Bunny Reversi

Bunny Reversi

a nice simple game of basic strategy. outwit the other player.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Casual Games.

Fun little game that can be played both in single and multiplayer modes

AI on the bot has three levels, though I didn’t find 1 or 2 particularly difficult to beat

There’s a host of fluffies - bunnies to chase and chickens to punt, amid a very pretty landscape around the board, as well as a fair few counters types, similar to solitaire cardbacks

I’ll admit this isn’t my kinda game, as I didn’t grow up with Goh or similar, so it took me a while to learn. If you get stuck here’s a tip:

! Turn on Hints, because rather like WSG if you want to lose just play in the middle; this game is won in the corners and edges

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Bunny Reversi on Steam



For those who want to play a puzzle with time where it will require patience, you can choose the image and the level of difficulty.

Drag the pieces from right to left placing in the exact place without dropping the piece because you will lose the game, if you want to change pieces you have to drag again to the right side.


  • You have to drag the right piece from where the pieces fall to the left where the board is.

  • You can choose the difficulty levels and the image

Read More: Best Board Game Precision Platformer Games.

Heatris on Steam

Sons of Ra

Sons of Ra

Neat concept and all the characters explore different playstyles. Soundtrack is a big standout, it’s great!

Having played long enough to unlock all the gods, the strategy feels a little too minion-focused at time of review. None of the god abilities buff towers- only disabling or destroying them. Most abilities either damage or buff units already on the board, or summon a super powerful unit. I can reliably win games without building a single structure, and I would like to see the balance shift a bit towards building to really lean into the tower-defense aspect.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game RTS Games.

Alright quick review under 2 hours played. It’s a FAST paced tower defense with all controls done through the mouse. That brings me to what I dislike so far. Tower defense is cool and all but when I have to hold a mouse button down then select a defense/offense/power by sliding the mouse then placement after that. It’s just not intuitive. It should be abilities and units are selected with the keyboard and placement is through the mouse. That would allow the player to place units and abilities WAY faster.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Sons of Ra on Steam

Monster Jaunt

Monster Jaunt

This game has that classic Nintendo couch party vibe. I’ve played it with a few different groups of people, and it seems to work well with both frequent and casual gamers. The minigames have a good amount of variety to them, and there’s enough minigames to give it a plenty of replayability. One particularly nice touch is the adorable art of the hybrid creatures in the game. I’ve fallen in love with the panda/andaconda hybrid"pandaconda" and the fiery otter “magmotter”.

Favorite minigame:

  • Topagrathree

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

I would heartily recommend Monster Jaunt for anyone looking for a new party game.

The mini games give you a variety of challenges that mostly focus on skill and not pure chance. The board game is engaging and yet lightweight enough to be understood at a glance. Nearly the entire game allows for simultaneous play, so you don’t lose engagement while someone else it taking their turn. The Remote Play Together integration works wonderfully, as expected. Being able to play a local game across the country with little detriment is a huge bonus feature for a game like this.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Monster Jaunt on Steam

Cheery Party

Cheery Party

Cheery Party is an up to 4 players Party Game with lots of minigames with virtually infinite renewal, 4 game boards each with highly customizable rules, and several game modes!


Repetitiveness is a big issue with most party games, but not here!

Indeed, most of Cheery Party’s minigames are procedurally generated!

Many minigames also have several variants to stay fresh and enjoyable even after many playthroughs.


Take turns rolling physical dice to move through various game boards. Collect Kittysnacks and hire more than 20 different types of Kittykats to help you find as many Pawbadges as possible!


If you only want to play minigames, then this mode is for you! This minigame-only mode lets you choose between 3 sub-modes: free-for-all, 2 versus 2, and 1 versus 3.


Everyone, regardless of their age or skill, will have a great time playing Cheery Party! Most minigames are easy to play but hard to master and you can set different types of handicaps so that the best players don’t get an easy victory every time!


Cheery Party’s original soundtrack is both fun and catchy, and because replayability is very important, every minigame has its own unique music, so be ready for a lot of tracks!


Our game studio believes in a strict no-DLC policy. All playable content will always be included in all our games, any additional content will be done with free updates. Cheery Party contains hundreds of in-game rewards and unlockable bonuses, no string attached.

Cheery Party on Steam

Full Animal Party

Full Animal Party

My kids reaaaaally enjoy playing this game local with each other. Hell, even i like it.

Highly recommended for this price.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Can’t get local remote play 4 players only 3/3… so haven’t played it yet :|

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Full Animal Party on Steam

Chess Mega Bundle

Chess Mega Bundle

Chess finally has its own 200-in-1 multicart. Atomic, 960, double 960, Horde, three-player and four-player chess - if you can name a chess variant, it’s probably in here.

The design is functional but very bare - you can pick different board and piece designs, but it’s missing a couple of niceties present in other chess clients. In particular, there’s no move list or analysis board, which is disappointing (if understandable – I don’t envy the person who has to figure out algebraic notation for a circular board). The sound effects are also missing alerts for captures or checks.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

I have to things to say about this game.

Good point - It does have many Chess variants and many of them are played online at various Chess sites.

Bad point - The GUI for this game is in serious need of work if this game is to compete with similar programs already on the market that also offer many variants and in some cases are free. The GUI in my opinion does not look professional, especially when compared to other computer programs. If the GUI were dramatically updated I would consider changing my evaluation of this program.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Chess Mega Bundle on Steam



If you’re a fan of strategy games like Risk or Sid Meier’s Civilization series then you’ll probably enjoy this, since it somewhat falls in between the two–more complex than Risk, but much less micro-managing than the Civ games. I think Radiis is a little overpriced, but “overpriced” largely depends on how many hours of enjoyment you’ll get from it. I bought it on sale and have played more than 100hrs, so for me it was a great deal.

The missions are mostly challenging, but the AI could benefit from some tweaks. For example, the computer (NPC) players tend to focus on spamming buildings for added population growth, even when it would make more sense to expand their borders. Also NPCs never save money/tokens; if there’s enough finances to place buildings, it will place them whether they need to or not. And the NPCs boat placements are laughably inefficient.

Real player with 317.8 hrs in game

I’ve always been into strategy games, but I don’t think I’ve ever found one that I’ve felt so compelled to write a review for.

This game is simply amazing for anyone who likes strategy games! Such a unique and different design. Gotta make sure to go through the campaign maps to learn and understand the different things available to you. There is always a viable strategy to victory in these maps, no matter how unlikely it may seem. Especially that final campaign map, you go into it thinking there’s no way this could be possible… but play it right and play smart, and it’s surprising how it really is doable!

Real player with 92.9 hrs in game

Radiis on Steam



MineSweepVR is based on the popular classic game, “Minesweeper”. But this time you dive into the virtual world to find the mines!


  • Single player

The game as you know it. Find the mines on an easy, medium or hard minefield.

  • Local multi-player

Now you can find the mines with two (or more) people. One of you will be in the virtual world, but he/she won’t have the necessary information to discover where the

mines are. That information is available to the people watching the screen. You have to communicate together to find the mines!

  • Custom Minefields

Other than the standard minefields, you also have the chance to make up your own minefield. Define how large the field will be and how many mines you have to find.

MineSweepVR on Steam

Bunny Mahjo

Bunny Mahjo

It’s a very good game although there is a bug that when you are stuck with no moves left and you have to start a new game, once started, you cannot move the bunny. Not with mouse and keyboard nor with a gamepad.

If that were to be fixed, then it would be a great game.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Most games are more fun with friends - in this one they can be knocked over, booted, sat on, jumped over and kicked into the ocean, all under the guise of an innocent little bunneh!

Some of these maps are quite tricky but the music, the colour changing and the hidden details with chickens and boats really gave the game depth.

We’ve had great fun hunting the hidden achievements while supporting an indie developer that responds rapidly and gave us a good laugh.

We’re looking forward to spending more time getting to know our bunnehs ^-^

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Bunny Mahjo on Steam