Hex Gambit: Respawned

Hex Gambit: Respawned

“Hex Gambit: Respawned is like chess meets Into The Breach meets American football.”

-Rock Paper Shotgun

Command your squad of robotic minions in the enthralling battle sport of Hex Gambit! Whether you’re tackling Campaign mode alone or after some multiplayer board game action, this is an easy-to-learn tactics game that’s hard to put down. Matches take about 20 minutes.

Bounce across the strangely-elastic heads of your opponents. Swat characters clear across the map. Inspire your teammates with an operatic blast from a guy with a giant speaker for a head. Your minions are teeming with useful tricks to master!

  • Match wits with the undefeated Mastermind in Campaign mode.

  • 3 difficulties to tackle as you learn the ins and outs of the sport.

  • Local multiplayer for 1-4 players, 0-4 controllers

  • Free for All & 2v2 Modes

  • Spice things up with any number of Easy or Smarter AI opponents.

  • Steam Remote Play supported!

  • 10 Captains to choose from

  • 7 map themes with 21 different layouts!

  • Make your own House Rules with tons of match options.

  • Player handicaps help inexperienced players go toe-to-toe with veterans.

Read More: Best Board Game Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Hex Gambit: Respawned on Steam

Chess Valley 2

Chess Valley 2

Graphics: ☐ Great - ☐ Good - ☑ Simple - ☐ Bad

Gameplay: ☐ Great -☑ Good - ☐ Meh - ☐ Unplayable

Audio: ☐ Great -☑ Good - ☐ Meh - ☐ Bad

Audience: ☑ Kids - ☑ Teens -☑ Adults

Difficulty: ☐ Too easy -☑ Just Right - ☐ Easy to Play/Hard to Master - ☐ Too Hard

Story: ☐ Great - ☐ Good -☐ Simple - ☐ Barely a Story - ☑ No Story

Game contains 50 levels and roughly takes 1.5 - 2 hours for 100% Steam Achievements.

Overall: Chess Valley 2 is recommended for those who enjoy Chess and puzzle games.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Casual Games.

Nice relaxing puzzle game for this rainy Sunday. Thank you for adding the marking system, it really helps me with the knight pieces.

Chess Valley 2 is a good purchase if you want a light puzzle game and/or easy 100% achievements.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Chess Valley 2 on Steam

Chess Valley

Chess Valley

Chess Valley is a simple minimalist puzzle game with an easy to grasp mechanic. You simply need to get your King to the safety of his army on the other side of the board while avoiding the pitfall take over moves of your teams opposing pieces which are currently on the board. For those not familiar with chess, do not need to worry, as each level has tiles you can stand on to see how each chess piece moves before you even attempt a cross over. There are 50 puzzles in all and your given 3 lives in the hope of completing the game and earning all achievements.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Board Game Casual Games.


☐ Great - ☐ Good - ☑ Simple - ☐ Bad


☐ Great - ☑ Good - ☐ Meh - ☐ Unplayable


☐ Great - ☑ Good - ☐ Nothing Special -☐ Bad


☑ Kids - ☑ Teens - ☑ Adults


☐ Too easy -☑ Just Right - ☐ Easy to Play/Hard to Master - ☐ Too Hard


☐ Great - ☐ Good -☐ Simple - ☐ Barely a Story - ☑ No Story

{Game Time}

☐ 100+ - ☐ 61-99 - ☐ 39-60 - ☐ 11-30 -☑ 0-10


Very enjoyable Chess Puzzle Game that should appeal to both Chess and Puzzle Gamers.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Chess Valley on Steam



This is genuinely the best jigsaw program I’ve had the pleasure to use. I’ve been searching for a long time for a jigsaw puzzle program that has it all: custom jigsaws, high piece counts, multiplayer puzzling, and a single up-front price, and after all this time, I found JGSW. While there are a few small bugs having to do with physics (the pieces have physics!) over a network, just about everything else is perfect. Very well done, Sean!

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

This is the best iteration of a puzzle game I’ve played yet. Plus it lets you use whatever image you want with no issues! The pieces feel pretty darn solid to rotate and place and move. Every once in a while the puzzle will get overexcited about a particularly important snap and “bounce” up, but usually the piece physics are just fine. More people need to try this one, honestly. No regrets. And not only is it fun on your own, but it has multiplayer!

TL;DR: If you love doing jigsaw puzzles and want a digital version, it’s this one. You won’t be disappointed.

Real player with 50.1 hrs in game

Jgsw on Steam

MineSweeper 3D 三维扫雷

MineSweeper 3D 三维扫雷

Avoid at all costs, and any price.

Maybe I am missing something, but it seems broken.

I have played with the easy map a bit, and gotten results that seem contradictory.

It is hard to explain without diagrams, but in one section of the map ‘adjacent’ seems to be defined differently than another section.

My guess is that instead of there being an algorithm to determine what is and isn’t a match, the designer filled in the grid manually, and got it wrong. Just a guess, of course.

On top of how hard it is too see, and the fact that the presentation does nothing to try and help you, it is a really mess. The complete lack of instructions doesn’t help.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Game mechanism is interesting

but it runs not so smooth,and i think i need a “seting” to set my windows size or my eyes will feel sick in the long term

Look forward to your future updates

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

MineSweeper 3D 三维扫雷 on Steam

Puzlkind Jigsaw Puzzles

Puzlkind Jigsaw Puzzles

Update(?): They have stopped updating the counter/leaderboard since July 2021.


I love puzzles, especially 5000pc. Although this table top mod’s maximum pc is 2000, it is enough to occupy your time and mind like doing a real puzzle.

This game is created by a collaboration of 3 persons in a community where they meet up for Pie and Puzzle Sunday : ) before the the 2019 Pandemic.

+Strong Positives(Great choice of Software) :

Those who have tried ‘playing’ Tabletop/board games on Steam would know that, those ‘games’ do not come with instructions and tutorial, hence most of the time 2 players would be confused and just be flipping or throwing chips and cards around the board as there is no program to set the rules for where the chess pieces can go or cannot go.

Real player with 948.9 hrs in game

If you like puzzles then you’ll like this game. Very relaxing to sit and do this in the evening with my glass of wine.

Real player with 110.0 hrs in game

Puzlkind Jigsaw Puzzles on Steam

Divide and Conquer: The Board Game

Divide and Conquer: The Board Game

I’m really enjoying this game. The AI is challenging, but not impossible. Fun to play and exercise the brain.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Divide and Conquer: The Board Game on Steam



I love the board game, it is one of my favorite board games, and this is actually a pretty good implementation of the board game. Unfortunately this digital version is as buggy as can be for multiplayer, and seems to have gotten worse over time. I would not recommend you purchase this game if you want to play against any actual people. I am generally pretty understanding of little bugs and things, but this game has not seen any attention in years and these issues definitely existed then as well.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Do not buy this! I have yet to be able to play a game online because no matter who tries to set up the room to play (me, or any of my friends who I convinced to get this game), the room will either (a) not be created, or (b) be created, but not allow anyone to join the game, sometimes going into a near infinite look of “Are you sure you want to join this room?” dialogs.

When a room is created, it looks like it is corrupt. My user name is KDLadage; the room name when I create the room is “’s RoomKDLadage” – this would be nothing more than amusing were it not for the fact that none of my friends can join the room.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Tokaido on Steam

Fritz Chess 17 Steam Edition

Fritz Chess 17 Steam Edition

Review for Fritz Chess 17 Steam Edition (english and french)

1. English

With Fritz 17, in addition to the Fritz 17 engine, you get a completely new chess engine that was created with the help of a neural network based on the AlphaZero approach. There are also new exciting functions for creating and practicing opening repertoire. Based on LCZero technology, a neural network was trained with Grand Master games for over a year. The developers named the result Fat Fritz, which, however, needs a very powerful NVidea graphics card to achieve the full game strength.

Real player with 661.0 hrs in game


Changed to positive since, I have to admit, slowly finding out content is there, just hidden behind a really unclear and buggy - for me - interface!

First I have to click “NO” on every prompt it pops up when I launch some of the modules or menus items (at least this is what’s happening on my system…), then it seems, so far, everything runs, their website connection too - playchess - only thing you are logged in as guest with sort of limited privilege, which is fair, tbh.

The Easy Game is what actually it says…easy with limited functionality…Then, if you want to access the full features, you can only via launching a game from the database or running the classic menu and then working from there ( as pointed out by Knusperzwieback in a reply to my review!)

Real player with 127.0 hrs in game

Fritz Chess 17 Steam Edition on Steam

Power Pushout

Power Pushout

Power Pushout is a turn-based strategy game with martial arts elements set in an epic asian environment. Choose your warrior and master figures and fight with them in a wild battle over the control of the game board. You can either push your opponent off the ground or conquer the opposing towers to decide the game. But be careful that your enemy doesn’t sneak past your troops like a ninja and usurp victory.


  • Defeat your opponent with cool finishing moves, sword assaults and kung fu kicks are on the agenda.

  • Choose your warrior and master figures, and combine their Power Points to destroy your opponent’s pieces.

  • Use the included map editor to create your own Zen garden. The smart placement system helps you get results quickly under full control.

  • You can trigger Earthquakes or add Super Crystals to surprise your opponent.

    Super Crystals provide your character with extra power or a greater range of movement.

  • Power Pushout offers you four different game modes:

    Classic, Normal, Destruction and Football.

    Each mode can be played online or locally versus a friend or an AI, which is based on machine learning and smart heuristics.

Power Pushout on Steam