Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh against the Gods

Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh against the Gods

Oh hey Archon, longtime no see. No, really, this game is indeed an Archon, and seems like it would have easily fit in back in the early EA days, alongside Adept and Mail Order Monsters.

Sumerian Blood almost feels like a prequel to Archon. The various units are nicely diverse, the combat’s fun, and it’s easy enough to aim and control. You’ve got various units that fling spikes, bouncing arrows, homing balls, or just throw themselves explosively at enemies, so combat’s going to stay fresh for awhile.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Arena Shooter Games.

Pretty fun. Somewhat janky combat, but that’s part of the appeal. I’d love to see a sequel with more options / game customization and tighter controls.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh against the Gods on Steam

Zombie Wars

Zombie Wars

something is definitely WRONG with my down load of this game ALL THE SCENES ARE RAINBOW BRIGHT COLORED !!

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Action Games.

Mutlaka desteklenmesi gereken yapımlardan bir tanesi. Arkadaşlar, oynayıp destek verin ve geliştirilmesi için oyuncular olarak elimizden geleni yapalım. İyi yerlere gelmesi gerekiyor bu yapımın!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Zombie Wars on Steam

Wild Wild Chess

Wild Wild Chess

Nice thematic chess, killing pieces with a pistol is so coll.

The art style helps me to forget how I suck on chess. :D:D:D Bang Bang

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Turn-Based Tactics Games.

I’m following all the thematic Chess serie! Loved the wild west theme!! Waiting for more!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Wild Wild Chess on Steam



‘Pop’s’ is a fun little arcade stall style shooter in which you have to shoot various toys with a colour corresponding ball. Set in a funfair style setting the graphics are bright and colourful keeping with the fun theme. The good news is the gameplay is also fun and very simple to get into (despite the long, drawn-out tutorial). Provided you are going to play this at a VR party with friends or you just enjoy chasing your own score you will get your money’s worth there, but in truth, there really isn’t a lot of content. Sure, its not original and you don’t get a lot for your money, but its a bit of fun for a small price and that is good enough for me.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Pop's on Steam

Parkur 44

Parkur 44


There is only one rule in the game and that is to know the end of the track you play!

You will be given a period of time before starting the course, during which time you will have to finish the game.

If the time runs out, you have to start again from the very beginning of the track.

  • There are multiple maps in the game.

  • You can continue by selecting a map of your choice.

  • The game has a level system.

  • You earn level points when you finish each track.

If you want to play the game with your friend, you can create a room and compete with each other by entering the same Lan connection.

Currently there is no multiplayer system available.

Future times are planned.

Parkur 44 on Steam

King Bullseye: The Chess Strike

King Bullseye: The Chess Strike

A fun shoot em up, I quite enjoyed this game. Simple to play :)

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

a very frantic game, and a great warm-up to play an FPS

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

King Bullseye: The Chess Strike on Steam

Chickens Madness

Chickens Madness

Bought this looking for something fun to play with the 4 yo in front of the TV. Pretty clunky and unfinished to begin with, the lastest update has tightened up some problems with the controls and added a bunch of game modes. The kid loves it - there’s some charm to the game, but a couple of things sour it.

1. The violence - one mini game involves squashing baby chicks into bloody spots - not really enjoyable and adds a nasty tinge to the otherwise family friendly fun, sure you can skip/remove from the list but wouldn’t miss it if it was removed.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

nice early game with 4p (players) in 2hours after i play with another guys cuz thier no any things happen when we replay the mini games no mods no bots no death player can do any thing

but i like it

before u buy it the game without online

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Chickens Madness on Steam

Just Die Already

Just Die Already

After a lot of re-consideration, I think i can reccomend this game, For the price and the amount of hours i play’d it. I did have fun, There were times i wanted to smash my controller, and others i laughed like a maniac. The Problems i have with this game, is how it feels unfinished and very limited in how it wants you to achieve the objectives. For example a puzzle in the game is in Zen park and it involves moving a green statue. They have these statues all over the map, What if you wanted to take the statue from the park and drag it across the map to do the challenge, sure more work but in games like this, you also make the challenge/fun for your self a lot of time. You cant do that here, none of the other statues move, just a certian one the game wants you to move you can move. Same electrocuting your self in water, it only works in one type of water source. The ocean, pool, kiddie pool, and fire hydrant all dont work, its just the fish tank that works for it. This added a layer of puzzle on top of the challenges. You may understand what its asking, just not how the devs want you to do it, another example is to de-rail the tram, i would have loved to be able to derail it with force, by clogging the track enough. i put on the 3 flattners, 2 forklifts and the 1 giant green statue from zen garden and nothing happend, the tram could only be derailed by electricity. But overall i had fun doing the tasks once i understood how to do them, and the frustrating path to get there was kinda fun? Another thing that makes this game feel unfinished is the amount of clipping buildings and invisible walls. You will often times see a building clipping through another building, or a invisible wall that dosent line up with a physical wall right beside it. Some of the rewards for doing challenges feel pointless. For setting off the biggest firewrok on the docks, it opens a room, with nothing in it. For moving the statue we talked about earlier, you unlock a furry room, a ninja mask, and a healing well. A lot of sections leave more to be desired, and thats where my frustration with this game comes from, it could have been so much better, they could have added more challenges to the toy store and other sections that only have 2 or 3. Overall i did have fun playing this and would reccomend to anyone who findes the trailer intruging

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

A real review:

Game mechanics: The game mechanics are how you expect with a rag-doll physics, but the aiming is actually a lot better than expected. Some things are hard to control, like cars, but that is what is expected when you are a elderly person.

Content: This game has so much content, and for 14.99 it is a really good game to play with your friends, or even by yourself. I see a lot of people writing reviews about them getting bored, well explore the maps, do the puzzles, there are some insane puzzles, there is even A ROCKET SHIP THAT SHOOTS YOU INTO SPACE. You can customize your character, get buff, unlock new areas, play basketball, play tennis, kill someone’s brother, unlock items like a rocket ship backpack. get eaten by a shark, destroy things with explosives, etc. There is so much content and it is insane and 14.99 is a perfect price.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Just Die Already on Steam

Energy Island Corp.

Energy Island Corp.

In Electric City Manager, you’ll manage an electric grid on small islands. When you arrive on an island, there is only few inhabitants and no electric facilities.

It’s your job to build a robust electric grid which can support the development of the island in every domain: tourism, industry, residential, health, …

Every day starts with a preparation phase. You can construct new buildings, buy raw materials and manage different aspect of your grid.

When you’re ready, the clock starts and you can see in real time, minute by minute the electricity quantity you produced and the electricity being consumed by the city.

It’s important to produce enough electricity to match the demand and avoid power outage. On the other side, producing too much electricity will damage all your electric grid and waste a lot of money.

  • Make your own energy mix: Solar panels only produce when sun is up, oil generators are expensive to run, … Each primary energy has its own characteristics, you must mix them to find the better balance.

  • Manage raw materials supply: Some buildings need resources (oil, coal, …) to run. You must buy them at best price, and build infrastructure to store them.

  • Watch electricity production / consumption: Managing an electric grid is hard. Electricity is hard to store, consumption vary between consumption peaks and low demands periods. Adapt yourself and manage your grid with information you get from the production / consumption chart.

Energy Island Corp. on Steam