A Planet of Mine

A Planet of Mine

A cute time killer that its easy to get lost on for hours at a time. The random planet load outs and landing positions can make some planets practically impossible to win which can take a while to spot. Re-starting is fairly easy though.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building 4X Games.

Very enjoyable little game~

Takes a bit of learning but it’s very fun~ you can find some good info and tips with a quick google search that might help you get started.

I used to have it on mobile but I find it much more enjoyable on PC and it runs very well.

Lots of races (I believe 16) and different ways to play. Discovers and exploration. Planets are very unique and not all the same.

You can also destroy a rivals planet completely or be friendly and trade with them.

The gist is you start on a single planet and harvest resources and build different constructs. After a while you ascend (which you can do several times) and more technologies become available. Soon you will be colonizing multiple planets.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

A Planet of Mine on Steam



A great game with a great community. If you get bored of the main game, you can go into both mapping and modding. Both can be just as enjoyable as normal gameplay, and people on the official Discord will help if you have any problems. Absolutely recommended.

Real player with 750.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Physics Games.

very good game you should played if you especially like strategy games you should played with friends or alone.

Real player with 338.5 hrs in game

Forts on Steam

Mason: Building Bricks

Mason: Building Bricks

The game is as advertised. You build, build, and build more. If you expect anything else, you will be disappointed. Overall, a relaxing experience.

Real player with 83.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Building Sandbox Games.

I liked it simplicity and focus on personal creations.

Real player with 81.5 hrs in game

Mason: Building Bricks on Steam

Annihilate The Spance

Annihilate The Spance

Annihilate The Spance is a real-time autonomous army, base builder. Construct your base, and provide your autonomous armada with the means to annihilate the enemy. Through calculated unit compositions, and rapid on-the-fly adjustments to your base.

ATS is set in a far future, with a unique phenomenon unseen in all history. The Spance.

Follow three factions across five campaigns into this glowing, writhing, and dark place.

A nebula ( or as close as we have a name for it ) that has roamed the galaxy, consuming hundreds of solar systems into its depths. It is undeniably rich in resources. Extreme and unexplained pseudo-physical phenomena. And creatures seemingly formed from burning energy.

A linear set of story missions across four interlinked campaigns will take you through the depths of the Spance. Fight with and against each of the major factions in conflict while gaining access to new units and technology. Learn the unique doctrines needed to command the military might of The Kontaalen Armada, the united fleets of The Vaalkorei Coalition mercantile guilds, and the experimental technologies of Emar’s Tychon Division.

Delve ever deeper into the impenetrable abyss of the Spance and unlock its secrets.

Alternatively, jump directly into the fray by versing AI in custom skirmishes and player-created custom levels. You can even create your own for others to play using the level editor.

Begin each mission from your command station and gather resources from the stuff of the rich nebula itself to construct your autonomous base. The interference of the Spance prevents you from directly controlling your units. Each ship is autonomous. Relying on its AI core, moving, targeting, and attacking on its own.

You, Strategist, are left to your base.

Plan your army composition carefully. Calculate build cycles. Make tactical positioning decisions. There is no singular vessel that can take you to victory. This war will not be decided by who holds the bigger stick, but instead who wields the more versatile one.

Annihilate The Spance on Steam

Hell of Men : Blood Brothers

Hell of Men : Blood Brothers

This game is very interesting.

You will found classic mechanical (collect, build, train) but you found good new mechanicals like vehicles that you can have with the capture of strategic point, a cover system, etc… You can’t go with your army in one pack because one roquet can kill all of them!

It’s a challenge and I really like it. If you like RTS you can go !

Real player with 35.2 hrs in game

Very simple… so it’s a blast to play!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Hell of Men : Blood Brothers on Steam



Short version: Oh my, this is challenging and fun. I definitely like it more than I expected to!

Long version:

Deceptively simple at first then gets increasingly more difficult as you progress.

I don’t usually enjoy games that don’t have you working towards a specific, set goal, but this one makes it work by having “unlockables” to strive for, different levels with different challenges to them, and a cash incentive to go along with your score, so if you want to stay afloat, you’d be better off catering to all the possible exits/entrances/lines, which makes it challenging. Plus, while it never flat out FORCES YOU to, it’s implied that your “goal” is to serve all possible lines and entrances/exits.

Real player with 47.8 hrs in game

This is exactly the kind of game I’m wired to enjoy; route-planning, optimization, and a small sprinkling of tedium. For the first 10 to 15 hours with the game I very much did enjoy it but as some of the issues became really obvious it led me to the conclusion that I cannot give a recommendation to this game in its current form.

My first issue is with the amount of content available in the game. As new NPC types are unlocked and develop new needs you will have some difficulty keeping up with it all, but that suddenly drops off after a couple hours of play leaving you with nothing much to do but optimize your network and build out the last couple stations that unlock later. There really needs to be more variety in NPC needs to flush out that mid to late-game. Perhaps more late-game shop types or new transportation methods, but it needs something. As it is there are 4 hours of laying the foundation for your system and expanding, 2 hours of optimizing, then an hour of doing nothing but watching your system operate until you decide to start a new map.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game

STATIONflow on Steam



I played a lot the other game made by the same developer, CrossWorlds: Escape.

For some reason I like that game more than other survival games, despite still being improvable for normal players.

I am confident that this game will have a similar evolution or better.

When you start the game, it shows the following message:

**Welcome to the alpha version of the Vilset.

This version of the game has many limitations, many game mechanics have not yet been implemented, and temporary models and animations are used.**

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

far to many serious bugs in this game to be enjoyed, characters starving even though they have plenty of food constantly eating yet starvation monitor going up up up dead

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Vilset on Steam

20 Minute Metropolis - The Action City Builder

20 Minute Metropolis - The Action City Builder

I’ll confess I’m biased because a friend that works for me did some of the artwork on this and I’ve long been a fan of Dejobaan.

This is a fun, bite-sized strategy game and less than $3. It’s hard to go wrong. I can’t think of any time I’ve actually regretted spending $3, but this was enjoying to play, and I will keep trying to get my name on the top page.

I would love to see a couple quality of life improvements: namely drag and drop roads, hotkeys or an expanded toolbar so I don’t have to fuss with the selection menus. Daily leaderboards would be nice too, so I have a better chance at the top ten.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Super fun and hectic. It can become a little easy after you’ve figured out a good strategy but you can always use a different starting perk which adds and takes away some difficulty. The models are really cute, reminds me of a toy town or Lego.

Some improvements I’d make would be, dragging roads to build instead of clicking for each tile. This isn’t a big issue, but could herald RSI if played too often.

I’d like more maps, a random map generation would be cool, it would make each run very different and unique.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

20 Minute Metropolis - The Action City Builder on Steam



I really wanted to be able to recommend this game as I did enjoy it, it’s fairly well built in it’s core.

The main issue is lacking content. There is only basic skirmish mode, not story, no setups, no challenges, nothing at all. There is absolutely nothing to work towards. It’s fun to unlock all the technologies but it gets boring quickly as that doesnt take long.

I also had a tremendous amount of trouble trying to get archers positioned on my walls. Constantly getting stuck in annoying ways and not completing the commands. I realize it’s an alpha so thats not that big of a deal.

Real player with 75.0 hrs in game

This is the game I always wanted. And it lives up to that wish for about 2 hours. When is the polish and refinement coming?

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Becastled on Steam

Dwarven Skykeep

Dwarven Skykeep

Dwarven Skykeep is a building strategy RPG where you’re a mage building a magical tower. Goblins will burn your books and break your rooms while rain will flood your basement. Tune your deck to cast spells, improve your tower and solve all the hitches.

Build, Improve and Protect Your towers

Draw your cards and put into play your building tactics in real-time. Create rooms and generate resources, plan your strategy and solve all the hitches, craft Spells and defeat Goblins, then repair what they’ve destroyed. And don’t forget to give beer to Dwarves!

Tune Your Deck Wisely

Build your deck to face up all the challenges. Choose cards from Blocks, Rooms, Tools, Improvements, Combat Spells, Support Spells and Creatures to create and defend your magical towers based on situations.

Dive into the City and Live Its stories

Visit Dwarven City in between levels, then listen to folk’s stories to unlock new quests and world’s areas of which discover the lore behind. Collect cards, awards and items by going deeper into the story to improve your skills and increase strategies at your disposal.

Weight Up Your Choices

Oh no, your basement is flooding! Will you pump out the water, pour it out with smart digging or use fire to evaporate it? Which will be the consequences? There are multiple solutions for every problem and no obvious decisions, will you be a wise mage?

Say Goodbye to Gameplay Routines

Every gameplay throws you into unique situations with high replayability, where different draws and different random events require a different use of resources. Play with skills, and a bit of luck, to win challenges or improve your tactics while trying.

Dwarven Skykeep on Steam