Political Animals

Political Animals

I’m an ultimate newbie here, but here’s my experience with the game so far:

1. Customization - I’m very particular about details, so I really, really liked customizing every bit of the traits, skills, and weaknesses of my Lion and staff (my favorite so far is Eduardog the Preacher) and my platform. You also get to choose the length of the campaign, starting funds, and difficulty of your AI opponent. (Since it was my first game, I opted for the shortest campaign, the highest amount of funds and an easy but corrupt AI opponent.)

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

Enjoyable Experience!

Won my first campaign on Winter Island by a whisker! Didn’t quite figure out the scandals, but my Wolf of Baker Street had me covered with his deep pockets!

There’s a lot of information to absorb initially, the depth is kinda all there in your face right at the start.

It’s still manageable, the icons and neat UI help tremendously.

I like that there’s stuff to strategise right from the initial setup.

I was curious if certain character traits might synergise well, or be better suited to certain maps.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Political Animals on Steam

Urban Fantasy: Vampires vs Werewolves

Urban Fantasy: Vampires vs Werewolves

In UF: Vampires vs Werewolves you first choose one of the Supernatural factions, like Vampires or Werewolves with the goal of conquering different cities of the world (there will be more factions with upcoming updates). You play a 1v1 real-time strategy battle where you control your units to capture regions of the map. The player will have to manage their resources, and balance early-game aggression via spamming units on board with the late-game combo abilities that can annihilate the units very easily. You will be able to buy buildings in each region changing what kind of resources that region provides you with. In addition to the abilities, units, and buildings the game features lore-rich events that will introduce new characters, and will force you to make difficult decisions that will lead to game changing consequences. The variety in the combination above will make each gameplay unique, and will increase the replayability of the game.

There will be several maps to choose from, and the player will have to keep in mind the unique features of each map when they try to conquer it. Each faction also has unique Lords, and similar advisors that grant different upgrades in-game influencing the strategy you’ll choose to play the game.

Current Features:

  • 2 Factions - Vampires & Werewolves

  • 3 Cities - Baku, Moscow and Istanbul

  • 6 Lords in each Faction

  • 5 Units per each Faction

  • 24 Advisors

  • Partially unique Faction Buildings

  • Unique Supernatural Abilities

Coming During Early Access:

  • Co-Op and Multiplayer

  • Custom Scenario Creator

  • Loads of new maps

  • World Map Mode

  • New Lords

  • New Factions

  • New unique Faction Buildings

  • New Supernatural Abilities

  • New Units

  • And much more

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

Urban Fantasy: Vampires vs Werewolves on Steam

7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat

7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat

Ok, I’ve played this game over a period of years and I’ve stared guiltily at the ‘Mixed’ ratings for about as long.

Simply put, I love dynasty builders, so I’m gonna recommend this game. There are so few games that allow me to try to play through a bunch of historical family drama and this is one of them.

It’s a strange game, to be sure–but in gaming, strange is never a bad thing. But it does mean that this game is niche and just because I recommend doesn’t mean I have any illusions that everybody will enjoy this game. Either you’ll love it or you’ll hate having spent money on it. I don’t know if you’ll completely hate it outright: it’s too hard to categorize. It’s a weird, simple, arcade-style game about an ancient family trying to move up through the ranks. The mechanics have been explained well in other reviews, but the gist is you play out entire lifetimes, getting hitched (or not), giving birth to children that are a pain to feed and keep from hating each other, and you’ll be prompted with all sorts of story events. You’ll often go up and down. An entire arc (pushing through each age, last I checked I think there were about three) would take 15 hours. Plenty of replay value, simply based on choices in story events.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Indie Games.

Towards the end of the Copper Age, things were finally looking up for my family. After many years of being bottom dwellers in the social caste system my family discovered the “alphabet” and the art of being a “physician”. This thrust us into the upper middleclass, and my only daughter, Senet, became the best child this family had ever seen. She was above the other children in the village with an absolute understanding of science and literature. When Senet left to discover herself she took a sizable inheritence with her.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat on Steam

Reiner Knizia Yellow & Yangtze

Reiner Knizia Yellow & Yangtze

Strong “Yes” recommendation. 1-4 players.

I’ve played a bunch of games solo and 2 online.

The game is great; levels of complexity in strategy without being difficult to play. Once of my favorite game categories is “deceptively simple”. :-)

I’ve never played the board game, but this port seems authentic and there haven’t been any glitches so far. I can’t comment on the AI since I’m new to the game, but I didn’t see anything dumb and it plays quickly and smoothly.

Seems like this is the kind of game that feels very different depending on the number of players.

Real player with 192.0 hrs in game

This game feels ideal for just getting started with online play with few pieces to manipulate and lots of careful strategy to consider. The game is won and lost by very subtle nuances of balance between all leaders. If any faction gets too bloated or carried away with one influence the others suffer and the scoring mechanic is rare, much like Knizia’s earlier Samurai. I like how this game has been rendered, with the building and falling pagodas adding a sense of action to an otherwise pacific game. Also that scoring is so visible and tallied automatically makes gameplay faster than IRL. The mouseover of details of each card are appreciated, but I would also like some hint of the special abilities of farmers to tear pagodas down. This is a case of the online game encouraging cardboard sales because I would buy this box.

Real player with 86.7 hrs in game

Reiner Knizia Yellow & Yangtze on Steam

Flag Collection

Flag Collection

It is a good collection of a lot of flags and banners

from states and organisations worldwide.

The saving function of the flags in the PNG picture

format shows a good quality.

In addition there are some informations about some

flags (banners) delivered with the picture of the flag


Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Entertaining, comprehensive, and educational game, though it’s underdeveloped. It has potential to be great, but needs some more work to get there. I recommend it if it’s cheap, but I ask the creator(s) to improve this game, or they won’t get better ratings.

Basically, there’s a reason this game has “mixed” reviews, but it’s still a good game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Flag Collection on Steam

Twilight Struggle

Twilight Struggle

I’m coming up to 1000 hours of online play over a twelve month period. Despite the lack of support from Playdek, this is a great game well worth buying. Hands down, one of the best strategy games ever released.

This is an excellent port of the boardgame and is the better alternative for frequent play. I save my hard copy for special occassions because this is just so convenient. Set up and play are a snap. AN entire game can run in just under an hour. Even better, it functions well on tablets so you can play in bed or generally while relaxing. Much better than being stuck in front of a desk or laptop.

Real player with 1304.9 hrs in game

I’m going to write two reviews, one for fans of the board game of which this is an adaptation, and one for people who have no experience with TS at all.

If you have never played TS before, I highly recommend you play against a human opponent (preferably one who is a competent player) before you try going up against the AI. You’ll have a few moments of fun, for sure, and if that’s all you’re looking for you would probably get a better value for your money elsewhere. But in the process of having that fun against the AI, you’ll learn all kinds of bad habits which, ultimately, will make you a worse TS player. I recommend definitely should NOT buy this game UNLESS you have a friend to play against, but if you do, then I think you SHOULD consider buying it.

Real player with 144.6 hrs in game

Twilight Struggle on Steam

Terminal Conflict

Terminal Conflict

Edited review at 106 hours played.

I would definitely recommend this game for anyone interested in the cold war. I haven’t played the game ‘Twilight Struggle’ myself, but I hear it is quite like that game and I reckon if you like that game chances are good you’ll like Terminal Conflict too.

I think game captures the essence of the cold war quite well - USSR vs USA, proxy wars and managing the home front while you’re trying to achieve your goals. Intelligence is a big part of the game, especially with the Eyes Only DLC. War is abstracted, but still challenging.

Real player with 168.3 hrs in game

In this Cold War strategy game, you assume command of either the USA or the USSR. You compete with the enemy by influencing regions, recruiting historical leaders to your cause, sometimes outright engaging the enemy forces in combat as well. Both factions have unique events, decisions and leaders. Literally every singleplayer playthrough can result in a different conclusion as the AI is dynamic and provides a challenge on its own, although its still no match for an experienced player. One thing to note though, the game is more focused on the political machinations of the Cold War, rather than military. Funding, spying, sometimes even assassinating your way to victory. Despite this, of course, military units still play a large part in the game.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

Terminal Conflict on Steam

CAPITALISM The action board game for one player

CAPITALISM The action board game for one player

‘CAPITALISM The action board game for one player’ is a real-time board game/ card game hybrid where your goal is to become a millionaire. Build your property empire, compete for cash prizes in high stakes mini-games, and (hopefully) earn more than you spend.

A compelling mix of strategy and action, with minigames spanning a wide variety of genres. A mix of arcade classics, platforming, bullet hell and more.

Put down your copy of Microsoft Paint, ‘CAPITALISM The action board game for one player’ features a character creator that lets you design literally anything you can think of. Easily save, load and share characters with friends using a special code format.

Strategically place cards around the board to optimise revenue. Will you be able to offset your lavish spending habits with a healthy income stream?

Crush your rivals. Pay your debts. Can you master the art of generating capital? What will you spend your £1,000,000 on?

CAPITALISM The action board game for one player on Steam



Its a pretty good 6/10 game that could be great but it can be extreamely frustrating to play. The concepts are behind it are strong and it does provide you with a sense of fighting the cold war, as you fund rebellions, rigs elections, strategically station your troops and try to come out on top of various nuclear confrontations. The art style and aesthetic are also gorgeous and i’d love to see more animalised takes on famous cold war imagery within the game itself.

That being said there are also alot of issues with the game that are also really frustating. The major issue that needs fixing is the lack of infomation giving to the player, especially in regards to how many turns you have left on a crisis or on how many troops an another nation has before you invade (maybe you should see the military strength of a nation when you deploy a spy.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

now that it has updated to a playable state, i can now approve.


I see that this review is one of the first to be read, so allow me to elaborate on some things that could be improved…:

1. Add and/or improve some perks. Example being some perks involve Warsaw/NATO regions that are utterly useless given that these regions have been nerfed to non-existence. Overall more unique perks to choose from would be nice.

2. (kinda 1-B.) Give an option to have Warsaw/NATO regions worth a lot more. If I recall correctly this is how it was originally designed, them removed in the update. I’d say compromise by giving a toggle option.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Precipice on Steam

Republic of Jungle

Republic of Jungle

In Republic of Jungle, 5- 10 players role-play as the advisors of President Puma. His Loyalists try to form commissions to deal with scandals, but a few Leakers among them are trying to sneak into commissions and leak the scandals to Fiona Fox.

**Who do you trust to put on your commission?

How do you convince others you are not a Leaker?**

Running party games can be hard.

Rulebooks, long setups, and your friends' attention deficit doesn’t help.

With Republic of Jungle, you can get games started quickly and let the game handle all the moderation. We make it easy to join, get going, and learn as you play. The guided experience makes the game accessible to players of all skill levels. The novel mechanics add a new depth of skills to master. The continuous action creates a more immersive, intuitive and dynamic social deduction experience.

We make information easy to digest and distribute, so you can focus on making interesting gameplay decisions. This helps new players to learn faster, and helps experienced players to act faster. So, a wide range of people with different skill levels can enjoy the game.

Entertain your friends at your house, play remotely with your online pals, or host a DIY game show for your stream audience. No matter where your community loves to hang out, you can take our game there to have fun. You don’t have to be a player to have fun. The audience portal will let you be a part of the game and enjoy a different flavor of its fun as a viewer.

The best way to learn Republic of Jungle is to gather your friends and jump right in. We have designed the game with simplicity and accessibility in mind, so you can easily learn the game as you play. Don’t start your game night with long setups and reading rulebooks. Jump right in, make small mistakes, and have fun learning. Most players get the rules after finishing one or two games. For more information visit RepublicOfJungle.com

  • Win by delivering 3 tasks confidentially, and protect the identity of the Agent (if any) from Leakers

  • Vote wisely to keep the Leakers out of the task forces

  • Use deductive reasoning based on task results and voting patterns

  • Read other players for any suspicious or inconsistent behavior

  • Use special power drops to discover or share information

  • Guide other Loyalists without giving away sensitive information

  • Win by leaking 3 tasks, or discover the identity of the Agent (if any)

  • Leak confidential information and frame Loyalists for it

  • Convince other Loyalists that you are on their side

  • Pay attention to conversations to detect the Agent (if any)

  • Coordinate with other Leakers to give minimum information to Loyalists

  • Beware of special powers and take advantage of Loyalists mistakes

Do you love social deduction games like Mafia, Werewolf, The Resistance and Secret Hitler? We do too! But we noticed some shortcomings in the genre. They are sometimes hard to set up and inconvenient to play. Some games need too much room or a big table, some require a moderator with godlike precision, some require to close your eyes for minutes, and quite often the game is ruined because someone forgot to do their part correctly or a newbie player asked the wrong question and revealed their secret. We have built Republic of Jungle to address to these issues and distill the fun of social deduction games into a more enjoyable and convenient experience. Inspired by Jackbox Games, we have built a platform where players can use their smartphones (or any device with a browser) to play the game. This way, the game does all the moderation for you, guides the players throughout the game and adds a fun narrative on top. More importantly, we have unique mechanics specific to this platform because they are almost impossible to implement in a traditional tabletop setting.

Republic of Jungle on Steam