Other Realms

Other Realms






Lets start here..

The game is basically unplayable.

When youre in 1st person you can see your “dwarfs” arms/shoulders and stuff flailing through the screen

The graphics on the mineable rocks are literally the texture of mashed potatoes

I mined the ENTIRE map in less than 30 minutes, only to realize i CANNOT craft the item needed to craft items!!!

Nor would I have enough resources to create even the smallest smidgen of a “base” AFTER FARMING THE ENTIRE WORLD!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Adventure Games.

my original review was kind of positive despite it being a crappy game, i was hoping it would get better… a year later and there has been nothing updated or no announcements of updates.. dont get this trash!

it looks like the result of a high school project that got abandoned… dont waste your money!

my first impressions were:

Lighting needs work, its pitch black in the shadows under trees.

the ambient sounds are just repetitive god-awful bird screechings, definitely change that up asap, i turned the sound off after a few minutes.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Other Realms on Steam



LauriFB is the disease of this game. Everyone that was loyal has left. The only people here now are the multiple dev accounts or the yes men that the devs like having around oblivious to their own existence. Or the few left in the ship designer.

No PVP - they banned them all for not PVPing the way FB wanted them to (banning in an alpha LOL)

No PVE - Devs are idiots - no trade, no missions, no bounties, nothing to create a single drop of PVP. They even stated NO PVE EVER, should tell you their brain capacity. I mean look at all the other successful MMO sandbox space titles with PVP only. HAHA

Real player with 1236.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

Played this game for quite awhile in earlier days. just came back to try it out while im still waiting for capital ships. but Super surprised at how smooth the game runs now. definately get the sense that theyve been working on it.

For those who care, the ship and station building is unsurpassed by anything i ever played. you will lose ships to the EZ builder unless thats been fixed. the level of freedom you have to do what you want is just amazing. when capital ships come out which make it so u can have a mobile safezone out in pvp space you will litterally be able to live anywhere and do as u will, store your own ships, explore the great reaches of undiscovered space. seriously cant wait for that. and if you have a group the scale and scope of what you can do is pretty redic.

Real player with 150.6 hrs in game

Starbase on Steam



Several months ago, I wrote a review for this game and said that I have not abandoned my willingness to change this game for future players.

Now I have.

In the past, I talked about the various changes this game could use because I cared enough to believe this game can be improved. I truly thought there was hope for improvement. This game left me with nothing more than disappointment for my own inadequacy to change it, and the frustration that it has been left unchanged. With no omission of detail, I will describe all the injustices of this game I have endured and eventually, what led to my eventual retirement.

Real player with 3684.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

I have put in a lot of hours into this, almost 2,000 hours to be precise (played on 8bitmmo.net). I am a rather popular player and I have seen alot of things come and go in this. I joined around about june in 2014.

| What it’s all about |

8bitmmo is game is an 8bit styled mmo, the game is in third person mode and follows your character around, which is pretty much a square with legs, arms, and a square head. To accompany the retro look it heavily features chiptune while you’re playing the game (for all you nostalgia nerds out there!).

Real player with 788.3 hrs in game

8BitMMO on Steam



Update 31.3.2019

This game is similar to rust but with zombies and wildlife.

It does not hold your hand and can be challenging

Although the development dont communicate as much as they would like they try there best to listen and sort things as much as they can.

I recommend this game to those who want a challenging but fun survival game.



1. Game looks and plays a lot like rust so is a good transfers for all you Rust fans that want and escape from Rust itself

2. The game guns pretty well and graphics are pretty good unity based i would say.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

After about 5 hours, I thought I’d give my thoughts on this game. First off, I want to say that if you gave the game a bad rating solely because of the bad English, then that’s just stupid. If you’re giving it a bad rating because you’re a Rust fanboi, then just stop. It’s not cool.

Now as for the game it self, it’s pretty good for what it is right now. I have never played Rust, nor will I ever play it, so I can’t judge it by that.

In the solo version of that game, there’s not much to do except survive against the environment. Hunt, build, forage and kill monsters when you encounter them. Some things are still very unbalanced and you will have a hard time. Using the forge takes forever to smelt ore of any type. It’s not a fun time. Building is fairly quick and easy. Crafting tools is fast also. Depending on what you’re making. The game never crashed on me in solo play. Game seems to be optimized well with my Ryzen 2700x and 1080ti. But, all in all this game has tons of potential.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

HopeLine on Steam

War Planet Online: Global Conquest

War Planet Online: Global Conquest

i wanted to recommend it yes its a p2w freemium game. RTS mobile port. or for gamers before mobile games. Basicly a textbase rts game with enhances graphics. Wich is why i like it.

And while i understand the pricings of ‘premium accounts’ Going up. in this game Vip account. This game takes it to another level.. a Wooping 50 eu. will get u 28 days of Vip. But to get good return from Vip u also have to grow its lv with points wich cost even more. So. dropping even 100$ in this game a month as much as a full Triple A game with season pass. will still wont get u that far.. The overvalue there game and there vip accounts.. and all p2w items. So any support a normal gamer wants to give. is useless. or not valued. so accept if ur a whale willling to put down literally 1.000$+ dont bother trying. in a competetive style.

Real player with 653.7 hrs in game

War Wallet Online Credit Card Transaction Conquest is the best credit card transaction simulator you will ever play.

So, before you play this game you need, I repeat, need to ask yourself a few questions.

Disclaimer: Before you answer any questions, first read this paragraph.

Did you recently inherit a great sum of money that you deem worthless to keep, are you a bitcoin millionaire bro, do you just like wasting money or have just too much of it and want to just give it away, do you have trouble sleeping at night knowing your money is not being spent on worthless ventures. If none of these statements apply to you, skip this game.

Real player with 238.6 hrs in game

War Planet Online: Global Conquest on Steam

My Neighbor Alice

My Neighbor Alice

My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer builder-game where players build and create their own virtual lands, interact with neighbors, perform exciting daily activities and earn rewards. Anyone can join the world by owning a virtual island and participating in various activities such as farming, fishing, bug catching and beekeeping. Activities, shared quests and competitions bring valuable rewards and upgrade players’ status in the game.

Key Features

  • The game is free to play but will contain in-game purchases

  • My Neighbor Alice includes a variety of in-game features designed to advance and upgrade users’ gaming experience.

  • Players can trade their land and other in-game items, such as houses, fences, animals and plants in the virtual in-game marketplace.

  • Virtual islands are important elements of the game infrastructure. Players can purchase plots of land from Alice after the onboarding or in the marketplace.

  • Avatars are used to represent players in the game. Players can customize and personalize their avatars with the help of cosmetic items and modify it by installing different assets to it.

  • Players can collect and trade various in-game items, such as houses, fences, plants and animals in the in-game marketplace.

  • My neighbor Alice will have a reputation system that rewards players as good landowners with increasing benefits.

  • My Neighbor Alice will enable various possibilities for players to work on a shared goal and join resources to complete fun activities. For example, the game will enable community-created events where players will participate in activities and competitions.

My Neighbor Alice on Steam

Open World Foreva

Open World Foreva

This game is all about living life, exploring and creating. In this online 2D game you can: Build, fight, explore, craft and much more.

The game consists of a large procedural world. And all players are inside the same world; as interactions between players is sought after.

You can play solo, or build with friends and protect your base.

Bases can be upgraded through exploring and finding new technology. You will be able to create energy systems & use it to power your bases. You can even exchange electricity by storing batteries and exchanging it with others!

Currently in Early Access(2021 June) to allow YOU to help decide what to add, change or improve!

Resource gathering & Base-building

Gathering resources is a big part of this game. Anything you come across can be broken down or picked up. Once one item is in your inventory.

You can either:

  • Place it in the world again

  • Use it when crafting with blueprint

  • Convert it into another component

Your base decays slowly over time. Or when attacked by players. The world is made to allow you to be gone for weeks at a time. As long as players haven’t destructed your base. Decaying will not occur too quickly. As this is about being able to create a world together with others.

As your base decays or gets damaged. You can right-click blocks to repair them.

Chests & doors have unique passwords. This allows you to share it amongst your crew to work together on things. Your base can also be stengthened by finding stronger blueprints for walls and doors.

Weapons & Bombs

Weapons & bombs are a part of the game. If you and your friends find people being unkind. You can take it upon yourselves to eradicate their base with C4, grenades & weapons.

Using C4 bombs can be used strategically. By placing them around your base. They will explode when anyone walks near them. Cheaper fake C4 bombs also exist. So you can more easily craft those & make enemies believe there might be C4 all around your base. But in truth there are fake C4 which won’t explode. Allowing you to use them as a hidden path into your base.

  • C4 bomb - explode & create lots of damage. To everyone surrounding them in a wider area.

  • Fake C4 - Appears to be a real C4, but creates no damage.

  • Grenade - Does some damage in a smaller area 2 seconds after being delayed. However, the enemy may pick it up and use it as a counter-attack before it explodes.

Weapons such as knives, clubs and swords exist. They may have an increased effect on stone and tree gathering.

Each weapon has:

  • A hit rate per minute - How many hits per minute it can do

  • A damage value per hit

  • Initial health which decays with hits

Open World Foreva is ONE WORLD

You heard it. There is only one world for all players(depending on US/EU). This means. You can meet up with others in the world & exchange items. You can attempt to find others bases to blow them up. Or possibly to just steal from them.

Maybe you’re the next “Negan”? Making sure they pay their fair price to not eradicate their base.

The world has a temporary world border. Meaning the world grows larger as the player demand for the game increases.

Currently the world is almost 1 KM * 1KM(0.62 miles * 0.62) in size.

Blueprints & Technology

You start out with a few standard blueprints. Such as:

  • Torch

  • Club

  • Simple Wall & Door.

When you kill things in the world. Or break them down into your inventory. There is a 10% chance of finding a new blueprint. A blueprint is used to be able to craft new things for you. Which for instance could help you increase your base’s strength.

Technologies can be created by finding blueprints. Tech will help you survive. For instance, some areas are colder and warmer than others. Too hot or too cold will damage your player. Therefore there is technology such as Heaters & Coolers.

Any technology created needs an energy source. Such as:

  • SolarCell

  • WindTurbine

  • Battery

Solarcells yield power depending on the time of the day & how much light that world area generally gets.

Windturbines generate power based on wind which varies every 30 minutes & also based on the area it is within.

Placement of your generators affect how much effect they give. To see this your can right-click the generators and monitor their output for a day or two.

Batteries are used for storing power which is not used by any machines at the time. When a battery no longer has anyincoming power from another source. It will automatically act as a generator until drained. Meaning a battery can power your lamps during night-time if you only have solarcells.

Machines that currently exists:

  • Heater - Heats the area by 10 degrees

  • Cooler - Cools area by 10 degrees

  • Digger - Digs for Coal, Gold, Copper & Stone

  • Small lamp - Lights a smaller area

  • Large lamp - Lights a bigger area


When you stroll around the world. You will quickly begin to see plants of different kinds. These can be eaten if full-grown. By clicking a plant; you pick it up in its current state. By placing a plant; it will then start growing. By right-clicking it; you can see whether it has disease or if it is yet full-grown.

Once a plant is full-grown. It generally converts into a FoodPackage when collected.

With this you can either:

  • A. Eat to increase your health

  • B. Select in your inventory. And convert into 3 baby plants. To grow more

Plants that can eaten area: Potatoes & Carrots

Non-edible plants: Cotton - Cotton is used when crafting clothes and some weapons

Clothes & Environment

As mentioned earlier. The world has different temperatures. Depending on the area you are inside. And based on the time of the day. Generally an area will have a similar temperature, but during night-time it will decrease.

There are currently two ways to survive extreme temperatures without damage:

  • A. Create clothing which provides resistance

  • B. Create a base with technology such as Heaters & Coolers

If you’re new. It is wise to find a warm, but no too warm area to live in. By opening your inventory you can check the current temperature in the area you are inside.

If the temperature is below 0 or above 50. You will be damaged.

Wind varies based on time and areas. And currently only affects Windturbines.

Crafting clothes

Crafting clothes is done for styling your character. And for providing insulation during cold times. New clothing blueprints are found by killing or breaking things in the world. You can also craft hairstyles.

Other info

The game has some similarities with Minecraft, Rust and Rimworld. But unique in the way that it supports a lot of players in the same world. A world which can be expanded depending on player demand.


Please share your ideas & be a part of this game’s future!


Open World Foreva on Steam

Islet Online

Islet Online

Still playing yes, Game, itself is fascinating where you can hunt animals, for food an raw materials, you can even flood the world at one point, PVP is option too. I haven’t tried it yet. I did have events like bunnies bunnies everywhere…not bunny to drop. If you get that.(died by kamikaze bunny) believe for one exception you could build towering mazes and mazes,

I did see castles and cathereadals somewhere people are building amazing structures.

You can upload your latest creation to steam where they showcase it,

Real player with 122.3 hrs in game

This review is for the current version of the game(2/7/16)

What is Islet Online? Islet Online is a creative open world sandbox, similar to Minecraft. This game features an experience system that allows you to level up in pretty much everything like jumping, crafting, fighting and much more. These can directly effect your play experience, for example, you may be able to eventually jump up to 4 times in the air. It actually reminds me of McMMO from the old Minecraft Bukkit days….

Real player with 70.3 hrs in game

Islet Online on Steam



This game is unbelievably dry. There’s a serviceable tactical combat system but strategy and positioning don’t really seem that important. You can pin an enemy between yourself and a piece of terrain and that reduces their damage. You can flank and surround enemies also. But even with all this, it’s just rudimentary tactics. It doesn’t really do much to excite me. Also, the special abilities and spells are functional but not exciting.

The stash in camp starts with 20 slots for your character and 1 slot shared with your characters. It costs 7000 Medallions to add ONE slot to the shared stash. Adding a slot to your individual character’s stash is also one slot at a time but you can use in game materials and Triads, the money that drops from monsters and shopkeepers. Everything is similarly monetized, “do you want more than ONE crafting skill per character?” “That will be 5000 Medallions please.” The coins are priced at this moment at 4000 Medallions for $5 USD. These space upgrades and character upgrades seem to be too expensive. Giving a character just one crafting skill seems to be a little too strict.

Real player with 63.5 hrs in game

This isn’t really a review so much as an extended comment on someone else’s review, but I thought that this would help clear up some misunderstandings about a game that took me a little while to get into, but that I’ve completely fallen in love with, and will continue to play for the forseeable future.

The original review can be seen here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/metsushiro/recommended/466660/

As a recently joined player that got past the first hour or so of this game, I’d like to point a few things out to you. I’m not saying you’re wrong to be disappointed in the first little bit of the game, because you’re probably used to how games throw everything at you all at once and force you into a handholdy tutorial in which you learn maybe a tenth of what they show you because it’s throwing so much in your face. This game’s main feature is that it doesn’t do that. It’s intentional.

Real player with 56.4 hrs in game

Stash on Steam

Wurm Online

Wurm Online

The hours in kind of speak for themselves here…. so I’ll pro and con this….


You can modify everything in the game visually. If you don’t like the mountain, you can mine it down to the ocean level and turn it into a lake. If you don’t like the lake you can back fill it to become a mountain. You can make a lotr moria style underground mine city, a king arthur style castle, a church, a whatever you want.

There are no classes, you are what you decide to do. Want to make armour? You skill it up, be it cloth robe mage armour, leather armour, chain mail, full plate, dragon armour, ect. You want it better? Improve it yourself or take it to someone who is proficient in making said armour. Same with weapons, making bows, arrows, houses, fences, gardens.

Real player with 2733.6 hrs in game

I’ve played this game for 10+ years prior to it’s introduction to the Steam Community.

Let me first start by saying this game is not for everyone!

Wurm Online is a very slow paced game, it is best paired with someone to talk to, Netflix or another task. You will spend time and real effort into everything you do in Wurm and is not for the faint of heart in this manner.

If you are hoping or expecting anything to be quickly achieved or obtained in Wurm Online, this already is not the game for you!

Real player with 1579.9 hrs in game

Wurm Online on Steam