Battleships and Carriers - Pacific War

Battleships and Carriers - Pacific War

Very interesting to buy appropriate units and upgrades depending on each mission, you would quickly surpass the enemy. But it gets boring not to see any Japanese ship’s image. Please update Japanese carriers instead of using the same icon for US and IJN carriers.

Real player with 146.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Turn-Based Games.

Nicely challenging, many variations, easy to learn!

Real player with 48.6 hrs in game

Battleships and Carriers - Pacific War on Steam

Sea Battle: Through the Ages

Sea Battle: Through the Ages

Hello= Only buy this game if you like to play by yourself the online game is none at all =Bye

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Casual Games.

The game takes the basic idea of Battleships and expands it to cover three time periods and add tactical options. The graphics are decent and the AI good enough to give an entertaining game.

It falls down a bit on price, the content is not worth £7.19, particulalry as to unlock some of it you have to play an awful lot, and by the time you’ve unclocked it well you could play the game in your sleep.

If you can get the game free or heavilly discounted its worth considering.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Sea Battle: Through the Ages on Steam

Strategic Mind: The Pacific

Strategic Mind: The Pacific

I really wanted to like this game. I really liked the graphics initially and my initial impression on game play wasn’t that it wasn’t bad. But then I realized you get the same graphic if you bomb or torpedo a ship. I mean shouldn’t you use the time you spent making useless swimming sharks to make different graphics for each?

As far as game play goes, your planes die quickly and inflict the same or less damage as a destroyer. And Japanese planes seem to have nearly unlimited fuel. I destroyed all of the Japanese carriers in Midway and five turns later his planes are still attacking my ships and troops. But if I go more than three turns without landing I seem to run out of gas. Worst of all the AI turns take forever.

Real player with 332.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Singleplayer Games.

I have a rule of saying that if a game is fun, the other things are just the icing. Bad visuals? Corny sounds? Bad controls (note: non-real-time games only)? They can be overlooked.

I have found the game that is the exception to my own rule.

So, to get this out of the way first: This game is a turn-based-strategy game, with a point-buy system for your units, persistent-army mechanic, Hex-grid battlefield, and a basic system of “supply” for ammo, fuel, and repair to damaged units on a turn-by-turn basis.

Real player with 104.9 hrs in game

Strategic Mind: The Pacific on Steam

Warships 3D

Warships 3D

Well im not going to do a proper reveiw for this only pros and cons butt

Its pretty good like evreything seems super outdated and no online rly but if you have family and freinds with you or remote play with someone its good

Pros & Cons

❌ Graphics: they look 20 years old

❌ SinglePlayer: Bots are shit

✅ Multiplayer: Great to play with freinds

✅ Gameplay: Its just battleships we all know it

but yeah a short review if you have ppl living with you during covid get this or you can remote play ✅

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Really nice, classic game to play with friends. It doesn’t get bored because there are so many customizations that you can add and goof around with a opponent.

The best part for me is the ability to get rewarded with a special weapon during fight, it can really change the outcome of the game.

Overall really nice, smooth, short game that everyone knows how to play.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Warships 3D on Steam

Battleships and Carriers - WW2 Battleship Game

Battleships and Carriers - WW2 Battleship Game

Total FRUSTRATION! Ui is gamer unfriendly. You start out with default chosen units IN CAMPAIGNS. You CANNOT change them. In scenarios YES but not campaigns. Why NOT allow the player to choose their own units in campaigns? Also WHY no multiplayer?

@BurgerKing 1941 Dev,

This game could have been so much better if you had allowed more customization in the settings. I see you made a second game based on the American/Japanese War in the Pacific. Is it pretty much like this one? Basic ui & hardly any customization allowed in the settings?

Real player with 42.5 hrs in game

Unfortunately the game is buggy and I have not had a reply from the listed email for reporting the bugs. The error messages are all seem to be in Czech.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Battleships and Carriers - WW2 Battleship Game on Steam




















Real player with 66.4 hrs in game

One of those games that confirms what I’ve always thought… If I like the basic gameplay, then I’ll keep on returning to that game. I find this game addictive. Apart from one game to try it, I haven’t bothered with the Classic mode. I just play Commanders.

Including the DLC there are seven commanders and eight maps (eight including the classic square map). Each commander has the same three special abilities (Mine, Sonar, Bomb), plus one ability unique to that commander. To use those abilities you need points. You automatically gain two points at the start of each round, plus one point for each occasion one of your ships is struck by your opponent. Each commander has some differently shaped ships. The game keeps a record of your stats., and there are always missions (eg Win two games in a row) that allow you to level up. Levelling up doesn’t actually change the gameplay in any way, but it is something else to aim for.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

Hasbro's BATTLESHIP on Steam

Battleships: Command of the Sea

Battleships: Command of the Sea

BattleShips is turn based strategy game where United States and Japan clash in the waters of the Pacific in a struggle for supremacy. World War II continues! Challenge other players and discover various ways to defeat your opponent and win the war! Choose your admiral and use resources to perform special, powerful attacks to dominate your opponent and seal your victory. To win, you will need to combine strategic planning of fleet deployment with tactical and unexpected attacks. Are you ready for the challenge?

Manage your fleet

Secretly deploy your fleet on the grid and give orders to shoot at enemy positions. In turn-based gameplay, precision matters. Whoever sinks the entire enemy fleet first is the winner.

Choose your side

Rewrite cards of history by leading Japan into flawless victory or take the side of the US and seal the story! Each side has its own unique set of special skills which define the course of the fight. Which side will you be on?

Become an admiral

A good fleet needs a good commander to win. Choose your Admiral and outsmart your opponent by using unique abilities and custom skill system! Be careful though, your enemy has their own arsenal of special abilities.

Play online

Play against opponents from around the world or challenge your friends to a duel in a friendly online battle and see who will take control of the waters of the Pacific.

Single-player mode

Beat AI in single player mode. To defeat the computer you will have to use all your abilities. Train in single-player mode to become the ultimate multiplayer admiral.

Battleships: Command of the Sea on Steam

Axis & Allies 1942 Online

Axis & Allies 1942 Online

No game has made me hate my friends more……………love it

Real player with 300.4 hrs in game

Whether it’s nostalgia for the board game, general interest in WWII history, or mere affection for turn based strategy games, you’re going to fall into both love and addiction with Axis & Allies 1942 Online.

Real player with 44.7 hrs in game

Axis & Allies 1942 Online on Steam



I bought this game as a fan of adventure games, trading games and turn based combat. I also enjoy games with unique and beautiful artwork. This game did not disappoint me by any means. A big shout out to the store, second video. It has to be one of the best advertisements for a game I’ve ever seen on Steam and definitely encouraged me to buy the game as looked a great adventure! I did not know anything of Moby Dick since before this game but it raised my interest in learning the history behind whaling and also the fiction of Moby Dick (I was on YouTube videos for quite a while, watching some very interesting documentaries!). Another big shout out for the soundtrack in this game, it’s very similar to the second video in the store with sea shanty’s at various points in the game, very unique and enjoyable to listen to, to provide a highly immersive experience.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Sorry, this turned out way longer than I anticipated. TL:DR - It’s good.

Nantucket is a strategy RPG set in the time of whaling – we are searching for the infamous Moby Dick (steam censors that, apparently) of Melville fame, but have to start at the bottom and steadily but surely build up our crew and ship until we have the strength needed to wreak vengeance. Coated in blood and blubber, my ship sails into port, my crew heading to the tavern to spend their violent gains whilst I stock and supply the boat, fix the sails and upgrade the cannons. There is an authentic aesthetic and atmosphere to this game as well as a delightful attention to detail. You’ll get sea shanties galore and for those who are interested in whaling and historical sea-faring, this game offers an insight into a historical period that’s not well explored in gaming. Sure, pirates games are everywhere and I understand why – but the whaling industry was an interesting time where brutal danger and economics merged, which is reflected well whilst playing.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Nantucket on Steam

Old Salt

Old Salt

Players begin the game as one of six factions with control of three islands, a fleet of ships and a handful of gold.

A player obtains victory over the other players by controlling 6 islands or being the last ship sailing. There are many routes to that victory but the journey will without a doubt involve sailing your ships, firing cannons, seizing islands, and using faction abilities.

Sail ships

Players can move up to 3 ships on their turn and are able to move a ship up to 3 tiles unless aided by Known Tradewinds

Ships are able to turn in any direction players desire. Think of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean where they dropped anchor and drift a U-turn and outmaneuvered the Black Pearl.

Fire cannons

Step one of firing your epic cannons, count the number of tiles to the target. That is the minimum you need to roll to hit the target.

Step two, pay your crew to load and fire that cannon! 1 coin to fire a single shot. Roll to see if it is successful.

If successful, place a damage token under the target, if unsuccessful, roll better next time.

Seize islands

When seizing an island, a player must first be adjacent to the island they would like to control. Once in position, pay 2 coins for the island along with a mast that belongs to the faction you are wrestling island control from.

Seizing an island that is defended is very costly. For each enemy ship that controls that island within 2 tiles adds 1 coin to the overall cost of seizing the island.

Use faction abilities

When playing with faction abilities, each player selects 1 of the 6 factions to be. Each faction comes with 3 exciting and unique abilities that no one else has access to. These will help players turn the tide of war.

Abilities can cost coins to use or be limited on when you can use them, such as on your turn or when you seize an island.

On the left side of each faction card is an illustration, some adjectives to describe the faction and a quote the faction can be heard saying from time to time.

Old Salt on Steam