Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh against the Gods

Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh against the Gods

Oh hey Archon, longtime no see. No, really, this game is indeed an Archon, and seems like it would have easily fit in back in the early EA days, alongside Adept and Mail Order Monsters.

Sumerian Blood almost feels like a prequel to Archon. The various units are nicely diverse, the combat’s fun, and it’s easy enough to aim and control. You’ve got various units that fling spikes, bouncing arrows, homing balls, or just throw themselves explosively at enemies, so combat’s going to stay fresh for awhile.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Arena Shooter Games.

Pretty fun. Somewhat janky combat, but that’s part of the appeal. I’d love to see a sequel with more options / game customization and tighter controls.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh against the Gods on Steam

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars

If I were to describe this game in one sentence it would be as follows: A game with strong foundation, but a lot of underutilized or wasted potential. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and look at its strengths and weaknesses.


  • ART. Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars features very high quality art that is best represented on Cards. I can’t praise art of this game enough. Everything is very detailed, atmospheric, diverse and just a pleasure to look at.

  • ATMOSPHERE. This one is a bit subtle but at its core this game makes you feel like a vampire ruler who is playing a deadly game of influence and warfare. The fact that game represents quite a few things with cards certainly adds to this feeling.

Real player with 149.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Singleplayer Games.

After playing for 100 hours, completing the campaign, and finishing +16 sandbox with all factions, i can say that this game is, for the better parts :

  • Stable/Playable (I encountered no game crash, nor errors, with the “worst” bug being solved by simply surrendering the fighting in which i was stuck.) (Played on an Acer Nitro N50-600, I5-8400 CPU 2.8GHz, NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB, 8G RAM)

  • Enjoyable (Some part of the campaign may be more difficult than others but taken on the right angle, they become easier.)

Real player with 137.6 hrs in game

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars on Steam

Deadly Kingdom

Deadly Kingdom

Game has lots of promise and potential. Its mix between several genres and has elements of tower defence, rpg and strategy.

Your goal is to protect your castle against different waves of enemies.

First you place / build your defences on grid and then you start battle and can command them on battlefield while you’re controlling main hero in third person perspective.

And if you’re losing you can summon dragon to bombard enemies for you for a short while.

Theres 50 different levels, you have different troops and limited amount of money. Use your money smart and experiment with different troops on different levels. Game offers lots of replayability.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Third Person Games.

Arranging armies and watching them go to battle… why is that always fascinating? We get to participate in the fight as a knight, but mainly to choose the angle of view when we call the dragon!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Deadly Kingdom on Steam

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator


Real player with 315.2 hrs in game

it is cool

Real player with 131.4 hrs in game

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator on Steam

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships

This is the perfect pirates game. i spent years trying to play this game but my computers never allowed me. now i have had the chance to fully play this game i have to say it has given me hour of fun. do you want to be a merchant and become the wealthiest man in the Caribbean and trade your way to power, or become a privateer and attack your nations foes and bring riches and glory to your nation or do you want to be a feared pirate who will attack anything on sight for wealth and reputation and be the most fearsome man in the Caribbean sea. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!

Real player with 125.3 hrs in game

This game is not “good.” It has an extremely high learning curve, no tutorial, a clunky interface, poorly laid out and unintuitive quest objectives, sub-par writing, semi-frequent crashes, and is heavily dependent on the community “Combined Mod” to smooth out its rough edges.

That said, it is the best pure Pirate RPG available. But that probably says more about the gaping hole that exists in the market and less about this game itself. Aside from the brief but very welcome tangent that the Assassin’s Creed franchise took with Black Flag we have not seen a good single player pirate RPG in a long time; probably since Sid Meier’s Pirates. So if you need your pirate fix and are willing to take the time to learn this game, then you will be satisfied. But I can’t help but wonder why we haven’t seen a better Pirate game made.

Real player with 75.9 hrs in game

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships on Steam