Home Safe and Silent

Home Safe and Silent

Home Safe and Silent is a survival game heavily inspired by popular zombie tabletop board games. You will play as the leader of a colony trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. Each day of the apocalypse you will allocate members of your colony to perform different tasks while also planning out your own route to scavenge for supplies. Each location you explore will have randomly generated rooms which you can rotate around to try and find helpful items for yourself and those you look after.

Key Features:

Search for hidden items in fully interactable rooms

Manage members of your colony by assigning them to different tasks

Fight off the dead by rolling different combat dice based on the weapons you equip

Make every move count!

Read More: Best Board Game Roguelite Games.

Home Safe and Silent on Steam



Fun single player dice-based board game.

RNG can be brutal if you get unlucky, very strong early enemies can present unbeatable obstacles. Fortunately that doesn’t happen too often. Also food, which lets you reroll your dice, is scarce early on. These two factors may combine to make it seem more frustrating than it is.

You can mitigate these a few ways: you can tweak your starting character’s dice so they have more balanced results, you can rush your first 2 quests to get 2 more people (for more dice to roll), and you can spend a few early turns on a food-rich square to stock up. You can still end up totally screwed, in which case just chalk it up to bad luck and restart.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

Allright, this game is surprisingly great!

Its price may even be too low, although music and maybe graphics are not that great (but who cares about the latter when the gameplay is great)

The game is based around luck with dice. You can be against this kind of game, but in this game, I believe it works. I have played 2 games now and I even won the 2nd already. I must have had lots of luck or… In any case, I will certainly play again, I had great fun with this game and I got my money’s worth!

P.s. I bought this game after seeing that the developers added a release for Linux in less than two weeks after just one person asked for it. These devs are great and should be supported!

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Nyheim on Steam



Elder Sign and Alien Frontiers' ugly baby

Tharsis is basically a cheap, space-themed copy of Elder Sign . I’m not giving this thumbs-down because it’s difficult and sometimes you’ll lose just because of bad luck. I liked Elder Sign enough to buy each one of its overpriced expansions (on the iPad version), because although Elder Sign does a piss poor job of explaining how the game works, it’s actually FUN and gives you enough control over the chaos to be satisfying. In contrast, Tharsis feels more like the Iraqi version of Wheel of Fortune: https://youtu.be/Cz8cSpRmowM?t=1m1s

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

I love board games, I don’t hate dice, I usually like a good strategy challenge, and I think space & Mars are cool - So I can recommend this to people like me when it is on sale for at least half off. YOU SHOULD KNOW: I’d ignore reviews before August 2016 because a patch was added with a better tutorial, bug fixes, and some missions - All of which were significant additions to the game (at least for me). If you expect something more than a turn based board game, you’re gonna have a bad time. Also, I strongly encourage doing the Training missions before or after beating Easy as well as picking crew abilites that best main reasons for losing a game - Without these I could’ve rage quit before beating Normal mode. Now for a full breakdown that I haven’t seen anyone else give like this, followed by exactly what turns consist of:

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Tharsis on Steam

The Captain is Dead

The Captain is Dead

Fantastic. I’d never played the physical board game, but this was so much fun I went out and bought a copy.

Sure, I’m not a fan of the art style, and the fires on the ship are maybe a bit confusing - since they are purely aesthetic and don’t actually indicate problems, yet when you see fire you tend to assume there are problems. But these are minor points.

In The Captain is Dead, you play an intrepid crew of as many as 6 struggling to fend off ever-encroaching oblivion as your spaceship disintegrates around you. After each crew member takes their turn, another disaster strikes. Maybe the ship’s teleporter overloads, maybe an alien spacecraft attacks, or maybe a hostile raiding party beams in. If your shields go below 0%, you’re dead. If 13 invaders beam onto the ship, you’re dead. And if you spend so many resources avoiding those things that you can’t fix your ship’s jump core in time … guess what, you’re dead.

Real player with 68.3 hrs in game

First of all, let me just say that I own the original board game copies of the TCID and its second episode (Lockdown), so you could say that I’m already a fan of the franchise. This is also the very first review I’ve written outside of an educational capacity, so I hope that you all find it helpful.


The Captain is Dead pits you (and a team of your buddies if you so choose) against an unknown alien enemy that attacks your ship for reasons unknown. Unfortunately for you, your captain, who could probably get you out of this situation with little to no trouble at all, has died (hence the title). You could escape by making a jump into light speed, but your jump core (or hyper drive) is on the fritz, and you don’t have R2-D2 to help you reactivate it. Therefore, it is now up to you to utilize the talents of the remaining crew to make all necessary repairs to the jump core, while mitigating disaster by fending off alien intruders and preventing the destruction of your oh-so-delicate ship.

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

The Captain is Dead on Steam

Chess Destroyer

Chess Destroyer

What a great and innovative way to play chess. I like the ways you destroy other pieces it looks really great combined with the amazing sound effects it makes when you crush enemies and next wave comes into play. If you are a fan of chess or have just played it for fun then i really recommend this game. I also think it is a great way to think differently and also practice some strategy in the real game.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Cool idea but the game is stacked against you. even in random “Easy” mode you can not keep it going for long as the goals become unobtainable

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Chess Destroyer on Steam

Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy

I picked this up on a whim, purely because I am a sucker for these hybrid dice games. While I do recommend this game, it still is a very flawed game and your appreciation of it will surely come down to your flexibility to cope with said flaws. A lot of games exist that are imperfect and this is one of them.

What is fun?

The core system of building up a unique dice pool, in real-time, with stamina and special powers is pretty fun. It feels at odds with itself at first but it definitely caters to it’s real-time gameplay mechanics unapologetically which I think is a good thing. You can tell from others' reviews that others do not like the RTS elements and wanted something slower, methodical, and more tactical). That isn’t this game which I think is going to just be a matter of taste.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

I’m more of a turn-based and tabletop gamer myself. This game seems to draw heavily on the mechanics of some very good tabletop dice games like Roll for the Galaxy and Dice Forge, but with real-time pacing. If you’re like me, the RTS pacing of Dice Legacy might be a bit much for you. In that case, I have some advice for a more laid-back gaming experience:

1. Start a new game on pacifist difficulty. It effectively disables the biggest source of real-time pressure, the hostile raiders, and lets you think through your moves at your leisure. The game far, far less stressful as a result, largely becoming self-paced. The economy of the game is still involved enough to get many hours of fun even with the raider threat removed. And you can always bump up the difficulty later if you find yourself mastering the rest of the game, and want more of a real-time challenge.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Dice Legacy on Steam

Niche - a genetics survival game

Niche - a genetics survival game

I’ve been searching for a game with breeding mechanics, and this game scratched that itch I’ve had for so long now. I love how it’s not just a “Red parent and blue parent have purple child” simple type of breeding game, tho those are fun to play too. It actually uses real life genetics. So there are some genes that are dominant/recessive, co-dominance, incomplete dominance… and you run into real problems if you inbreed too much.

There are so many genes! You can make your nichelings be primarily herbevores or carnavores. You can make them fly or swim. They can survive hot climates, cold climates, and even poisonous swamp environments. Or you can make them anything inbetween! And these are just the genes to help you survive the environment! There are tons more genes that are purely cosmetic

Real player with 372.6 hrs in game

Niche – a genetics survival game, is of course an early access game. It revolves around these creatures, which aren’t anything specific. Many people describe them as cats and bunnies combined, with plenty more. You start off with Adam and Eve, and must breed them, occasionally using the Mutation Menu in hopes of getting specific or better genetics for your creatures. As you go on you must strategically pick each creature you mate together in order to get the most optimal genetics. There are many islands to go to and fro. During your adventure you’ll come across many challenges, of course. This includes carnivores, who come to of course eat your creatures (or, really, just to kill them), or going into harder islands you’ll encounter birds, who will eat your babies if they’re not within a hexagon (or square, step, spot) of the baby. There’s also Dodomingos who will take every chance they get to steal a nest, and if you attack it, it’ll attract more Dodomingos, and perhaps even carnivores. Perhaps you’ll encounter a Rogue Male (previously Horny Male) who will breed with your females if you’re not watching. There’s also leeches who will attach to unsuspecting creatures, even if they’re on the shore. There are also a few biome specific creatures, such as the different (Hearing, Seeing, and Smelling) Apes, who you’re suppose to run from rather than fight. Or the Mountain Biome creatures, such as Walrus Deer (Who I believe is prey) Arctic Ramfox, who is also like the carnivore, and will steal meat you haven’t picked up, or the infamous Balance Bear. The Balance Bear is the Apes of the Mountain biome. You’re suppose to run from it, rather than fight it, and it only appears during snow.

Real player with 141.5 hrs in game

Niche - a genetics survival game on Steam

Burned Land

Burned Land

Burned Land is a niche game, and a little gem to me.

At first sight it might seem a little bit empty and obscure. Then it will seem very hard, even unfair. But if you push forward, you will discover a game with a very original approach, very rich and permissive in the ways you want to shape your kingdom and face the gods.

In this game, you not only build units and facilities, you will also “monitor” your population (literacy, devotion, nobility, sedentary, etc.), so they will provide you what you need and when you need it.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

It is a pretty rough game, both in terms of UI and difficulty. The UI will hopefully get some polish from this one-man dev team, and perhaps the difficulty as well, but the difficulty certainly needs the polish a lot less. The dev is still pushing out regular updates, thus my recommendation for this Early Access game.

I made it to Turn 194, after narrowly dodging a very early game defeat. The early game near-defeat came about as my village almost starved due to a famine brought on by the gods. The entire point of this game is that the larger you grow, the more interest the gods have in stopping you from growing.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Burned Land on Steam

Evolution Board Game

Evolution Board Game

UPDATE I no longer work for Northstar. This review should be considered to be for the first year of the game.

So up front… I worked on this game. I want to be super clear about that. (In case you can’t tell by me having more hours logged in it than it’s been out in the wild.

So why review. Well obviously I want the game I worked on to do well… but there is more than that.

For those who don’t know, Evolution was a table top board game first and has been for years. It was one of my earliest modern board gaming experiences and I still love to break it out and play it. The constant evolution of strategies and plays with the traits that can be played makes the game very replayable.

Real player with 967.7 hrs in game

I’m definitely addicted to this one. Good game balance, I never feel like any build is just too powerful. Challenging AI. Cute/Beautiful art. Fun facts. Satisfying sound effects; glad I can turn the music off without turning them off (though the music is good to).

I assume you could unlock brutal mode right away but playing through the campaign on both difficulties has been both an enjoyable difficulty progression and given me plenty of content to consume. Especially with the fun of trying to unlock sketches. But Darwin gets super annoying on the second go through.

Real player with 99.7 hrs in game

Evolution Board Game on Steam




…. I could swear I am seeing Final Fantasy Black Mage in this game! Anybody else see it?

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

even as a meme… just dont… sigh its garbage.

there is probably a website flash game out there somewhere that does this but better.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Frontiers.io on Steam