Posthuman: Sanctuary

Posthuman: Sanctuary

A REALLY interesting RPG boardgame.

o Turn based

o Make your own character (after earning it)

o Dice game mechanics

o Well integrated art

o Procedurally generated world shaped by your tile placement choices

Right now only the endless Suvival mode is unlocked, but that alone is quite entertaining and worth a solid 6+ hours or more of enjoyment.

This mode comes with some rogue-lite features including increasing unlocks (new characters at the moment), permadeath, and semi-random loot drops during game play.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game RPG Games.

Game is very unintuitive. Makes you wonder if the people who made it ever designed a video game before.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Posthuman: Sanctuary on Steam

Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2

I see a lot of negative reviews from people who have played the original blood bowl games which I can’t comment on due to BB2 being my first experience of the game, all I can say is that I love it, if I’ve got free time it’s my first, second and third choice, and if I’m not playing I’m watching a stream :)


1. Incredibly deep gameplay/strategy, after 600 hours I still feel like a noob, every team can be developed differently according to how you like to play, and more than half the teams haven’t been released yet so still plenty of variety to come.

Real player with 2055.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

Yes I do recommend this game. Yes I probably should take a rage management treatment due to the random nature of the game… STILL, like Poker… this dice game REALLY reward skill, but sometimes the game “deals” you a crappy hand… and then close to anybody can beat you.

Some really love Blood bowl and give it 10/10… some don’t… It’s abit sad that many of the reviews here are made of unexperienced gamers. And if you find the game too expensive - just buy it on sale!?

Unpatient or timid gamers should not play this game. You will experience that the PvP is very hard for new coaches. The skill level of the more experienced coaches are really high and they will punish every mistake. You move 11 players on the pitch in a conversion of a table top game. Turn based, 16 turns each. All the time you need to make risk calculations and use your logic and tactical skills. Read the player/race guides out there, it will help you alot developing your skills! The game should be of course played vs real human opponents… not the AI.

Real player with 1776.7 hrs in game

Blood Bowl 2 on Steam

Top Trumps Turbo

Top Trumps Turbo

An interesting designed 1 vs 1 table top mini-games battle that feature 6 different mini games and alot things to collecct and accomplish.

Sounds Fun right? Well it’s not for many different reason.

I played Top Trumps™ in Real-life for a bit with my friend and It doesn’t have something that game have lots of..


This game is filled with bugs.

Memory leaking bugs, Graphics engine crush bugs, resizing bugs, sound bugs, loading errors, Card graphics loading into blank screen, Access the setting mid game cause game freeze for 10 minutes.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Card Game Games.


90% of the in-game textures do not display and, instead, show a blank pink. All of the cards in the game display as pink rectangles. I tried to fix it - I really did. I tried verifying the game cache, and that didn’t fix it, though it did find a file in error and redownloaded all 0 bytes of it. I tried changing the graphics quality, which did nothing except alter how laggy the opening video was. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and that did squat.

Due to this, I can definitely say it’s an issue with the game files players are given, and not something caused by the player’s computer or a Steam glitch. There’s no way for anyone but the developers to fix it, and they have yet to acknowledge it as an issue.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Top Trumps Turbo on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide

‘The King is Dead. Long Live the King’

‘Warhammer: Regicide’ is a gloriously bloody reimagining of one of the world’s oldest turn-based strategy games - Chess - set against the violent backdrop of the Warhammer:40K universe. Gorgeous visuals, tactically diverse gameplay and unapologetic violence elevate a classic board game to quite something else entirely.

Campaign: Act 1 - consisting of 10 playable missions - is currently active in Early Access. Act’s 2 and 3 are to follow shortly. (This section will continue to be updated)

Real player with 162.9 hrs in game

I bought Warhammer 40,000: Regicide last Summer when I was on a Games Workshop kick. It was my intention to go for a complete collection of all the Games Workshop licensed games, and Regicide had the added benefit of me having seen some coverage on it from TotalBiscuit. It looked more of an oddity than anything else, but I managed to see it through to the end.

The game is essentially Chess set in the 40K universe, using the Space Marines and Orks as chess pieces to simulate the battles. How Regicide differs from Chess is that once you have moved, you can use abilities of your pieces on an Initiative Points system to attack your opponent. This works on a percentile mechanic, and usually amounts to shooting them, or attacking them in close combat if you’re in an adjacent square. It takes longer to eliminate a piece using this method, but if you focus enough attacks in one place, you can take out entire armies without having to capture anything; the usual method for Chess. This is augmented by additional abilities from the various pieces: Devastators (Bishops) have the ability to focus their attacks to do more damage at the expense of being able to move, Assault Marines (Knights) have increased attack power after they move and can also throw Krak (anti-armour) grenades, and so on. This creates an additional strategic layer to the game and sets it apart from either Chess or 40K in a way that, for the most part, works reasonably well.

Real player with 68.0 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide on Steam

Pummel Party

Pummel Party

you need friends to play this game and in turn you lose them cause everyone gets toxic, 10/10 would buy it again

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

I actually hate this game. My friends force me to play it. I have the most unbelievably bad luck and I’m never able to win any goblets. They bully me and verbally abuse me non-stop and it’s a horrible experience. I’ve been told I should be researched because of how bad my luck is. They force me to play 25 turn games and my mental health takes an extremely large blow every time we play. When it’s all over they say “same time tomorrow?” and I lay in bed and cry myself to sleep. This game has taken over my Discord and has made me no longer want to log on to my PC to play games. Will be going dark until this game is taken off of the Steam market. 10/10 would not recommend, lost all of my friends and sold my gaming PC.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Pummel Party on Steam

Swords and Sandals Classic Collection

Swords and Sandals Classic Collection

Cheap price and the nostalgia made me buy it.

Swords & Sandals 1: Works almost perfectly. Sometimes there appears to be ghostly body parts.

Swords & Sandals 2: same as 1

Swords & Sandals 3: Works perfectly

Swords & Sandals 4: Sound quality is much worse than the downloadable version. Some minigames do not work (river of rage: boat crashes immediately, Swords and snacks: game seemed to softlock for me) Also spells are not saved after restart. Should’ve been ported from the downloadable version in my opinion. Overall, the best game but also the worst port of the bunch.

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Okay i am happy now cause this collection brings back the nostalgia of 2006 god i miss that year thank you swords and sandals great graphics story i love it all


Story : 10 out of 10

Game : 10 out of 10

Graphics: 10 out of 10

Gladiators: 10 out of 10

fat kid wizard: 10 out of 10

Nostalgia : 10 out of 10

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Swords and Sandals Classic Collection on Steam

Magic Nations - Card Game

Magic Nations - Card Game

This game is not worth Your time. Some people already pointed some stuff out, but I would like to emphasize some more:

1. Updates

This company tends to overpromise and underdeliver. Despite that, there’s no roadmap published there are some ‘under construction’ functionalities within the game. For now, just 3 out of 6 races are available, story mode is ‘coming soon’ and ‘special cards’ are just a placeholder. Updates history on steam shows that company is more interested in monetization than deliver content as major changes made are related to buying packs for real money and marketplace. Little to none bugfixes or design improvements…

Real player with 353.7 hrs in game

Beta needs alot of work. You get all the cards in the game to work with without having to work for them. That means everyone can just slim their decks down to 20, using only the best cards. Then comes into play, RNG. The top player has a rediculous amount of games played compared to everyone else. This leads me to believe he is part of the dev team. Ranking is based on “experience” (which you earn thru wins/losses). As long as you keep playing (you get matched against the AI randomly too, which you can farm higher exp), you can never lose your position. I got a full feel for the game in it’s entirety… in 1.7 hours.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Magic Nations - Card Game on Steam

Just Die Already

Just Die Already

After a lot of re-consideration, I think i can reccomend this game, For the price and the amount of hours i play’d it. I did have fun, There were times i wanted to smash my controller, and others i laughed like a maniac. The Problems i have with this game, is how it feels unfinished and very limited in how it wants you to achieve the objectives. For example a puzzle in the game is in Zen park and it involves moving a green statue. They have these statues all over the map, What if you wanted to take the statue from the park and drag it across the map to do the challenge, sure more work but in games like this, you also make the challenge/fun for your self a lot of time. You cant do that here, none of the other statues move, just a certian one the game wants you to move you can move. Same electrocuting your self in water, it only works in one type of water source. The ocean, pool, kiddie pool, and fire hydrant all dont work, its just the fish tank that works for it. This added a layer of puzzle on top of the challenges. You may understand what its asking, just not how the devs want you to do it, another example is to de-rail the tram, i would have loved to be able to derail it with force, by clogging the track enough. i put on the 3 flattners, 2 forklifts and the 1 giant green statue from zen garden and nothing happend, the tram could only be derailed by electricity. But overall i had fun doing the tasks once i understood how to do them, and the frustrating path to get there was kinda fun? Another thing that makes this game feel unfinished is the amount of clipping buildings and invisible walls. You will often times see a building clipping through another building, or a invisible wall that dosent line up with a physical wall right beside it. Some of the rewards for doing challenges feel pointless. For setting off the biggest firewrok on the docks, it opens a room, with nothing in it. For moving the statue we talked about earlier, you unlock a furry room, a ninja mask, and a healing well. A lot of sections leave more to be desired, and thats where my frustration with this game comes from, it could have been so much better, they could have added more challenges to the toy store and other sections that only have 2 or 3. Overall i did have fun playing this and would reccomend to anyone who findes the trailer intruging

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

A real review:

Game mechanics: The game mechanics are how you expect with a rag-doll physics, but the aiming is actually a lot better than expected. Some things are hard to control, like cars, but that is what is expected when you are a elderly person.

Content: This game has so much content, and for 14.99 it is a really good game to play with your friends, or even by yourself. I see a lot of people writing reviews about them getting bored, well explore the maps, do the puzzles, there are some insane puzzles, there is even A ROCKET SHIP THAT SHOOTS YOU INTO SPACE. You can customize your character, get buff, unlock new areas, play basketball, play tennis, kill someone’s brother, unlock items like a rocket ship backpack. get eaten by a shark, destroy things with explosives, etc. There is so much content and it is insane and 14.99 is a perfect price.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Just Die Already on Steam