

Bosses are fair with their tells and you will learn by dying and trying. Best lesson.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Boss Rush Action Games.

Full disclosure, I know one of the devs and even helped to game test it a bit.

But with that said, I’m going to try to be as unbiased as I can with this review, this is both for the consumer and the devs.

With this out of the way, let’s jump into it.

Grimrush is a bullet hell, boss rush game. There are many different bosses and 3 character classes.

Each character has different abilities and stats, catering to any kind of playstyle. I found myself personally changing classes quite often, depending on what kind of experience I wanted at the time.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Grimrush on Steam



What will you fight for?

Furi is a top-down, boss rush, indie bullet hell action game hybrid developed by an indie studio named The Game Bakers. The game is about our protagonist, referred to as “The Stranger” by the other characters, trying to escape the jail he’s in for the “bad things” he has done.

The Jailer is the key. Kill him and you’ll be free.

[Detailed Story Analysis] The protagonist after one of his routine torture sessions, is rescued by a man wearing a rabbit mask. He tells him in order to be free, he has to kill the jailer. After this, our protagonist fights the jailers in order to regain his freedom. After each fight, there are small walking sequences, these sequences are accompanied by our rabbit masked friend, The Voice. During these sequences, The Voice tells us about the story and what the upcoming jailer did to us or what we did to him. The walking sequences are great, it builds the tension, you get to see the beautiful landscapes and listen to glorious music also learn a bit about the story.

Real player with 176.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Boss Rush Action Games.

What a game. Immediately upon finishing the first boss, I knew I was in for a treat. This game is an emotional rollercoaster, resulting from the player’s own struggles to improve, the design of each fight, and possible unexpected feelings from the plot. Pardon the excessive gushing, but I think it’s proportionate to the crazy ride this has been.

This is the kind of game where you’re going die repeatedly, saying “Aghh, I could have dodged that!” There are no levels, gear, stats, or customization in this game. This might be an instant turn off for some, but this also means that there is no need to grind and that any improvements in your performance can only be attributed to your own growth in skill. There is also no penalty for dying and having to restart a fight, other than a decrease in your performance score, which takes into account the duration of the fight, how many hits you took, and how many times you died. No grind, no resources, just get back in there and try not to suck this time!

Real player with 39.5 hrs in game

Furi on Steam