Poly Bridge 2

Poly Bridge 2

Hell on Earth. But good!

Real player with 86.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

I’m a dummy and even I am learning something about engineering, get yourself some help with hrydrualics though, they suck

Real player with 58.1 hrs in game

Poly Bridge 2 on Steam

Poly Bridge

Poly Bridge

Good things about this game:

  • Requires you to think

  • I love the graphics

  • Extremely challenging

  • Great soundtrack

  • Extra workshop levels

  • It’s actually quite educational on how physics work, if you really take your time to analyze what goes wrong when the bridge breaks. You can also watch someone explain how everything works and you’ll be able to pick up some basic strategies, like replacing steel beams with “double-wood” and etc.

Bad things about this game (these are only minor things, nothing big):

Real player with 231.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

Now that I have reached a total of 100+ hours clocked into this game, I feel that now I must write my own review.

This is after my first review, but for the most part, it is the same.

Down to the core, Polybride is another bridge building game. Place road, then support it. The difference is the presentation. This game is beautiful. Its scenery across the 6 worlds are very nice to the naked eye, They have added more tracks in the game so now, there is more calming music for you to enjoy. There is a nice community, which also happen to give you challenges that make you want to pull your hair out, and even make things that are above just creative. It’s sandbox has been fixed, a lot of the bugs have been fixed, and the difficulty curve is nice, and truly gets difficult. Honestly, If you think it is a bad game, give it a few more hours, and look at the community tab before giving a rash decition. Well done, and still more to come, as this is still a game in Early Access.

Real player with 163.6 hrs in game

Poly Bridge on Steam

Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster

I’ve been playing Planet Coaster since the alpha was released, and followed its development ever since. This game offers in my opinion the most in-depth and player-friendly simulation of theme park management, with its vast variety of scenarios, missions, building styles, rides and coasters. It has managed to age quite well, especially considering that in a few days it will reach its FIVE-YEAR aniversary! I’ve also bought a few of the DLCs, and i can guarantee that most of them add even more creative possibilities and depth to the gameplay.

Real player with 395.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

The base game feels empty and incomplete (because it is) and you’re expected to buy expansions to expand on the available scenery objects and rides. It’s an expensive model and although you can make some pretty cool stuff in this game, it ultimately is over priced and gameplay can be very tedious.

Real player with 149.4 hrs in game

Planet Coaster on Steam

Lethis - Path of Progress

Lethis - Path of Progress

This game is a spiritual sucessor of the Pharaoh/Cleopatra/Caesar/Zeus/Poseidon and Emperor from Impression Games.

That said, it has the same core mechanics.

Graphics: are AMAZING, the game is h pretty, animation too.

Sound: beutiful soundtrack and when you click in buildings there is also sounds for each of them. There is no background sound yet, but Devs said that will be added soon, so I might update the review

Interface: Most of the interface is intuitive, there is tabs for each production chain and services. There is also graphics and most of the time you dont need many clicks to get what you want to see.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Lethis - Path of Progress is a city builder game similar to the old Sierra games like Cesar III or Pharao. A game following a game desing principle that’s been dropped for about a decade now, but unlike its old predecessors it’s playing in a fantasy (Steampunk) setting instead of a historical one. So when I saw this game on Steam I was pretty enthusiastic and added it to my wishlist for the next sale.

Now that I’ve played it a bit I’ve got rather mixed feelings about it. It plays pretty much exactly like Pharao, except for the improvement that factories just need to be connected with settlements by roads instead of runners. Which helps avoiding some stupid compromises Pharao forced on the player. The graphics are also rather nice, I very much liked the style of this game. There’s also the citizens' mood feature, which is new and interesting and I rather liked the ghost-threat.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Lethis - Path of Progress on Steam



Alrrrrrright, Reassembly. I seriously think this is my favorite video game of all time.

What is so great about it?

  • The concept of the engineering design process is the core idea of the game.

You build and control a ship, you quickly find out it’s bad, and you improve it until it is both unbeatable and unbearable, and it is the greatest feeling in the world.

  • Then you realize that tournaments exist, and you are introduced to a whole new way of designing ships. Your ships are so powerful now that (vanilla) campaign mode is simply too easy. However, you will find out that your ships are far from up to par in the tournament scene, and you must improve to be competitive. And, of course, you do. You improve a lot. you can no longer design ships that you can play well; you must now design ships the questionable Reassembly AI can play well. You participate in tournaments to find out who is the best at coming up with interesting new strategies, who is the best at actually executing those strategies, who is, well, the best. And you have loads of fun along the way. i mean, you could also find a way to make your ship glitch out of the tournament arena, making everyone die inside, but that’s a topic for a future discussion.

Real player with 1260.1 hrs in game

I usually never write reviews, but, Reassembly is one of the few games I give a hugely positive review on.

While sandbox-style of games may not fit and or belong to everyone, to people who do enjoy taking the time to build (And fly), this game is amazing.

The game by itself is good, as you can either play the slow expansion way as your faction’s control grows, or you can play the agent-hunter and wormhole way, racking up credits at break-light speeds. All the factions themselves have their own uniqueness. As playing every faction the same way will never work.

Real player with 465.4 hrs in game

Reassembly on Steam

World of Goo

World of Goo


“As the sun set over the last of the hills, one of the Goo Balls seemed to say that life sure seemed like a giant physics simulation! But as he fell into the spikey death pit bellow, he knew it probably didn’t matter - love, the Sign Painter”


“- Do I smell cookies?

  • Yes. I am baking your personal information into each one.


  • Is my personal information safe with you?

  • Your personal information is stored in a secure database and will never be shared with anyone*

*Unless they ask.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

So let me start off by saying this game is excellent, except for one incredibly major flaw. I love the level design, I think the concepts are fun, the physics engine is great, the story line is interesting, the cut scenes are wacky and neat, the dialog from the painter is well written, the sound effects are tremendous and don’t get old, the art is a lovely stylized, it’s funny and I love this game.

Now for the one incredible unabashedly enormous flaw: I want to create the world’s largest Tower and the game caps the free mode or “Memorial tower” at 300 units. Of course, I understand why: The game designers don’t want cheating in online scoreboards, they don’t want to stress out your hardware, and it’s a smart decision from their perspective.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

World of Goo on Steam

Farm Manager 2021

Farm Manager 2021

Ok, I’ve only played the launch version for 3 hours so far, so this is a very early post. However, I sunk a ton of time into the demo and prologue, so I think I’ve already got a decent take on how the game plays.

Firstly, I disagree that it’s the same as the 2018 version. The 2018 version required a player to micro-manage every aspect of the game, as almost nothing happened automatically. In the 2021 version most of the tasks happen seamlessly, with workers having a decent degree of intelligence as to the next task required. This is a huge improvement, as the 2018 version’s micro-management made it almost unplayable if you owned a very large farm. For example, I built a greenhouse, housed plenty of workers nearby with “plant” skills, set the production to strawberries, and then sat back and waited. From that moment, every task was fully automated and eventually the strawberries arrived in my warehouse, ready to sell. It’s the same with fields. Make a field, set up the crop required, buy all the necessary equipment, employ and house the correct workers nearby, then sit back and wait for the crop to be harvested and ready for sale. There is even a menu to auto-sell and auto-buy, for those that don’t wish to track the market prices for min/maxing best prices as they fluctuate.

Real player with 383.5 hrs in game

I didn’t play 2018, so maybe that makes me like it more. It’s a good game, I finally finished the scenario after ~28 hours. Definitely worth the purchase price.

I did have a few times certain things got “stuck”. A tractor sitting in the middle of things not doing anything, two greenhouses who’s workers vanished in the middle of the harvest leaving me unable to do anything with the greenhouses, two animal pens not getting fed for reasons that mystify me. Saving, quitting and reload always resolved them though.

Real player with 136.4 hrs in game

Farm Manager 2021 on Steam

Hold The Fort

Hold The Fort

Won game from Livestream. Completed in 12 hours veteran. Replay is for trying harder modes.

Maps are fairly quick; under 30, pause and no save. The game-play, for me, was staring for a bit at the full tower grid to figure out final configuration, then turn it on. Determining the grid before start is the puzzle tactics piece for me. Then, you have some active tasks to manage during the gameplay, which intensify as the maps and difficulty increase.

The active tasks are a mixed bag. Somewhat blah is the tower maintenance which rewards sacrificing towers to mines for $. It’s there to keep you feeling the pressure. But as with the rest of this fairly casual TD, it can largely be dismissed by pulling screen back to keep the whole field in focus and use of hotkey R. The spells I found fun and would take more of those. So, essentially I set my towers, blew up mobs with spells, then saw if I could keep a single one from getting through. EZ

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

This game is a nice Tower Defense game. The graphics are the best of maybe any TD game I’ve played at least and that adds to the game a lot. everything is very beautiful.

I haven’t played through the whole game so I cant comment on everything, but I can say that this is a solid tower defense games. If you are a fan of tower defense games check it out. The main creator of the game said he plans to add content for free if I remember correctly, some more levels or enemies and what not would of course be welcome and add to the depth of the game, but its nicely fleshed out right now.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Hold The Fort on Steam



Infinifactory is the best puzzle game I’ve ever played. It takes something truly compelling for me to spend hours, sometimes days at the end, perfecting a single puzzle, and yet I have never felt frustrated. This is a game that truly earns the description ‘engaging.’

Everything that happens in this game is because you made it, and you need to have your brain firing on all cylinders to make it through. But fear not, any new players considering this game: the mechanics are easy to approach and you’ll be hooked in no time. Players who have enjoyed any other game by Zachtronics (like Spacechem or TIS-100) or who like similar games with similar mechanics (Factorio, Big Pharma, even the city-builder games by Impressions) will absolutely love Infinifactory, but I think anyone willing to giving Infinifactory a chance will love it too.

Real player with 574.9 hrs in game

This game puts you in the position of an alien abtuctee that is tasked with manufacturing various constructions from supplied materials for your new masters. Your role is to design and construct the “factory” to make each construction. In order to prove that your process works, you must deliver 10 perfect copies of the requested item to a “scanner” that validates that each copy delivered is correct. As you progress, you are given additional tools, more challenging conditions/restrictions and more complicated items to assemble.

Real player with 181.1 hrs in game

Infinifactory on Steam

Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

It shows the true meaning of taking care of animals making them feel more alive unlike other games that animals seem more dead than alive, this game is worth the money and i highly recommend this game to anyone that loves zoo’s or who wants to study zoology it has a tab that you can open leading to hours of beautiful notes of each animal from what they eat to if they are endangered to how many in a group and many more things i would write about this beautiful graphic game but i would take hours writing on this amazing game, me myself want to be study zoology and be a vet or zoo keeper so this game is great to learn more about animals, one again I highly recommend this game to others! and it is worth the money!

Real player with 104.4 hrs in game

UPDATE please read if you already have, or especially if you have the game - though i still don’t recommend the game if its not on sale –

I really wanted to like this game, there are so many things about it to love, but oh my god, it is so broken. There are so many game breaking glitches and technical errors, not to mention just straight up poor development choices that really made this depressing to play for me. I love sim development games.

Examples of errors - So you can do construction, as long as you hold down shift as well as other shortcut keys and are able to freely move the walls, still, floors are completely useless, it does make construction a little more fun knowing i can at least use the walls and roofs, I don’t understand why they added floors, snapping the pathways to a grid can help if you want to make a plaza though, as the path will become larger instead of just longer with some branches, but you still have to attach vendors/exhibits to the ends of the path and are not allowed to put it directly on top. which is annoying.

Real player with 66.4 hrs in game

Planet Zoo on Steam