Fist of Physics

Fist of Physics

At the first sight, I thought it’s another boxing game. The gameplay is pretty fun and the experience is very immersive. You drive a two-floor-high robot to fight with other enemy robots in SF city.

Then after playing several times later, I realized it’s much more than a just boxing game happening in a simple arena. You have an environment around you with tons of details to explore. The cartoony art style is wonderful. The modeling and texturing are decent. Besides being pretty, all the buildings, fountain, and other small objects are destructible. I really enjoy this kind of interaction experience, like I break one traffic light and use its pole to fight against the enemy. And this game provides two kinds of locomotion control, transporting and arm-swinging. You could freely move around no matter you are escaping from the enemy or just playing with the environment.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Boxing Indie Games.

If no further developments to this game in its current early access state, then it’s still a good choice at it’s (current as of this writing) $9.99USD price. There is a sufficient amount of combat to entertain until you unlock freeform mode. Then once you’ve done that, there’s just 3 more rounds and the game is basically finished. Punching, shoving, throwing enemies and clobbering enemies with stage props are all in the game right now. No waiting for future updates that may or may not come.

There are 3(?) different weapon types. Of the these, the sword seems particularly good at dismembering enemies. The axe may be able to as well, but it felt much easier to accidentally dismember with swords. The hammer seems to have the longest reach. If there were additional weapons, they’re unremarkable.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Fist of Physics on Steam

Ultimate MMA

Ultimate MMA

For the price it is a great game. It’s very simple to play. I enjoy creating my own MMA fighter. You can choose body type, hair color and tattoos. You can also choose what kicks and punches your fighter uses. (The more you fight and win, the more moves are unlocked.) There is no ground fighting, just stand up fighting. Which I prefer. If you like simple fighting games, then Ultimate MMA is for you. If you want something more complex or pure MMA with ground fighting, then you will have to get a more expensive game.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Boxing Fighting Games.

This is the only Kickboxing game on pc that resembles the EA ufc games (without grappling) altought the game is pretty unpolished and lacks content it still a very good game in the sense that it has really good basics.

the controls feel weird or stiff but at least is something playable

keep in mind that this is made by one single russian dude. so to make this is very impressive

the alt-atacks are broken in the sense that you can win all tournaments by spamming them but if you are playing with a friend you can decide to not use them.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Ultimate MMA on Steam

Art of Boxing

Art of Boxing

There is allot of room for improvement, and i admit, it is unique in it’s own rights, the movement, and physics, make it so that you’re not an accurate muhammad ali marciano fresh out the gate, you need to cleanly land punches, to do damage, the bobble head thing gets annoying, and it’s not anything like fight night, or any other boxing game out there, if nurtured, this can be one of the most accurate but still fun and quirky depictions of the sweet science, that being said…..

You need to release some kind of improvements along the way, waiting for a huge update like you said, may work if it’s all done correctly, or may hurt your games success if felt like a waste of time and money for those who have purchased and gone beyond the refund period, we all see the potential, and took a chance, Your Move!..

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Boxing Fighting Games.

ive been playing for a while now its a great game i have missed boxing since they stopped making fight night on the consoles so please keep going one day it will be a polished gem

the biggest problem i am having is that lots of punches wont connect even if it is a flush hit plus it doesnt help that he gets glitched throwing an uppercut forever also it does this weird thing where the camera focuses on the opponent and makes it a bit of a hard time to box him as you can only see the ends of your hands its a great game that needs a lot of work its good that the creator keeps updating it and hopefully these issues will be sorted out soon as i feel i have hit an unplayable point in the game due to these issues and i want to keep playing haha

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Art of Boxing on Steam

Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

This game made me feel like I was the Karate Kid, except, instead of a real old man making me wax his car I was given a cardboard cut-out of an old man.

Not that that’s a bad thing, naturally. I don’t particularly want an old man watching me work up a sweat, but I would have liked him to perhaps throw some guidance my way on how I can improve rather than waiting for the end of the match.

This game feels more like I’m training in martial arts than playing a game, there’s no mid-game scoring, no timed events or any tips during the match, you just need to get on with it, give it your best and see your ways to improve at the end. It did feel quite similar to when I was in school doing marital arts training.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

About as close as you can get to a training simulator for martial arts. You aren’t hitting things to a soundtrack. It is purely a training dummy with spinning targets you either Block (forearm), punch, or dodge. The harder and firmer your form, the more points you build up.

If you’re looking for a game that will give you a little cardio workout, pick this up. Level 5 and beyond will have you sparring with 3 simultaneously spinning targets to work with.

This game had me sweating from my eyelashes. When you find your groove, and stop ‘trying’, your natural reactions become instant. Your right hand will be blocking, but your already looking to your left to intercept the next target.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Crazy Kung Fu on Steam



It needs some polish, but I will be hoping for updates to make the posing more flexible.

The forearm sorely needs a way to be rotated on more than one axis so you can turn the wrist and minor things like that.

But besides minor bugs and that this is the best Rock’Em’Sock’Em Robots type thing I have ever played lol.


Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

you can kick robots and more 😂

create your techniques and your own fighting style 👍

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Robot88 on Steam

Smashing time

Smashing time

This is exactly the sort of game I was looking for!! :) Very satisfying. The developer is clearly still improving the app, which is awesome. I look forward to future improvements and additions. Totally worth the money.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

I got reallllyyyy excited seeing this. One thing, maybe when making this Trump was president? Because I foubd it really weird how much of a hard on you have of Trump and wanting to destroy his pictures in the office. Things I enjoyed, breaking glass and watching the roof fall.

Things I didn’t like, weapons were weightless so it was extremely awkward trying to smash something and I understand how ridiculously hard the physics would have to be in the gane for it in VR but I can’t help it, it’s awkward and hard to smash things.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Smashing time on Steam

Drunken Fist 🍺👊 Totally Accurate Beat ‘em up

Drunken Fist 🍺👊 Totally Accurate Beat ‘em up

I mainly recommend this game because it’s very cheap and it’s a very unique fun concept with the physics based fighting. More games should use proper physics. There is a sufficient amount of different moves to make it rather interesting. (although I’d add a few more)

However I think it’s far from desirable. It feels unpolished / unfinished with many features, such as key rebinding and level select are missing on release.

I also don’t like the “drunken” part. Sure, it’s advertised in the title, but in practice it means that the game is hard to control and clunky. While some could consider the result funny, I can only think of it as frustrating, as things often don’t work as I expect.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Tl;dr: Drunken Fist is a silly game that needs a lot of work. It feels like an Early Access title, but it’s being sold as a finished product.

The Good

  • Silly and good for a laugh* Charming art style

The Bad

  • Priced a bit higher than it should be for the quality/amount of content ($2 - $3 seems more reasonable)* Controls aren’t always responsive* Lacks something as basic as the ability to exit the game from the main menu* Player character can get stuck inside the scenery

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Drunken Fist 🍺👊 Totally Accurate Beat 'em up on Steam

Fighting Clans

Fighting Clans

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

Please note: I received a free Steam key through the Steam Curator Connect program.

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This was a very tough call for me on whether to recommend it or not. At the end of the day, I decided there just wasn’t enough here to recommend the game. It’s not a bad game. It’s nice for what it is. This is a very simple arcade street fighter for VR where you can punch, kick (via button push), dodge, or block.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

UPD: the game was hugely improved with latest update, but it’s still not good enough to recommend. I crossed out fixed problem from the cons list.

Fighting Clans rcadey VR brawler with few glaring issues.


  • With all its flaws, the gameplay is still fun: the game does boxing way better than Creed. Hitboxes are more or less appropriate, overall combat feels almost as good as in Virtual Fighter Championship(which is not great, but serviceable)


  • In-game hands are extremely bad. They not aligned with real life on Oculus Touch and have very limited reach, that makes hooks real pain in the ass. Also the stance is weird: character’s elbows are spread very wide, so they don’t seem to protect the body at all

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Fighting Clans on Steam

Legendary Boxing Belt

Legendary Boxing Belt

Physics based combat will allow you to block or counter your opponents attacks. Aim properly to not hit enemy while guarded.

You will combat many opponents form four different races such as elf, humans, orcs and demons. Each of them with unique style and abilities,some of them bending laws of nature. Old man will tell you everything about world.

Dwarven machines will help you prepare for battle. Clever and sometimes dangerous contraptions will help you train every muscle in your body.

Each race have their own uniqe arena with boxers to fight with. You need to conquer them all in order to obtain the Legendary Boxing Belt.

Legendary Boxing Belt on Steam

The Bar Fight

The Bar Fight

Welcome to the Tavern

You open your groggy eyes and find yourself in a beautifully stylized and colored tavern…

Unique Physics

Almost everything in the bar is interactable, you can pick up plates and chairs, tip tables over, even drag the passed out bodies of your enemies!

Destructible Environment

Everything from the barstools to the plates on tables is completely destructible, allowing for maximum chaos and epic slo-mo shots! Be wary however, you must use these as ammunition and you better not run out while a hoard of angry drunks is chasing you!

Unique Health Regeneration

When you are damaged, the only way to get that health back is by drinking more, just as you drink you also slowly get more and more drunk! This makes picking up objects and seeing enemies more and more difficult, leading to more hectic fun!

Magical Potions

If you are lucky, you’ll come across magical potions that can tip the scale in your favor during the bar fight. Shrink yourself, stop time, and set fires, these potions will dramatically change the gameplay and allow for more creative combat!

The Bar Fight on Steam