

Played it a little… Pretty fun.

Real player with 2231.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Physics Games.

A physics building puzzle game with a lot of levels and with mods creativity and your pc is the only limit

Real player with 559.4 hrs in game

Besiege on Steam



Any Early Access game that listens to its community is worth buying. This is one such game.

Since I’ve bought this game around 15 months ago, I’ve been in a love/hate relationship with it. I’ve gone from a positive review, to a negative review, back to a positive review, and now I’m hopefully putting my final word on this…

When I first found this game it was like the re-creation of childhood memories of playing with K’nex and legos, building starships and vehicles and battling it out. It was a concept I wanted to program into a game myself in my early adult life but still haven’t laid a finger on understanding 3D graphics. The hype was real. I look at the minimum requirements…crap. I seriously need to upgrade. I buy it anyway…it runs, choppily, and I play the hell of out for a few months and love it to pieces. I build a rather large tech I dubbed Juggernaut with an onboard scrapper, refineries, furnace generators, and delivery cannons. I clash titan to titan with twitter invasions. I’d almost say the 3 fps slideshow due to my outdated computer made it more cinematic. I studied flight for days to build a successful quadcopter. I merrily flew around the entire planet, stopping occasionally to collect loot pedestals before blasting off again.

Real player with 318.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Multiplayer Games.


I want to preface by thanking everyone who has taken time out of their day to read, rate, and respond to my personal hot take on a game I have stated I do thoroughly enjoy. It fills my heart knowing that while many of you could be doing literally anything more productive than taking the opinion of another voice in the vast internet noise with anything more than a grain of salt means that my time here has not been wasted. Honestly, I was not expecting to receive a whole lot of feedback, especially from a dev themselves!

Real player with 270.2 hrs in game

TerraTech on Steam



I have been playing this game for 10 years now, and this is my attempt at an actual, objective based view of Blockland.

When it comes to gameplay, Blockland is what I consider to be the best lego-based sandbox building game to ever be released. theres no strings attached. you click “start a game” and you are almost immediately thrown into a blank slate and are free to build whatever you want, however you want, when you want. Whatever brick, item, or vehicle is not provided by default, the community’s faithful addon creators have provided for you. Blockland also comes with a intuitve and dynamic eventing system which allows you to assign functions to bricks. This game also supports gamemode functionality. You can host freebuilds, deathmatches, treasure hunts, and even community created gamemodes such as falling tiles, jailbreaks, drawing games, parties, development servers, RPGs, and more.

Real player with 3126.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Multiplayer Games.

Due to this game’s hard-coded limitations, the concept could only be taken so far. But, considering the base technology that it runs on (old Source engine, I think?) Eric and the gang did a great job with this game.

I have many happy, sad, beautiful, ugly, and downright crazy memories playing it. I wouldn’t trade any of them for the world.

I would say, as cheesy as it might sound, that the experiences that this game gave me really did shape me as a person, and is jointly responsible for who I am today. I’m not kidding. Many may feel the same way.

Real player with 1351.2 hrs in game

Blockland on Steam

Medieval Engineers

Medieval Engineers

… a shame it was abandoned…

but don’t be fooled. I consider this game still the top game in my whole steam library.

Why? you might wonder….

this game is living on vividly in the mod community.

Theres hardly a hundred players still running it regularly but its state is better than ever before.

The online community is superb. All very passionate people who invest real time and skill in this wonder of a game.

credit where credit is due: big thanks to Deepflame, Peaceman, and modders like Equinox, Xaerthus , Onca, JohnBeere and many , many others, who are taking this game to unseen levels.

Real player with 2907.4 hrs in game

(New Edit, 2/17/2019)

I hadn’t played ME for months, after the last update broke the game into unplayability and I left in disgust, after having written the review below. But I had heard about the rail and water mods and so a few weeks ago I fired it back up to check it out.

Like my initial Steam review (below), the modders have done an amazing job. The new rail mod is intuitive, fun, immersive, and solves the main issue of planet, which is it’s unruly size.

The new water mod finally added what everyone has been asking for since the games inception, and which KEEN assured us they would never provide. Water. Like, you know, the prerequisite for life itself.

Real player with 2182.5 hrs in game

Medieval Engineers on Steam



ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!! This game is one of the best sandbox games I have ever played in my life!! (and trust me, I’ve played a lot of sandbox games in the past).

First of all, I think it’s the only sandbox game that is based around raytracing and that’s an amazing idea in my opinion!

Secondly, for a brand new early access game, I find that there are already many creative possibilities and it will only get better!

third, this guy is alone! Yes you heard me right, it’s only one person who designed this masterpiece and for only one person, it really stands out.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Simple and relaxing.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Buildmark on Steam

Dieselpunk Wars

Dieselpunk Wars

I think I am the player who has been playing this game for the longest time ever (most of them spent on building stuff in creative), and I did enjoy it and had high hopes. But still…


Several serious bugs exist, including one that makes airships pretty much unplayable.

The Devs have been informed of those bugs for months but no action was ever taken.

They also stated on Discord that the May update is going to be the last update, so consider it officially abandoned.

Severe Lack of Content

Real player with 466.8 hrs in game

A very good game.

Important notes:


Movement on the ground for wheeled/tracked vehicles is generally pretty good, the only issue i tend to have is the velocity being canceled completely by trees/random geometry such as rocks. Movement also feels very slow/tanky however i think that fits the game just fine. Sea/Air movement works perfectly well, though i couldn’t get a walker to work.


I have a few nitpicks about it, namely with not enough keybinds/options for keybinds in the building menu, and not being able to press esc to exit out of some menu prompts. There are some bugs here, as you might guess from an early access game, but aside from the occasional incorrect mirroring, it works just fine.

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

Dieselpunk Wars on Steam



This is sad that this game was released before it was ready, it has so much potential. I wish I had noticed the demo before I bought the game, that is my fault. There is no instructions and for the life of me I cannot figure out the controls, I have looked for a full hour how to delete a piece placed in the wrong location without deleting the entire ship. The camera controls are all over the place, no way to rotate a swivel piece when installing on your ship. If the game was the thrust to be up it will be up, no way to change it. I cannot find any info on the game or a developers web site. Steam should not allow games that are no where near ready to be released. Hopefully there will be some instructions posted somewhere and a update or two, but I feel that I wasted my money…..

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Eggineer on Steam



I like the game its very good. Can’t wait for the next update! Please download

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Right now, this “game” is not worth $5. I’d even go as far to say it’s not worth $1. What we have here, is essentially an unpolished tech demo for a very basic unity “building” game. The entire map consists of two small islands on which you can build with, “as of right now,” two different materials - a wooden plank, and a longer, skinnier wooden plank. The drag and click build system needs lots of polishing, as it’s frankly an absolute pain in the ass to use. Character movement is extremely, EXTREMELY limited and FULL of bugs - try jumping off a structure you built, you’ll float in the air. The only positive things I can say about this game are that it looks nice and has a neat aesthetic, and the models themselves aren’t bad. I could only recommend this game honestly if it costed nothing, but $5 is absolutely absurd for the miniscule amount of “game” you get to play.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Feelin on Steam

Infinite Gravity

Infinite Gravity

The game is very good,I like playing this game ,I highly recommend you to experience in the game

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

I bought this game today and I cannot stop playing it - it is like a cross between minecraft and blockscape which is not a bad thing at all - I loved the way the terrain blocks work - it is hard to explain in words but it is good - I haven’t tried the circuits out too much but I know good things can be created with them and I am waiting to see what people with more talent than me do with them - there is a map browser in game so you can check out other peoples creations and I assume upload your own too. The clouds are awesome as is the day and night cycle - my only grip is the day and night goes too fast and I cannot find anyway to slow it down or stop it (although you can control the time of day in game by using the cursor keys) - there are a really good selection of blocks and I am sure more will come at a later date - would be nice if at some point there were mods but we shall see. Overall a really good game in early access and I played minecraft VERY early on in its development and it was NO WHERE near as good and polished as this is - one very small grip is some parts of the menus are still in Japanses or Chinese (sorry I don’t speak either so I do now know which language it is) - I have not had one single crash or bug in my 8 hours of playing today. I really recommend this game for fans of the Genre.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Infinite Gravity on Steam

Kity Builder

Kity Builder


Kity Builder is a relaxing and cute city building and exploration game about searching for lost blueprints around a desert archipelago to decorate its islands. You’ll get creative designing dreamlike cities for other kitties to live in, while you calmly explore the peaceful ocean.

Key Features:

  • A relaxing exploration and construction experience.

  • Pixel art combined with low poly graphics for a cute, nostalgic aesthetic.

  • Collect blueprints around the place. These will grant you new buildings to place.

  • Three islands with different environments and biomes.

  • Lots of buildable objects to decore however you want.

  • A short and easy game to beat, but you can spend as many time as you want.

Kity Builder on Steam