Mahjong: Magic Chips

Mahjong: Magic Chips

Laziest mobile port possible.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Casual Games.

Mahjong: Magic Chips is a port of a mobile mahjong game to PC, complete with in-app purchases and artificial game limiting through timers and lives. 3/10

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Mahjong: Magic Chips on Steam

Relaxing VR Games: Mahjong

Relaxing VR Games: Mahjong

This is a perfectly functional and smooth-running game, but I still can’t endorse it, even under $1. First of all, this isn’t Mahjong. It’s Mahjong solitaire. It runs on Oculus Rift only, as the description states. I thought that won’t affect streaming to Quest, but I was wrong. The two scenes are nice, but low resolution and they don’t have any motion (like a babbling brook that is frozen in time). VR brings nothing to this game, in fact they have compensate for it by tilting the board as you look at different areas so tiles don’t get covered up. That’s not nauseating, but what is nauseating is the HMD only tracks rotation, not movement, so you’re head will be moving left or right, but the world around you doesn’t reflect that. The only options are to turn sounds off (not even a volume controller).

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game VR Games.

Stars received: 0.7/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.2] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: poor experience

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Relaxing VR Games: Mahjong on Steam

Archon Classic

Archon Classic

For those of you who grew up playing the original Archon, you will be glad to know this one exists. It has everything the old game did, and offers a lot of improvements. The major thing being secondary attacks. Those were first introduced in Archon Ultra, and these are somewhat similar. There is also the ability to play on different maps some are dependant upon the number of players. ( You can have 4! :D) There is the classic Archon map, maps that allow your guys to level up to level 3, and maps that have runes that provide benefits when you move onto them.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

Archon Classic is a game made by Archon fans for Archon fans to enjoy. I played the NES version and Archon Ultra for MS-DOS, always thinking: “This is a nice game, but imagine how cool would it be if…”. No matter how that sentence finishes, Archon Classic will bring it alongside nostalgia and a modern touch.

This is a chess-like game where pieces of Light and Dark fight each other in real-time battles. Of course, most of the game’s strategy is on the board, where the turn-based portion takes place. If you’re a regular chess player, you’ll probably start thinking about openings, forks, movement block, waste of time, zugzwang and other well-known elements of chess.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Archon Classic on Steam



This game is so much fun for the whole family! You get to roleplay as Mr. Monopoly man’s henchmen; people are saying that the game is glitchy and crashes a-lot, but I disagree! It only crashes when you SUCK at the game haha. Anyway, I totally recommend this game for any hard-core video gamers, but also casuals alike! Bots are really fun to play with because they make me feel adequate in my life.

I just don’t understand the hate for the game. Mr. Monopoly gave me this nice Kool-Aid and everytime I play the game I just have a blast… :) 10/10

Real player with 117.4 hrs in game

The game is great but there is one problem. The NAT type problem. For some reason this game has a weird system where most of the time you have a strict NAT type which means you can’t join online games with friends so it locks you out of the fun part of the game. Additionally Ubisoft have done nothing so far and you have to port forward whatever it is in your router in order to fix it. This is the only game that has this problem. No other game has this problem to what I believe. The main game is great but connecting is the biggest problem this game has.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game


Terra Mystica

Terra Mystica

First of all:

I own the boardgame version of this and also have the mobile app.

Sadly I can not recommend Terra Mystica on Steam right now for several reasons:

1. It is just a bad mobile app port. Let me explain:

Basically they did not adjust the controls and UI at all. It still feels and handles like an app. It is clunky and counterintuitive. Some buttons are just huuuge. Like my fist huge. Indicators on what to do are missing. as well as tooltips. No effort was put into the UI for the port - that is clear.

Real player with 201.2 hrs in game

This is a review of the PC implementation of Terra Mystica (board game)

Software SCORE: 1/10

Original Board Game SCORE: 9/10

I’m writing this review 3 years after playing the game seriously, but apart from the “bugs” (which I didn’t check), everything else still applies to the current version of July of 2020.

Note: If you want to see who I am (professionally) read the end note please.

This game was the worst development of a game that I ever played. It has an awful User Interface (UI)!

Yes: the worst I have ever experienced on a PC. So bad I couldn’t believe it. There were bugs everywhere, even in the most basic of things, like screen resolution. I spent so many hours trying to figure out what was happening. I thought it was my PC or me doing something wrong, because I couldn’t believe someone would release a game with such bugs. But this company did…

Real player with 121.6 hrs in game

Terra Mystica on Steam



I get why this has mixed reviews but at the price point it’s worth it. This is basically just a digital recreation of your favorite childhood game. Not much more and not much less.

There are a couple small interface issues, like for example sometime a card pops up for a few seconds and before you’ve figured out what the card even says you are being asked to select another player to apply the card to…. now I don’t know if this card is going to take money away from them or pay them money becasue I can’t actually see the card when slecting another player. So the two obvious solutions are to either make you select the card to continue so at least you have a chance to read it or acknowledge it before selecting another player or leave the card visible when selecting another player. But neither is an option here.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

cute little game thats nice to play it has a great soundtrack and nice visuals. theres not much in terms of variety for the actual gameplay but the game itself lasts awhile so theres lots to do. Theres not many players so playing online is kind of depressing and playing with the CPU just doesnt feel that fun but the pass and play feature for people irl is actually a great way to play if you want to play with real people. I assume in the future where there are more players that own the game online will improve. The game can get glitchy, sometimes in really bad spots, like the spinner froze for me right at the very end of the game which felt really frustrating but its not frequent enough to be a real issue. The game is nice to play if you can’t decide what else to play or you’re really bored. Also its worth noting that the acheivements are really easy to complete and you can probably get them all perfect in like 6-7 hrs of gameplay so its good if you like getting perfect games or something. Overall a good game and my expectations were definitely exceeded.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game


Lux Delux

Lux Delux

Risking it All

Lux Delux is a Risk game where you play on technically an infinite variety of maps and control various “pieces” as you attempt to defeat your opponents. This plays very much like a board game with very little strategy to it. You’re going to find yourself just build doom stacks of units and then plowing through enemy territory. At the same time, there is immense satisfaction as you finally plow through enemy stacks and make the entire board your color. The unique boards you can play with that users created can range from plain to superb and complex. Despite having the exact same mechanics every time, seeing these new environments and moving your units throughout them makes you feel like you’re conquering completely new areas. Even the hex-based maps that seem to be abundant have their own unique flair to them. This game is not particularly hard, even on hard AI so I recommend at least playing on medium even if you’re a more casual gamer.

Real player with 77.2 hrs in game

Game Summary:

I’m sure there are several different board games this would be similar to, but when I look at it, it reminds me of Risk. Risk isn’t as notorious as Monopoly is for being a relationship-ruining, hours-long game, but from the times I’ve played Risk it does tend to take a while. Plus, there can be some contention as to what rules or style to base the game off of, as randomly drawing cards can set someone up and screw other people. However, getting to select where to start also has some drawbacks as it can develop an immediate rivalry between two players whilst another can dodge the conflict and conspire against both. This rendition of the game offers the benefits of strategy and territory-conquering board games, without the need for physical space. It also would probably be faster since it’s pretty easy to set up different rules and situations without much effort.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Lux Delux on Steam

Monster Jaunt

Monster Jaunt

This game has that classic Nintendo couch party vibe. I’ve played it with a few different groups of people, and it seems to work well with both frequent and casual gamers. The minigames have a good amount of variety to them, and there’s enough minigames to give it a plenty of replayability. One particularly nice touch is the adorable art of the hybrid creatures in the game. I’ve fallen in love with the panda/andaconda hybrid"pandaconda" and the fiery otter “magmotter”.

Favorite minigame:

  • Topagrathree

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

I would heartily recommend Monster Jaunt for anyone looking for a new party game.

The mini games give you a variety of challenges that mostly focus on skill and not pure chance. The board game is engaging and yet lightweight enough to be understood at a glance. Nearly the entire game allows for simultaneous play, so you don’t lose engagement while someone else it taking their turn. The Remote Play Together integration works wonderfully, as expected. Being able to play a local game across the country with little detriment is a huge bonus feature for a game like this.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Monster Jaunt on Steam

Cursed Mummies

Cursed Mummies

At first glance, it looks like a Sokoban clone. In reality, IT USES THE SAME EXACT PUZZLES AS SOKOBAN.

If you’ve played Sokoban, don’t bother with this, because you’ve seen it already. If you have this and get stuck on a puzzle, look up a video on Sokoban!

Some early reviews state that the game freezes after level 15 but that has been fixed in a recent patch.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

They patched the glitch where there were no levels loading after 15. I guess it’s just a mediocre to average sokoban clone with 25 levels now. It’s your typical “push boxes around” game. Not sure if it’s worth the price when you can get the same game but better anywhere else, possibly even for free.

I’m glad that the dev(s) fixed their game though. There’s plenty of examples where it’s not the case, so that’s cool to see.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Cursed Mummies on Steam



So this game is tons of fun, I gotta say, it’s fantastic to play with a group of friends because, as always, Uno is great fun. The card packs and new rulesets are also fantastic and really change up the pace of the game and make it even more fun, beyond what normal Uno can provide.

That’s about all it’s got going for it though. The coding of the game itself and the networking are absolutely atrocious. For absolutely no reason, people will drop from games, be incapable of fully loading into games, crash on startup, etc. etc.. Many core features (like calling out Uno) are broken to a degree that makes a potential win into a complete loss. Needless to say, the entire game is pretty much broken somewhere somehow despite the fact that it’s literally just Uno. I have no idea how you screw up Uno this badly, but these developers apparently made that a reality. If it was just one or two of these bugs in isolation, I could put up with it, but the quality of this game makes me feel like unpaid interns created it and that it’s literally just a project for Ubisoft interns to work on that generates them some cash on the side. There’s no care at all for quality put into it, which I mean sure, it can’t be that popular of a game and isn’t a flagship, but it still flagrantly displays it’s made by Ubisoft and is grossly broken. Not that I expect anything else out of Ubisoft, but for god’s sake, it’s just a damn card game, how do you make it so that just to play an online card game it can take 20 minutes of restarting games just to get it to work, only to then have people just disconnect at the start or mid-game for no reason despite them having no connection issues at all on their end?

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4,

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

UNO on Steam