MMA Arena

MMA Arena

Initially I loved this game but lately I have stalled out big time. I cant progress to a new fight until I have 3 blue belts. I cant get my blue belts because apparently I cant click my mouse fast enough, or make it through training dealing 15 damage with the limited combo cards I am given, or make it through sparring taking 5 damage or less, or drag the correct symbols to the center of the circle fast enough with my laptop mouse in an exercise better suited for a touch screen. What is the point of all this? Why lock fights/belts at all? The training has nothing to do with the fighting outside of sparring which is kinda useful in teaching how to implement some different strategies. The incentive should be to unlock new moves and stay competitive while progressing through the game. Instead I appear to have been pigeon holed into trying to get good at tedious activities that do nothing to improve how good I actually am at this game. I just reached level 20. I think it will be a long time before I get to level 21. I will say that the actual fighting in the game is quite entertaining and I have enjoyed the matches. If PVP were added that would definitely be exciting. This game is inexpensive and maybe worth a look on sale but I can not recommend it after having stalled out halfway through the game.

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Boxing Fighting Games.

I’m really on the verge and really don’t know if I can recommend it or not.

TL;DR It’s a free to play, multiplayer game without free to play elements or multiplayer. Some of the design decisions feels pointless, but at the end of the day, I enjoy playing it.

Don’t get me wrong. I really don’t like multiplayer for this type of games, and I don’t usually like free to play games. So this game being single player and pay once to get all content is a huge advantage for me.

I bet that this game has been developed with multiplayer in mind until the very last minute, so many gameplay decisions that are taken are with multiplayer in mind. One example of this is 15 sek turn limit. There is no reason whatsoever why you would want turn limits in a singleplayer game. Turn limits are necessary evil so players won’t leave in the middle of the match leaving the opponent. The whole idea behind turns is to let people think about their choices. Disadvantage to that is that the game feels slow. Turn limits does not remove the slowness-feeling of the game while removing the advantage of being able to thing for as long as you want.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

MMA Arena on Steam