Block of Rum

Block of Rum


So originally, I had said I would not recommend this game, however I also stated that I would change it if my problems with the game were fixed. So, I am happy to say that with the update 0.7.1 (which was the next update after my review) the following problems have been fixed to my satisfaction.

1: Inability to escape from battle (FIXED)

2: Lack of Warning about losing inventory (FIXED)

3: Quest tracking (FIXED)

Sooo, since all my complaints are fixed to my acceptance, I am happy to change my review to RECOMMEND! I left my complaints so you can see what I was upset about. Hope this helps!

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Naval Games.

I really got hooked on the construction mechanics, i would definetly play for hours building ships if there were more materials and color options for said materials. A few comments on the construction though, i would really like more available visibility while making designs (360° vision). Most of the UI needs fixing (better construction inventory, texts that fit), but i indeed liked where the game is going and the potential it has. I would love to help in the translation if you are planing to doing it also in spanish. counter or markers for needed sails or weight balance would be great. For now, I’ll keep designing ships till i get the perfect one. Good luck and keep on the good work…

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Block of Rum on Steam

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Simple game. Yet rng, 5 factions, random events, riddles make it complex with deep strategy element.

I love city builders and making units in general. Game is very challenging I’ve played 17.5 hours a few days into purchasing and even though made it to final boss twice i still have not beat the game yet. Addictive game play and replay value is high.

Key to starting is focus on 1. gold 2. food 3. wood. i do not make any units until i’m attacked at the start. when i am attacked I focus on making a few units ie 20 archers maybe 10 thugs 10 militia then attack the small camps ie peasant militia and archer camps. make iron and stone mine and the remaining buidings. pick one faction to focus on and maybe have a subfaction as 2nd ary. for me i choose military and later capitalists. but there are relion freethinkers and nature ie guardians.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Roguelite Games.

Ok folks,

I’ve been playing games from a very young age. This game will work for you if you like a chill relaxed management game that will challenge you.

Graphics are minimalist but it doesn’t matter.

I recommend the game because the developers did a really really good job in pulling this together in a way that it will keep you entertained while really focusing on you management and decision skills.

Well done, it’s a buy.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil on Steam



Frequently crashes, couldn’t make it past the first raid.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Roguelite Games.

Longphort on Steam

Poly Pirates

Poly Pirates

A true modern masterpiece.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Poly Pirates on Steam

Space Scavenger

Space Scavenger

I absolutely love this game. In a nutshell, you are trying to survive four levels of “alternate space” – a normal area, an infected area, a solar-fire area and a robotic area. The thing is, the tiny scavenger ship you start with will never make it but you can “MacGyver” a passible fighting ship off the things you scavenge along the way (or possibly purchase in a shop). This part of the game, crafting the ship, is just as much fun as the actual fighting, trying to figure out how to make everything fit (and yes, if your ship is really huge and unbalanced, it will handle like a truck.

Real player with 214.1 hrs in game

The visuals, the game play, and everything the RedCabin team have added and improved on is amazing! Im so happy I got the chance to talk to the team and ask questions, and learn more about the game itself. These guys deserve all the praise they get when it comes to this game.

Pros: The game has great visuals, handing for both controller and mouse/keyboard, and fun game modes. The game challenges me all the time to do better as everyone who plays is put to the test during the daily challenge. Even the music and sounds are fantastic, and very relaxing to chill to.

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

Space Scavenger on Steam

Hidden Valley Tower Defense

Hidden Valley Tower Defense

Very good game!

I hope there will be some updates in the future. This game still has the potential to evolve but it is playable.

Real player with 73.9 hrs in game

Game is fun but the dev hasn’t responded to anyone since December 2020. There are lots of things that need to be worked on. Save your money unless it’s on a super sale.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Hidden Valley Tower Defense on Steam

Live the Life

Live the Life

While this game is getting overhaul I must mention I play steam game “Coronation”.

Game is already interesting and immersive, its gorgeous that you can actually use toilet paper, flush the toilet, buy a bed and sleep better, make your clothes smell, sweat and need to clean them, need to eat and drink, work as a waiter, having a shower (the water effect and transition the sounds changes as you pass through it is is charming ), install appliances and plugging them into wall plugs, rest on ground being tired, not sleepy, install an alarm clock, If you are tired you cant run., this is the most promising thing I saw in long time. Visit beach, use a cart in a shopping mall.

Real player with 66.2 hrs in game

It has potential to be a really good simulator, but it has its flaws. For instance, the FPS in John’s Diner can tank a lot and the mop gets stuck in my hand every now and then. Forcing me to save the game, quit it and reload it. Other minor bugs are the floating objects that can be seen around the map where AI once were. The game has a ton of customization options though for the apartment you’re given at the start. I just wish we could purchase a laptop, phone, or computer to purchase items online. Instead of having to walk all the way back and forth between the stores. Another thing that would be neat to see in game is some police, even if it’s just an AI cop car driving around. At least it’ll give it that more lively feel. If you are going to get this game, expect it to be annoying for the time being. Hopefully these bugs will be flushed out soon. I do recommend it though for those who like to customize things a lot, just choose Creative Mode for that.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Live the Life on Steam

Exodus Borealis

Exodus Borealis

I feel like it is important to point that this game this is made by solo dev, who has been great at interacting with everyone in discord and is willing to listen. Now those of us that have dipped into the early access games will know that this is something to cherish lol.

Also the Gameplay well let me go into more detail about that, but it is important to remember that it is early access so may change after i write this review but what i have found so far is:

Tower defence - The towers have this kinda Age of Empires feel to them this brings back that old nostalgia i love that! There also is an Arachnophobia mode this is something i recommend you play i wont tell you why, just trust me it is worth it! The enemy ramp up nicely giving a good amount of failure and felt to me like fun Gameplay

Real player with 84.1 hrs in game

This game is excellent for civ building and tower defense gamers. I am a seasoned (72 years old) player of both. The combo of both makes the game intriguing and challenging. It has depth without drudgery. Folks who do not play either of these genres may like this one just for that reason. To me there is a third aspect included - research. Which path should you choose first. There is no formula - one choice may be the best this go round but not in the same sequence the next time. And there will be a next time as you progress from map to map. Deciding how to allocate workers is another juggling complexity. The Dev’s UI design is a thing of beauty. Easy to use, informative info tips and an effective warning/informing system. Whatever your gaming proclivity I encourage you to give this one a try. It is just that unique.

Real player with 63.1 hrs in game

Exodus Borealis on Steam



It’s a very fun game for the first few hours. You unlock the other races, try new weapons, and kill the bosses. Unfortunately the amount of content is limited. Only four bosses (that I have seen), five races (which is a pretty decent amount to be fair), and around 10ish weapons. The game gets old quick and needs more variety. The four bosses are always in the same order and have an annoying unskippable intro where they usually appear out of the ground. The bosses are fun first time round, but I feel maybe a few more in the mix would improve the replayability aspect or the game. Also the third boss fight drags on a bit too long in my opinion, and his regeneration makes killing him take awhile. This game is a work in progress though and the developer seems to update the game every few weeks so It’s safe to say more content is coming soon.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

The AI in this game makes me feel like every single basic enemy is the shittiest 12 year old in COD. They have no interest in killing you, only in being a net negative in progression. They will space you out litteraly forever, but not let you leave because they will rush you down the second you turn away. Every fight is agony. The bosses are the easiest enemies in the game, because they behave in a way that makes sense with the tool,s you get as a player. Everything about the game is cool, save for the AI, which makes me fucking hate this game. Difficulty is not giving the enemies instant reaction times, the ability to negate ranged combat with melee weapons, charge at you from off-screen, and work together to deny you resources. Imagine if in BOTW the moment any enemy hit half health ran away from you at top speed, and handed its loot to someone else, dying in the process. That is the AI in this game. The best build is 1 spike on your head, with greasers everywhere else. It’s the only shit they cannot space you out from.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Sipho on Steam

Multia Space Program

Multia Space Program

I like the game. I don’t know if it is incomplete because i can’t find the third rocket. But I like this and PROJECT ULTRA. Even if they are broken and possibly abandoned. I hope they will update and make more games soon.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

missä korsu?

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Multia Space Program on Steam