Chuckle Phrase Builder

Chuckle Phrase Builder

This game is amazing ! I would recommend this game to anyone who wants to spend a good time with friends.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game PvP Games.

Ok so this is my third time posting a review for this game. First i gave a bad review because there were simply too many bugs and errors that made it impossible to play, but then they fixed it so fast that i changed my review to a good one. But now they felt like game needed more updates and added lobbies, which seem cool. But i have been trying to enter a lobby or create one and wait people to enter and nothing is happening, no matter how long i wait its empty. Now here i am, changing my review to a bad one once again because even though this game is actually great there is no point of keeping it if you wont be able to play it.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Chuckle Phrase Builder on Steam

Billion Road

Billion Road

Billion Road is a fun game that shows a lot of heart. The mechanics are fun and it’s easy to learn, despite not always being explained well. On occasion, new prompts or events will show up for your AI opponents and the game speeds through them faster than you can read. While this can be irritating and lead to you missing new or important information, you will often experience the prompts again on your own turn and can read them at your own pace whenever they do show up. This game is adorable and unique and gives you so much freedom of choice when it comes to how you choose to spend each turn. I also thought the ability to customize your avatar in game as you unlock items whenever you want was a nice little feature as well. In my opinion, if you enjoy games like monopoly and fortune street, you’ll enjoy this. It’s adorable, it’s fun, it’s brimming with culture and over the top ridiculousness, and a lot of heart and love went into it. When it comes to monsters, none feel useless. All of them have their positives at the cost of one of your 3 slots. More new and unseen monsters show up as the game progresses and each choice can make or break you. As for the follower monsters, good lord they can be a thorn in your side. They definitely do their part in throwing wrenches in your plans, or giving you that little boost while wreaking havoc on your opponents. I can’t tell you how many times my most hated AI would switch between the opponents based on how many times they decided to attack and what they did. It never felt infuriating however, it was always fun even when things were going wrong.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Casual Games.

TLDR long games best experience imo just take breaks inbetween sessions play if you like growth and big numbers. Don’t expect many updates team listed is localization team

Please upvote i worked hard on this review

I won’t compare this game to other games that other reviewers have compared this game. this game does its

own thing and i think comparing it too other series is setting up consumers to be disappointed with a odd experience then what was promised.

This game really wants you to play this game a long time as properties can be upgraded and a whole gameplay loop revolves around getting the maximum investment out of your properties. all gameplay in this game scales with time. Money gained/lossed. monster stats and events. the game does have a short playtime game mode called skirmish that defaults to a 3 year game. which is quick for this game. but i’m mixed about it for i feel like that doesn’t show the greatness of this game fully. but at the same time playing this game for super long periods of time can get repetive this game does not have minigames outside of a quick button masher.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Billion Road on Steam

Erannorth Chronicles

Erannorth Chronicles

I got this game for free because I won it as part of a modding contest for Erannorth Reborn. So I had to put effort into making the mod and win the contest. So it wasn’t really a handout.

This is the best deck builder RPG I ever played.

The character creation alone allows a degree of freedom that no other game like this can hope to achieve.

“A-Stranger” and “DaGibus” reviews already say pretty much of what I would say myself (and much better than I would too). So I will point at their reviews instead. Let’s just say I agree with them.

Real player with 439.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game RPG Games.

Edit: With the introduction of Pariah mode I’m having a lot more fun and feeling a good sense of progression. I’m getting some loot rewards that I can’t use yet which is a great motivation to keep going and get stronger. It was really tough to start out in that mode so I ended up starting in Quest mode until I felt I had good enough healing and crowd control to move my toon from the Book of Heroes to Pariah mode.

This is a really fun deck builder for people who love theory crafting and min/maxing character concepts. Many combinations of customization to explore. I like that you can play in different game modes so if you want to explore a world map you can do that, but if you’d rather just get to the tactical fighting you can run a gauntlet instead. You can also customize a lot of game parameters such as the number of enemies that will arrive in a typical encounter, etc.

Real player with 158.4 hrs in game

Erannorth Chronicles on Steam

Silicon Valley Investor

Silicon Valley Investor

Huh, I surprised when it finished suddenly at the end of the 25th investment year. Even if it was stated at the beginning I missed that point. I am disappointed for it, 25 is a short period I think. Isn’t it possible a 30 years old people, starting investment with 300-400k and S/he can live 60 more years.

Why did I restricted to buy a limited amount of company share? If I had enough money, I should buy whatever I want.

I did not interested with social skills at the beginning (because I don’t know it will end after 25 years.), so I have no idea about this part.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Silicon Valley Investor on Steam



Tried it out with a friend of mine, it isn’t very well made but gets the job done.

UI could use improvement, sounds could be introduced properly.

It’s free, but it’s a mixed bag. Leaving as “Not Recommended” since there are better versions for free or paid on Steam and on the Web.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

_It’s Chess but with something a little Extra!

Haha! You see what I did there?_

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Chess'Extra on Steam



Now, you may be wondering why I have over 100 hours in a game where there’s DLC and a season pass. It’s not about the money, it’s about the gameplay. I don’t have any dlc as it’s just the same gameplay but with different skins.


Steal money from friends, bots, or others in online

Have pets (just dogs or cats)

Exploit the economy if you’re lucky enough not to land on tax spaces

You can be single just like real life

When married, it costs nothing and you actually earn money from it

There’s no divorce papers so your partner doesn’t take anything from you

Real player with 424.4 hrs in game

I’ve had this game get stuck three times now right at the end. It counts the money and the pieces just stand there, moving their heads and jumping around. On top of that, all the maps except one are behind a paywall. Had I known I was only gonna get one map with this game, I wouldn’t have gotten it. I figured since it was so based around having new maps, that there would be more than one available to play without paying. Ha. Nope. I bought this during the Steam Summer Sale and it still wasn’t worth the discounted price. What a joke. Greed has gotten the best of this one.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game




FINALLY, the dev listened and fixed this.

If you love dogs and you love easy card games you will love this.

The rules are extremely simple and the tutorial levels walk you through the learning process nicely as you progress to learning more cards.

This is the perfect game to play after a long day when you just want to chill out.

At the current price, it’s worth every cent.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

A fun card game that keeps you focused throughout the gameplay with nice tavern dog theme.

I like that the game mechanics revolve around memory/ taking some risks.

There is a nice progression that adds more mechanics for cards throughout the gameplay.

Would reccomend!

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Campido on Steam

Empire of the Gods

Empire of the Gods

Empire of the Gods was my first Steam game. I found it to be both enjoyable and challenging, to the point I needed to keep coming back until I unlocked all of the achievements. The hardest of these are Devout, Famous, and Godlike. I had to play through four times completely in order to collect of of them. I received the first twelve achievements the first time through, and the other three one by one playing through three more times. Empire of Gods as not only given me a sense of accomplishment for completing the game, but also with my first experience using Steam.

Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

Empire of the Gods is a nice game, given its premises - it costs less than 2€/$, it’s indie, and it has also a Casual tag which somehow fits the game’s spirit - the graphics too are nice and colorful, but clearly from the beginning they’re not professional and well, for its price it’s good as it is.

It’s suitable for all ages being just a strategy (more a puzzle/logic kind of) card game and it’s quite easy overall, it won’t take you dozens of hours but on the other side it’s mildly addictive and most of all it’s easy to understand all the (not too complex or numerous) mechanics.

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Empire of the Gods on Steam

Grim Town: Battle Tales

Grim Town: Battle Tales

This game sucks :)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

It’s such a great game, but you need to know what to do with your cards. It’s too expensive for me. It should be F2P

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Grim Town: Battle Tales on Steam



A basic concept; four class, with every member of a given class given an identical deck and level playing ground. The twist is that customisation comes through the usage of gear; two hands (either sword and board, dual wield, or two hander) and two trinket slots - offering a variety of possible builds without needing to sink buckets of cash into chasing legendary/mythic cards. Also, each class has Cruelty/Mastery/Resilience buffs you build up as you play, leading to inspiration for even more builds.

Real player with 201.4 hrs in game

Ironbound is a free-to-play turn-based strategy game. What I think of it is a turn-based RPG with card game elements to it.

There’s 4 classes: Berserker, Crusader, Assasssin and Witch. Each class has access to different types of weapons, shields and trinkets. You can buy various items for your classes (you can also use any class, it’s like if you had 4 deck slots in let’s say a card game, or 4 saved loadouts in some RPG game, except here is one per each class) to equip them how you want them to play. This is a pretty key part of the game, because some item build might be more effective against opponents you’re managing to get matched up again, but if you climb the ladder and find some new opponents that are using different builds which are completely destroying yours, you might have to change up your items to beat those. Not to mention each class has tons of various ways to be built.

Real player with 186.3 hrs in game

Ironbound on Steam