Old Salt

Old Salt

Players begin the game as one of six factions with control of three islands, a fleet of ships and a handful of gold.

A player obtains victory over the other players by controlling 6 islands or being the last ship sailing. There are many routes to that victory but the journey will without a doubt involve sailing your ships, firing cannons, seizing islands, and using faction abilities.

Sail ships

Players can move up to 3 ships on their turn and are able to move a ship up to 3 tiles unless aided by Known Tradewinds

Ships are able to turn in any direction players desire. Think of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean where they dropped anchor and drift a U-turn and outmaneuvered the Black Pearl.

Fire cannons

Step one of firing your epic cannons, count the number of tiles to the target. That is the minimum you need to roll to hit the target.

Step two, pay your crew to load and fire that cannon! 1 coin to fire a single shot. Roll to see if it is successful.

If successful, place a damage token under the target, if unsuccessful, roll better next time.

Seize islands

When seizing an island, a player must first be adjacent to the island they would like to control. Once in position, pay 2 coins for the island along with a mast that belongs to the faction you are wrestling island control from.

Seizing an island that is defended is very costly. For each enemy ship that controls that island within 2 tiles adds 1 coin to the overall cost of seizing the island.

Use faction abilities

When playing with faction abilities, each player selects 1 of the 6 factions to be. Each faction comes with 3 exciting and unique abilities that no one else has access to. These will help players turn the tide of war.

Abilities can cost coins to use or be limited on when you can use them, such as on your turn or when you seize an island.

On the left side of each faction card is an illustration, some adjectives to describe the faction and a quote the faction can be heard saying from time to time.

Read More: Best Board Game Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Old Salt on Steam

Sink Again

Sink Again

If you want light-weight pirate-y fare with a primitive economic model coupled with a bunch of turn-based mini dungeon crawls and disconnected scenarios that have you starting from scratch after each mission, then this game is for you!

If you’re not looking for all that, you might still get your money’s worth out of the game. I’ve only completed a few of the scenarios and yet there is enough meat here that I’ve got over 20 hours in, and the rewards for each scenario are interesting enough that I want to see what the next batch will add to my arsenal.

Real player with 52.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Pirates Games.

Nice little game. Not very complicated as turn-based / strategy game, and it tends toward grinding, but it manages to keep me busy and interested. Also, the silly slapstick jokes make me smile. If you ever wanted to play as a gorilla bashing pirates with an anchor…

The game comes with a good number of “scenarios”. Start a scenario, you get a (very) small ship and 2000 gp, and a selection of 3 to 5 pirates to hire in the nearby tavern. First hire is free, and is usually the one you pick as the captain of your crew - at start, anyway, you can change your captain later.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

Sink Again on Steam

Here Be Dragons

Here Be Dragons

An unexpectedly wonderful game

Although not perfect, this game is wonderful! However, it may not be what you expect. This is not the (satyrical true!) story of how Christopher Columbus reached the New World, but the (indeed satyrical true!) telling of the events which led to his protagonism. While the former make us think this is a traditional RPG, with exploration, battles and a progression system consisting of evolving one or few characters until the end, the latter gives room to what it really is: a combat-only game with many characters, each of which protagonist in their own short campaigns, and where character progression starts after the first battle of the campaign and ends just before the last. What really progresses throughout all the game is combat complexity and the greater scheme which ties all campaigns together. So let’s dive deeper into both aspects.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

There were two good things in this game that made me complete the game: battle mechanics and solid visual style during battles. But other elements of the game must be rewritten from the scratch:

  • dialogs - thay are boooring; guys, please don’t try to do all the pieces of the game by yourselves, find good writer. Alternatively make an option “skip dialogs” to save time

  • technically I don’t understand why 2D game had been made using Unity. It’s huge overkill, there’re many crossplatform libraries and frameworks for 2D games that can be run anywhere. Because of your poor decision the game doesn’t run on Linux

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Here Be Dragons on Steam

Luffy: Way Back Home

Luffy: Way Back Home

A great slide puzzle game featuring a cute cat called Luffy as a mascot. The game provides a casual, fun, relaxing experience for the most part, but hides surprisingly difficult levels in the later game, that on the other hand are very rewarding to beat.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

What a nice game! I spent hours solving the puzzles. The main character is very cute, I really liked the background sound. Congratulations!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Luffy: Way Back Home on Steam

Dee-6: Dice Defenders

Dee-6: Dice Defenders

What a fun game that was! I mean I hope people don’t mis-underestimate me but I actually enjoyed it almost better than FTL! FTL IS STILL A BETTER GAME THOUGH!

Its also similar to roll for the galaxy! You roll dice for your crew and for threats. If a certain number comes up, you might be attacked, maybe something wont work you can also roll for crew duties IE: commanders for re rolling all dice or picking one die to be a task or charge shields, attack or use the stasis beam!

This is a great game! Worth the money worth the time!!!

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Hey I thought I would support a fellow indie developer and pick up this game. Its a lot of fun, I enjoy the strategy and I am looking forward to its updates. My only comment would be to make it easier to unlock some of the other ship types, i’m excited to try some new ships, but it seems i have to unlock 10 levels first? In any case, a great game, solid effort, keep up the good work from your friends and NeuroJump!

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Dee-6: Dice Defenders on Steam



I bought this game as a fan of adventure games, trading games and turn based combat. I also enjoy games with unique and beautiful artwork. This game did not disappoint me by any means. A big shout out to the store, second video. It has to be one of the best advertisements for a game I’ve ever seen on Steam and definitely encouraged me to buy the game as looked a great adventure! I did not know anything of Moby Dick since before this game but it raised my interest in learning the history behind whaling and also the fiction of Moby Dick (I was on YouTube videos for quite a while, watching some very interesting documentaries!). Another big shout out for the soundtrack in this game, it’s very similar to the second video in the store with sea shanty’s at various points in the game, very unique and enjoyable to listen to, to provide a highly immersive experience.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Sorry, this turned out way longer than I anticipated. TL:DR - It’s good.

Nantucket is a strategy RPG set in the time of whaling – we are searching for the infamous Moby Dick (steam censors that, apparently) of Melville fame, but have to start at the bottom and steadily but surely build up our crew and ship until we have the strength needed to wreak vengeance. Coated in blood and blubber, my ship sails into port, my crew heading to the tavern to spend their violent gains whilst I stock and supply the boat, fix the sails and upgrade the cannons. There is an authentic aesthetic and atmosphere to this game as well as a delightful attention to detail. You’ll get sea shanties galore and for those who are interested in whaling and historical sea-faring, this game offers an insight into a historical period that’s not well explored in gaming. Sure, pirates games are everywhere and I understand why – but the whaling industry was an interesting time where brutal danger and economics merged, which is reflected well whilst playing.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Nantucket on Steam