

Its fun game, definatly recommended to try

Tho game needs to be updated further more

and game performance tweaked

Achievements are easy to get,

so its perfect for achievement hunter

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

I bought this game on sale. I think it’s about a 5 dollar game. I had fun playing. It’s simple. My planet blew up at the end and not really sure why so I’m going to try again. Could be played like an idle game. I found myself just designing a cool landscape for a few minutes.

Head’s there is no animation in this; everything is still life. Most people will play this for 45 to 75 minutes I’d guess. I’d double or triple that for the minority who will play through more than 1 time.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Planeta on Steam



One of if not THE ONLY “God game” I have ever played that is not another RTS borefest.

You do not have to build everything for the people and I love that!

You place land tiles in a seemingly infinite grid. Land tiles such as grasslands, Forests, Deserts, Oceans, and the such. Each prividing different resources for little humans who live grow and die all on their own.

The game is still being developed and will continue to get better as the dev Myron continues to expand and advance the game.

Simply put, this is the first real God game!

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

It’s neither Black and White nor Populous, but that’s okay because Deisim actually manages to carve out it’s own identity as a God game somewhere in between. Actually, on the surface Deisim kind of makes me think of Godus, except this is actually a good game. And in fact, one mind blowing consideration is that even in its current Early Access stage, Deisim is already a better game than Godus, despite being made by just one guy.

So anyway, the emphasis is on the placement of land tiles that you use to shape the environment, which then leads to tribal villages popping up. The villages will then use the environmental resources you’ve placed to grow and prosper, and eventually evolve into small towns, leading to more believers and more mana. Although indirect interaction is mainly how you grow your world, direct interaction is possible too, such as picking up villagers and buildings, or casting spells directly on things to either help or hinder the villagers. Towns will inevitably begin to spawn heretics who if given too much leeway, will convert their town into a heretic faith, eventually causing them to wage wars of conquest on their neighbours. To deal with this, a good old dose of fire or locusts can convince the heretics the error of their ways and show them that yours is the true faith.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Deisim on Steam

Marble World

Marble World

Are you reading this to see if you should get this game?

Then congratulations! You probably should.

This game isn’t for everybody, because not everyone would care about a Marble physics simulator, but if you’re reading this - You probably enjoy marble runs enough to consider this a fun toy, in which case - this game definitely is! At least… If you’re willing to learn the controls for it, which are REALLY not intuitive at first but you get used to them once you learn them (also, the game’s still in early access and improving the controls is on the dev’s to do list)

Real player with 155.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Physics Games.

Love the game! I’d give 4.5/5. The reason I don’t give a full 5 stars, is because its only for windows. I understand that things are weird, but maybe making it available to mac would really be cool and add more of the community to the game.

EDIT: I don’t update my rating, still 4.5/5. I know this is still early access, but it would be pretty nice if something like “Gates” were added, letting you stop all your marbles at specific areas. Another thing that would be cool would be a sort of “trash block”, where once a marble touches it, its automatically deleted. Again, this game is still early access, so it doesn’t matter for how long it takes, as long as it can be done.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Marble World on Steam

Exodus Borealis

Exodus Borealis

I feel like it is important to point that this game this is made by solo dev, who has been great at interacting with everyone in discord and is willing to listen. Now those of us that have dipped into the early access games will know that this is something to cherish lol.

Also the Gameplay well let me go into more detail about that, but it is important to remember that it is early access so may change after i write this review but what i have found so far is:

Tower defence - The towers have this kinda Age of Empires feel to them this brings back that old nostalgia i love that! There also is an Arachnophobia mode this is something i recommend you play i wont tell you why, just trust me it is worth it! The enemy ramp up nicely giving a good amount of failure and felt to me like fun Gameplay

Real player with 84.1 hrs in game

This game is excellent for civ building and tower defense gamers. I am a seasoned (72 years old) player of both. The combo of both makes the game intriguing and challenging. It has depth without drudgery. Folks who do not play either of these genres may like this one just for that reason. To me there is a third aspect included - research. Which path should you choose first. There is no formula - one choice may be the best this go round but not in the same sequence the next time. And there will be a next time as you progress from map to map. Deciding how to allocate workers is another juggling complexity. The Dev’s UI design is a thing of beauty. Easy to use, informative info tips and an effective warning/informing system. Whatever your gaming proclivity I encourage you to give this one a try. It is just that unique.

Real player with 63.1 hrs in game

Exodus Borealis on Steam

Helixteus 3

Helixteus 3

Ever wondered how it feels like to manage and exploit entire universes? Start small with only one planet. Construct and upgrade buildings to produce resources. Explore caves to find treasure. Send ships to other planets to fight enemies and get more building space. Conquer other star systems and start building Dyson spheres and other megastructures. Do research to unlock innovative ways to expand your megafactory.

Done conquering the universe? Send probes that look for other universes and get ready to uncover all sorts of new, exciting and weird things in them, where the speed of light can be 35c, and the gravitational constant such that it affects how galaxies and planets form.


  • Procedurally generated planets, caves, star systems, galaxies, clusters, superclusters and universes for replayability

  • 50+ types of resources to juggle with, divided into many categories: materials, metals, atoms, particles etc.

  • 16 types of infinitely upgradable buildings with varied functionalities: resource generation, resource conversion, vehicle construction etc.

  • 6 types of megastructures where their costs and power can depend on the star or the planet they are on

  • 40+ researchable technologies that unlock features and boost gameplay

  • Incremental gameplay. Almost anything you do (including not doing anything) helps make numbers go up even faster. Offline progress. No or very little penalties when losing a battle.

  • 2 skill-based minigames that help accelerate things a bit

Helixteus 3 on Steam

The Universim

The Universim

March 2019 Update

Population explosion has a limit now, which in a recent game (currently year 610) it seems to top out around 250-270. The spread of the nugget stone huts seems to work in small grid pattern, 8 or so huts in a small rectangular area. What determines where they start plopping huts i do not know. Its much more efficient in some respects, although you will get a housing block started far out of the city core at times. Eventually with Tudor Architecture the nuggets will upgrade the stone huts to larger multi family homes. This is great when it comes to saving space, its just being an automatic process, you cant turn off the control. Which means houses in areas you want to abandon upgrading, while next to the beautiful Town Hall is 4 stone age huts. This means duplicate services for those out of reach areas, this doesnt hurt early game too much, but you feel the crunch later. Especially when it comes to refined resources.

Real player with 647.6 hrs in game

1. Early Access - A Preface

With any Early Access game, you need to make allowances. There’s going to be bugs and many features lacking and not everything will happen on time - after all EA is often something that small studios do to keep the lights on while they are developing the game.

That doesn’t mean you have to put up with everything. Early access makes it all the more important, that you have proper process management, a capable team lead, a plan and a time frame, that probably shouldn’t be longer than two or three years from EA start to release. During that time what’s there of the game should be playable without constantly running into gamebreaking bugs, because if people stop enjoying the game, they are not going to stay, not to mention that it’s very bad for the word of mouth factor.

Real player with 82.4 hrs in game

The Universim on Steam

From Dust

From Dust


To everyone that keeps saying that Uplay crashes and that you can’t play this is what you need to do:

  1. Uninstall the game and Uplay (AKA Ubisoft Launcher)

  2. Install Uplay from Ubisoft’s site.

  3. Login with your account (on Uplay) and make sure you’re online.

3.1) There is an option to activate game, choose it.

3.2) Copy the game’s activation code to it (the one Steam provides you)

3.3) It will ask you if you want to activate From Dust to that account, choose yes.

  1. In Uplay, choose “Go Offline”, and that’s it (but don’t close Uplay).

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

I don’t play a lot of “God games” but for me From Dust was fresh and different. Tasked with guiding a primitive tribe on a quest for answers about their past you are given control of the environment, picking up dirt, water, and lava, to clear paths or build them, while fighting off nature itself.

Visually From Dust is appealing with beautiful tropical islands to arid deserts and lava crusted mountains. The way your powers mold the environment also looks very good. The campaign is just about the right length with a lot of extra content in challenges or open worlds if you’re craving more in the end.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

From Dust on Steam

God of Failure

God of Failure

A fake and unfinished product, and can be seen very fast. Graphics and music aren’t bad, but there is nothing more better to say. No control instructions, no tutorial. No story: only groups of poor orcs that attacking a castle without any other motive than… to be orcs. Isn’t a true Tower Defense game as info tags say in the store page, really is a Time Manager based on traps of single use, and their menu texts are so little that are illegible without a magnifying glass, and isn’t a joke. The player get gold from the beginning only just watching how time goes by ( why it dont happens in real world? ) and can dig to find more for replace or emplace more miserable traps or enhanced the castle lifepoints: and thats all. But any interest is totally ruined by the nasty zoom: has been fixed too low, only rotates 90 degrees to left-right; even roll up-down the screen is not easy, and the full map cannot be see. This product is useless even as a gift because the destinatary will think you hate or despise him.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Interesting looking tower defense game that falls really short. The build traps in time mentality is okay, but combine that with make sure the traps are in perfect location in pathway and traps are really only good for one kill unless perfectly placed and timed and you have a tower defense game that comes off as way harder than it has any right to be.

This sort of master planning may be appreciated by some but I prefer the idea of laying traps and building upon that as the level goes. Here I just throw a grenade down, hopes it kills enough, than hope that my funds refill in time for me to get something else through a build phase and at the correct position to kill another enemy before they mosey on through to my castle. The digging for treasure mechanic was also a bit time consuming when your pressures to properly place and build are time consuming enough under the conditions you have to endure to survive.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

God of Failure on Steam

4 Civilizations

4 Civilizations

It’s a funny game, easy to master.

There is no tutorial, but you’ll learn to play it quite easily.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

The lack of tutorial and community guides can throw new players off. However, once you got the hang of how to get around the game and the UI, it gets going. It’s nice and all but the game can use plenty improvements like multiple save points, pausing the game to plan with menu blocking, and faster screen scroll. But considering how short the game can be, perhaps you just want to quickly unlock everything and speed-click through the game. There’s potential to this game if the dev wills it so. The rest of you contemplating to buy or not; get when it’s on sales (at least more than 75% off). Unlock all achievements and not look back. You’re not playing “Banished” here…

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

4 Civilizations on Steam



Bloks is a mix of a god game and tetris. It has a few additional rules, but no tutorial. On your right, you will have the ingrediant list, hovering of these (even ones not made yet) will tell you how to make them. To combine elements, they must be touching with at least two squares from each. This will add the new material to the end of your queue. The exception is living things, which will be made immediately. You will notice there is also different matter states, water will flow, and gas will be passed though. Remembering how these work will be important to your survival. Take care to no clear your blocks with fish, plants, or humans. Also try not to crush them!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

God sim tetris

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Bloks on Steam