Mystika 4 : Dark Omens

Mystika 4 : Dark Omens

This game is similar to Mystika 3 but not the same. It is more like a game update or enhancement and has different spells than the 3rd installment. I enjoyed both games and highly recommend Mystika 4: Dark Omens.

Real player with 228.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Linear Games.

nice puzzles

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Mystika 4 : Dark Omens on Steam

Mystika 3 : Awakening of the dragons

Mystika 3 : Awakening of the dragons

I can’t say if I recommend Mystika 3 : Awakening of the dragons or not.

I just wanted to say that I ’ve been misled by the tag “Hidden Object” and I want to warn those who could do the same mistake. Mystika 3 : Awakening of the dragons is a somewhat scenarized Match 3 game, not an H.O.G. There are like 3 or 4 Hidden Objects Scenes for 200 Match3 levels ! Probably a good game for those who like that kind of game.. But not for me !

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Linear Games.

Really nice game, here.

It’s 200 levels (that includes “boss levels”) which are mainly match 3 oriented. Tha match 3 type it the “moving a tile to align 3 or more” type.

The levels get more and more difficult as you progress through the map.

There’s a timed gameplay as well as a non-timed one (never played this one, though, so I can’t really comment).

Back on the match 3 gameplay, the levels are not really complexe by themselves, especially since there are ingame bonusses that are either triggered by action (align 4 or 5), or that appear randomly (or so it seems to me) once the appropriate option has been bought. Each level will earn the player some money (gold ?) with which some upgrades can indeed be bought. Some are dedicated to earning more gold, others for ingame (including the “dig statue” and the “open the cage” dedicated bonus and last for the “boss” screens (fight).

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Mystika 3 : Awakening of the dragons on Steam



Carth is a multiplayer medieval light fantasy rpg that brings an enormous open world map to explore. The open world on Carth is filled with dozens of unique enemies, legendary items, scores of towns, and truly beautiful scenery. Carth is meant for long time game play and persistent worlds with heavy focus on survival, building, crafting, and the freedom to do what you want. Not to mention many smaller maps meant for faster game play types such as Siege, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, Last Man Standing, Tournaments and more. Players shall be able to host their own public or private servers and select the type of game style they wish.

#### The Four Sibling Gods For hundreds of years the inhabitants of Carth lived in relative harmony. Carth was home to a multitude of different races, factions and clans. Though conflicts would arise from time to time, trouble would soon dissolve into the usual balanced equilibrium so typical of the land. All of this meant little to the four god siblings residing over the realm. The youngest of the four, Taernath, saw the inhabitants of Carth as weaker beings. At first, the dwellers of Carth were mere playthings. Slowly and subtly these manipulations turned towards true evil and corruption of their souls, minds, and bodies.

#### The Evil Within Taernath found the more souls he converted towards his ideals and worship the stronger he became. As a result, the Schism of the Gods came to pass. Once Taernath’s powers grew there was nothing his siblings could do but try to reason and slow his corruption. Their words fell on deaf ears and in one brilliant flash of cosmic light he reduced his siblings to nothing more than shadows of their former selves. With no one left to oppose him, Taernath was consumed by the very evil he once wielded. A darkness fell over Carth that had never been seen before. Portals to other realms opened by Taernath flooded the land with dark shadows and terrors. Tribes of orcs invaded further south from the Clincolt, unholy beings walked through the rifts, and peace was but a distant echo of the past. These are the times that you find at your feet.

#### Can you Survive Can you Survive with evil spread throughout all of the lands how shall you live your life? Shall you bend a knee to the evil that undoubtedly awaits you, or shall you stand and fight? Fight to survive, fight to live, or fight to end this darkness brought forth from Taernath? Can you survive in these times? Welcome to Carth

Read More: Best Building Base Building Games.

Carth on Steam



[DEMO CONTENT] One year ago, I came across a very interesting-looking web game called “Aground” and I was fascinated by the idea of playing a game reminiscent of “Minecraft” or “Terraria” directly in my browser. It starts like every other survival game: gather resources, build a shelter, upgrade your equipment and improve your efficiency.

But, the demo for the game had a lot of content to offer, so much so, that it felt like a fully fledged out game! I was really mesmerised when I later on found out that you could build advanced industrial gear, like guns or battery-powered equipment! After a while, I also discovered that there was a magic portion to the game and that it had an island and quest line dedicated to just that, which gave me access to enchanted equipment and unique materials. For a demo, the game has an unbelievably vast amount of content to offer, more than in any other demo I’ve ever seen before, you surely won’t regret giving it a try! ;^)

Real player with 327.3 hrs in game

I love this game so much especially since I think it’s an indie game by three people and it’s only $10 as of when I bought it. I’ve already spent 30 hours playing and I’ve restarted a few times because I wanted to optimize my approach. What really got me was the free game on various flash sites and the playable demo which alone is around 7-10 hours depending on gameplay style.

I love the story so far, the graphics appeal to me since I’m an old school gamer (think late 80s, early 90s) where gameplay is much more important than flashy graphics wanting 160 fps. There is a story in it as well which is nice, but doesn’t take away from the game if you’re the sort who doesn’t like reading much, but it’s actually a pretty neat story. One thing I’d like to have the cutscenes as a replayable option in the menu when you unlock them. The music adds to the game and has atmosphere to it.

Real player with 118.8 hrs in game

Aground on Steam



My favorite purchase all year.

If you’re wondering what I’ve been able to do with FlowScape that led to my review, you can take a look at all of my projects here .

I knew the moment I laid eyes on this, I would most likely love it. It exceeded my expectations as a casual design & illustration tool that just about anyone can use. I have spent many hours putting together village & macro background scenes. The Sculpting tool allow you to create mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, as I see fit. The Painting tool allows you to create walkways. I can construct anything from realistic waterfalls to lost ruins with the Transformation tool to manipulate just about any object.

Real player with 2803.3 hrs in game

Wow, it’s difficult to say in words how impressive and relatively deep this instant gratification “game” is! Marketed as a game, but used by many as a 3D design tool. Oh, it’s not Maya, or Lightwave, or even Bryce or Blender, which is cool because we already have those. This is something different, and special, and FAST, and easy! And for all its limitations, what IS here is a lot deeper and impressive than you might imagine!

I’ve made a nice living from building scenes in 3D software for many decades, and I’ve spent countless hours working with wire-frames and pallets of textures and bump maps and lighting devices, and scratching my head over each new entries' exploration into the 3D modeling' procedures. It doesn’t replace those high-end spreads for many projects, but this WILL be replacing the high-rollers on a few projects and making my life so much easier!

Real player with 2204.8 hrs in game

FlowScape on Steam

Tower Defense: Defender of the Kingdom

Tower Defense: Defender of the Kingdom

One of the worst thought out tower defense games I’ve played and I’ve played nearly all of them. Hard to believe the developers are selling the game in its current state.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Does not have any info on what the towers are ..or do.. Low quality game . Do not buy.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Tower Defense: Defender of the Kingdom on Steam

Dragon Banner

Dragon Banner

WOW GUYS/GALS!!! Remember when you first started playing video games and you got into the fun adventures and were happy? This is how this game feels to me, its super good. Its great gameplay…..Lots of quests, gathering, building buildings and armies. cool story, skirmishes, all good stuff. Impressed with this game, I really am. 20.00 dollars is a little much maybe, more a 14 dollar I would think, but I am glad I got it. Also as you play it opens up more and more, like you are working towards a goal, I like that. I will say there are glitches here and there and graphics are not tops, but I can overlook it cause the game is cool.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

I bought this to support the developer because I wish there were more games like this out there - games where you directly control a hero while also building a base and ordering units. This is kind of the perfect version of that kinda game but with every mechanic at its most basic level.

I’d recommend if you want to see more games like this, and I hope the developer continues to update it or work on a sequel or something similar. There’s some real charm to this game, and it is pretty fun for a while, but needs more features to really be worth the asking price. Even adding co-op/pvp would drastically increase the amount of content here.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Dragon Banner on Steam

Block Story™

Block Story™

block story has been one of the games i’ve been playing since years ago. i’ve personally find it very addicting and the content in the game is just amazing.

most people would think this is a minecraft rip off, or just the “lower quality” version of it. this obviously isn’t the case. there are so many things you can do in the game, such as:

-explore the 50+ biomes in the world (including space, hell, skylands, more!)

-discover 200+ random generated structures in these biomes, some may even have massive loot inside! (this even includes space sattelites, maze pyramids, castles, or even a giant skull made out of lava!)

Real player with 423.9 hrs in game

Recommended : NOT

Block Story is survival craft voxel game.

[positive side]

+RPG system with many skills to improve

  • All creatures seem tamable (friendly, neutral & hostile)

  • You can travel between generated worlds (infinite ressources)

  • Tp system thru beds and tools in same world

  • Tutorial from NPC missions

  • Dragon system

  • Respec (with diamonds)

  • You can earn diamonds slowly in-game (microtransaction)

  • Achievements in-game & Steam

[negative side]

  • Short inventory, especially when you need to carry many tools

Real player with 100.8 hrs in game

Block Story™ on Steam

Dragon Kingdom

Dragon Kingdom

I played just after release and there were some bugs (and still are) but it is still really fun cause every bug get’s fixed quite fast by the developer. The game is still in development but has quite good potential, I’m looking forward to how the game will turn out. Also I really love the look of the animals they look so cute can’t wait to get one!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Dragon Kingdom on Steam

Isles of Etherion

Isles of Etherion

Isles of Etherion is an open-world action/adventure sandbox RPG featuring airships, floating islands, dungeons, spell weaving, and 100% dynamically destructible environment.

Dynamically Destructible Voxel Environment

Explore a world in which everything, including terrain and structures, are dynamically destructible by players, monsters, or natural happenstances.

Airships for Combat and Transportation

Traverse the isles with your own airship, which could be acquired through purchase or battle.

Floating Islands with Dynamically Changing Seasons

In IoE, seasons change dynamically in front of your eyes. Like day/night cycle, seasons add another layer of complexity to gameplay dynamics and strategy.

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters, such as Earthquakes, Meteors, Volcano eruptions, Tornadoes, occur randomly throughout the Isles.

Voxel Combat and Spell Weaving

Voxel environment can be altered to your advantage during combat. IoE not only offers a variety of spells but the possibility to spell-weave as well!

Game play in IoE

The environment in this game is completely destructible. Terrains and structures can be altered and destroyed by player or monsters. Players have to venture into the world in order to acquire power and magic spells from monsters, Shrines and lore books.

Isles of Etherion on Steam