

Alrrrrrright, Reassembly. I seriously think this is my favorite video game of all time.

What is so great about it?

  • The concept of the engineering design process is the core idea of the game.

You build and control a ship, you quickly find out it’s bad, and you improve it until it is both unbeatable and unbearable, and it is the greatest feeling in the world.

  • Then you realize that tournaments exist, and you are introduced to a whole new way of designing ships. Your ships are so powerful now that (vanilla) campaign mode is simply too easy. However, you will find out that your ships are far from up to par in the tournament scene, and you must improve to be competitive. And, of course, you do. You improve a lot. you can no longer design ships that you can play well; you must now design ships the questionable Reassembly AI can play well. You participate in tournaments to find out who is the best at coming up with interesting new strategies, who is the best at actually executing those strategies, who is, well, the best. And you have loads of fun along the way. i mean, you could also find a way to make your ship glitch out of the tournament arena, making everyone die inside, but that’s a topic for a future discussion.

Real player with 1260.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

I usually never write reviews, but, Reassembly is one of the few games I give a hugely positive review on.

While sandbox-style of games may not fit and or belong to everyone, to people who do enjoy taking the time to build (And fly), this game is amazing.

The game by itself is good, as you can either play the slow expansion way as your faction’s control grows, or you can play the agent-hunter and wormhole way, racking up credits at break-light speeds. All the factions themselves have their own uniqueness. As playing every faction the same way will never work.

Real player with 465.4 hrs in game

Reassembly on Steam



SpaceBlocc is a colorful minimalistic spaceship building game. A mysterious world you have to escape before it destroys you.


Choose among 7 different parts to build your ship. By correctly managing your weight, thrust, and energy available you will be able to travel a different speeds. Slow and fast both have their advantages and disadvantages. Too slow and you will get destroyed by asteroid rains. Too fast and you won’t have time to destroy obstacles before colliding with them.


You start with only the minimum. Unlock new parts as you progress through the game. These parts are required to advance to next levels, and obviously will make your ship stronger.


Rescue astronauts that were a bit too bold. Some are just out there ready to be picked up. Some decided it would be fun to have to be rescued in more dangerous areas.

Read More: Best Building Top-Down Games.

SpaceBlocc on Steam



If you grew up on sci-fi and space operas, this is the game for you. Do you dream of exploring the galaxy flying a ship you designed block-by-block to be what you always dreamed in your head? Or crave having a merchant empire? Or perhaps your dream is to jump into combat, with an entire fleet of ships at your back like the Rebel fleet arriving at Endor? I’ve done it all, and you can too.

I tell people that what really makes this game is moments. That time you jumped away from a pirate ambush with 2% health. The time you were deep in a lonely nebula, and found a secret stash hidden between some asteroids. The first time you discovered a boss, some sassy, some scary, some like nothing you expected at all. The first time you have a second or third ship to fight beside you, that moment where you go from being a ship to a fleet.

Real player with 1942.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

Something about Avorion just draws me in, yes it has some issues as most games do, but overall this game is fantastic. The story elements are on the simpler side but the uniqueness of the entire story gives Avorion charm. There are still some lore/backstory holes but they can be plugged over time.

The ship design takes a special sort of player, that is not me, I can build rectangle based ships… anything curved or angled is beyond me :D

I only have one piece of advice from playing almost 600 hours (at time of review), enjoy the early game, try for the most challenging way of obtaining the build knowledge…

Real player with 597.4 hrs in game

Avorion on Steam

Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Do not get this game. It is like smoking. Giving up is hard, but at least one can warn others not to start.

It is a constant struggle between the amazement and joy of things going right and the infuriation and tedium with things going wrong or things not working or existing at all. You will both love and hate the game. Love for what it is, and hate for what it ought to have, but doesn’t. (And with that I don’t mean liquid water. Or a console port, for that matter.) Or what it could be.

It is an old game that can’t possibly have ever honestly been intended to be an actual product. It is one of Keen’s usual abandonware children with, for once, a little less abandonment than usual, likely because, against all odds, it managed to gather enough of a critical mass in player-hours to not fade into obscurity fast enough. All this game continues to get is a bolting-on of “features” that, at best, expand the game sideways, but never truly forwards, and a fix of the most pressing, but not always also pressed-for, bugs. (Though, no blame on those who actually fix those bugs and test the fixes. After all, there are only so many hours in a workday and eyes in a team.) SE is, and always will be, a sort-of-playable agglomeration of tech demos. An Early-Access game without the Early Access flag. Instead of a truly continued improval, effectively all you get, and continue to get, is more things (usually little more than band-aids with pretty pictures on them) that can (and tend to) go wrong.

Real player with 1416.5 hrs in game

my review may be negative but i really loved this game, i feel my hours in this game says that. the game is super fun but expect the game to be fun tell you finally get a ship where you could jump from planet to planet easily and you will find you have reached the end game of space engineers where the only thing to do is hop from space station to space station doing cut and paste quests for space cash that you can spend on materials that you can produce faster then the station could sell them to you. or you can buy already built space ships if you have enough money and send the ships crashing into a moon because the ship you built is far better then any of the ones you can buy. this game is kept alive today thanks to the community of modders in the workshop and that to me is sad. dlc blocks add things mods already added but in standard vanilla and tho only NPCs we have seen have been a wolf and a spider. there are AI controlled ships that will shoot at you but once you get on board you’ve pretty much have won the fight as you will only meet interior turrets as a threat on the ships because the AI driver seat only flies the ship while the turrets are just being standard defense turrets, there is no NPC crew to fight against once you get inside. i know this game is mainly meant for multiplayer but most servers have block limits (for good reason game is still unstable) so you will reach a point you can’t build or add anything else to your ship or station. It’s a fun game that feels like it’s stuck in limbo

Real player with 876.8 hrs in game

Space Engineers on Steam

Dyson Sphere Program

Dyson Sphere Program

Easily my game of the year. In my decades of gaming, never have I encountered a game this satisfying.

It’s basically Factorio in space, but there are 2 major differences: the end goal, and the visuals.

In Factorio, your goal is to launch a rocket.

In DSP, it’s to plan and build your very own fully customizable Dyson sphere.

Factorio’s moment-to-moment gameplay is a bit more engaging and interesting, but as soon as you put your first solar sail into orbit around your home star, you’ll know this game is something special.

Real player with 649.4 hrs in game


  • Visually stunning

  • Straightforward tech & production graph

  • Planets

  • Strip mining planets

  • Good early to mid game performance

  • Feels more accessible than Factorio or Satisfactory

  • Modding (can help with the cons below)


  • Late game performance and file sizes can become horrible

  • Tedious editing of the titular Dyson Sphere

  • Boring and repetitive placing of mining equipment and factories late game

  • Not much replay value beyond going for certain achievements

  • Late game is practically waiting for hours for research/mining/achievement progress

Real player with 577.4 hrs in game

Dyson Sphere Program on Steam

StarShip Constructor

StarShip Constructor

Ive had this game a LONG TIME and my best advice is for you to avoid it.

While the game does have its strong points, the developer really has no idea how a game should be built and in what steps/order things should be addressed.

New modules, weapons and gameplay elements go in virtually untested. Problems with the game from 2 years ago still plague the latest release. Block sizing does not matter…Skills randomly stop working. Cargo sizes randomly shift when you take damage and repair.

Real player with 68.5 hrs in game

EDIT 11 months later: The dev has abandoned this game, no updates, and the game has very serious crashes that will stop you from completing it. STAY AWAY. The concept is good, the game is good, but BUGS ARE TOO BAD.

Considering the price, it’s early access, and developed by one person, the game is going on quite good, keep up the good work!

My recommendatios:

· You have to solve warps. You warp into mines, you warp into allied ships and are then attacked by everyone, it’s a complete mess.

· Undocks suffer the same problem but less often. You get thrown away as if you needed speed to take off a battleship, and if there is another ship or an asteroid, booom!!

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

StarShip Constructor on Steam

Annihilate The Spance

Annihilate The Spance

Annihilate The Spance is a real-time autonomous army, base builder. Construct your base, and provide your autonomous armada with the means to annihilate the enemy. Through calculated unit compositions, and rapid on-the-fly adjustments to your base.

ATS is set in a far future, with a unique phenomenon unseen in all history. The Spance.

Follow three factions across five campaigns into this glowing, writhing, and dark place.

A nebula ( or as close as we have a name for it ) that has roamed the galaxy, consuming hundreds of solar systems into its depths. It is undeniably rich in resources. Extreme and unexplained pseudo-physical phenomena. And creatures seemingly formed from burning energy.

A linear set of story missions across four interlinked campaigns will take you through the depths of the Spance. Fight with and against each of the major factions in conflict while gaining access to new units and technology. Learn the unique doctrines needed to command the military might of The Kontaalen Armada, the united fleets of The Vaalkorei Coalition mercantile guilds, and the experimental technologies of Emar’s Tychon Division.

Delve ever deeper into the impenetrable abyss of the Spance and unlock its secrets.

Alternatively, jump directly into the fray by versing AI in custom skirmishes and player-created custom levels. You can even create your own for others to play using the level editor.

Begin each mission from your command station and gather resources from the stuff of the rich nebula itself to construct your autonomous base. The interference of the Spance prevents you from directly controlling your units. Each ship is autonomous. Relying on its AI core, moving, targeting, and attacking on its own.

You, Strategist, are left to your base.

Plan your army composition carefully. Calculate build cycles. Make tactical positioning decisions. There is no singular vessel that can take you to victory. This war will not be decided by who holds the bigger stick, but instead who wields the more versatile one.

Annihilate The Spance on Steam

Captain Forever Remix

Captain Forever Remix

This game is awesome.

I’ve played plenty of 2D shooters in space, and this is by far one of them.

I have a lot of praise and a couple of complaints. I’ll skip the praise because you can find that elsewhere, or just look at the gameplay for yourself.

This game’s difficulty curve is ridiculous. Assuming you, like me, haven’t played the original game, you’ll be thrown into the gameplay right away with very little time to adjust to the unique mechanics of ship-building and combat. There are a lot of different parts to build with and constructing a powerful ship is more nuanced than throwing a bunch of pieces together. In many cases, a tiny ship is more effective than a large ship, but building a large ship is half the fun.

Real player with 37.6 hrs in game

This review is written in both of English and Korean language

이 평가는 영어와 한글 두 언어로되어 있습니다


In Korea, Captain Forever, well-known as “우주선 키우기”, became famous while playing by the number of online BJ.

The original version of Captain Forever can be played by connecting to “" , Captain Successor as the extension addition that you can play after purchasing $20.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Captain Forever Remix on Steam

Helixteus 3

Helixteus 3

Ever wondered how it feels like to manage and exploit entire universes? Start small with only one planet. Construct and upgrade buildings to produce resources. Explore caves to find treasure. Send ships to other planets to fight enemies and get more building space. Conquer other star systems and start building Dyson spheres and other megastructures. Do research to unlock innovative ways to expand your megafactory.

Done conquering the universe? Send probes that look for other universes and get ready to uncover all sorts of new, exciting and weird things in them, where the speed of light can be 35c, and the gravitational constant such that it affects how galaxies and planets form.


  • Procedurally generated planets, caves, star systems, galaxies, clusters, superclusters and universes for replayability

  • 50+ types of resources to juggle with, divided into many categories: materials, metals, atoms, particles etc.

  • 16 types of infinitely upgradable buildings with varied functionalities: resource generation, resource conversion, vehicle construction etc.

  • 6 types of megastructures where their costs and power can depend on the star or the planet they are on

  • 40+ researchable technologies that unlock features and boost gameplay

  • Incremental gameplay. Almost anything you do (including not doing anything) helps make numbers go up even faster. Offline progress. No or very little penalties when losing a battle.

  • 2 skill-based minigames that help accelerate things a bit

Helixteus 3 on Steam



After FFXIV 1.0 i never thought i’d see a bigger shitshow, but so help me this game came through and then some!

TL;DR review:

1 : Game has ZERO gameplay, all you can do in the game is build and there are no plans for adding any.

2 : Developer is completely alienated, doesn’t listen to community at all except small echochamber and bans people that speak out against bad design decisions.

3 : Developer has NO IDEA WHAT THEY WANT TO MAKE. Read on for details.

4 : Recently destroyed the notion of competitive/mechanical building by replacing functional blocks with an arbitrary “skill tree”, eliminating your ability to trade one attribute for another, limiting the amount of stat enhancing blocks based on ship length of all things… Building is now largely a cosmetic deal and ships have no purpose anyway, but at least you used to be able to duel with them.

Real player with 2329.6 hrs in game

I started off loving Starmade…then we broke up. Now I spend time thinking about maybe giving it a another shot. I got into the game just after the big graphical re-boot having played Minecraft for years and checking out every voxel based, procedurally generated game I could find. I trolled Greenlight and found many wanna be contenders but Starmade impressed me with it’s vision of what it wants to be. Like any relationship we fall in love with what could be, an ideal, sometimes a projection we place onto the other. I am love with what Starmade is trying to be, but has not yet become.

Real player with 1375.7 hrs in game

StarMade on Steam