Firing Vibes

Firing Vibes

Firing Vibes is a 2 vs 2 multiplayer FPS that combines heavy vertical gameplay with a little bit of rhythm.

Instead of classical weapons like assault or sniper rifles in Firing Vibes you choose a melody. And each melody provides a unique damage pattern. Some melodies are quicker or slower in their rhythm, that leads to different types of gameplay.

Set in a minimalistic Scifi world. Your character has two special skills which allow to go about everywhere and master the fully vertical environment. The first one is a unique climbing ability enabling you to move on walls as easily as if you were on the ground. The second is the ability to spawn cubes and walls and create new pathways.


  • 2 vs 2 Online Multiplayer - Dedicated servers in Europe, North America and East Asia (and more later).

  • Shoot with music - Your only weapons are music based lasers.

  • Create news pathways - Spawning or destroying cubes helps you to move through the level in new and interesting ways.

  • Climb everywhere - Your climbing ability combined with the cubes you can place make you free to go about everywhere you want.

Read More: Best Building Multiplayer Games.

Firing Vibes on Steam



Great game, very easy to play, very fun game, and playable up to 8, a game to add to his collection to spend good parties with friends and familly

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Action Games.

A severely underrated local multiplayer gem!

The fact that it supports up to 8 is great, but we had loads of fun with just the 4 of us! The best part was when someone would develop a winning strategy, and everyone else ganged up to find a counter to it. The game felt like a constant leap frog of trying to utilise some new exploit, only for everyone to tear you back down!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Zombiotik on Steam

AMazing TD

AMazing TD

Honestly the game has some work that needs to be done to it but if your looking for a classic starcraft td outside of starcraft this isn’t a bad start. It’s still in early access so there are obviously problems/unfinished parts of it but I think its a great start and already currently gets me on a almost once a day to get my dailies and try the new maps. With a little balance and a little more depth this would be a solid td

Things I would add/change:

  • The upgrades curve doesn’t seem balanced to me, I always get to a certain point and feel like its just a waste unless there is no room left to build new towers.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Tower Defense Games.

I’d like to preface this review by saying it was written while the game was in Early Access and that fact was taken into consideration while writing this. AMazing TD is an interesting take on the Tower Defense genre. It reminds me of the Tower Defense (TD) games I used to play as custom games in Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2. It probably reminds me of that because it is a standalone spiritual successor of a Starcraft 2 map I had played previously called Entropy TD.

It’s a deceptively simple appearing Tower Defense game. You build living statues as your towers and they deal with the various waves of enemies. The longer you can keep enemies from exiting the map, the more likely you are to eliminate them. Building a maze and well placed, properly upgraded towers is the key to victory in these sorts of games. AMazing TD goes beyond the basics by also having power fields on the play field that modify the game in some way. Fields that slow, speed up and teleport the enemies, increase the range or damage of your towers or even offering you extra gold are some of the field effects to watch out for when planning your maze.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

AMazing TD on Steam

Guardians Of The Past

Guardians Of The Past

Great game, when you consider the stage its in! Wonderful Dev team who are always listening to ideas and issues, and quickly resolving them.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

It’s a great game to play when your friends are around, though you need to find enough controllers for everybody.

But when you have found these controllers, oh boy, fun guaranteed.

Sometimes you need to explain the game a little, and for me it’s lagging a bit now and then but otherwise a really fun game.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Guardians Of The Past on Steam

King Arthur’s Gold

King Arthur’s Gold

I’ve decided to delete my old review about this GREAT game, as it was a bit outdated.

If you are confused with these short positive reviews and utter BS negative ones (most of them. I can accept others opinion, but most of them are reviews made by salty kids who didn’t bother to give this game more than an hour before making a review about it) and have stumbled upon this one, hopefully i could make things a bit clearer and help you decide, whether to buy it or not.

This game is very unique, you’ve played nothing like this before, I am absolutely sure in that and can safely guarantee it to you. Great medieval age battles, easy to learn, but hard to master. You can choose from 3 well balanced classes: Knight, Archer and Builder. Basic game modes, which you’ll be playing the most are: Capture The Flag, Take The Halls, Team Death Match and Sandbox. There are also modded servers, where you can literally face ANYTHING, from zero gravity space lazer wars to Zombie survival with modern wargear. Battles are really epic and intense, so you won’t get tired of the game in the near future.

Real player with 3397.7 hrs in game

UPD 31.01.2018. Now you cant even complain about useless teammates, since official servers enforced chat censorship. If before you could easily disable chat filter in game’s settings, if you wish so, now - nope, THINK ABOUT CHILDRENS. I wonder, how deep this sjw train will go this time…

UPD 29.09.2017. Now you also can get chat bans on official servers for complaining about useless teammates (which is true for 95% of time). Well done, literally the best possible thing to do, in order to revive this game!

Real player with 1627.3 hrs in game

King Arthur's Gold on Steam

Ace of Spades: Battle Builder

Ace of Spades: Battle Builder

4 years.

I remember when I first bought this game. I was so happy and excited about it.

I remember when I first met “pros”. I wanted to play more and reach their level.

I remember when I actually reached 300 hours and thought myself to be the best player of all times. (Classical 300hrs syndrome (Everyone reaching 300hrs has it))

I remember huge amount of players playing this game.

I remember when devs actually supported (or pretended to support) the game.

I remember nice community, lots of interesting events and tons of fun.

Real player with 2010.0 hrs in game

UPDATE: Holy shiat this dead game got a new update. Oh wait, most of it is locked away behind a paywall! Hahahahahahahahaha-gasp-hahahahhaahaha.

Long read ahead, but worth it!

As someone who has played Ace of Spades for way too long, let me introduce the history of it to you first:

In April 2011, somebody called Ben Aksoy released a pretty decent and free FPS with voxel mechanics called Ace of Spades. This was a game that people mostly played on a randomly-generated map similar to Minecraft’s randomly-generated maps (only without the trees, only grass, some rivers and more hills). The default and only gamemode at the time was Capture The Flag. All of these in combination allowed for some fun gameplay that required some strategy. Dig tunnels to capture the enemy’s intel, or build a fort to defend your own intel. Every man only had a rifle, spade, grenades and some blocks (unlike most FPSes there were no newby spray-and-pray weapons).

Real player with 1108.3 hrs in game

Ace of Spades: Battle Builder on Steam



Aloof has a lovely unique atmosphere and simple to pick up gameplay but with insane depth. And I think I only started scratching the surface. It also has many multiplayer modes! Start for the vibe and stay for the combo’s.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Cool puzzle game

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Aloof on Steam



My kids love this game so much they chose it for the first episode of their new youtube channel!

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Amazingly fun game. I got it at avcon (adelaide) last year. me and my brother have played a heap of it. it is best when u have 4 players. its hectic and its great. so worth buying.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Blockpocalypse on Steam



Now this game… I’m so happy I went to EGX: just for finding out about this game. You will not find anothergame quite like this. It is so fun. The game is so well refined, being a bit fiddly to rotate blocks and remove blocks from corners of a cube structure. But this shouldn’t push your choice away from it. If you think you could enjoy it, even if the features such as online multiplayer and bots arn’t there yet, support it, buy it, try to get some friends to try it out with you.

Bottom line is you won’t regret backing this game as that £4.99 / $6.25 / €5.89 will aid these talented people form a full game of content.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Been playing Blockships for a long time, at various trade shows, and it’s just pure unadulterated fun. Everyone from young to old gets it immediately and then it’s just game after game of explosions, laughter, and victorious cheering.

It’s easy to pick up but there’s a great amount of depth and strategic awareness to the gameplay. You try to keep track of both the contents and positioning of your opponents' ship parts, the blocks scattered around the level, and the blocks you have available. Building to counter opponents on-the-fly is super unique, and the entire battlefield can change in an instant with a skillfully placed shot.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Blockships on Steam



Updated review time!

So a shit ton changed after my review. The game is now better than ever! Now you can get hours of gameplay out of this! Its amazing!

Every update brings something new to the table, like colonies, starlink, Mars and more! The dev is always wanting to improve the game and fix bugs and thats amazing. This game does not have a lot of bugs, honestly its rare to run into one.

People usually bash Unity games because they are made by Devs who dont know what they are doing. But this is a prime example that Unity games can be amazing if they are in the right hands!

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

I really want to like this game, but the core loop of building the reliability up on rockets for them to still feel like a 1 in 10 chance to explode when at 99% reliability isn’t fun. I wish the game had a prototyping stage where you sink time and money to get a slow increase in reliability so that when a rocket blows up, it feels like either I’m at fault for shorting on development time or the result of various factors interacting in unforeseen ways.

Another thing that feels extremely lacking in this game is the contracts system. Right now it’s just fiddle with the slider to underbid by the lowest amount possible, which just means you have to have the screen open the entire time, waiting for the ai to make its bids. If the developer really wants to keep the slider they should implement a reputation system or something of the sort. That way at the beginning you’re being forced to bid much lower than the other established launch providers and there’s more risk in pushing a rocket out of development early. Then, as you progress along in the game, and build your reputation, you’d be able to gain contracts while bidding slightly higher than the ai due to your established name and low frequency of sudden unplanned disassembly in mid flight.

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

EarthX on Steam