Fear Equation

Fear Equation

I find it somewhat baffling that this mostly excellent game seems to have been released and then forgotten by most. While most games at least have a reddit sub dedicated to them, there is nothing for this game at all. Very few comments on indie game sites as well. Which is a shame, since it seems that, as a forgotten game, the chances of ever getting a sequel with enhanced mechanics is slim.

My only complaint with the game is that the social/faction mechanic is simply not as fleshed out as it could be. That whole aspect can be almost ignored with no consequence. Do they like you? Are they going to revolt? Meh…no matter most of the time. I would have liked to see some more interaction with the passengers themselves; in terms of maybe getting more detailed information by clicking on an individual passenger (relationship graphs to other passengers and to you. rumours, etc…) and perhaps be able to take more actions to affect their behaviour (ie. craft an edict. make a deal to send someone in with propaganda, etc…)

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

Overall, a visually beautiful, slower-paced game that reqiures you to manage the resources on the train, assign passengers to carriages based on their factions to prevent internal conflicts, and build defenses against the fog. Once you reach a destination, you can send passengers out to search for items/food/fuel, either through a random lottery or by rigging the lottery to send your stronger passengers.

It’s not a reactive game, like Deadnaut, instead you plan ahead and then watch it executed. Personally I prefer this style, but I tend to like management games anyway.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Fear Equation on Steam



Build Your Ship From Modules

Each ship is composed of independent modules and connections topolgoy between them. Every module has its properties and functions, such as mass, hull and cargo space. You should design your ship with a clear strategy, balancing among maneuverability, endurance, firepower, cargo space, power supplyment and other aspects.

A Noval Sandbox Building Way

You can design ship in a more free and convenient way. Give less effort, but gain a more delicate ship.

  • Module is freely attached via contact to other module’s connector area.

  • Module can be freely rescaled through X, Y, Z axes.

  • Support X, Y, Z axes mirror mode and Grid.

Command Your Ship Tactically

As captain, you need to command individual modules wisely according to battlefield situation. Set navigation destination and motion attitude, assign targets to turrets, shutdown unnecessary modules to reduce consumption, or overclock your cannon to give maximum firepower output.

Realistic Physics Simulation

  • All bullets and missiles are physical simulated, will deliver impact force to target hit.

  • Thrust output and torque output is computed from individual thrusters, so thruster direction and mass of center need to be concerned in ship design.

  • Structure of ship will be broken if crucial node (module) of connection topology is destroyed, so it’s better to set some redundant connnections in design.

Roguelike Experience

In singleplayer mode, you can explore procedural generated galaxy, fight against distinctive unknown enemies, redesign and reinforce your ship, until victory. Attention, you have only one shot.

Have Fun With Your Friends

You can create a online game, invite your friends to play against common AI enemies or fight each other to prove which ship design is the most powerful.

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

Interdimension on Steam



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Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Multiplayer Games.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Muck. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the features will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Gronk’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Muck truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dani’s existential catchphrase “is it me or is (insert name) looking kinda THICC” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dani’s genius unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Muck tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Muck on Steam

Space Scavenger

Space Scavenger

I absolutely love this game. In a nutshell, you are trying to survive four levels of “alternate space” – a normal area, an infected area, a solar-fire area and a robotic area. The thing is, the tiny scavenger ship you start with will never make it but you can “MacGyver” a passible fighting ship off the things you scavenge along the way (or possibly purchase in a shop). This part of the game, crafting the ship, is just as much fun as the actual fighting, trying to figure out how to make everything fit (and yes, if your ship is really huge and unbalanced, it will handle like a truck.

Real player with 214.1 hrs in game

The visuals, the game play, and everything the RedCabin team have added and improved on is amazing! Im so happy I got the chance to talk to the team and ask questions, and learn more about the game itself. These guys deserve all the praise they get when it comes to this game.

Pros: The game has great visuals, handing for both controller and mouse/keyboard, and fun game modes. The game challenges me all the time to do better as everyone who plays is put to the test during the daily challenge. Even the music and sounds are fantastic, and very relaxing to chill to.

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

Space Scavenger on Steam

Psycho Starship Rampage

Psycho Starship Rampage

Absolutely fantastic! This is the first game I’ve accidentally stayed up all night playing in a while, and one of the TOP 5 SCHMUPS I’ve ever played!

The graphics are ethereal!

The music fits the theme and context!

But my personal favorite…the underlying game systems are absolutely phenomenal!

The ship customization in particular is extremely well done…I can tell a lot of work went into the ship editor. Not only does it allow a high number of (unique and viable!) ship builds, but it also has a fantastic interface (controls). You can even set key bindings for different weapons right there in the ship builder.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

“Just one more level and I can upgrade this subsystem…”

It’s one of those games. You know which ones I’m talking about. “Just 5 more minutes…” turn into “Why are the birds so loud this late? Oh…”.

So, what is the game about?

Basically it’s a 2D arcade-style side-scrolling shooter with 2 game modes (campaign&survival). What sets it apart from the generic shooter, apart from being quite polished and having rock solid gameplay&controls, is the upgrade/weapon handling. Between each level you are able to modify your ship more or less from scratch. Layout, engine, energy generators, energy storage, weapons, defensive systems and lots of other addons like tractor beams or loot magnets are at your disposal. And that’s about it.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Psycho Starship Rampage on Steam



  • Classic co-op cooking action, with a wide selection of mains, sides, sauces, toppings, desserts, and starters.

  • Choose your equipment, lay out your kitchen, curate your menu and plate up your dishes.

  • From bubbling soups to sublime salads, tender steaks to hearty pies, there’s something for everyone.

  • Look after front-of-house: seating customers, delivering orders, and managing patience.

  • Equip your restaurant to handle the most fickle of customers and deliver them what they need, right when they need it.

  • Co-operate with the rest of your team like a well-olive-oiled machine, or bite off more than you can chew with crying children and dirty dishes.

  • Upgrade and rearrange your restaurant to your personal taste: when the restaurant closes for the day, the planning begins!

  • Decide what new equipment to purchase, and place it wherever you want.

  • Want to go high-tech? Install the turbo-ovens, crank up the conveyors, and make way for the robo-kitchen of the future.

  • Fancy something a little more… fancy? Curate your art collection, fix up that wallpaper, enlist a friend as a maître d' and get ready to provide the culinary experience of a lifetime.

  • Exceed your goals and start over at your next location, bringing with you new unlocks and upgrades.

  • Tailor your brand towards gourmet dining, or fine-tune your fast food franchise.

  • Every restaurant is procedurally-generated with its own climate, customers and conditions.

  • Return to your franchise HQ to view your achievements, customise your characters and upgrade your kit, ready for your next adventure!

PlateUp! on Steam

Dungeon Dan

Dungeon Dan

Dungeon Dan is an open world role playing game. Craft powerful items. Grow food and mine valuable resources. Fight terrible monsters. Solve ancient mysteries. Find your way in the world and make your mom proud.

Dungeon Dan on Steam

Advanced Mechanized Spacecraft

Advanced Mechanized Spacecraft

Full disclosure, I’m a family member of the dev and I play test the game (mostly off steam hense the low playtime). I’ve gotten to see this game from it’s predecessor (Blockship Wars a multiplayer space combat game) to the alpha and into early access. I’ve seen this game grow from the seed. I have had elements implemented that I recommended so I may be biased but I love the contruction element combined into space combat with rogue elements. That hits all my childhood favourites and I feel proud of the work Chadams has put into this game and his dedication to get this game out of early access. I really hope others love this little gem (IMO) because I have really enjoyed being able play test versions and try out new ideas. Hopefully this game takes off and people will at least try it out. Even if you don’t like it, come into the discussions and say why or leave a review and Chadams Studios can try working on some of your ideas too!

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

It has many mechanism blocks that make game unique. You can assign the keys for each mechanism blocks, weapon and thruster. You probably like this one if you like Reassembly, Terra Tech, Captain Forever, Spaz, Starship Constructer. Playable and challenging, no bug found yet..

But little shallow??!

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Advanced Mechanized Spacecraft on Steam

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Simple game. Yet rng, 5 factions, random events, riddles make it complex with deep strategy element.

I love city builders and making units in general. Game is very challenging I’ve played 17.5 hours a few days into purchasing and even though made it to final boss twice i still have not beat the game yet. Addictive game play and replay value is high.

Key to starting is focus on 1. gold 2. food 3. wood. i do not make any units until i’m attacked at the start. when i am attacked I focus on making a few units ie 20 archers maybe 10 thugs 10 militia then attack the small camps ie peasant militia and archer camps. make iron and stone mine and the remaining buidings. pick one faction to focus on and maybe have a subfaction as 2nd ary. for me i choose military and later capitalists. but there are relion freethinkers and nature ie guardians.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Ok folks,

I’ve been playing games from a very young age. This game will work for you if you like a chill relaxed management game that will challenge you.

Graphics are minimalist but it doesn’t matter.

I recommend the game because the developers did a really really good job in pulling this together in a way that it will keep you entertained while really focusing on you management and decision skills.

Well done, it’s a buy.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil on Steam

Oasis: Dark Forest

Oasis: Dark Forest

If you like Tower Defense and Base Construction games;

If you like to defeat a large number of enemies through a reasonable array;

If you like concise and refreshing pictures;

If you like the Roguelike element

This is the game you’re looking for.

This is a land ruled by darkness, and you are the only light. Here is the Dark Forest;

You must protect your holy tree, which is the foundation of all life;

Your trees will form a solid defense line against the Dark Forest and the Ghost Army from the darkness;

Your strategy, operation and willpower will determine the direction of the war.

In the Dark Forest,

Each level has a carefully customized terrain structure, but trees, monsters and resources will be generated randomly, so each game is a new exploration;

You will randomly get three evolution items when each rank of enemy is defeated. How to choose the most suitable update will affect the direction of the war;

You will get the opportunity to evacuate safely in specific ranks. Although you will gain more from continuing to fight, if you mistakenly evaluate the situation, you will be defeated and get nothing in this battle;

The resources you collect in the level will be used to evolve your Technology Tree, so as to gain more power in subsequent battles.

Please don’t be confused by the concise style. Although it is very easy to get started, the war situation full of changes and challenges absolutely needs to be dealt with attentively.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have feedback, questions, or problems with the game. We’ll do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible and provide support if needed. Also let me know if you enjoyed the game, that means much to me!

Thank you for playing and your support!


Music by Jordan Powell

Oasis: Dark Forest on Steam