

After just over a whole month of developing levels for the Murder Garden Contest, it’s time for my review of Terrorarium.


Terrorarium is a fun and creative game with an interesting concept and encourages community participation. The developers are always active in the Terrorarium Discord server and always take suggestions by listening to their fans (Which is rare these days). Plus, You can make awesome levels for your friends and others to play and murder them with ferocious plants! What’s not to like? Since its in early access, it’s likely to be cheaper now than when it releases, so pick it up and try it!

Real player with 95.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

7/28/20 UPDATE: The game is out now with new levels and new features, so here is my current day review!

The game can be broken down in to three major parts: The main story, the community made levels, and the level maker.

★ The Main Story plot itself is fine. You get to understand the character you play as and the the little pikmin-esque creatures you play with, etc., etc… It certainly adds to the game, but what really matters (in my opinion) are the levels themselves. There are 26 levels ranging from very easy to very hard, some of which are designed extremely well! Some of them however aren’t. I’d say around 85% of the levels are satisfactory, while the other 15% just aren’t either aesthetically pleasing or the puzzle/mechanics are a bit wonky.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

Terrorarium on Steam



Well, that was 30 hours of weird. This game is so…odd that it’s really hard to parse my thoughts on it. It’s fun and the achievements were actually fun to 100% (and it’s one of the only games I’ve ever bothered doing that with), so I’d have to recommend it, but it’s also a bit buggy and stupidly hard so I’ll need to add some disclaimers.

At its core this is a fun “easy to learn, hard to master” management game, where you run a drug empire starting small and snowballing your way to a roller-coaster of an ending with a final level that was not fun, but was definitely an experience. The game eases you into the mechanics over the course of several levels, and there’s a lot of midlevel twists that can screw you over, but also add a lot of depth to the characters and some challenge. It punishes inefficiency, but rewards thinking ahead. The difficulty is over the top at first, but once you understand how to play the game it all falls into place. You’re always given the tools to solve your problems, if you manage your resources and employees correctly. What RNG does exist in this game usually falls in your favor by way of lucky loot drops from defeated enemies.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Simulation Games.

General Opinions about the game.

  • Opinions

The game is certainly interesting nothing like what I’ve played before. I will take a second to mention that i have played for 24 hours so i feel i know the game pretty well.

From what i have played and experience this is a snow ball of pain, along the lines it starts easy and ramps up in difficulty dramatically in a short amount of time due to there only

being 12 levels.

It has been an enjoyable experience but a grindy one, it should be said the later levels become stupidly hard to the point we’re you might be trying to beat levels over and over again slowly building frustration.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Basement on Steam

Hell Architect

Hell Architect

Hells Architect is my first ever review, and one of the reasons why I decided to leave a review for this game is because I am surprised by the mixed reviews the game is currently at (day 2 of release). In my opinion, the producer and developer of Hells Architect launched this game correctly; they ran a successful campaign by keeping the customer in the loop during development, they released a playable demo, they sought feedback from testers, are continuing to listen to feedback, and perhaps most importantly – they delayed launch by several months until they had a viable product ready to go that they were proud of!

Real player with 116.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Base Building Games.

I feel awful posting this review, but I’m hoping that the dev team will fix the issues that I have with the game over time. It’s not that I don’t recommend the game, I just don’t recommend it right now and at the price I paid for it (more than $20 in case someone is reading this later after a price change). I’ve completed every stage with the exception of the final mission as of this writing (and I intend to complete that stage), as well as played some of the sandbox mode. My actual playtime is a bit lower than what the review will have listed, since I had to leave the game open while I wasn’t actively playing it (more on that below).

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

Hell Architect on Steam

War for the Overworld

War for the Overworld

This is my first Steam review, so i’ll try to make it a good one; it might be a bit longwinded (TL;DR is at the bottom), but i’d like to make it as thorough as possible becouse the game and it’s devs deserve as much.

First off, my PC specs so you’ll know what i play it on:

• Windows 7 64 bit

• Intel Core i5 4570 @3.20 GHz

• AMD Radeon R7 200 Series, 2GB RAM


My history with the genre

I’ve played Dungeon Keeper 1 + The deeper dungeons & Dungeon Keeper 2 on multiple occasions & systems over the years.

Real player with 221.5 hrs in game

Update April 11, 2015:

THE memory leak has been fixed, but the game has such poor performance across the board that the game is unplayable. Still crashes. Still many many bugs and unfinished things. I am way too frustrated trying to play through the broken, unfinished stuff with awful performance.

Beating the final “boss” doesn’t even make sense in the campaign. Maybe there’s supposed to be some more cutscenes that explain it that aren’t finished/added yet? The overall story is very poorly written.

Real player with 112.3 hrs in game

War for the Overworld on Steam

Hotel Afterlife

Hotel Afterlife


Manage your dream hotel from the ground up and in any way you want - raise torture rooms, corridors, staff rooms, and guest rooms. You can use professionally made furniture, various attractions and torture devices, which will surely satisfy even the most demanding of customers.

There is also a store at your disposal, where you can buy further improvements and ornaments for the building. Money? In hell, nobody has heard of money. The sins of your customers are the currency around here!


At Hotel Afterlife, guests don’t just show up – YOU must reach out to them first! Recruit and send your reapers after lost souls, and when they seize them – purify them of sin by adjusting the attractions offered by the hotel to their unique preferences.

Surely, you would prescribe a different purification treatment for the soul of an emo-pessimist (solitary full of fluffy cats works quite well) and a greedy politician (How many times will he need to starve to achieve the peace of mind? Find out!).

Make sure that your guests are always taken care of by a well-chosen staff, maintain high standards of torture and remember that each purified soul leaves its sins with your wallet – it is in your best interest to develop the greatest resort in your corner of hell!


You have been selected to manage Afterlife hotels! You will start small, in the first circle of hell, but your goals are ambitious. Conquer the entire underworld; maintain the prestigious status of your hotel by enhancing its appearance, making sure the service never gets tired and guests leave purified and happy.

Discover more and more ingenious ways of torturing your guests, buy more advanced improvements to your buildings - reach the ninth circle of hell to wallow in luxury and host the underworld’s big shots.

Upgrade your equipment, train your staff and use available statistics to make your hotel as recognizable as possible!


Dear Candidate,

We are happy to inform you that your “I could use a good job” thought the application has been approved. We have been following your life closely for a long time, and three seconds ago it was decided at the highest level of our company that You posses unique qualities and excellent qualifications to manage the Advanced Soul Purification Centre on our behalf. I present to you Hotel Afterlife – expand it and design as you see fit. We trust that your guests will suffer like they have never before! The offer includes attractive salary paid in sins, satisfaction, multifat card and no-necktie Fridays (also known as “hanged man’s Fridays”).

We look forward to seeing you down below!

Afterlife Corporate


The transfer to hell will take place immediately after reading this message.

Hotel Afterlife on Steam

Little Imps: A Dungeon Builder

Little Imps: A Dungeon Builder

2000 hour comment:

This is a GREAT game. It just requires a TON of time. This game has a truly in depth gameplay that at first look like it is super slow:

It is NOT. I repeat it is anything BUT slow.

There is always something to do.

Always something to improve:

Multiple redesigns (over time) that is needed to meet certain goals to move forward in the game.

One design is great for low level play up until (around level 50)

(50-75) requires a “different” dungeon set up to be productive:

75-1115ish requires yet another dungeon set up

Real player with 2847.1 hrs in game

I am sorry but i had some high hopes for this game but to be 100% honest this game takes way to long and theres nothing to do in the down time if i am honest this game takes way to long, it takes a hell of a lot of time to get rid of walls and to build flooring and the time limit on making things in the work shop is also super long honestly this game is really boring me and even tho i did not buy the game and was gifen it the only thing this game has managed to do is use my electric with having my pc turned on honestly because of all the waiting time the game just boring to me. i honestly wanted to enjoy this game but i just didnt. if all this was sorted out then i would be very willing to change my opinion

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Little Imps: A Dungeon Builder on Steam

Human Factory

Human Factory

Human Factory has so much potential that it was able to keep me hooked despite bugs that would normally cause me to instantly abandon E.A. I play a ton of simulation games, and I sincerely hope this one doesn’t get abandoned (the dev’s fast response on the discussion board suggests otherwise).


Easy to understand process with fairly optimized factory production. I wasn’t able to find anything that was too over or underpowered: the numbers felt just right.

Solid music, a must have if a simulation game is to keep you hooked

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

I’m not a hardcore gamer and this game made me play for almost 8 hours straight. Yes, it’s very good.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Human Factory on Steam

Garbage: Hobo Prophecy

Garbage: Hobo Prophecy

Can’t recommend the game, based on the demo…

You start out with RIDICULOUSLY little resources, and then you’re supposed to survive and scrounge together a living by traveling to different areas/zones to collect more resources. The problem is that my hobo died of cold before I could get warmth (since your hunger/warmth/hygiene/energy is constantly draining from the start of the game). This makes the game a constant juggle of your hobo(s)’s resources and your hobo camp is raided by other hobos every couple of minutes. I think that the game could be playable, if there were more resources to be gotten or if there was a reliable way to generate resources, but currently there isn’t. Now, that would make the game playable, but it still wouldn’t be enjoyable imo. Quite a lot of stuff needs to be done before this game becomes enjoyable, nevermind playable. So in its current state, I can’t recommend the game, but I’ll try the full version of the game down the line and see if that is at least good enough to be recommended.

Real player with 124.5 hrs in game

I’ve had a chance to test this game on my friends account and I can to say one thing for a fact - this game is difficult.

One thing is watching how someone plays it, but the real deal is playing it. Very soon you realise it shares some similarities with heroes of might and magic 3, where few silly decisions can cost your life in future.

The game keeps punishing you for every mistake you do, nor training too much, neither trying to quickly go through the quests will do the trick. I love the way this game tingles your anxiety when the winter comes and you realise that your main issue is not the food anymore. Stacking up supplies might help you pass through the winter which reminded me a great strategy game - Northgard.

Real player with 25.0 hrs in game

Garbage: Hobo Prophecy on Steam

Polandball: Can into Space!

Polandball: Can into Space!

This game is… pretty good! As a fan of the comic series, I have to admit this game was very well-made. So, let’s go.


  • Very well made for being based on such an obscure comic series

  • Jokes and stereotypes are funny

  • Controls are easy to get used to

  • Upgrade and Part system is well-priced

  • Worth the money

  • Achievements are not too hard to get


  • Belgium’s AI

  • Ending should have had an ironic twist (involving Russia/USSRball)

  • Repetitive soundtrack (easily solveable by muting music)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

A fun, comical, charming game of skill, prediction and chance.

Guide Polandball to space, avoid other hassling countries and try not to be held back by the gravity of larger nations such as Russia, China and Canada.

Collect fuel to reach your dreams in the sky, eat burgers to keep your health up, and collect money so you can stop using kitchenware as a rocket.

Its not all struggle though, occationally netherland ball or sometimes a jamaica ball will help you get higher… in various ways.

For $3 or less its pretty well worth it. You will get more satisfaction out of this than you will the bag of chips you would otherwise buy.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Polandball: Can into Space! on Steam

Serial Killer Life

Serial Killer Life

As the player you will become the owner of strange and scary place. Do not be afraid and expand your business, attract your victims and reach your weird goals over the dead bodies. Become the evil Howard, criminal mastermind in every way possible, tries to get rich. Theft, fraud, murder, lie, setting traps for your hotel guests is your daily routine. You pretend to run the legitimate business but in fact your goal is to dig the secret tunnel to reach the bank’s vault . Don’t get caught.

Build your hotel using the money of the victim guests visiting you. It is important to always look for the richest victims. Only then you would be able to afford this sophisticated, expensive and time consuming construction.

But don’t think it’s going to be easy. Beware of the police, the tax office forensic control and the reporters. The tunnel that would lead you into the bank’s vault must be done solidly and in absolute silence. You have to be very cautious in your plans. Remember that any unforeseen noise can cause your mission to end prematurely and get your into a jail.

Serial Killer Life on Steam