Descent: Legends of the Dark

Descent: Legends of the Dark

The App is being supported well. Game play is fun and innovative. It still feels like Descent. I like the streamlined changes to the fatigue system. I like the combat system better now that there isn’t a 16% chance of whiffing. You might do very little damage, but something always happens on an attack roll. The multi level terrain adds a neat visual affect and has a descent affect on game play.

Real player with 133.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Strategy Games.

FFGs best app based board game yet! Enemies drop loot, you can harvest crafting materials, save your game between rounds, visit a town where you can craft items, have town triggered events, and more. Each mission had specific points of interest and and interactions that were unique depending on which characters you brought with you. I’m also really impressed with the quest variety. They’ve really outdone themselves. 33 hours in, and still having a blast.

Super excited to continue my adventure, and I hope to see this board game/app supported for a long time to come!

Real player with 69.7 hrs in game

Descent: Legends of the Dark on Steam



Great board game companion app, I found no difficulties with the base functionality and I definitely recommend playing it over steam on a laptop with a bigger screen.

My 2 main points of feedback regarding the game in general are:

1. There’s hardly any need or use for the board and the minis of the actual physical board game. We found ourselves looking only at the screen, which had the most up do date information about the locations and map, and forgot to move our minis around in the physical version. The biggest use for the physical map and minis, is to note down the location where items are dropped.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game RPG Games.

Software used alongside the boardgame.

Fantastic game, really enjoyed.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Destinies on Steam



I had been looking for a good program to help me play remote D&D for a while. G.A.T.E. is the perfect solution. I can keep in touch with my gaming buddies that don’t live near me anymore, and our adventures can continue. There is also a Discord available where the developer is active and talks to users. All in all I highly recommend G.A.T.E. to anyone who needs a way to play any grid based adventure games remotely with friends.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game RPG Games.

Picture it: it’s Friday night, and the party is all here to start the new DnD session. Only this time you’re online, trying to use Roll20.

You’re the DM, and it’s your first time using the website. You realize you don’t have a “picture” required to launch the campaign, so you open the only jpg on your desktop–a photo of a plate of lasagna you made, for some reason–and click launch the game. Finally, you think to yourself. We can play online now, cool!

Only it’s not cool. You get into the open game. Three of your players aren’t here, because they don’t know how to create an account, because they’ve never used the internet before–especially that one guy, Larry, who’s 58 years old. You realize after launching the game for the first time that your Firefox browser which you haven’t updated in the last 3 years is unsupported. So you pause for another ten minutes as you update, or load Edge (it’s actually a good browser now guys I promise,) and launch the game again.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

GATE on Steam

Mansions of Madness

Mansions of Madness

At the beginning, it didn’t seem to work with my GPU… I’ve tried 800x600, 1024x768, full resolution either in desktop or mobile graphics quality, full screen or windowed and the game never started. I could just hear the rain falling (I guess this is what you hear when you are at the main menu?). The screen didn’t even change, not even in black screen. it just stuck having captured my desktop background.

On the other hand, someone from the software dev team of Fantasy Flight came immediately in contact with me in order to solve the problem.

Real player with 65.1 hrs in game

This game is a complete rip off. The MSRP is 100$ and you get exactly 4 scenarios with next to no replayability, in some levels the tiles layout and monster spawns change a bit, but thats it (some stay almost a100% identical). The narrative and the core elements are always the same, there arent even branching story trees, like in the first edition. Sure you CAN replay it for the challenge, using different characters etc. but for someone like me, who enjoys the story, there is no replay value whatsoever. The first two expansions are even worse, for arround 50$ each you get the components from the first edition (and its add ons) and exactly ONE mission, 50$ for ONE mission!!! The DLCs are okay, having to pay 5$ each, but Heidelberger/Asmodee can’t be arsed to do their job and localize them. Same with the 4th Expansion, it has been out since last autumn/ early winter and it hasnt even been announced to be localized into German yet. Don’t get me wrong, I really LOVED this game and the missions they made, but 25-50$ for a one time playthrough between 2-4hours is just so horribly overprized, that I can’t recommend the game to anyone who isn’t filthy rich or just wants to play the game for its mechanics, rather than its immersive story. If they should decide to add more digital DLC, and get their shit together with the physical expansions and the localisations, I might change my mind, but for the money you have to invest here you could easily get 3-4 video / board games with way more bang for your buck. Oh and while they offer the game on almost all digital plattforms, there is no way to transfer your purchases betwen them, so you have to buy it again if you want to play it on your apple/ android devices. Technically this app is also rather primitive, no mutliple save games, no customisation options (you have to confirm so much stuff all the time, and there is no way of getting rid of all the confirmations “do you really want to end the round?” YES I DO, thank you very much!). And I don’t think that it can be too hard implementing those things, considering there is a fanmade app for this game, created by one or two guys, that tackles all those issues. So Asmodee/FFG/Heidelberger, please stop counting your money and fix your game.

Real player with 50.8 hrs in game

Mansions of Madness on Steam

Star Wars: Imperial Assault - Legends of the Alliance

Star Wars: Imperial Assault - Legends of the Alliance

Great companion app for the board game, I have thoroughly enjoyed it and find it pretty easy to use. Be kind of nice to have an undo button though, I have accidentally defeated groups and had to try and remember how the app sets them to work. I have run the app on a smart phone, laptop and tablet and found it worked most consistently on the tablet. The Laptop version for me black screens from time to time while loading and requires a full restart to work.

I struggled to find people to play the proper game with so this companion app has been brilliant for playing the game and I have had so many epic moments, including one that felt straight out of Rogue One.

Real player with 65.6 hrs in game

Years after the launch of the core box (it’s now 2020), I’m still amazed at the value I continue to get from my investment in Imperial Assault. Right out of the core box, you get campaign mode, one-off missions, 1v1 skirmish mode and the awesome app mode — Legends of the Alliance — where solo gaming is not only possible, but handled beautifully. The rule set is efficient and tightly integrated across all modes making it an easy transition from mode to mode.

For those tabletop gamers who are wary about app-driven games, let me assure you that Legends of the Alliance doesn’t drive the game at all. This is no video game version of the tabletop game you love. You are firmly in the driver’s seat. You still need to set up your table with all your puzzle-piece map tiles, tokens, components and minis. You still roll dice and track all of your damage and conditions. The app is there primarily to provide you with narrative, instructions for which map tiles you’ll need, and choices for mission sequence. But you, the player, control the pace and outcome of the game. The physical game still dominates. You will move your heroes, attack enemies and then tell the app the outcome. The app will then adjust the story and tell you what to do next to continue your campaign.

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

Star Wars: Imperial Assault - Legends of the Alliance on Steam

Burgle Bros.

Burgle Bros.

An excellent implimentation of the board game. Takes care of the setup and cleanup and enforces all the rules while providing additional maps and options not available in the physical version.

The game scales well for 1-4 players, is cooperative and does a good job of simulating “Heist” movies including all the unforseen problem that crop up. Each turn is a changing puzzle to solve and strongly encourages teamwork.

Real player with 197.6 hrs in game

as owner of the board game i thought i would try the digital version.

What can i say?well its as maddeningly difficult as the board game but that difficulty is what makes you stand and shout smack talk at the computer when finally you make it. (my wife is not so keen on this).

Its a great game on and off the PC. I would reccomend you buy everything this games developer does except of course for paperback (stupid dyslexia mumble mumble)

Real player with 94.8 hrs in game

Burgle Bros. on Steam

Descent: Road to Legend

Descent: Road to Legend

Disclaimer – This is a companion app for a board game, not a standalone computer game.

Only way I play descent. This version I like better than Android. Pretty effective tool to get you to buy expansions. Not sure how much replay value there will be to the main campaigns unless you buy more expansions to descent.

Although, this app makes the game playable for my crowd that vastly prefers co-op. I can’t imagine that ladygrill would play against me as overlord. My cousins would get sick of getting stomped on. No one else would volunteer to play OL except maybe the lady’s brother. This game would be collecting dust if not for this app.

Real player with 135.1 hrs in game

It introduces a lot of reading and turns out the game pace slow since you have to read and do the Overlord actions. You have to be honest and make the best decisions to the Overlord.

The monsters are overpowered, every single monster groups has changes to its powers and are difficult to kill.

The monster respawn is very fast.

To enjoy the best with this app you have to rush to the quest objective, ALWAYS. Most of the time if you decide to go after the search tokens, many monsters appears back to the table.

Real player with 68.4 hrs in game

Descent: Road to Legend on Steam

Story of Nararale

Story of Nararale

About the game

Story of Nararale is an RPG Strategy Turn-based game set in fantasy world that focus on managing party and fighting tactics.

Fight and level up your abilities, skills and gathers travelers along your journey, custom your party and train to make everyone strong and capable for fighting all warriors in The Grand Arena.


A young man named Zoel wants to begin his journey and make his way to The Grand Arena that gathered all fighters to duel and the one who wins will be the chosen one to protect Nararale and bring back the peace.

Story of Nararale on Steam

Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown

Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown

Having a narrator for a game can go so wrong …

But this game does it well! Charming narrator, music, and table-full of scenery and figures.

Excellent, excellent game if you worry about motion sickness (VR sickness). No chance of that at all.

This is not a full-body participation game. But as a game laid out in front of you to sit at and control – I find it one of the best! I forgot I was in VR, and the index controls are intuitive (close your hand to grab; open hand to let go). This is like playing a pirate-themed D&D game, moving figures, rolling dice, but it all happens beautifully and automatically in front of you. Pieces get knocked over – sometimes by other pieces taking their turn. But everything rights itself moments later. Even that part is funny and charming to watch.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Great and charming D&D tabletop RPG.

Could be compared with Demeo, as this is also 3rd person, turn based, grid movement, with cards to use on each turn… but its plenty different with ToT being clearly superior in a lot of ways, but also not without its drawbacks.

Table of Tales is a bit different, a bit more in depth story and mechanics wise…. its Narrator tells a story, and voices different characters, there is a bigger story than “big bad lives there, kill it because reasons”.

A full playthrough took me ~4hrs listening to all the dialogue (that can be advanced by pressing grip) and it has some replayeability, as there are a bunch of choices during the adventure that change the storyline.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown on Steam

The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

За 200+ часов игры (почти два года еженедельных встреч за игрой) могу сказать, что игра стоит каждого потраченного на неё рубля. Собрал все части и мелкие дополнения.

Кратко по плюсам:

  • Потрясающая региграбельность. Пожалуй, только детективные квесты менее реиграбельные.

  • Быстро привыкаешь к ГМу в виде приложения. В другие настолки с фазой противников становится тяжелее играть.

  • Отличное качество фигурок и бумажных компонентов.

  • Можно пройти игру имея в команде персонажей только одной расы (если есть второе дополнение).

Real player with 208.1 hrs in game

I own the physical game that I picked up from my local gaming shop. Usually out of convenience I’ve been playing the “physical” board game using Tabletop Simulator. With a dual monitor setup this works REALLY well. I have this companion app open on my left screen and TTS on my right. Both operate well in full screen which is nice.

Great concept. I love games like this but oftentimes the learning curve is a bit much. This isn’t the MOST simple to learn game I’ve ever played but the app’s automation of the “shadow” phases (enemy turns) and various other game systems really helps.

Real player with 118.7 hrs in game

The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth on Steam