Home Design 3D

Home Design 3D

It is hard to not recommend this, due to the low price and therefore low expectations. However, there are issues with the program that make things difficult sometimes and can even delete hours of work. The snap function for walls and items can be turned off, but does not seem to really turn off. Even if it is off, walls will want to snap to some nearby wall and you have play a game with creating walls in certain orders to make it work. There is also an issue where a wall, or other item seems to be associated with another item and when you delete one, the other is also deleted. This becomes a much larger issue if a wall is associated with the entire floor to the level you are on. Move a wall to see what a space looks like in a given area, but don’t like it and delete it…..and your entire first floor loses it’s floor. I have not been able to find a trick around this and it forces you to redo the entire floor plan, which it took several hours to get right. The program is fairly easy to learn and has a fair selection of items (though it has a heavy Asian influence for some reason). For the price I would normally recommend this, but given the bug that undoes hours of work I cannot.

Real player with 181.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

TL;DR 5/10 a useful conceptualization “game.” Not a real design tool.

As others have mentioned, the very basics of home design are missing from this “game.” Roofing is absent as well as any multi-story possibility 2nd floor? NO! OK, HD3D gives only 1 floor 2D layouts–with a 3D visualizer for ideas. Well, look at the screenshots–there is some value to what the dev has given.

The MOST EGREGIOUS FLAW of this “game” is its most critical job–the ruler. The devs had no idea how to create a ruler. I know 6th grade programmers who would handle this basic job better. The dev just lets you draw a line of any length, then falsely labels it with a measurement rounded to the nearest inch, and pretends that it is good enough. So, with rounding error, you can fit 3+4+6 inches into a foot, because the dev is just playing around too. DEV Hint: create a line-length snap to nearest measurement selection. Nearest Inch. Nearest 1/8 inch. Oh, right. Your menus are tablet garbage. There are no real options anywhere.

Real player with 67.8 hrs in game

Home Design 3D on Steam



My favorite purchase all year.

If you’re wondering what I’ve been able to do with FlowScape that led to my review, you can take a look at all of my projects here .

I knew the moment I laid eyes on this, I would most likely love it. It exceeded my expectations as a casual design & illustration tool that just about anyone can use. I have spent many hours putting together village & macro background scenes. The Sculpting tool allow you to create mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, as I see fit. The Painting tool allows you to create walkways. I can construct anything from realistic waterfalls to lost ruins with the Transformation tool to manipulate just about any object.

Real player with 2803.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

Wow, it’s difficult to say in words how impressive and relatively deep this instant gratification “game” is! Marketed as a game, but used by many as a 3D design tool. Oh, it’s not Maya, or Lightwave, or even Bryce or Blender, which is cool because we already have those. This is something different, and special, and FAST, and easy! And for all its limitations, what IS here is a lot deeper and impressive than you might imagine!

I’ve made a nice living from building scenes in 3D software for many decades, and I’ve spent countless hours working with wire-frames and pallets of textures and bump maps and lighting devices, and scratching my head over each new entries' exploration into the 3D modeling' procedures. It doesn’t replace those high-end spreads for many projects, but this WILL be replacing the high-rollers on a few projects and making my life so much easier!

Real player with 2204.8 hrs in game

FlowScape on Steam

Simson Tuningwerkstatt 3D

Simson Tuningwerkstatt 3D

Perfekt um seinen Umbau vorher zu planen. Unzählige Lackierungsmöglichkeiten und fast alle Tuningteile vorhanden.

Real player with 36.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.


Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Simson Tuningwerkstatt 3D on Steam

Software Inc.

Software Inc.

  • Gameplay

  • Replayability

  • Building/Office Design

  • Realism

  • Developer

  • Stability

  • Peer Game Comparison

  • Procedurally Generated Worlds

+/- Learning Curve

+/- Graphics

+/- Sound

+/- Difficulty

+/- Interface

+/- Modability

+/- Optimization

  • Music

  • Campaign

I will mark whether I like something +, dislike something -, or am neutral +/- as I write the review.

You start as the founder of a software company in a standard sandbox enviroment +/-. You can choose the difficulty, speed of gameplay, starting funds, starting time period, traits, and skills of your founder +. You are able to set a basic appearance for the founder, but this is clearly not a focus of the game +/-.

Real player with 617.8 hrs in game

A10: The polish is coming along pretty nicely although since I posted the review (Late 2016) although I do have to say that some of the changes have made the development process a bit too hit-and-miss since you really have no idea how a product is going to turn out until it’s too late - while the code reviews are a nice addition, they’re not really that useful as far as ensuring a good product as most of the quality control process is out of your hands.

You can also put the best staff on a project, allocate teams optimally etc and it’ll still come out as rubbish, so I don’t know, maybe that needs to be more sensible.

Real player with 132.2 hrs in game

Software Inc. on Steam



I love 3D data visualization. It really works when the interface is intuitive and you can focus on your data. It’s also amazing to feel the benefit of externalizing your thoughts in a 3D space - the model that you have in your head gets visualized, so that your mind’s eye is in a feedback loop with your real eyes. From imagination to creation, your idea can take form.

Noda makes this process seamless and easy. The visual design of the world and interface is elemental and intuitive, and the resulting creations are beautiful. I used Noda to organize my music library into different genres, something that I’ve always wanted to do. It’s great when you feel at ease and meditative when creating, and Noda is the ideal VR experience for this.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Hi devs !

I bought Noda and immediately spent a whole night on it, working on my story.

It felt amazing, so thanks for that !

Here are my observations and suggestions :

  • My first working environment choice was “Sky only”, but i had to renounce it when i noticed the teleport couldn’t be used there. Could you add an invisible floor to make moving possible there, and in the empty environment ?

  • I made mistakes sometimes, deleted elements, moved this or that and then changed my mind…. I had to redo a lot of things. I don’t know what kind of coding it would implie, but i would definitely have gained some efficacy, had i had a “Ctrl Z” of some sort.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Noda on Steam

Fog Factory - Game Maker

Fog Factory - Game Maker

I expected much more. This Game-Maker sadly suffers from a lack of ambition and creative thought. The UI design is lacking, the audio rarely works and the game is incredibly imbalanced. Hopefully in the future this can be improved, although that may take a lot of work.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Fog Factory - Game Maker on Steam

Halloween Decoration Sandbox

Halloween Decoration Sandbox

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my initial impressions review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/HtzBA8PkgB8

While this app certainly has a certain charm as you can build your own Halloween map and then visit it in VR, it’s a bit too unpolished for me to recommend. I won’t refund it and I hope the developer can improve the end user experience, but it feels more like an alpha prototype than a real Halloween Decoration Sandbox experience.

VR support is very basic at the moment. It is KBM only, no motion controller support and only on the Oculus Rift. Even starting VR is more convoluted than it needs to be. You basically have to start the app in non-VR then choose free play mode and then put on your VR headset. As far as the editor (where you actually decorate), it is non-VR only. You can only use VR for your finished product experience.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Halloween Decoration Sandbox on Steam

MOENTO - Modular Environment Toolkit

MOENTO - Modular Environment Toolkit

Let me start by saying that this is one of my favorite games at the moment. 

I think we all have times when we just don’t know what to play, or you just want to relax and not play CS:GO against spinbotter… This is the game that fills this gap. 

I randomly saw this game and instantly fell in love with the assets. 

In the beginning it was a little hard to get an overview of all the buttons, but they were all pretty self understanding. After I played a little around I started working on a house. And let me tell… it is SO SATISFYING to do build anything in this game… the animations are on spot 3 I posted it on the Discord of bblessed Gamestudios and the Developer loved it… so sweet.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

This is really, really awesome. Once you get used to the controls and how to work things, you can throw together pretty much anything. I give this game a 10/10

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

MOENTO - Modular Environment Toolkit on Steam

Robo Maestro

Robo Maestro

Robo Maestro is a procedural music toy. It’s a revolutionary new way of creating and experiencing music! You tell it what you want, and then the Maestro automatically generates music that fits that. Playing Robo Maestro requires no music knowledge at all: just have fun and hear what happens! Guide the Maestro and create awesome music together with it!

Maestro Mode

Maestro Mode is the main attraction: a fun, relaxing experience where the music constantly evolves based on your choices. The Maestro generates random options that you can choose from to alter the music. Hear something you like? Store it as a chorus to come back to later, or save it for usage in the editors.

Loop Editor

Build your own loops and define details like instruments, layers, intensity and random seeds. Whatever you do, Robo Maestro makes sure it always fits with the rest of the music!

Song Editor

Combine your loops to create complete songs!

Export your creations

Share your music with friends, or open it in any other music software to continue editing there. What you create with Robo Maestro is yours to use in any way you like!

Optional deep tweaks

You can also dive deeper and define the chords and time signatures yourself. You don’t have to though: Robo Maestro can figure everything out itself, so you don’t need to know any music theory to use it. But if you want, you can get more detailed control.

Jam companion

Jam along to Robo Maestro on your favourite instrument or vocals! This automatic mode will let Robo Maestro endlessly evolve the music, fully automatically, as a backing for your own improvisation. Or enable the full features and just sit back and be surprised by what Robo Maestro can generate!

Advanced automatic composition

Robo Maestro is powered by an advanced procedural music generator. Dozens of algorithms work together to create each aspect of a song: drums, bass, melody, chords, rhythm, notes and much, much more. You can control each step individually, or just let Robo Maestro generate a complete loop and make tweaks from there.

Robo Maestro on Steam

Homebrew - Patent Unknown

Homebrew - Patent Unknown

Edit: Updated at 4,500 hours of play time


This game is basically a watered down 3D modeling program with a bit of gameplay. The world is mostly empty, save for a few interesting areas to drive around and some player made areas. However, the gameplay is not the reason why I play. I play for the building. I have yet to find a sandbox building game with a better builder. It is an extremely powerful tool, letting you build incredibly complex and detailed creations.


The building in Homebrew is done with a few simple tools. You create plates, pipes and shapes, then modify and move them to create the shapes and designs you want. There are servos, hinges, and springs with a parenting tool that allow you to create complex moving parts and vehicle suspensions. There are several prebuilt parts like engines, seats, and wheels that you use to make your creations work. The logic system is also just as detailed. Every working part has a logic box in the tuner that can be hooked up with other logic boxes to behave in whatever way you want.

Real player with 4746.4 hrs in game

Update Dev 2015: The v14 patch is here! This is a big one. The devs basically remade the game in Unity 5. Some of the systems are entirely re-done and it is overall a big improvement. I’ll highlight a few great points below, but this isn’t an exhaustive list of all the great changes / addition.

  • much more flexible building tools (like being able to adjust pipes after welding them to your vehicle, etc).

  • you can save vehicles / sub-assemblies and spawn / weld them in other projects :)

  • flexible plating / skin system: It’s only the start right now but there are already some easy to use parts for making body panels that far surpass the rigid old dog plates from v13.

Real player with 2179.5 hrs in game

Homebrew - Patent Unknown on Steam