more.

We’ve played the game a couple of hours and we’ve found that it’s even more complicated and multiplexed, than you can actually guess from watching the trailers or reading about it. If you’re interested in these game genres, we from “The Gaming World” YT Channel, highly recommend Triton Survival.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

I like it! The moment of the enemies horde is exciting and they surround you everywhere.

I think it still has a lot of expansion capacity in the defensive structures of the portal. I hope they will expand this content in the next updates. It will also be interesting to be able to use the vehicles.

In addition, the developers are involved and active in the project. They have taken into account some of my suggestions. I’m sure that in the next updates will continue to improve the game.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Triton Survival on Steam