Brickbuilder VR

Brickbuilder VR


Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

Its lego, in VR, its automatically cool. I will admit theres a couple of oddities, I dont get why the steps are repeated and it would be nice to rotate them rather than just move them around, make it clearer where hidden parts are going but seiroulsy, despite its flaws it works so well.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Brickbuilder VR on Steam



Cyube is like Minecraft but it do some things better in vr then vivecraft (mod for vr MC)

and blocks are 1/4 of player heights instead of 1/2 in mc that’s pretty nice especially in vr

crafting: is like lego you craft by recipe and then put it in your bucket like a portal to your inventory to craft it.

you find recipes by exploring the world find random pages for recipes.

its pretty cool but takes time compare to MC crafting much more simple and a lot less time consuming.

movement:has TP or locomotion smooth walking and snap turning

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Mining Games.

Hoenstly, It’s a pretty fantastic game for it’s current development state. Between the easy to use controls, to the real-world crafting, it’s enjoyable where it is. Obviously, with even more items and furniture/craftables, it would be even more enjoyable, but as a baseline for what the game will be later on in development, it’s fantsatic.

Current gameplay-

You may chose to do one of two things in this current game build-

1. Embrace the tutorial and learn about the land you’ll be spawning in -or-

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

cyubeVR on Steam

Occupy White Walls

Occupy White Walls

I was finally able to play the game again thanks to an update a few months ago. Unfortunately, the update also broke many galleries, by outright removing or otherwise affecting assets placed in galleries, changing lighting, and removing shadows. Most shadows have been restored since then and it wasn’t too much work restoring missing assets in my small galleries, but I don’t have any motivation to build while my galleries look totally different than intended due to lighting changes. Besides looking different, the new lighting just looks bad, missing a lot of prior definition.

Real player with 292.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

Occupy White Walls is a strangely addicting FREE early access game with a unique concept, a first/third person art gallery management simulator with some very light RPG elements to encourage further progress.

A brief tutorial will help get you situated with the basic mechanics and then you’ll be set to build your own unique space on a blank plot of land. The basic gameplay loop revolves around you opening your gallery for guests, both human and NPC, to bring popularity toward your gallery and with that, more money to spend on art, furnishings, building materials and even expanding your building area. You level up by spending money on art and displaying it in your gallery, and each level gained unlocks access to newer and more complex design choices for your gallery. Each gallery opening lasts 30 minutes in real time, but there is usually a decent amount of activities to keep you busy in the meantime.

Real player with 147.2 hrs in game

Occupy White Walls on Steam



Blight is an extremely challenging and realistic single-player top-down perspective survival game.

The Blight

A mysterious new disease called the Blight has descended upon the land. You have managed to escape its devastating effects as it has consumed your village and left it to ruins - You now find yourself alone in the wilderness, tired and hungry. You’ve bought yourself some time, but for how long? The Blight grows larger every day, consuming everything in sight…


The game strives on providing a punishingly realistic and immersive experience with a ton of depth. Actions like chopping trees and cooking food take a lot of precious time. You can only carry a few things at a time. You need to boil water to make sure it’s safe to drink. Water and other liquids need to be carried in bowls and other containers, and will spill out if not transported securely. You will need to scavenge numerous raw materials, many of which will need to be processed, combined, treated or hardened to make tools, items and structures.


The Blight is just one of many threats to your existence in the unforgiving wilderness. After quickly setting up camp you will constantly need to keep yourself well fed and hydrated, replenish lost energy with sleep and short rests, defend yourself from the wild beasts that still inhabit the woods, heal your wounds, protect yourself from the harsh elements, and figure out a way to somehow end this terrible disease. Almost everything in the procedurally generated world can and will kill you if you aren’t careful.

There are whispers of Druids in a far off land that may know more about the Blight…

Upcoming Features

The demo is currently live! You can download it to try out most of what the game has to offer and the level of realism/depth it’s going for. The next big update for the game in the current alpha testing phase is called The Story Update. It’s coming in the next few months and it will contain all these new things:

  • Beginnings of the story around the Blight, where it came from, how to cure it, resources to collect, etc

  • Village and road generation, with a compass to aid with navigation in Realistic mode

  • More unique locations in the world where various resources are more abundant

  • Ranged weapons such as throwing spears

  • Armor and other protective items like shields

  • Many more unique resources to find

  • Panning for random resources in water

  • More buildings and items to create

  • Sharpening tools to regain some effectiveness

  • Other survivors and creatures, hostile and otherwise

  • Carts to move things around

  • Localization and translations, starting with Russian

Long-term Future

The long term future of the game includes some of these big features:

  • Co-op multiplayer

  • Fishing

  • Farming

  • Building system (floors, walls, roof, etc)

  • Character customization including gender

  • Taming animals

  • Injury and wound system

  • More localized languages

Blight on Steam

Ancient Cities

Ancient Cities

So, I think I have enough time to comment on this now. As a disclaimer, I never backed the game but saw it a year ago, read all the stories about the time it’s taking, that the game was empty, the devs not being capable of this challenge and even that it was a scam. I put it off for these reasons, wanting to be sure I wasn’t wasting what is a lot of money for EA, but I do not think this is a scam any more, no. I think the devs have wasted time building a custom game engine and may have overfaced themselves, yes, but the level of detail and the continued work on the game to me shows this is a passion project that they will continue, if slowly.

Real player with 171.0 hrs in game

The game looks amazing, much better than Dawn of Man (even with my Realistic Stone Age mod ). I will update with a proper review after I will play some more, but so far I can say this (compared to DOM):

  • You can choose to start playing from 10,000 BC up to 3500 BC, and the end of the last glacial age is depicted on the overview map, as it shows how snow evolves from one date to another, even from summer to winter (I do not know if anything else changes). In DOM you can only play in 10,000 BC.

Real player with 46.7 hrs in game

Ancient Cities on Steam