Shotgun n  Zombies

Shotgun n Zombies

Shotgun n Zombies

_Cool time waster shooting zombies&creatures , good optimisation , i like the location&splatter effect and music , you can run backwards , cheap&fun !

cons - no scoreboard at the end to see how many creatures you have slayed [ fixed in a later game update ] , only 3 types of enemies , you cant enter the house ( my idea was bigger danger in closed space to try and resupply for health there ) , got screen tearing when moving the weapon regardless of v-sync on option but i dont mind it that much [ fixed in a later game update ] !_

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Arena Shooter Games.

Alright, simple but stupid fun, run around in a field with an eight mag shotgun killing zombie people, zombie dogs, and zombie dogs the size of people. Only problem is that once too many enemies spawn in you get serious frame drops, like 60 down to 9, hard mode becomes near unplayable at the end, and audio static that lingers until the round ends. Other than that 10/10 experience for the price

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Shotgun n Zombies on Steam

Zombie Shooter

Zombie Shooter

If this was the first game this developer ever made, maybe I would be less critical, but since they already made Alien Shooter game 4 years before, then they had the time to fix all the issues, since it is basically the same game with different textures.

The AI is simply brain-dead. They only know how to go in the direction of the player, there is no actual pathfinding, so they get stuck trying to pass through a wall while there is a door right next to them. They also often get stuck on terrain and just spin in place. Any game programmer should be able to implement basic A* pathfinding in a 2D game in a few days, not to mention 4 years.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Arcade Games.

I get that it’s an outbreak of the walking dead but who in their right mind created all these giant zombie tanks with arm mounted seeking rocket launchers?? Why would somebody think that was a good idea!? Zombie shooter is a retro topdown isometric shooter with the graphics being very reminiscent of the old fallout games. It features simple RPG system and hordes of the walking dead for you to splatter with the games varied weapons. It doesn’t talk too long to run through the game but the action is fast and bloody while it lasts.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Zombie Shooter on Steam

They Are Coming!

They Are Coming!

The zombie virus emerged during World War II and it’s up to you to make it spread around the world by controlling your horde of zombies in past, present, and future scenarios.

With simple controls, lots of action, and strategy, resolve the conflicts of each scenario and continue advancing in this story that can lead to the end of the world as we know it.

As you progress, unlock new special powers and face increasingly challenging enemies and environments. Try to beat your performance record at every stage and reach the top of the leaderboards.

Read More: Best Blood Post-apocalyptic Games.

They Are Coming! on Steam



HordeCore is a kick-ass action side-scroller set in a post-apocalyptic world. Become the leader of an ever-expanding group of survivors. Manage supplies, upgrade your team, and craft deadly contraptions to defend yourself! Remember, exploration is vital in this harsh new world. Prepare to forge bizarre alliances and, together, face the many dangers of the wastelands. Take survival gameplay, combine it with base management, add RPG elements, and spice it up with a fully-fledged collectible card game - and you get HordeCore!

  • SURVIVE through the hardships of a zombie-infested apocalyptic world!

  • UPGRADE AND DEFEND your team’s safe haven!

  • EXPLORE the vast wastelands through randomly generated environments!

  • WAGE WAR against endless hordes of undead and living threats!

  • LOOT UP and collect rare materials to craft outstanding weapons!

  • TEAM UP with your friends and face the world of HordeCore in Co-op Mode!

Collect unique survivors and strategically pick your team of apocalypse-hardened characters to fight through the outstanding number of living dead trying to get your brains for a snack.

Keep your base camp safe and develop your defenses while growing a community of bad-asses that you can command into the constant fight for survival.

Explore the wastelands in search of supplies. Face the unexpected dangers of the zombie-apocalyptic world of HordeCore!

Besides all the zombie-killing and loot-grabbing you can handle, HordeCore also includes a complete, fully-featured Collectible Card Game!

Horde Tactics is a deck building card game, featuring 60+ cards that you’ll gather and unlock during your time in the Wasteland. Each card represents an item, character or a Hordeling that you encounter in the game—that way, your collection grows alongside your progress in HordeCore!

Horde Tactics features:

  • Easy to pick up gameplay

  • Over 60 cards available

  • Power up your deck by building synergy combos

  • Best part… it’s entirely optional!

HordeCore on Steam

Survival: Zombies aHead

Survival: Zombies aHead

It’s a fun little game to pass the time, definitely worth the price.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Cool game inspired by Fruit ninja. Cool to spend the time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Survival: Zombies aHead on Steam

Regain Earth: First Strike

Regain Earth: First Strike

Played almost 240 hours so far - loving the game and the addition of the turrent grenades has added a handy dimension for single players.

Looking forward to improving my skills to open higher levels.

Really miss multi-player games (Defiance) for the interactions, but I will have to continue as a single player for now.



Real player with 425.3 hrs in game

Regain Earth is a small game from a solo indie game developer. You can’t expect Fortnite or COD, but I really like it. If you like a mix of roguelikes, as a 3D shooter and generally small indie games, you will have a lot of fun with it.

Feedback is well considered in the community and you can even vote in Discord which features should be added to the game! I think a cool idea and more game developer should do like this.

The game and the beta I follow for a while now. And have been looking forward to EA release today very much. I enjoy the game since beta a lot especially as multiplayer with my friends.

Real player with 105.8 hrs in game

Regain Earth: First Strike on Steam

Task is to Survive

Task is to Survive

I don’t understand why there are so many negative reviews on this game. Honestly, it’s the best survival shooter I have ever played. Left 4 Dead 2 has better graphics but the gameplay in Task is to Survive is superior… I can’t explain it.

But, buy it when it’s on sale. It’s not worth $4

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

I actually payed for this game? Ugh… Task is not to go insane while playing this. It is terrible. Whatever you can imagine, it’s worse. Luckily, it’s very short so the torture is bearable.

Task is to survive is first person shooter with 4 types of weapons. Oh yeah, you have huge arsenal of weapons to fight off incoming weaves of enemies… on one map… in the forest…

Plot is generic as it gets. Soldier sent to the infected object in which there are a huge number of dangerous… OMFG it’s a zombie game! I take it back! The torture is NOT bearable!!!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Task is to Survive on Steam

Corpse Mob

Corpse Mob

Fast paced butt clenching zombie killing action game with pleasing graphics. For me personally it feels like a throwback to the golden age of flash games.

  • Good weapon and enemy variety

  • Achievments, character progression and unlockables to work toward

  • Smooth controls and gameplay

  • Nice graphics and effects

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Gets old very fast; get boring after an Hour. Very Very repetive. doesnt seem to have any other areas apart from the the one you see on store page. Menu is just a grey background. Very forgetable.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Corpse Mob on Steam

Masked Forces: Zombie Survival

Masked Forces: Zombie Survival

Masked Forces: Zombie Survival is a game about a man who can’t die fighting through hordes of paper-mache monsters that have come to life to wreak havoc upon a post-modern society where tiny pizza shops sell clothes, tiny hotels sell clothes, tiny banks sell clothes, and tiny buildings either no doors and only windows, tiny doors and regular windows, or there’s the secret door out of city limits (the map) which is normal person sized. It touches upon many sensitive topics in an interesting, centerist view and invokes many questions from the player, like “With all this money we’re saving from our infinite reincarnation, should we spend our money on hiring better architects or putting rocket launchers in the street?”

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

A very crusty video game, it’s cheap enough to not be too hard on it.

It’s like The One Dollar Zombie Game, (yeah that classic) for the PC.

Really, only get this if you’re THAT bored.

It seriously doesn’t have that much to offer, it’s a very simple game, run around and shoot badly animated, PS3 GTA V looking-zombies. Level up. Get new guns. Get every gun. And you’re done. (Profit?) It will take a hour and a half at best to get every achievement.

I’m pretty sure i’ve seen these exact same zombies across various games, actually…

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Masked Forces: Zombie Survival on Steam

Red Risk

Red Risk

I personally can’t recommend this game for the following reasons:

  - “Microblast Games” developers design a bipolar controls: Left Click to strike/shoot and       Right Click to move, this works for games as diablo not for survival shoot’em up games.

    a. If you are playing as Jason (the melee character), it is an advantage

    b. but if you are playing the ranged characters you just will lose time aiming.

  - The enemies sometimes hit you by only shaking its hands with you. The animations of their      attacks are just bad designed.

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game



Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Red Risk on Steam